A Morning With Bezaliel

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A Morning with Bezaliel

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/46732747.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Sefer Bereshit | Book of Genesis, Aileen Series - Xarcturus | Arcturusx1
Relationship: Ilanah/satyrs
Character: Satyrs (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Nephilim Character(s)
Additional Tags: Snuggling, Cuddling, BBW, ssbbw, Fauns & Satyrs, Analingus,
Breastfeeding, Double Penetration, Double Vaginal Penetration,
Polyandry, Fraternal Polyandry, Judaism, mfmmmmmm, Parenting
Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Nephilim and Daughters of Eve
Stats: Published: 2023-04-25 Words: 2,360 Chapters: 1/1

A Morning with Bezaliel

by Willendorfer


Ilanah spends some quality time with Bezaliel, the youngest of her seven satyr husbands.

“Honeybee,” Sariel murmured, gently nudging his ba’alah, taking care not to wake his brothers.

“Mmmh?” she grunted sleepily. She reached out her arms to him, opening her thighs, assuming he
wanted to make love again. Instead, a little baby-smelling bundle was laid at her breasts.

“It’s Tamiel, Honeybee. He’s hungry.”

Just as well: her breasts were almost painfully engorged. The little mouth instantly rooted for her
nipple and latched on, instantly drawing jets of milk into his mouth. Ah, relief! Such a powerful
mouth this one had, she chuckled to herself -- just like his fathers. Her third little satyr son, now
two months old.

In the half-light of early morning, Ilanah gazed down affectionately at her baby, stroking Tamiel’s
hairy head and adorable little horns, cuddling him against her, watching his jaws work at her
breast. Soon, he emptied her right breast, so she now switched him over to the left, letting him
continue to nurse. Her husbands were all snuggled up roundabout her, a hot blanket of satyr bodies.
The air in their cave was warm and heavy with the fug of last night’s lovemaking. Ilanah inhaled,
relishing the earthy scent, remembering the pleasure her husbands had given her. Thank you,
Havayah, she thought, for my sweet husbands, for my sons, and for the strong bonds of love that
hold our family together. She reached out for Sariel’s hand, squeezing it gently, loving the way he
squeezed back.

Tamiel finished nursing. She handed him back to Sariel to burp him and put him back down to
sleep. Ilanah rolled over onto her belly to go back to sleep herself, but a moment later she felt
Sariel’s knees moving between her thighs, his hot erection poking her buttock. Truth be told,
breastfeeding her babies often got her sexual juices flowing, and now was no exception, so she
welcomed Sariel’s attentions. Truth be told, seldom were the times she didn’t welcome her
husbands’ attentions – they made her feel so good, so loved, so fulfilled, why wouldn’t she
welcome that? And so now she spread her thighs, raising her bottom a few handbreadths as Sariel
snuggled into position. Mmmm, his loins were so warm against hers, the fur of his thighs tickling
hers so delightfully. Then – AAAAAHHHH! – she felt his thick, hot pestle slide smoothly into her
slippery mortar, filling her up, so good, so Good, SO GOOD!

Her cries of pleasure awakened her other husbands, who immediately joined in the early morning
lovemaking. Two heads, Chazakiel’s and Shamyaza’s, nuzzled under her to get at her breasts; Ilana
raised up on her arms to left them get in there and latch on to her nipples, finishing the job that little
Tamiel had started. Araqiel began kissing her mouth, while others – she could not see who was
doing what – caressed, kissed and licked at her buttocks, her belly, her shoulders, her feet. Two of
them took her toes in their hot mouths. Meanwhile, Sariel accelerated his penetrating thrusts, and
Ilanah energetically moved her hips back to meet them. She came twice before Sariel, with a
grateful shudder, ejaculated deep inside her, his semen hot against her cervix, as she moaned into
Araqiel's mouth.

When she had caught her breath, Ilanah rolled onto her back. “What time is it, dear ones?” she

“An hour before daylight, perhaps,” answered Armaros.

“Plenty of time before the boys wake up”, she said cheerfully. “Who wants me next?”

“Single or double?” asked Yaqum.

“Mmm, double this time, I think.” She turned onto her right side. “Both in my womb, please.”

Armaros and Yaqum moved into position, before and behind her. Ilanah gasped as Armaros’
phallus entered her, and then a moment later Yaqum’s slid in beside it, stretching her vagina so
deliciously tight.

It was the start of another day for Ilanah and her husbands, the B’nei Shamuramat.


A few hours later: mid-morning. Most of the achavah were out foraging for figs and almonds with
their oldest son, five-year-old Ziqel. As usual, Ilanah remained in the cave with the two little ones,
three-year-old Matarel, and baby Tamiel, who were not yet weaned. And today it was Bezaliel’s
turn to keep her company. Bezaliel, the youngest brother of the B'nei Shamuramat.

It was not enough, Ilanah had found, to enjoy intimacy with the achavah en masse. Certainly she
did enjoy that, several times a day whenever possible. But she also needed to connect more deeply
with each individual husband on a regular basis. Each of her satyrs had his own personality, his
own view of things, his own hopes and fears, his own unique charms. There was a special place in
her heart for each one of them. Ilanah had resolved early on not to neglect any of her husbands, nor
to take them for granted. The ties of love needed to be actively renewed, nurtured, cherished.
And so, Ilanah had instituted a practice of spending time alone with each of the seven. A minimum
of half a day with each husband, each week. Except for the twins, Chazakiel and Shamyaza, who
did everything together and didn’t like to be separated. Ilanah spent a full day with the pair of them,
so that neither was short-changed. Also, it was helpful to always have at least one husband on hand
to help with looking after the little ones.

At the moment, Bezaliel was letting Matarel chase him in circles round the cave. Matarel toddled
after him, unsteady on his hooves, shrieking and giggling. “’Top, abba!” he shouted.

“You want me to stop?” Bezaliel checked.

“No. More chase!”

The game resumed. “’Top abba,” Matarel again commanded. Bezaliel ignored him this time.
Matarel abruptly sat down and began crying. Bezaliel swooped in and caught his son in his arms.

“Ssh, don’t cry. Abba’s here.”

“I think he’s getting tired,” observed Ilanah. “He’s overdue for his nap.”

“NO NAP!” thundered the little one, turning red in the face.

“But you want to nurse, don’t you?” Ilanah smiled. “I always give you milk before your nap.”

Matarel nodded, forgetting his tantrum. He toddled meekly over to his mother, who took him up in
her arms and let him begin nursing. As was usual when they were at home, Ilanah was naked, so
her breasts were immediately available to her son. Soon Matarel was asleep. Bezaliel put him to
bed beside little Tamiel, who was still sleeping soundly.


When he emerged from the boys' bedroom, Ilanah crooked her finger at her husband. "Come here,
you," she grinned. Bezaliel grinned back, trotting over to her and flopping down on his back on the
huge achavah bed. Ilanah wasted no time, dropping down on him to take his phallus in her mouth.
He was erect already: no surprise there; he was always hard when he was around his ba'alah. Ilanah
did a little preliminary kissing, licking the shaft, and sucking on the circumcised head. Then she
took the full length of him deep into her throat, till her nose was buried in his pubic fur, his balls
warming her chin.

"Holy Mother of heaven and earth," Bezaliel gasped.

Ilanah began bobbing her head up and down over his thick shaft. She hummed with pleasure -- for
she always got aroused doing this to her husbands -- and the vibration of her humming as she took
him in her gullet brought Bezaliel to the brink of ecstasy. He was holding out, trying to prolong his
pleasure. But when she began caressing his fetlocks as well, he could resist no longer. She
retracted her head a little so that he spurted in her mouth, onto her tongue: she wanted to savour his
delicious semen! Once, twice, thrice he jetted, as she slipped her middle finger into his anus,
rubbing against his prostate gland, to squeeze out the last delectable drop.

"That one," panted Bezaliel, once he could speak again, "took me into the Presence of Havayah."

"It was good?"

"Much better than 'good'. It always is with you, honeybee." He sat up. "But now it's my turn to
enjoy your body. I want to start with that magnificent rump of yours."
Ilanah giggled, rolling onto her belly. Bezaliel immediately began showering hungry kisses all over
her vast, wobbly bottom. Ilanah loved it when her husbands made love to her bottom, which
happened quite regularly. Now Bezaliel spread her cheeks and began licking and sucking on her
anus. She mewled with pleasure as his tongue tip slid past her sphincter, invading her rectum,
plumbing her depths. Then she felt his fingers slip-sliding over her clitoris. Ilanah came ... and kept
coming, over and over again, as the lovemaking continued.

Deep in the throes of a multi-peak orgasmic wave, the "mother" part of Ilanah's brain still
registered her baby Tamiel's crying, from the other room.

"Bezaliel, beloved ... "

He reluctantly withdrew his face from his ba'alah's bottom.

"That boy of ours has no sense of timing," he chuckled.

"There will be time for plenty more of this tonight. I promise, darling."

"I'll hold you to that, honeybee," he grinned.

He got up and went to fetch the little one, bringing him back to Ilanah. She breastfed him, till he
turned his face away from the nipple. Then Bezaliel burped him and took him out the cistern to
bathe him. Ilanah reswaddled him and laid him beside her on the bed. Bezaliel lay down across
from them. The little one was wide awake now, gazing up at his mother's face with his bright
brown eyes, trying to lift his head. She gazed back at him. Her perfect son. Just like the two perfect
sons before him. Four more boys to go, before next generation's achavah would be completed. The
B'nei Ilanah, she thought, with a fierce pride.


"Tell me about the shapes again, beloved."

"Really?" Bezaliel replied. "You didn't understand last time, and it frustrated you."

"I was in the middle of cheesemaking. I couldn't concentrate on what you were saying. I will listen
more closely now."

"Very well." Bezaliel grabbed his wax tablet and stylus from the shelf. He outlined a shape with
three sides. "See, this has the shape of a mountain. Here is its base, and its peak, and here are the

"It is a very small mountain," she laughed.

"So it would appear if you beheld it from far away."

"Ah, yes, so it would. It also reminds me of a tripod."

He looked up at her in amazement. "Yes, precisely! You understand! There are many things in the
world that have roughly this form. Anything with three sides. The cradle swing we made for
Tamiel is another example."

"Or if I stand and bend over, with my hands and feet on the ground, and my bottom raised up in the
air. Like this." She assumed the position.

Bezaliel eyed her body hungrily. "That, honeybee, is a provocation," he laughed. "How am I to
concentrate, if you present your bottom to me like that?"

She giggled, lying back down on the bed. "And how was I to concentrate on your ideas about
shapes when making cheese? Now you understand my difficulty. But ... why do things with three
sides excite you so, beloved?"

"Well, suppose you need to know the precise centre of this shape. Say, for a tripod, you want the
cauldron which hangs from the peak to be right over the fire. Imagine that you have to build the fire
first, before the cauldron is in place, so you can't see yet precisely where it's going to hang.
Moreover, the tripod is lopsided, with legs of unequal length. Where am I to place the fire?"

He drew two more lines.

"See, honeybee, where these lines cross is the exact centre of this tripod. Always. Even before the
cauldron is in place, I can calculate exactly where it will hang, even if the legs are of unequal
length. Likewise for the cradle swing."

"Yes, I can see that that could sometimes be useful."

"I suspect that for shapes with a certain number of sides -- three, or four, or whatever -- one can
calculate many useful things. I like to think on these problems when I'm out shepherding."

"I see. Yes, I understand now why you find it exciting. I will write down what you just showed me
in my book, so that we remember it. And you must let me know if other useful ideas like this occur
to you, and I will write them down too." She continued to look at him, smiling broadly.


"Your mind amazes me, darling. You are so clever. This would never have occurred to me had you
not explained it to me. You and your brothers are so clever, each in your own way. I am so blessed
to be your ba'alah, to all of you."

Now it was Bezaliel who leaned forward to kiss his ba'alah. Long and deep.

The kissing was interrupted when Matarel toddled out from his bedroom, rubbing the sleep from
his eyes.

"More chase, abba?"

After a few more rounds of Matarel chasing Bezaliel, and then Ilanah chasing Matarel, catching
and tickling him, the rest of her family returned from foraging, bearing several large baskets of figs
and almonds, along with a few dozen wild cucumbers. After the satyrs each greeted their ba'alah,
kissing her feet, they all sat down in the courtyard together for their midday meal, of fruit,
cucumbers and cheese, which Ilanah took along with some fresh-baked bread.

The figs and almonds were needed for their visit this afternoon to their neighbours, the B'nei
Keshet, and their ba'alah, a hamadryad named Zuleikha, who had recently given birth to their
fourth son. Ilanah's grandmother Na'amah would also be at the feast, along with her husbands the
B'nei Yocheved. There would be wine and dancing. Poems would be sung. She looked forward to
it. But she looked forward even more to nightfall, when her husbands would lie with her again.
That satyr foot-kissing custom of theirs always got her aroused. Bezal’el had unfinished business
with her bottom. She had promised him. The others would want to join in, of course. Hmm. Just a
few more hours till nightfall.
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