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Motivational Letter

To whom it may concern,

My name is Jaime Magnet and I would like to express my interest in applying for the New
York exchange program at Regis High School. I have decided to apply to this program
because I am sure it would be a great way for me to get a glimpse of what it is like to live
in the United States, it would be an exciting opportunity to get first hand experience with
American culture and its educational system, since it is where I plan to attend college.

What distinguishes me from my peers is that I am creative, outgoing, and kind, and I was
raised in a catholic household where I was encouraged to always keep an open mind and
heart. I take my religion very seriously and, just like in Regi´s mission statement says, I
work every day to become a man for others. I have traveled a lot in the past few years and
my favorite thing about traveling has been to see how diverse the world can be. I always
wanted to make friends in the places I traveled to but never stayed long enough to achieve
that, so being able to not only go to school with people from a different culture than mine,
but also live in a household where I can learn past the academic side of American culture.

My passion for the American lifestyle started when I was a younger and I saw American
children blogging about their daily lives, and I could not help but notice how different they
were from mine. I have always been interested in the way culture influences something as
mundane as going to school, and I think that the best way to truly understand what it is like
to grow up in America is to be part of an experience like this. This curiosity for culture
started when I had the opportunity to live one year in a boarding school in London, where
for the first time, I understood how important it was to get to know other ways of living.
That experience helped me learn English which has helped me a lot to this day. However,
one of the main things that I would like to achieve if I get the opportunity to go to Regis
High School, is to gain the confidence and perfect my speaking abilities so I can hopefully
be bilingual by the time I reach college.

Kind regards,

Jaime Magnet.

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