IQDM - 2021 - Quiz1 - MCQs

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Post Graduate Programme in Management

Term: II Batch: PGP 2021-23

Subject: IQDM

QUIZ 1 Date: Monday, 29 November 2021

Total Marks: 100 Duration: 60 minutes


1. This is an open notebook, closed book quiz. You are allowed to have your
own handwritten notes and your case-material. Other books, photocopies of
others’ notes or of parts of books, printouts, and loose sheets of paper are
not allowed. No sharing or passing around of notes.
2. You may use blank pages in your notebook and graph sheets stuck to your
notebook for rough work. No rough sheets will be provided.
3. Your laptop/ desktop and internet must be used only for answering this
question paper and not for performing any computation or for drawing graphs
or for using any software or for browsing anything. You are not allowed to use
Microsoft Excel Solver or Open Office or Google sheet or any other
spreadsheet or any other software, and are not allowed to use your internet
browser for anything else except for answering this question paper.
4. You may use a simple, scientific (non-programmable, non-graphing)
calculator. No sharing or passing around of calculators. Mobile phones and
other electronic devices are not allowed.
5. For each question, the maximum marks that can be earned are mentioned in
parentheses, at the end of the question.

6. For each Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ), there is exactly one correct choice.
No explanation/ steps are required for the MCQs. If you choose more than one
answer, it will be considered wrong. There is negative marking for MCQs. For
each correct answer, you will get 4 marks and for each wrong answer, you
will lose 1 mark.
7. For Work-it-out Questions requiring detailed answers, type your answers in
the space provided besides each question. Please type your answers as
precisely as possible. Credit (marks) will be given for correctness,
completeness as well as brevity. Answers without necessary steps/
computation/ justification/ explanation will not fetch any marks. If you write
more than one answer for any question and one of them is wrong, no marks
will be given.

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6. The set of inequalities x + 2y ≥ 4√(xy) − x , x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0
a. has no feasible solution
b. can be written as a set of linear inequalities
c. cannot be written as a set of linear inequalities
d. has exactly 2 solutions


x + 2y ≥ 4√(xy) – x can be rewritten as

(√x−√y)2 ≥ 0 which is always true as x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

In other words, (√x−√y)2 ≥ 0 is redundant and may be dropped.

The given set of inequalities is, hence, equivalent to x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Questions 3, 4 and 5 are based on the following LP:

max z = 4x – 3y

subject to

12x – 9y ≤ 12 (Constraint C1),

x + y ≥ 3 (Constraint C2),

x, y ≥ 0.


Constraint C1 is 4x – 3y <= 4

As the objective is max (4x – 3y), Constraint C1 is binding.

LHS of Constraint C2 can be anything >= 3.
(x, y) can be (13/7, 8/7) where C2 is also tight or can be any of the
infinitely many points on the line 4x – 3y = 4 such that x + y > 3.

3. The optimal value of z is

a. infinity
b. 4
c. 12
d. 3

4. The number of points (x, y) for which z attains its optimal value is
a. infinity
b. zero
c. one
d. two
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5. Whenever z attains its optimal value
a. Constraint 1 and Constraint 2 are, both, tight (or binding)
b. Constraint 1 is tight, but Constraint 2 is slack
c. Constraint 2 is tight, but Constraint 1 is slack
d. Constraint 1 is tight, but Constraint 2 may or may not be tight

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