普乙英文第一冊實力評量Unit 1 (學生用)

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Are You Ready for the C mb?

B Starting high school can be scary and challenging, but there are some things you can do to make your
first year comfortable and rewarding.
Preparing for your first week before schoo even s ar s s he key 16
l t t i t getting yourself ready. This
map o earn where your c assrooms are and ge ng to know your schedule.
一、文意字彙與詞類變化 (20 % )

ncludes studying t he school t l

17 your time so that your school, home, and social life are balanced. It is
l tti

1 A fter the typhoon caused serious damage to the village, the villagers were i n ur t
t is staying organized.
important that you do your homework, study regularly, and keep on top of deadlines. Besides the
need of food and water.
above­mentioned, joining after­school activities such as sports or music clubs helps you more people
2 Tom s ' teac i h ng m d is t o encourage students to think independently instead of just
Wha t's more y to get to know and
, tr 19 all your classmates.
18 .

follo w ng wha
i t he says.
Lastly, listen to your teachers and don't be scared to ask questions. They not only teach you things from
3 The p ob em s d cu so s no easy o nd a s
r l i iffi lt, it' t t fi n.
he textbook, but they can also provide you with useful W ha hought and some
4 Because he new vacc ne has unknown s de e ec s
t i i ff t , t he public voiced their c ns over
t 20 on school life.
hard work, you will have set your first year of high school up for success.
it little t

deadline 最後期限
he government's requirement for using it.
5 The
16 A o f r B w h it C ot D abou t
researchers s

he current educational system.

eyed 2,500 high school students to understand their opinions on
17 A Manage B So ve l C C mb li D Adv se

6 The w n s s e s may ook ve y s 18 A mee ng ti B me t C o be me

t t D mee t
t i

7 When my aun d ed my unc e ound

i t r l r ar to each other, but they differ greatly in personality.
his sadness through words.
19 A sha e ps on r ti B be exc ite d about C ge a ong w
t l it h D be wo ed abourri t

8 ga ned a o o know edge abou

I i l t
t i


l f it

hard to e
i nsects and plants as
well as v le hiking
20 A adv ce i B va ue l C p epa a on
r r ti D commun ca on i ti

experience from summer camp. 三、文意選填 (20 % )

9 The Un ed Na ons it ti UN)

( is a global (organize) that promotes international Beginning high school is a time of many exciting experiences! From advanced classes to new friends ,

cooperation and works t o prevent conflicts between countries. the things one needs to 21 about might seem endless Fortunately there are strategies that can help one . ,

10 Ma y has spen

r me learning Spanish in order to
t a lot of ti (co mmunication) with face this new 22 of life These strategies include goal setting time 23 and a social life balance
. , , .

locals when visiting Spain this summer . vaccine 疫苗 educational 教育的 The first strategy is to 24 personal goals There are two types of goals short­term and long­term .

goals Short­term goals can be set by semester and long­term ones can be set for the entire year Once goals
二、綜合測驗 (20 % )

are set one can look at the amount of time it may 25 to achieve them
, .

A H gh schoo
i mportant and necessary part of becoming an adult Unfortunately many students
l is an i . ,

The second strategy for success is to manage one's time well Two 26 ways include schedules and

have trouble 11 in at a new school in their first year I experienced the same thing when I entered high

to­do lists Writing down everything one needs to do can make people more
school However before I graduated I 12 some tips to survive Let me share them with you
. .

Finally having a social life is important for success in high school One must develop 28
. , , . .

For one thing getting good grades is its own reward While some subjects may be boring doing well in
, .

relationships in many ways They can join a

, . ,
29 of activities For example school clubs or community
them is a great way to motivate yourself Also make a study schedule and a to­do list They will help you
. . ,

work ng w
. , .
service activities are a good place to start. These activities help one face 30 such as h
gradually meet your goals and 13 everything well
i it

strangers or organizing events hout the pressure of grades. Learning these useful strategies can help one
Learning is not the only thing you should take away from high school 14 High school is also an
, .

environment to 15 friends and be sociable You should join school clubs and participate in school  ach eve success n h gh schoo and beyond
i i i l !

 AF waoke y B cha enges C o gan zed D va e y E n e pe sona


events With these tips in mind you'll surely adapt to your new life soon
t ll r i ri t i t r r l

G e ec ve H c ea e  s a ge  managemen
. , .
rr ff r I
settle n 安頓下來 re ward 獎賞 mo vate 激勵 sociable 好交際的 adapt to 適應
ti t t t

22 23 24 25

i ti

11 A se ng ttli B se ed ttl C se e ttl D o se e

t ttl 
12 A ea ned
l r B was ea n ng l r i C had ea ned l r D wou d ea n l l r
 26 27 28 29 30
13 A hope B dec de i C adv se i D o gan ze r i

14 A p us
l B howeve r C hus
t D ns ead
i t

15 A ake
t B make C he p l D emembe
r r

   ( ) 28-872720 1-1

四、閱讀測驗 (9 % ) Some people consider high school to be the best time of their lives. Many students strike up friendships
The first day of school can be exciting or stressful, depending on where you're from . In the Un ite d i n high school that last a me High school allows students who share the same interests to come
lifeti .

States, for example, students generally attend the high school closest to their homes w it h the same together; athletes join sports teams writers work on the school paper and musicians form bands Some
, , .

classmates they had in junior high or even elementary school. In Tai an, on the other hand, students get into w experience falling in love for the first time and the heartbreak that usually follows There is the fun of .

high school based on how well they do on an entrance exam. The first day of school is very different in these sporting events and the drama of parties .

t wo p aces
l . High school is not all fun and games though There can be challenging times as well Students are , . .

Starting a new school in the United States will feel a bit scary at first. However, once in the classroom, expected to balance schoolwork friends family sleep sports practices and so on There can be pressure
, , , , , .

it manage as many of your classmates have familiar faces Most students go to the
becomes a lot easier to . from all sides friends teachers and parents to make students act a certain way It takes a strong person to
, , .

high school closest to their home instead of how well they did in an exam In this way starting high school . , know and do what is right for themselves .

might not feel so daunting for students because there is less academic pressure . In the last semester of high school there is often the added stress of passing final exams applying to
, ,

In Taiwan high schools are not chosen based on your address but rather on your performance on the
, colleges, and bidding fare ell to w friends. Dan e t t hought about wha t he wou d l tell his younger, tenth­grade
high school entrance exam A new student might not know a single person in his class This will certainly
. . self: Make he mos o t t f your time in high school because it'll be over before you know it!
make the first few weeks quite stressful as they try to get used to their new schedule and make friends at the 34 Wha s he pu pose o h s passage? 4%
t i t r ft i ( )

same time . A To show wha h gh schoo s uden s may expe ence a schoo
t i l t t ri t l.

With these two different systems the quality of education could also vary greatly When your school is, . B To p ov de some use u ps on ea n ng o h gh schoo s uden s
r i f l ti l r i f r i l t t .

chosen based on the area you live in it will most likely be a representation of that area However when a
, . , C To exp a n why h gh schoo s uden s a e wo ed abou he u u e
l i i l t t r rri t t ir f t r .

school is chosen based on scores the quality of the school usually matches the academic level of the students
, D To compa e he d e ences be ween h gh schoo e and am y e
r t iff r t i l lif f il lif .

attending that institution. 35 請從文章中找出最適當的單詞 (word) 填入下列句子空格中,並視語法需要做適當的字形變化。每格限填

No ma tter where you ve go ng from un or h gh schoo o h gh schoo w be a b
li , i j i i l t i l ill it fri ghtening. Just 一個單詞 (word)。(4 % )

re member that you were a so once a new s uden n e emen ary and un or h gh schoo
l t t i l t j i i l. Dan e fe
t lt on his first day of high school. However when Dan e was go ng
, t i t o graduate
academic 學校的;學術的 institution (大型) 機構 fro m high school , he about his life after graduating.
31 Wha s he passage ma n y abou ?
t i t i l t 36 In the passage, which phrase means ªsaying goodbye to someoneÝ? (3 % )

A The ways o choose a good h gh schoo n you commun y

t i l i r it .
六、翻譯 (20 %
B The d e ences be ween h gh schoo s n Ta wan and he US
iff r t i l i i t .
A 引導式翻譯 12%

C The ps o a h gh schoo s uden on he s day o schoo

ti f r i l t t t ir fir t f l.
37 中國政府宣布不久後就會解除所有的旅遊禁令。
( )

D The easons why h gh schoo s uden s n Ta wan ake en ance exams

r i l t t i i t tr .
The Chinese government announced that wou d
32 Acco d ng o he passage wh ch o he o ow ng s ue?
r i t t , i ft f ll i i tr
all the tra vel bans l be lifte d in the

A S a ng h gh schoo n he US s s ess u o mos s uden s

t rti i l i t i tr f lf r t t t .


B Mos s uden s n he US a end he h gh schoo nea es he homes

t t t i t tt t i l r t t ir .
38 John 今天會熬夜到很晚,因為他有很多事情要做。

C Mos s uden s n Ta wan ee exc ed on he s day o h gh schoo John is going to stay up late because he has a lot his .

 39 Ta wan s a popu a ou s a ac on

t t t i i f l it t fir t f i l.

D S uden s n Ta wan end o a end he same h gh schoo as he o d ends

ir fri
ocal food, Taiwanese
t t i i t t tt t i l t l .
o yummy
33 Wh ch o he o ow ng s c oses n mean ng o ªdau ngÝ n he second pa ag aph?
i ft f ll i i l t i i t ti i t r r 
i i l r t ri t ttr ti . t l

A Joy u f l. B Common C F gh en ng D Use u . ri t i . f l.

peop e a e a so ve y end y
 B 整句式翻譯 8%
l r l r fri l .

五、混合題 (11 %  40 一個好的聆聽者應該專注於人們的臉部表情而不是人們的話語。

( )


In one week Dan e and h s c assma es wou d f n sh h gh schoo

, t i l t l i i i l. It felt li me had flown by As he
ke ti .

l ooked back on all that had happened over the past three years, he felt a mixture of emotions From the . 41 到了我進入高中的時候,我已經找到很多處理常見問題的好方法了。 By ( . . . )

excitement of the first day of tenth grade to the worry of life after graduating, high school brings both ups
and do ns. w
   ( ) 1-2

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