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To study colligative

property and determine

the molar mass

Name –Shabbir A Ranwala

Class-XII sci A
Roll no -11
School –Narayana vidyalayam Chandrapur
Colligative property
 Defination-There are a number of
physical properties of a solution that are
determined only by the number of solute
particles present in it, regardless of their
chemical nature. These properties arise
due to the interactions between the
solvent and solute particles in a solution
Importance of colligative properties in chemistry
 Chemistry relies heavily on cohesive properties and has several important applications. Here are some of
the key reasons why colligative properties are significant:
1. Determination of Molecular Weight: Colligative properties, such as vapor pressure lowering, boiling point
elevation, and freezing point depression, can be used to determine the molecular weight of a solute. By
measuring the changes in these properties and using appropriate equations (e.g., Raoult's law or the van't
Hoff factor), scientists can calculate the molecular weight of an unknown substance.
2. Osmosis and Biological Systems: Osmotic pressure, a colligative property, plays a significant role in
biological systems. It helps regulate the movement of water and solutes across cell membranes, maintaining
cell shape and function. Understanding osmosis and osmotic pressure is crucial in areas such as physiology,
pharmacology, and drug delivery.
3. Industrial Applications: Colligative properties are utilized in various industrial processes. For example, in
antifreeze solutions used in automobiles, lowering the freezing point helps prevent engine coolant from
solidifying at low temperatures. Similarly, in the food industry, knowledge of colligative properties is
essential for controlling the freezing and boiling points in processes like freezing fruits or concentrating
4. Pharmaceutical Formulations: Colligative properties are significant in pharmaceutical formulations. By
adjusting the freezing point depression or osmotic pressure, scientists can optimize drug formulations to
ensure proper solubility, stability, and delivery. This knowledge is essential for developing effective drug
formulations and ensuring their bioavailability.
5. Environmental Chemistry: Colligative properties have implications in environmental chemistry, particularly
in understanding the behavior of pollutants and contaminants in natural systems. Vapor pressure lowering,
for instance, affects the evaporation rates and distribution of volatile substances in the atmosphere.
Freezing point depression can impactThis
the freezing behavior of water in the presence of dissolved
Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
substances, affecting ecosystems and environmental processes.
 Overall, colligative properties provide valuable insights into the behavior of solutions and have wide-ranging
applications in diverse fields of chemistry, industry, biology, and environmental sciences. They allow
scientists to make predictions, design experiments, determine molecular properties, and develop practical
solutions for various real-world challenges
Types of Colligative Properties
There are four primary types of colligative properties:
1.Vapor Pressure Lowering: When a non-volatile solute is dissolved in a solvent, the vapor pressure
of the solvent decreases compared to the pure solvent. This decrease in vapor pressure is directly
proportional to the mole fraction or concentration of the solute particles in the solution. The
presence of solute particles on the solvent's surface reduces the number of solvent molecules that
can escape into the gas phase, resulting in a lowered vapor pressure.
2.Boiling Point Elevation: The boiling point of a solvent increases when a non-volatile solute is added
to it. The solute particles disrupt the formation of solvent vapor, making it more difficult for the
solution to reach the vapor pressure required for boiling. The boiling point elevation is directly
proportional to the concentration of the solute particles in the solution.
3.Freezing Point Depression: The freezing point of a solvent decreases when a non-volatile solute is
dissolved in it. The solute particles interfere with the formation of the regular crystal lattice
structure of the solvent, making it more difficult for the solvent to solidify. The freezing point
depression is directly proportional to the concentration of the solute particles in the solution.
4.Osmotic Pressure: Osmotic pressure is the pressure required to prevent the flow of solvent
molecules through a semipermeable membrane from a region of lower solute concentration to a
region of higher solute concentration. It is proportional to the concentration of the solute particles
in the solution. Osmosis and osmotic pressure play critical roles in biological systems, such as in the
movement of water and nutrients across cell membranes.
These four colligative properties depend solely on the number or concentration of solute particles in
the solution, regardless of their chemical identity. They provide important insights into the behavior
of solutions and have practical applications in various fields, including chemistry, biology, medicine,
and industry.
Vapor Pressure Lowering
Explanation of Raoult's law
Calculation of vapor pressure lowering
Application of vapor pressure lowering in everyday life

Raoult's law states that the vapor pressure of a solvent in an ideal
solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction in the solution. It
assumes ideal behavior, where there are no interactions between the
solute and solvent particles. According to Raoult's law, the vapor
pressure of a solvent above a solution is equal to the vapor pressure of
the pure solvent multiplied by its mole fraction in the solution.
 To calculate the vapor pressure lowering caused by a non-volatile
solute, you need to determine the mole fraction of the solvent and use
Raoult's law. The vapor pressure lowering (∆P) is given by the equation:
∆P = P°solvent × Xsolute, where P°solvent is the vapor pressure of the
pure solvent and Xsolute is the mole fraction of the solute.
 In everyday life, an application of vapor pressure lowering is seen in
the use of antifreeze in vehicles. By adding antifreeze (which contains a
non-volatile solute) to the coolant, the vapor pressure of the coolant is
lowered. This prevents the coolant from evaporating too quickly and
helps maintain the cooling efficiency of the engine, especially in colder
Boiling Point Elevation
Explanation of boiling point elevation
Calculation of boiling point elevation
Practical examples of boiling point elevation
Boiling point elevation is a colligative property that describes the increase in the boiling point of a
solvent when a non-volatile solute is added to it. The presence of solute particles disrupts the
equilibrium between the liquid and vapor phases, requiring a higher temperature for the solution to
reach its boiling point.
The calculation of boiling point elevation can be done using the formula: ΔTb = Kb × m, where ΔTb
represents the change in boiling point, Kb is the molal boiling point elevation constant (unique to
each solvent), and m is the molality of the solute (moles of solute per kilogram of solvent).
Practical examples of boiling point elevation include:
1.Cooking: Adding salt to water when boiling pasta or vegetables raises the boiling point of the
water. This alters the cooking process, as higher temperatures can affect cooking time and texture.
2.Automotive Coolant: Antifreeze solutions used in automobile engines, such as ethylene glycol,
raise the boiling point of the coolant. This prevents the coolant from boiling at high temperatures,
ensuring that the engine remains cool and avoids overheating.
3.Electroplating: In electroplating processes, the addition of non-volatile solutes to the plating bath
can increase the boiling point of the solution. This allows for more efficient and controlled
deposition of metal onto the substrate.
4.Industrial Processes: Boiling point elevation is utilized in various industrial applications, such as the
production of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. By raising the boiling point, process efficiency and
product purity can be improved.
These examples demonstrate the practical significance of boiling point elevation in everyday life,
industry, and scientific processes, where the control and manipulation of boiling points are essential.
Freezing Point Depression
Explanation of freezing point depression
Calculation of freezing point depression
Real-world applications of freezing point depression

Freezing point depression is a colligative property that describes the lowering of the freezing point of a
solvent when a non-volatile solute is added to it. The presence of solute particles disrupts the formation
of the solvent's crystal lattice, making it more difficult for the solvent to solidify.
 The calculation of freezing point depression can be determined using the formula: ΔTf = Kf × m, where
ΔTf represents the change in freezing point, Kf is the molal freezing point depression constant (specific
to each solvent), and m is the molality of the solute (moles of solute per kilogram of solvent).
 Real-world applications of freezing point depression include:
1. Road Deicing: Adding salt (sodium chloride) or other deicing agents to roads during winter lowers the
freezing point of ice and snow. This helps prevent the formation of hazardous ice patches, making roads
safer for vehicles and pedestrians.
2. Food Preservation: Freezing point depression is used in the preservation of food. By adding solutes like
sugar or salt to foods, the freezing point of water inside the food decreases. This inhibits the formation
of large ice crystals, reducing cell damage and maintaining the quality of frozen foods.
3. Cryopreservation: Cryopreservation is the preservation of biological materials at very low temperatures.
By using cryoprotectants that depress the freezing point of biological solutions, such as glycerol or
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), cells and tissues can be preserved for extended periods without damage.
4. Ice Cream Making: Freezing point depression is crucial in ice cream making. By adding sugar and other
solutes to the ice cream mixture, the freezing point of the mixture is lowered. This allows the mixture to
freeze slowly, creating a smooth and creamy texture in the final product.
 These practical applications highlight the importance of freezing point depression in various industries,
including transportation, food preservation, biomedical research, and the culinary arts. Understanding
and utilizing this colligative property enables us to control freezing processes and improve the quality
and preservation of materials.
Osmotic Pressure
Definition of osmotic pressure
Calculation of osmotic pressure
Significance of osmosis and osmotic pressure in biological systems

Osmotic pressure is the pressure exerted by a solvent as it flows through a
semipermeable membrane to equalize the concentration of solute on both
sides of the membrane. It is the driving force behind osmosis, the movement
of solvent molecules from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of
higher solute concentration through the semipermeable membrane.
 The calculation of osmotic pressure can be done using the formula: π = cRT,
where π is the osmotic pressure, c is the molar concentration of the solute, R
is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.
 Osmosis and osmotic pressure are of great significance in biological systems.
They play a vital role in processes like nutrient uptake, waste removal, and
maintenance of cell shape and function. Osmotic pressure regulates the
movement of water and solutes across cell membranes, ensuring the balance
of solute concentrations inside and outside cells. It helps maintain proper cell
volume and prevent excessive water loss or gain, which is critical for cellular
processes and overall cellular health. Osmosis is involved in various biological
phenomena, including the functioning of kidney nephrons, plant root uptake
of water and nutrients, and the osmoregulation of marine organisms.
Colligative Properties and Ideal Solutions
Ideal vs. non-ideal solutions
Deviations from ideality and their effects on colligative
Ideal solutions are those that obey Raoult's law, meaning that the vapor pressure of each
component in the solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction. In an ideal solution, there are
no interactions or attractions between the solute and solvent particles.
Non-ideal solutions deviate from Raoult's law due to interactions between solute and solvent
particles. These interactions can lead to deviations from ideality, resulting in the following effects on
colligative properties:
1.Vapor Pressure Lowering: Deviations from ideality can cause deviations from the expected vapor
pressure lowering. The presence of solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions can either enhance
or reduce the vapor pressure lowering compared to the ideal behavior.
2.Boiling Point Elevation: Non-ideal solutions can exhibit a greater or lesser boiling point elevation
compared to the ideal case. Intermolecular interactions affect the vapor pressure and boiling point,
resulting in deviations from the predicted boiling point elevation.
3.Freezing Point Depression: Deviations from ideality can affect the extent of freezing point
depression. Strong solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions can lead to larger or smaller
freezing point depressions than expected from ideal behavior.
4.Osmotic Pressure: Non-ideal solutions can show deviations in osmotic pressure from the ideal
case. These deviations arise from solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions, which can affect the
effective concentration of solute particles and, consequently, the osmotic pressure.
In non-ideal solutions, the presence of interactions between solute and solvent particles introduces
additional factors that influence colligative properties, leading to deviations from the predictions
based on ideal behavior. Understanding and accounting for these deviations are important in
accurately predicting and interpreting the behavior of real-world solutions.
Determination of Molar Mass
Introduction to the concept of molar mass
Application of colligative properties in molar mass determination

Molar mass refers to the mass of one mole of a substance and is expressed in grams
per mole (g/mol). It is a fundamental concept in chemistry and plays a crucial role in
various calculations and applications.
 Colligative properties, such as vapor pressure lowering, boiling point elevation, and
freezing point depression, can be used to determine the molar mass of a solute.
These properties depend on the number or concentration of solute particles in a
solution, regardless of their chemical identity.
 By measuring the extent of colligative property changes and using the appropriate
equations (such as Raoult's law or the van't Hoff factor), scientists can calculate the
molar mass of an unknown substance. The relationship between colligative properties
and molar mass allows for the determination of molecular weights even when the
chemical composition or structure of the substance is unknown.
 This molar mass determination through colligative properties is particularly useful
when analyzing non-volatile or complex substances that may be challenging to
characterize directly. It provides a practical and indirect method for obtaining valuable
information about the composition and molecular weight of substances in various
fields, including chemistry, biology, pharmaceuticals, and environmental sciences.
Experimental Techniques for Molar Mass Determination
Freezing point depression method
Boiling point elevation method
Osmotic pressure method
 Freezing Point Depression Method: The freezing point depression method is used to
determine the molar mass of a solute in a solution. By measuring the change in
freezing point of a solvent caused by the addition of a non-volatile solute, the molar
mass of the solute can be calculated using the equation ΔTf = Kf × m, where ΔTf is the
change in freezing point, Kf is the molal freezing point depression constant, and m is
the molality of the solute. The extent of the freezing point depression is directly
proportional to the molal concentration of the solute particles, allowing for the
determination of the molar mass.
 Boiling Point Elevation Method: The boiling point elevation method is employed to
determine the molar mass of a solute in a solution. By measuring the change in boiling
point of a solvent due to the addition of a non-volatile solute, the molar mass of the
solute can be calculated using the equation ΔTb = Kb × m, where ΔTb is the change in
boiling point, Kb is the molal boiling point elevation constant, and m is the molality of
the solute. The boiling point elevation is directly proportional to the molal
concentration of the solute particles, enabling the determination of the molar mass.
 Osmotic Pressure Method: The osmotic pressure method is utilized to determine the
molar mass of a solute in a solution through osmosis and osmotic pressure
measurements. By measuring the osmotic pressure difference across a semipermeable
membrane caused by a difference in solute concentration, the molar mass of the
solute can be calculated using the equation π = cRT, where π is the osmotic pressure, c
is the molar concentration of the solute, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the
temperature. The osmotic pressure is directly proportional to the molar concentration
of the solute particles, facilitating the determination of the molar mass.
Limitations and Assumptions
Limitations of colligative properties
Assumptions made in molar mass determination techniques
Limitations of Colligative Properties:
1.Non-ideality: Colligative properties assume ideal behavior, where there are no interactions
between solute particles or between solute and solvent particles. In reality, many solutions
deviate from ideal behavior due to various factors, such as solute-solute and solute-solvent
interactions. These deviations can introduce errors in the determination of molar mass using
colligative properties.
2.Solvent Dependence: Different solvents have different molal boiling point elevation and freezing
point depression constants. Therefore, the molar mass determination using colligative properties
can be influenced by the choice of solvent. The accuracy and reliability of the method depend on
the appropriateness of the chosen solvent and its corresponding constants.

Assumptions in Molar Mass Determination Techniques:

1.Non-volatility: The freezing point depression and boiling point elevation methods assume that
the solute is non-volatile, meaning it does not evaporate or escape as a gas during the
measurement. This assumption ensures that the observed changes in the colligative properties
are solely due to the presence of the solute.
2.Ideal Solvent: The molar mass determination techniques assume that the solvent is an ideal
solution and follows Raoult's law. This assumption ensures that the colligative properties can be
accurately related to the concentration of the solute particles.
3.Dilute Solutions: The methods assume that the solute is present in a dilute concentration,
meaning it does not significantly affect the overall properties of the solvent. This assumption
allows for simplified calculations and avoids potential complications arising from high solute


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