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Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 34, Numbers 1–2, 2018, pp.


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The financial system and the natural real
interest rate: towards a ‘new benchmark
theory model’

David Vines* and Samuel Wills**

Abstract: The 2008 financial crisis revealed serious flaws in the models that macroeconomists use to
research, inform policy, and teach graduate students. In this paper we seek to find simple additions to
the existing benchmark model that might let us answer three questions. What caused the boom and cri-
sis? Why has the recovery been slow? And, how should policy respond to that slow recovery? We argue
that it is necessary to add financial frictions to the benchmark model. This allows us to study the effects
of leveraged financial institutions, and of a yield curve based on preferred habitats. Such features will
cause endogenous changes in the natural real interest rate and the spread between that interest rate and
the rate which influences expenditure decisions. They are likely to radically change the way in which the
model responds to shocks. We point to some promising models that incorporate these features.
Keywords: credit frictions, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium, theory, natural real interest rate,
risk premia
JEL classification: A23, B22, B40, E30, E40, E44, E50, E51

I. Introduction
Seismologists say that their profession proceeds in two ways: with better models, and
more earthquakes. In 2008 there was an economic earthquake, and our models are still
catching up. During an earlier earthquake in the 1930s Keynes found that the classical
model did not address his policy concerns. In the 2000s we have found that the New
Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model does not address our
concerns. Like the other contributions to this issue, our paper offers a perspective on
how to fix the benchmark model.

*Balliol College, Political Economy of Financial Markets Programme at St Antony’s College, and
Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) in the Oxford Martin School, Oxford University; and Centre
for Economic Policy Research, e-mail:
**School of Economics, University of Sydney; Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource-Rich
Economies, University of Oxford; Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Australian National
University, e-mail:
We thank Christopher Bliss for very useful comments, and Dylan Smith for helpful conversations about
the material in section IV. We are grateful to the authors of this double issue of the Oxford Review of Economic
Policy for many useful discussions. Wills acknowledges support of ESRC grant number ES/K009303/1.
© The Authors 2018. Published by Oxford University Press.
For permissions please e-mail:
The financial system and the natural real interest rate 253

This paper is written from the vantage point of the graduate-school classroom. One

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of us was teaching the existing benchmark model during the crisis, and the other was
a graduate student at that time. Both were frustrated at the gap between the models
being taught in class and the issues being discussed in practice. In this paper we aim to
address that gap.
We seek to find an addition, or additions, to the New Keynesian DSGE model that
will help us provide answers to three questions. First, what caused the mid-2000s boom
and subsequent global financial crisis? Second, why has the recovery since then been so
slow? Third, how should policy respond to this slow recovery? We want to find answers
of a simple, teachable kind.
We argue that the most pressing change to the New Keynesian DSGE model needed
to answer our questions, although there are many possible answers, is to incorporate
financial frictions.
The existing benchmark New Keynesian DSGE model relegates credit to the back-
ground (see section II of the paper). The two particular examples of such a bench-
mark model which we focus on in this paper are those created by Clarida, Galí, and
Gertler (CGG, 1999) and the more detailed Smets and Wouters model (SW, 2007),
which includes capital accumulation.1 Both of these models assume that credit markets
work without frictions. Households and firms have unlimited access to credit markets
which instantly clear, and insurance is fully available against idiosyncratic risks such as
losing a job. Monetary policy influences only the price of credit, rather than its avail-
ability, and the resulting change in this price is costlessly transmitted to the rest of the
In reality the nature of financial frictions appears to have undergone significant
changes since the crisis of 2008. There has been considerable deleveraging by banks,
coming from an increase in bank capital ratios (see section III). This deleveraging
appears to have caused large and persistent increases in the spread between retail and
policy rates, and policies have been adopted to respond to this spread. Furthermore,
there have been significant changes in the yield curve, apparently caused by changes in
the willingness of banks to undertake liquidity transformation. The policies now being
used to manage the recovery from the crisis, like macro-prudential regulation and quan-
titative easing (QE), appear designed to manipulate the yield curve, a possibility which
is not captured in the benchmark model.
We believe that it is necessary to add a microfounded model of credit, and of finan-
cial frictions, to the New Keynesian DSGE model, in order to properly respond to
these real-world developments.2 Three methods of incorporating credit frictions into
the model appear useful.
Liquidity constraints, as in Ravn and Sterk (2016), lead to counter-cyclical risk premia
(that is, the premium is high when aggregate demand and output are low). This leads
unemployment-fearing households to engage in precautionary savings. That, in turn,
lowers aggregate demand and the natural rate of interest. However, such a framework
does not allow households to borrow at all and so is not suitable for studying macropru-
dential policy levers that have been important since the crisis (see section IV(i)).
1 For additional presentations of the CGG model, see also Woodford (2003) and Galí (2015). It is the

SW model which we take as the benchmark DSGE model in our Assessment paper at the beginning of this
double issue of the Oxford Review of Economic Policy.
2 See Reinhart and Rogoff (2011) for an extended discussion of the effects of changes in credit conditions.
254 David Vines and Samuel Wills

Leverage, as modelled by Curdia and Woodford (2016), can endogenously increase

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the probability of financial crisis. This can also lead to counter-cyclical risk premia—
i.e. to risk premia rising when there is a downturn—to compensate banks for the cost
of default. Such a framework also allows credit markets to affect aggregate demand
and the natural interest rate, and is well-suited to studying unconventional policies like
macro-prudential regulation and QE. However, it does not allow for effects of credit
conditions on the shape of the yield curve (see section IV(ii)).
A yield curve, driven by a preferred habitat model along the lines of Vayanos and Villa
(2009), would address some shortcomings of the other frameworks. Incorporating these
features would help us to shed light on the ability of QE to twist the yield curve (see
section IV(iii)). It would also remedy a historic omission: the absence of James Tobin’s
work on portfolio balance from the two other models which are considered in this paper.
As we noted at the beginning of this paper, and in our Assessment article (Vines
and Wills, 2018) at the beginning of this issue of the Oxford Review of Economic
Policy, there is an analogy here with the developments which occurred in the 1930s.
Keynes inherited Alfred Marshall’s classical model. He found, in his discussions
at the Macmillan Committee in 1930, that this model could not help him to understand
the unemployment which had afflicted Britain ever since the country had returned to
the Gold Standard in 1925 at an overvalued exchange rate. He needed to amend the
classical model. By the time he had written the General Theory, he had added sticky
wages in the labour market. This new feature completely changed how the whole model
worked. It meant that a fall in animal spirits that lowered investment might mean that
unemployment could emerge as an equilibrium outcome.3 Keynes had to invent the
consumption function, the multiplier, the IS curve, and liquidity preference in order
to understand the full implications of what he was saying. But now, many years later,
we understand these details and can explain Keynes’s ‘new’ system to our students in a
straightforward way.
By incorporating credit frictions into our model, we seek to add three new features
to the existing benchmark DSGE models. The first is a natural rate of interest that is
affected by credit market conditions. The second is a spread between the natural inter-
est rate and the interest rate faced by consumers and investors that is also caused by
credit conditions. The third is a market for imperfectly substitutable risky assets that
can produce a yield curve which could be twisted by policy. It is our ambition to show
that these three additions can change the way in which the whole system works. And we
want to be able to explain what happens in a simple way. Indeed, we want to be able to
do this in a way which is as simple to explain as the Keynesian multiplier.

II. The existing benchmark New Keynesian DSGE model

(i) A description of the model

We draw a distinction between theory models and policy models, following Blanchard
(2018, this issue); Wren-Lewis (2018, this issue) calls the latter ‘structural economic

3 We discuss the chain of reasoning in our Assessment article in this issue (Vines and Wills, 2018).
The financial system and the natural real interest rate 255

models’. As Blanchard and Wren-Lewis argue, one of the purposes of policy models is

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to actually fit data, so that they can be used to provide relevant policy advice. In the pre-
sent paper we are only concerned with theory models, rather than the analysis of policy.
The focus of this paper is the question of how to create a theory model that is suitable
for the core graduate-school course in macroeconomics. We use the term ‘benchmark
model’ to describe the New Keynesian theory model(s) that is, or are, taught in a grad-
uate-school course. The main ones are the three-equation CGG model, and the more
detailed SW model which includes endogenous capital accumulation. Our aim is to ‘fix’
these benchmark models by adding a treatment of credit market frictions.
Of course, when one is trying to fix something, it is first a good idea to get clear
what one is trying to fix. The letter inviting authors to contribute to this issue of the
Oxford Review of Economic Policy explicitly put forward the SW model, rather than
the CGG model, as the benchmark model. It is true that some graduate courses in New
Keynesian macroeconomics do not present the SW model, concentrating entirely on
the CGG model instead. But this can create confusion for students because, by omitting
capital, the CGG model is harder to reconcile with the Ramsey model and the real busi-
ness cycle (RBC) model, both of which are taught to graduate students in other mod-
ules. By contrast, the SW model has the advantage of incorporating all of the Ramsey/
RBC insights in a model that also includes the effects of changes in aggregate demand
and so is Keynesian in form. As a result, we argue in our Assessment that the SW model
is the benchmark New Keynesian DSGE model (Vines and Wills, 2018). Nevertheless,
to simplify our exposition in the present paper we use the smaller three-equation CGG
model that abstracts from capital accumulation, and so from an endogenous natural
level of output. But throughout the paper we discuss what the implications would be
of allowing for capital accumulation and for the resulting endogenous natural level of
The SW model can be described as follows. There is an IS curve, which has two
components. First, there is a forward-looking Euler equation for the consumption
of a representative consumer. Second, there is a forward-looking equation for invest-
ment by the representative firm which shows that investment is driven by Tobin’s q,
the movements of which are determined by the size of capital adjustment costs. The
natural level of output is determined by a production function employing the capi-
tal stock, labour, and the level of technology. Aggregate demand can differ from the
natural level of output because of nominal rigidities, creating an output gap. That
gap causes inflation, in a way described by the forward-looking Phillips curve which
depends on Calvo price-setting. Monetary policy is represented by a Taylor rule, which
may or may not be the product of optimization by a forward-looking central bank.
This policy determines the nominal interest rate, and thus the real interest rate, which
feeds into both the Euler equation for consumption and the arbitrage equation that
determines Tobin’s q.
Collapsing the SW model into a three-equation CGG model means abstracting from
investment—consumption is the only form of private-sector demand. The CGG model
therefore also abstracts from the effect of capital accumulation on the natural level of
output, which will be important in some of what follows. For this reason, when we are
discussing the CGG model we will keep track of the effects of any changes to the natu-
ral rate of interest rate, and to the natural level of output, in order to bear in mind the
way in which this endogeneity works in the SW model.
256 David Vines and Samuel Wills

It is useful for what follows to set out the key equations of the CGG model.4 These

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are an IS curve (showing aggregate demand relative to aggregate supply, or the output
gap), a Phillips Curve (showing the inflation which results from the output gap), and a
Taylor rule (showing the interest rate set by monetary-policy-makers).5 A fourth equa-
tion can be added if the natural level of output is allowed to vary, which changes the
natural rate of interest.

y t = Et [ y t +1 ] − it − Et [π t +1 ] − rtn )
π t = β Et [π t +1 ] + θ y t

it = φπ π t + φ y y t + rtn

rtn = ρ + aEt  ∆ytn+1 

In this model the actual level of output is demand determined; the output gap,
y t = yt − ytn, is the difference between the actual level of output and the underlying
natural level of output, yt , that would be attained in the absence of any nominal fric-
tions. The IS curve comes from a forward-looking Euler equation for consumption:
the difference between consumption today and what it is expected to be in the future is
driven by the gap between the real interest rate and its natural level. The Calvo–Phillips
curve shows an equation for π t —the rate of inflation relative to the inflation target set
by policy-makers—which is driven by expected future inflation and by the output gap.
(The parameter β shows the effect of the time rate of discount.) The nominal interest
rate, it, is controlled by the central bank and is the only interest rate in the economy. It
is modelled as following a Taylor rule which depends on the deviation of inflation from
its target, on the output gap, and on the natural real rate of interest, rtn, which is the real
rate that would prevail in the absence of any nominal rigidities (as in Wicksell, 1898,
p. 102). The natural level of output is exogenous in this CGG model, unlike in the SW
model. It can be assumed to grow along a long-run balanced path due to population
growth and technical progress, but that underlying growth process is ignored (again,
unlike what happens in the SW model). The natural real interest rate, rtn, is exogenous
in this model and always equal to the time rate of discount, ρ, except—as shown in
the fourth equation—when the natural level of output yn is expected to change.6 This
system has the property that in the steady state the inflation rate will equal its target,
output will be at its natural level, and the real interest rate will equal its natural level.
The only friction in the model is that prices are adjusted infrequently and in an over-
lapping manner. We assume that this happens with a fixed probability for any particular
firm (Calvo, 1983); this probability affects the size of the coefficient ϴ. To allow prices
to be set like this, there are many firms who compete monopolistically. The distortion

4 The equations of the SW model are set out in Appendix II of our Assessment article (Vines and Wills,

5 For a full derivation see Clarida et al. (1999), Woodford (2003), or Galí (2015).
6 The coefficient α depends on underlying microfounded parameters of the model, including the inter-

temporal elasticity of substitution. The model can be extended to make this natural level of output a function
of capital, as in the SW model.
The financial system and the natural real interest rate 257

to the natural level of output caused by monopolistic power is corrected by a simple

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subsidy to firms (financed by lump-sum taxes), but the distortion caused by infrequent
price-adjustment and the resulting dispersion of relative prices remains present in the
model; this is what makes deviations of inflation from its target costly.
In such a set-up the job of the policy-maker is relatively easy. In the face of technol-
ogy or demand shocks, a policy-maker following the above Taylor rule will vary the
nominal interest rate, and in turn the real interest rate, in such a way that perfectly
stabilizes inflation (assuming some conditions for determinacy are observed—Sargent
and Wallace (1975)). As nominal rigidities are the only friction in the model, stabiliz-
ing inflation also closes the output gap, in a result that has been described as a ‘divine
coincidence’ (Blanchard and Galí, 2005). The result of following this Taylor rule is that,
in the absence of inflation, the nominal interest rate will perfectly track the natural real
interest rate, rtn. But cost-push shocks to inflation introduce a trade-off between stabiliz-
ing inflation and the output gap.
Both this CGG framework, and the more general SW model which it simplifies, have
many advantages. However, the framework which they present has important omis-
sions. It relies on a single interest rate and so does not allow for frictions in the trans-
mission of monetary policy. Indeed, the only role for credit in this model is through the
effects of the interest rate on consumption; and since there is just one representative
consumer, and there are no investors, everything that is produced is consumed and
there are no credit flows at all. The stock of debt does not matter (in the simple model
presented here, there is none), nor does it matter that banks create money, with the
associated asymmetries in information, constraints on liquidity and capital, and vary-
ing risk exposures over time. Financial markets are complete, so that any idiosyncratic
unemployment risk can be insured away, and individuals don’t suffer from losing their
jobs; they are always on their labour supply curve. Price-setting occurs in a very styl-
ized way. Actual variables don’t influence natural variables. By relying on this model for
teaching we are implicitly telling our students that once inflation has been controlled,
and the output gap has been closed, then our job as macroeconomists is done. But there
are important omissions in this treatment. In particular, they clearly limit the ability of
the model to deal with our three key questions: why was there a boom before the Great
Financial Crisis, why has the subsequent recovery taken so long, and what can policy
do about it?

(ii) Attempting to explain secular stagnation using the existing

benchmark model
One school of thought argues that our questions can be answered without radically
changing the benchmark SW model, but simply by changing the exogenous variables
that are fed into it. The ‘secular stagnation’ hypothesis argues that the slow recovery
since the crisis may have been caused by slower population growth, a reduced rate of
technological progress, and an increase in savings (Summers, 2014, 2015; Gordon, 2012;
Eichengreen, 2015).
In this argument the first two changes—slower population growth and a reduced rate
of technological progress—will reduce the demand for investment in a way which can
be captured within the SW framework without appealing to credit market conditions.
258 David Vines and Samuel Wills

They lower the natural rate of interest, but do not affect the gap between that interest

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rate and the interest rate affecting households. Investment demand is lower because
less population and technology in the future will also require less capital along the
Ramsey growth path. This may have a very large effect on the short-run flow of invest-
ment, since there is a need for a lower long-run stock of capital per effective worker.
The short-run effect on investment might be particularly large if the adjustment costs
are small.7 All else equal, a large fall in investment demand will cause a large fall in the
natural rate of interest.
In addition, global savings rates have risen, particularly in China. Higher Chinese
savings have been attributed to marriage market competition (Wei and Zhang, 2011),
and the demographic shock of the one-child policy (using an overlapping genera-
tions framework by Coeurdacier et al. (2015)), see Figure 1.8 While in the SW model
and CGG such increases in savings cannot be studied, an extension of the SW model
in an overlapping generations manner—to make possible this study—is relatively

Figure 1: China population profile, 2016

9% Male
8% Female

Note: China’s one child policy created large deviations in its population profile. A large generation will soon be
retiring, to be replaced by a much smaller one entering the labour force.
Source:, 2016.

7 See McKibbin and Vines (2000) for an analysis of the East Asian financial crisis of 1997–8 along these

lines. This approach is less effective in explaining the rapid boom in the run-up to the global financial crisis in
2008, since there was no obvious increase in the rate of population growth or in the rate of technical change.
Perhaps it sees the increase in investment in US housebuilding as resulting from an increase in the ability of
sub-prime borrowers to purchase housing (i.e. an increase in sub-prime entitlements) leading to a shortage
of housing, or perhaps it requires a reduction in the risk premium which takes it into the territory discussed
8 See Summers (2014, 2015) and Coeurdacier et al. (2015) and our discussion in section III. Such an

increase in savings is not something that can be explained within the SW framework as it stands. But one
can add something like an overlapping generations framework to this set-up, so that one might provide this
explanation without appealing to credit-market conditions.
The financial system and the natural real interest rate 259

There is also evidence that the natural rate of interest has fallen considerably since

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2008. Coeurdacier et al. (2015) suggest that high Chinese savings led to global imbal-
ances and to a sustained fall in the global real interest rate.9 Barsky et al. (2014) find
that the natural rate fell from approximately 4 per cent in 2007 to –6 per cent in 2009,
where it has remained since, using an estimated variant of the SW model. Carvalho
et al. (2016) also find that higher longevity and lower population growth has caused a
long-run fall in the equilibrium real interest rate.
Nevertheless, slow population and technology growth and intergeneration savings
effects do not appear to be enough to explain the low natural real interest rate since
2008.10 Furthermore Barsky et al. (2014) find that the natural rate is both volatile and
pro-cyclical, which the SW model cannot help us to explain.
Instead, we must turn to other explanations, which introduce countercyclical fluctua-
tions in the natural rate of interest, and a gap between this interest rate and the interest
rate which influences spending.

III. Real world changes in financial frictions

Since the 2008 crisis, credit markets have changed considerably. Figure 2 shows that
during the 2008 crisis the spread between banks’ borrowing and lending rates increased
sharply, as did the spread of both over the bank rate. The increased spread between
borrowing and lending persisted for over 2 years, and the spread over the bank rate for
much longer.

Figure 2: UK interest rates, 2003–12, %

Official Bank Rate
1 Secured Loans
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Note: Since the financial crisis the spread between borrowing and lending rates, and between both and the
bank rate, has increased persistently. Secured loans are 2-year, 75% LTV, fixed-rate mortgages. Deposits are
fixed-rate bond deposits
Source: Bank of England, 2012.

9 If such high Chinese saving is responsible for the low natural interest rate globally, then the problem

might be solved in the coming 5 years as an unusually small generation (the children of the first one-child
generation) enters the workforce.
10 Summers (2014) argues that only 10 per cent of the reduction in potential GDP can be attributed to

slower technological growth.

260 David Vines and Samuel Wills

Since the crisis the capital ratios of banks also increased considerably (see Figure 3).

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Prior to the crisis, an average of 6 per cent of the risk-weighted assets of major UK
banks was held in Tier 1 capital. By the time the Basel III accord was introduced in
2012 this had risen to 10 per cent. Since then the capital ratio has risen a further 6 per
cent as a result of the new requirements imposed by the Basel III accord.
Furthermore, during the 2008 crisis the shape of the UK yield curve changed consid-
erably, becoming dramatically steeper as the Bank of England lowered the policy rate
while longer-term yields remained largely unchanged (see Figure 4).
It is now thought that these changes in the credit markets are important in under-
standing both the crisis and the recovery. Summers (2015) suggests that the changes
have contributed to the current climate of low investment and high savings, in addition
to the demographic factors outlined in section II(ii). Investment may be low because
the relative price of capital goods has declined; the process of innovation requires less
Figure 3: Major UK banks’ capital ratios

20 16
Basel II Core Tier 1 capital
18 rao (LHS) 14
Basel III Common Equity
16 Tier 1 capital rao (RHS) 12


4 2

2 0

Notes: After the 2008 crisis the Tier 1 capital ratios of UK banks increased significantly, and this has continued
since the introduction of the Basel III accord in 2012.
Source: PRA Financial Policy Committee core indicators, 2017.

Figure 4: UK government liability spot yield curve


2 30 Jun 08
30 Sep 08
31 Dec 08
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Maturity (years)

Note: During the financial crisis the UK gilt yield curve became dramatically steeper.
Source: Bank of England yield curve archive, 2017.
The financial system and the natural real interest rate 261

capital; financial intermediation has become more costly, due to larger spreads of the

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type shown in Figure 2; and collateral requirements are higher. Similarly, savings may
be higher because loans require more collateral ex ante, and costly financial interme-
diation is causing firms to finance investment from retained earnings. Eggertsson and
Mehrotra (2014) and Hamilton et al. (2016) argue that a deleveraging shock has created
an oversupply of savings.
If credit markets were completely independent of monetary policy, then such effects
could be studied separately. However, changes in credit markets are influenced by mone-
tary policy, which is why study of them must be embedded within a full macroeconomic
model. Giavazzi and Giovannini (2010), for example, argue that inflation targeting can
‘increase the likelihood of a financial crisis’, and Summers (2015) notes that there are
‘financial stability consequences of protracted periods of zero interest rates’.
A more nuanced, microfounded treatment of credit markets is thus needed for the
benchmark model to shed light on policies employed since the crisis. Macroprudential
policy has been introduced in a number of places to stabilize the risks of financial crisis,
distinct from monetary policy’s aim of stabilizing inflation, in the interests of matching
the number of instruments to the number of targets (Tinbergen, 1952). To appropri-
ately comment on macro-prudential policy, the core model must have a role for its most
likely levers: reserve requirements11 and lending standards.12 As macro-prudential and
monetary policies will not be conducted in isolation, credit frictions must be nested
inside a model that describes both. Quantitative easing has also been used extensively
in Japan, the UK, the US, and Europe, and understanding this again requires financial
intermediation and a term structure of interest rates.

IV. Endogenizing financial frictions in the

benchmark model
(i) Incorporating liquidity constraints
One way of incorporating credit frictions into the benchmark model is to restrict
households’ access to borrowing. Recently work has begun on a heterogeneous agent
new Keynesian framework with search and matching frictions in the labour market
(HANK–SAM). Kaplan et al. (2016) impose constraints both on household liquidity
and the ability of households to own firm equity; they need to solve their model numer-
ically. Ravn and Sterk (2016) simplify this set-up by assuming that households cannot
borrow at all, and cannot insure against idiosyncratic unemployment risk. The result
is a model with three types of households: asset-poor households who are employed,

The 2012 Basel III accord allows for countercyclical bank capital buffers to be applied by national
regulators. The UK Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) was established in the same year with that pur-
pose in mind. The US Fed implicitly applies countercyclical bank capital ratios in the way it defines its crisis
scenarios for stress-testing. A crisis is defined as unemployment rising by 4 percentage points, or reaching 10
per cent, whichever is greater. When unemployment is low these scenarios become more conservative, and by
extension so, too, do capital ratios.
12 Such as loan-to-valuation ratios, used widely, or restrictions on mortgage lending to investors, as in

262 David Vines and Samuel Wills

asset-poor households who are unemployed, and asset-rich households. The model

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turns out to be simple enough that closed-form solutions are possible. The set-up is
able to provide important insights into the distributional effects of shocks, and the role
of precautionary savings which emerge as a consequence of labour-market uncertainty.
The model has two important frictions: sticky prices, which appear in the typical
way in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve, and incomplete financial markets, which are
important because they affect aggregate demand through precautionary savings, the
need for which arises as a result of uncertain labour-market conditions. A sketch of the
model is provided by the following set of equations.

c e ,t = Et [c e ,t +1 ] − it − Et [π t +1 ] − rtn )
 t(θ t ,θ t+1 ,At )
π t = β Et [π t +1 ] + δ mc

θ t = γ c e ,t

it = φπ π t + φy θ t

rtn = g ( Et [θ t +1 ])

The set-up modifies the equations presented previously in the following way. The first
equation is a modified Euler equation for c e ,t, the consumption of those asset-poor
households who are employed. (The behaviour of this variable drives the dynamics
of the model, since unemployed asset-poor households are unable to borrow, and the
behaviour of asset-rich households is ignored.) The last term in this equation captures
the fact that the natural rate of interest is now endogenous, as shown in the final equa-
tion; this captures the wedge in the natural interest rate introduced by the wish for
precautionary savings due to the risk of unemployment. A less tight labour market
increases the risk of unemployment, and in turn increases precautionary savings, so
households must be offered a lower interest rate to be prevented from saving. This is the
first key new idea in the model. The second equation shows that the incomplete-mar-
kets wedge modifies the Calvo–Phillips curve so that the level of marginal costs, mc t,
now depends on technology, At, and on the current and future values of labour-market
tightness, θ t . The second important new idea in the model is that at low levels of labour-
market tightness, an increase in aggregate demand has a much smaller marginal effect
on inflation. This non-linearity in the Phillips curve arises because there is little hiring
taking place at low levels of demand, so that any change in demand hardly increases
the inflationary pressure caused by firms bidding for workers. The third equation cap-
tures the fact that everything that is consumed must be produced using labour, which
in turn affects labour-market tightness, θ t. The next equation shows the Taylor rule for
the interest rate, which in this set-up depends on the degree of labour-market tightness,
rather than on the output gap. The final equation shows the way in which the natural
rate of interest rtn depends on labour-market tightness; a less tight labour market will
lower the natural rate of interest.
The financial system and the natural real interest rate 263

This framework has several appealing features, not least its tractability. It creates the

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possibility of three different steady states. The first is the ‘typical’ steady state: in nor-
mal times when the labour market is well-utilized, the behaviour of the model around
the steady state has features typical of the CGG model. The second is a liquidity trap at
the zero lower bound (as in Eggertsson and Woodford, 2003; Eggertsson and Krugman,
2012). The third is a new ‘unemployment trap’ characterized by low hiring. In this equi-
librium there is low demand, due to precautionary savings by the employed caused by
the incomplete-financial-markets friction; and low inflation, due to the labour market
friction of sticky prices. However, inflation is not very low (or negative) because of the
non-linearity in the Phillips curve identified above. This means that the Taylor rule does
not give rise to a monetary policy which is sufficiently loose to prevent the low-level
equilibrium from emerging.
This last feature offers a useful perspective on secular stagnation, because it places
precautionary savings by unemployment-fearing workers at centre stage. The model
also offers a channel through which monetary policy can affect risk premia, and in turn
business cycles. In the benchmark model a weak labour market will cause households to
smooth consumption and save less. In this framework, a weak labour market increases
precautionary savings, as workers prepare for the possibility of unemployment, which
further weakens labour conditions. The additional savings lower the natural real inter-
est rate, as seen in the equation for rtn. This is consistent with empirical evidence for
the co-movement between labour-market tightness and the real interest rate which is
observed in reality (Barsky et al., 2014; Ravn and Sterk, 2016). Monetary policy can
reduce the movements in risk premia described by the model by stimulating aggregate
demand when it is low, and vice versa.
But the shortcoming of this approach, for the purposes of the discussion in this
paper, is that it gives no role to credit and leverage. In this framework, households are
restricted from borrowing completely. There is thus no scope for analysing macropru-
dential policies, like capital adequacy ratios and loan-to-valuation ratios, which are
currently under consideration by policy-makers globally.

(ii) Incorporating leverage and risk premiums

An alternative avenue for incorporating credit frictions into the benchmark model is to
introduce a stock of leverage, which affects both an interest rate spread, and the natural
rate of interest.
The classic approach for incorporating credit is the ‘financial accelerator’ framework
of Bernanke, Gertler, and Gilchrist (BGG, 1999). The financial accelerator describes
how exogenous macroeconomic shocks are amplified and propagated by credit markets.
In the original paper, unleveraged banks lend to leveraged firms. The lending contract
is nonlinear: in good times firms keep their excess profits over the interest rate, while in
bad times they go bankrupt and banks seize the residual value of their capital. Banks
must charge a risk premium, or spread, over their cost of finance to cover the real cost
of ‘inspecting’ bankrupt loans. As firms’ net worth is procyclical (due to profits and
asset prices), the risk premium is countercyclical, which enhances the swings in borrow-
ing, investment, spending, and production. This type of analysis requires the full equip-
ment of the benchmark SW model. In the absence of the bankruptcy costs, it collapses
264 David Vines and Samuel Wills

back to that model. But by including bankruptcy costs the model introduces a wedge

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between the interest rate received by savers and that paid by investors, in ways which
are important for our purposes. Extensions to this model allow for leveraged banks to
borrow from households, who also receive a bankruptcy risk premium over the risk-free
rate (Luk and Vines, 2011; Ueda, 2012). Nevertheless, this kind of model is disappoint-
ing in that, with reasonable parameter values, the quantitative importance of the result-
ing changes in the risk premium does not seem to be large (see Luk and Vines, 2011).
More recent, and simpler, examples are provided by Curdia and Woodford (2010,
2011, 2016) and Woodford (2012), who relax the benchmark model’s representative
agent assumption and allow for two types of households: borrowers and lenders. Each
type of agent differs by their marginal utility of consumption, which introduces a
motive for financial intermediation. Borrowers face an interest rate spread over the
policy rate driven by two financial frictions: a real cost of originating and monitoring
loans (or a risk premium), and a mark-up in the financial sector from monopolistic
competition. The model can be summarized in the following sketch,

y t = Et [ y t +1 ] − ii (it , Lt ) − Et [π t +1 ] − rtn )
π t = β Et [π t +1 ] + θ y t + Ω( Lt )

it = φπ π t + φ y y t + rtn

rtn = ρ + aEt  ∆ytn+1 ( Lt +1 )

Lt +1 = ρLt + γ y t + 

where ii (it , Lt ) is the average rate of interest for borrowers and savers, which is a func-
tion of the policy rate, it, and a credit spread which depends on the stock of leverage,
Lt. The Phillips curve now includes a real distortion from credit frictions that increases
with leverage, Ω ( Lt ), and raises the marginal cost of supplying goods to borrowers.
This in turn raises inflationary pressure for any given level of real activity. An increase
in leverage allows the natural level of output to expand, but it also introduces default
risk into the economy; these effects both influence the rate of interest rtn. Leverage
evolves dynamically as a function of stock of existing leverage and the output gap in
the previous period.
Incorporating credit into the model in this way has some advantages. Unlike the
baseline model, it attempts to model the spread shown in Figure 2, allowing it to vary
with the stock of leverage in a way which influences the natural rate of interest rate.
This is in addition to the influence of capital accumulation on the natural rate of inter-
est which is seen in the SW model. Doing this goes towards modelling a core aspect of
past financial crises, as noted by Reinhart and Rogoff (2011) and by financial market
participants such as Soros (1987).
Second, such a set-up breaks the ‘divine coincidence’ which was discussed earlier in
relation to the benchmark—allowing feedback from actual variables to natural variables
The financial system and the natural real interest rate 265

(see Woodford, 2012). In models with credit frictions like this, monetary policy has real

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effects on the flexible price equilibrium (see also De Fiore and Tristani, 2011). Curdia
and Woodford (2016) show that in such a setting, the central bank’s objective becomes
one of stabilizing not just inflation, and thus closing the output gap, but also one of
moderating the risk of future financial crisis. Thus, if the interest rate is the only policy
instrument available—i.e. in the absence of macro-prudential policy—the central bank
should be willing to lean against credit booms, even at the expense of disturbing its
targeting of inflation and the output gap.
Third, it opens the possibility of studying other unconventional policies. Quantitative
easing has already been studied in this framework by introducing a central bank that
holds commercial bank reserves (Curdia and Woodford, 2011). However, the frame-
work does not yet include a yield curve, which, as discussed below, seems important for
a study of quantitative easing.
It would be possible to introduce a macro-prudential policy-maker into the Curdia
and Woodford (2016) model. Giving such a policy-maker a distinct objective function
and a separate set of tools—like the loan-to-valuation ratio or the kind of bank capital
requirements depicted in Figure 3—might make it possible for such a model to provide
useful and tractable insights into the interaction between macro-prudential and mon-
etary policy. A goal for that direction of inquiry may be to produce a macro-prudential
rule akin to the Taylor rule for monetary policy.
Woodford (2012) offers a simple treatment of a model of this kind in which the
strength of financial frictions switches endogenously between high and low states.
Curdia and Woodford (2016) extend this set-up to that of fully microfounded setting
where financial frictions evolve as a forward-looking average of all future credit spreads.

(iii) Incorporating portfolio balance, multiple maturities, and the

yield curve
A third approach to credit frictions is to incorporate a yield curve. The benchmark
models, and each of the models discussed above, do not include a yield curve. All the
interest rates in BGG, Curdia and Woodford, and Ravn and Sterk, are rates on short-
term loans. The models assume that the expectations-augmented theory of the yield
curve holds; so that a long-term loan is equivalent to rolling over, period-by-period, a
sequence of short-term loans charging the short-term rate. But interest rates at different
maturities might well diverge from the expectations-augmented yield curve implicit in
the benchmark model, because demand for, and supply of, financial assets might not
be substitutable across different time periods. The resulting shape of the yield curve
might come to influence investment, the natural level of output, and the natural rate
of interest.
If the shape of the yield curve matters, then studying modern policies like quantita-
tive easing in models which include only short rates (like Curdia and Woodford, 2011)
will be inadequate. In fact, quantitative easing since the crisis has aimed to influence
the shape of the yield curve by purchasing long-term assets in exchange for short-term
ones. If the expectations-augmented yield curve theory held, then such purchases would
not have affected asset prices as they did.
266 David Vines and Samuel Wills

To properly study the yield curve, the benchmark model needs to better incorporate risk

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aversion. This research agenda would essentially bring James Tobin’s insights on portfolio
balance into modern benchmark models. In the second half of the twentieth century Tobin
introduced to macroeconomics the idea that volatility—a second-order phenomenon—can
have first-order effects. This gave rise to his theory on portfolio balance, which acknowl-
edges that there exist a wide variety of assets that vary in risk and return, and established
that the mixture demanded by people will depend on their risk aversion. By contrast, in the
Curdia and Woodford model discussed above, the spread between the policy rate and the
interest rate in the IS curve does not rely on risk-averse asset holders, but instead on lever-
age and the costs of financial intermediation. And in BGG the spread again depends on
leverage, which increases the probability of bankruptcy losses. But banks are risk-neutral,
and only charge an interest rate spread which covers only the expectation of those losses;
when productivity falls this spread rises, in line with the expected costs of default.
To understand why the risk premium varies at different maturities, we must find an
alternative to the expectations-augmented yield curve. One promising avenue is micro-
founded models that incorporate the preferred habitats hypothesis in which borrowers
and lenders have different characteristics at different maturities.
The preferred habitats approach uses modern portfolio theory to analyse how invest-
ment portfolios are allocated at various maturities, incorporating varying risks and
degrees of risk aversion. Such analysis is in its infancy. A relatively recent and useful
contribution is that by Vayanos and Villa (2009). The model consists of households who
supply bonds and possess a preference for maturity that varies over their lifetime, giving
rise to habitats. Arbitrageurs bridge the gaps between habitats by buying and selling
bonds of different maturities. These arbitrageurs process limited liquidity and are risk
averse. For example, a household may need to borrow to buy a house, and so will issue
a bond of a particular maturity, whose date of final payment depends—say—on the
expected date of receipt of income in the future. An arbitrageur will need to purchase
this bond, in exchange for assets at a different maturity issued by other households.
Such a purchase will expose the arbitrageur to liquidity risk, for which he or she will
charge a risk premium, the size of which depends on his or her degree of risk aversion.
An increase in risk aversion by these arbitrageurs will lead to an increase in the natural
rate of interest. In turn this will reduce investment and so the natural level of output.
The model put forward by Vayanos and Vila is so far only a partial-equilibrium
model; it has not yet been nested within a full DSGE framework. Doing this would
create a theory of the yield curve that is useful for macroeconomic analysis. For exam-
ple, the use of such a model might shed light on how an increase in savings might
increase the spread between the long-term rate of interest and the long-term rate of
interest influencing investment, since those holding the savings might be unwilling to
hold extra-long-term assets unless they were offered extra yield to compensate them for
a loss in liquidity. A framework of this kind could also allow us to study quantitative
easing, by examining its effect on the yield curve, rather than by examining its effect on
central bank reserves, as is done by Curdia and Woodford (2011). One might also study
how macroprudential policies affect different parts of the yield curve.
The financial system and the natural real interest rate 267

V. Conclusion

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The Great Depression of the 1930s revealed serious flaws in the classical model of
Alfred Marshall, which Keynes set out to remedy. The 2008 financial crisis similarly
revealed flaws in the current benchmark New Keynesian DSGE models. This paper
has attempted to describe simple ways to remove one of the apparent flaws—the lack
of convincing financial frictions—in a way which might help us answer our three ques-
tions: what caused the boom and crisis, why has the recovery been so slow, and how
should policy respond? We have described some existing models that might do this in a
sufficiently parsimonious way as to be taught to first-year graduate students. While all
those described hold promise, the framework in Curdia and Woodford (2016) is of par-
ticular interest because of its ability to capture the dynamics of leverage that appear to
have been important during the crisis and the recovery. Properly incorporating financial
frictions into the benchmark DSGE model will radically change the way it responds to
shocks: by allowing for endogenous movements in the natural real interest rate and the
spread between that interest rate and the rate which influences expenditure decisions.
This will give an appropriately central role to leveraged financial institutions, and the
policies that affect them, in the models we offer to the next generation of economists.

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