FA8 PsychologicalReport Seron

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NAME: Balbin, Dhevine Will Mitch SEX: Female

ADDRESS: Brgy. Bagumbong, Caloocan City NATIONALITY: Filipino
RELIGION: Roman Catholic OCCUPATION: Student


For Psychological Evaluation


Ms. Dhevine was born via normal delivery to Nidy, 46 years old, and Arnel, 45. Her Isabela-
born mother, who took up Bachelor of Science in Criminology at the University of Cagayan
Valley, is currently a businesswoman. Her father, who was also raised in the same town, also
manages a business. Dhevine has a brother, aged 7, making her the eldest of the two. Shadden, the
youngest, is currently in pre-school. Their family lives in a private subdivision in Bagumbong,

Dhevine was raised by her Grandmother, from her mother's side, most of her childhood in
Isabela. Both of her parents left for Manila to look for better job opportunities when she was only
3 years old. According to Dhevine, she went to visit her parents every summer until she finally
moved back with them at 9 years old. Dhevine describes her relationship with her mother during
the first few years as “rough” and “foreign” because she was used to having her Grandmother
around instead. As she grew older, however, she found “friendship” in their relationship because,
despite her mother’s harsh exterior, she was nothing but supportive of Dhevine’s dreams. She
described her mother as her “backbone” and strength for all the things she made possible for her
and her brother. Dhevine said she is not really in touch with her father and they are just
“coexisting” at their house. They never really got along well because according to Dhevine, her
father can have a bad temper and become pretty controlling even with only the slightest
inconvenience. Dhevine considers herself very close to her younger brother despite their 13 years
age gap. The whole family practices Catholicism but Dhevine claims that they are a very religious

Dhevine described her childhood as “fun” even if she claimed it had a few setbacks. Growing
up a little chubby, she got picked on by kids her age which she considered as very detrimental to
her just developing “self-image.” Her growth spurt during elementary school made her taller than
the rest of the kids which also contributed to the bullying. This continued until the first year of
high school until 9th grade when she finally found her confidence. Despite this, Dhevine said she
was surrounded by amazing friends which inspired her to be a consistent honor student throughout
elementary to high school. Dhevine graduated with High honors. Upon graduation, she went to
Far Eastern University where she is currently taking Bachelor of Science in Psychology as a Junior
student. Dhevine said that her grades were above good and she got along with her peers well.

Ever since college has transitioned from a face-to-face set-up, Dhevine reported that she has
been getting sick more often. As a child, it has been made clear by Doctors that she has a weak
immune system and it just cannot keep up with the fast-paced environment of college. With her
last check-up only being just last week (March 29, 2023), she has been advised to drink vitamins,
painkillers, and antibiotics. With her father’s long history of Diabetes and High blood, her mother
is usually very strict on their diet because she is afraid that her children might develop it, too.

According to Dhevine, her family has no history of mental health issues or not that she knows
of. She also said that despite her physical health declining when the university switched to F2F, it
was considerably better for her mental health. The joy and excitement that comes with fully living
out her college potential balances out the stress and sleepless nights from her academic endeavors.
She thinks that she has finally reached a place in her life where she can say she is content and at


Ms. Dhevine came to the assessment schedule on time, wearing her clinical uniform. She has
a short hair and it was dyed with a medium pink color. She has a taller-than-average height and
has a well-shaped body. During the intake interview, she was very hesitant to share her background
but she still answers the provided questions. Ms. Dhevine talks faster and louder but she was very
aware of the story that she is telling. During the second interview, she was talking about her
childhood stories confidently and she maintained eye contact while she is expressing her thoughts.
Moreover, it was observed that she was paying attention and not using her phone throughout the

Tests Administered Duration Administration Date

Raven Progressive Matrices 34 Minutes February 16, 2023
Culture, Fair Intelligence Test 12 Minutes February 16, 2023
(Scale 3, Form A)
Sach’s Sentence Completion 25 Minutes February 16, 2023
Basic Personality Inventory 15 Minutes February 20, 2023
16 Personality Factor 15 Minutes February, 23, 2023
(Fifth Edition)
Draw-a-Person Test 10 – 15 Minutes March 2, 2023
The-House-Person-Tree 20 Minutes March 2, 2023
Personality Test
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt 10 Minutes March 9, 2023


Ms. Dhevine was listening carefully when the instructions were given. She was concentrating
and reading the given tests carefully during the assessment process. She finished the given tests
earlier than it was supposed to be finished. After the finishing the test, Ms. Dhevine became easily
bored, despite her high level of motivation for answering the assessments. In general, no notable
or unusual behaviors were displayed when she was answering the assessments. She had a good
sense of direction for the assessment period and to the people around her.


1. Cognitive Functioning


Raven Progressive Matrices 52 Above 95% percentile Superior
Culture Fair Intelligence 116 Not applicable Above Average

Ms. Dhevine obtained an “above average” score on the Culture Fair Intelligence Test, her
score revealed her ability with different perceptual tasks that composite non-verbal intelligence. It
also signifies her skill to perform job related tasks that involve cognitive ability. Ms. Dhevine
scored above the 95% percentile on the Raven Progressive Matrices, indicating that she possesses
outstanding intelligence. This suggests that she has improved cognitive abilities and a stronger
capacity for reasoning and information analysis. Her verbal communication skills and capacity to
identify relationships and patterns amid complex details both obtained favorable results. The
results of her intelligence tests were consistent with her reports from her interview, as she indicated
that she was a consistent honor student throughout elementary to high school.

2. Personality Profile
Basic Personality Inventory (BPI)

Clinical Scales Raw Score T Score Severity

Hypochondriasis 4 48 Average
Depression 3 43 Average
Denial 6 46 Average
Interpersonal Problems 16 76 High Scorer
Alienation 6 66 High Scorer
Persecutory Ideas 8 68 High Scorer
Anxiety 9 56 High Scorer
Thinking Disorder 3 48 Average
Impulse Expression 9 64 High Scorer
Social Introversion 3 46 Average
Self-Depreciation 0 42 Low Scorer
Deviation 4 60 High Scorer

Ms. Dhevine completed the Basic Personality Inventory (BPI). For the hypochondriasis
section, she scored 4 which equivalents as average. It indicates that she has no excessive bodily
concern. However, she mentioned that she has a weak immune system that’s why her doctor
suggests that she should drink vitamins regularly. She got a score of 3 for the depression, indicating
that she typically has a positive outlook on her future and feels good about herself. The result of
this section was consistent with her reports from the interview, as she said that she was confident
in her capacity to overcome challenges and fulfilling her goals in life. For the denial, she scored 6
which corresponds to an average scorer. She sees her emotions as a natural part of who she is and
is not averse to talking about difficult subjects. She got a score of 16 for the interpersonal problems
which means that she is a high scorer for this section. It suggests that she frequently experiences
annoyance when dealing with the hassles and setbacks in her life. Dhevine scored 6 for the
alienation section that corresponds to a high scorer, she exhibits attitudes that are noticeably at
odds with the general societal norm. She received an 8 for the persecutory ideas, making her a
high scorer in this section. It claims that she thinks certain individuals are negative and
intentionally attempting to make her life miserable. She received a score of 9 in the scale of
anxiety, which also indicates that she is high scorer. This result indicates that she is fearful of
potential danger and is easily scared. She received a 3 on the section about thinking disorders since
she can easily tell the difference between reality and daydreams. She has the focus and ability to
carry on rational conversations. In the impulse expression section, she is a high scorer since she
got a score of 9. She is more likely to conduct unsafe and reckless behaviors because she lacks the
capacity to think beyond the immediate situation and weigh the effects of her choices. She received
a 3 on the social introversion scale, which is an average score and it indicates that she enjoys
socializing and is well-connected. This correlates to her report since she said that she got along
with her peers well. She had a score of 0 for self-depreciation that equivalents to a low scorer,
indicating that she exudes a high level of confidence when interacting with others. She is not shy
with strangers and speaks with assurance. Lastly, she got a score of 4 for the deviation part which
corresponds to a high scorer. It implies that she behaves in ways that are substantially different
from those of most people. Her scores for Basic Personality Inventory (BPI) were somehow
correlated to her responses during the interview, as she mentioned that she got picked by other
kids since she grew up a little chubby. She’s also been bullied because of her height since she is
taller than the rest of the kids and it continued until her first year of high school.

16 Personality Factor Questionnaire

Global Factors Score Classification Interpretation
Extraversion 7 Average Extraverted
Anxiety 6 Average High Anxiety
Tough-Mindedness 3 Low Receptive, Open-
Minded, Intuited
Independence 9 High Independent,
Persuasive, Willful
Self-Control 3 Low Unrestrained,
Follows Urges

She also administered the 16 Personality Factor Fifth Edition Personality Test. Ms.
Dhevine present relatively strengths for creative and imaginative idea both of the 2 personality
tests that she answered. It reveals that she was an extraverted person since she enjoys company
and got along with her peers well. She also experiences anxiety as mentioned above, but it is under
control. Added to this, Ms. Dhevine is an open-minded and independent person. She mentioned
that she learned being independent early since her parents were busy managing their business and
she was also the eldest in their family that’s why she was responsible in most of the time. Many
were reported to be high, which is evident in her reported behavior, including interpersonal issues,
impulsive behavior, and anxiousness. However, negative thought patterns and poor anger control
are frequent and need to be given further consideration and observation. Both personality tests
reflect anxiety levels and depression. She mentioned during the interview that almost all the things
that she experiences recently was her first time since she only focuses on her studies when she was
in high school. Although her academic accomplishments give her anxiety and sleepless nights,
they are offset by the joy and satisfaction of reaching her full college potential.

3. Emotional and Social Functioning

The results of Ms. Dhevine's projective tests and geometric representations (House-Person-
Tree Personality Test, Draw-a-Person Test, Sach's Sentence Completion Test, and Bender Visual
Motor Gestalt Test) were consistent with her feeling of inadequacy, anxiety, self-centeredness, and
socially withdrawn. The way she treats her family demonstrates that she solely feels good about
her mother. Although she wishes they were closer, she feels detached from her father. She shows
reciprocal respect and a good relationship with her acquaintances, friends, and other people. It also
reveals that she has regrets from the past but believes she has grown from them. Furthermore, Ms.
Dhevine is confident in her capacity to overcome challenges and fulfilling her goals in life.
In accordance with this, all of her test results from the projective test show that she
experiences anxiety, though it is under control. It revealed that she has some personality
disturbances and withdrawal tendencies, specifically unresolved conflicts with her family or her
past. These projective responses and observations were consistent with Ms. Dhevine’s reports from
her interview. She mentioned that when she was in high school, she only focuses on her studies
that she had never experience going out with her friends since she go straight to their home after
class. This might be the reason that she was a consistent honor student throughout elementary to
high school and graduated with high honors. Ms. Dhevine only experience going out with her
friends when she entered college. Added to this, she mentioned that she and her father never really
got along well.


Ms. Dhevine is a remarkable individual who exhibits effective daily functioning in her
everyday life. She has maintained her independence and is able to carry out essential daily tasks
without difficulty. Her cognitive abilities are above average performance compared to others in
her age group. It is clear that she has a stronger capacity for reasoning and information analysis,
as well as exceptional ability with different perceptual tasks that make up non-verbal intelligence.
This indicates that she possesses outstanding intelligence. Similarly, Ms. Dhevine's verbal
communication skills and ability to identify relationships and patterns amid complex details are
remarkable, indicating that she superior. However, she experiences anxiety but it’s under control.
In addition, there were indications of some personality disturbances and withdrawal tendencies,
specifically unresolved conflicts with her family or her past. Despite these issues, Ms. Dhevine
demonstrated excellent concentration skills, as evidenced by her ability to answer and finish the
given tests earlier than expected. While it was reported that she has been getting sick more often,
it was noted that ever since she was a child, doctors have confirmed that she has a weak immune
system. Overall, Ms. Dhevine's exceptional cognitive abilities, effective daily functioning, and
excellent concentration skills are indicative of a well-rounded individual. Although she may
experience some challenges with anxiety and unresolved conflicts, her cognitive strengths and
resilience enable her to manage these difficulties effectively.


o General Anxiety Disorder
• Attend a cognitive behavioral therapy is recommended to address her anxiety problems
and to facilitate better emotional and social functioning to improve her overall well-being.
• Constant participation in various functional, recreational, leisure, and spiritual activities
with friends and her family in particular for improving social support.
• Compliance to her doctor’s recommendation to regularly drink vitamins, painkillers, and
antibiotics to improve Ms. Dhevine’s immune system and to keep up with the fast-paced
environment of college.

Prepared by:
Charina Jessica P. Seron

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