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The Candy Sneak

I new I was in trouble as soon as Mom suggested the contest. It’s true that my

relationship with junk food is too cozy. However, I though the contest wasn’t fair

because my sister, Amanda doesn’t care that much about sweets. Whether I wanted to

or not, we began a one-month healthful eating contest

We began by helping Mom throw out the junk food. As I watched my beloved chips,

cookies and candy slide into the trash, I felt like the captain of a sinking ship. Amanda

just hummed and smiling. I knew she was thinking shed win the prize. Mom said the

winnner could have a $20 gift card to the bookstore, which she knew would hook me.

In addition to being a junk food junkie, I also a book junkie.

© Harcourt

Grade 6, Theme 4 LA107 Reading-Writing Connection

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