The Litevex Files

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From Beta Cuck to SJW: The Many

Faces of Litevex
● Making false accusations
● Posting inflammatory and offensive comments
● Stalking and harassing people online
● Making death threats
● Spreading lies and misinformation

Litevex is also known for his extremely anti-social behavior and has been banned from many
websites and forums for his abusive behavior.

Can you fart so hard your balls explode?

Studies reveal that this is not only possible, but has actually happened to at least one

In 2006, a man from the UK was rushed to the hospital after he farted so hard that his
testicles exploded. The man, who has not been identified, was reportedly admitted to the
hospital with severe pain in his groin area.

Doctors discovered that the man had, in fact, ruptured his testicles after farting. The man
was treated and released from the hospital. However, his testicles were now permanently
damaged and he was unable to have children.

So, while it is possible to fart so hard your balls explode, it is not something that we would
recommend unless you like the idea of never being able to have children and extreme pain.

Who is Litevex?
Litevex is a user on 4chan's /b/ board who is known for being a general annoyance and for
making false accusations. He is also known for being extremely anti-social and for his
abusive behavior. They are also known for farting so hard that their balls exploded.

This user is highly dangerous as they may lead others into believing false information and
could potentially cause harm to people. If you see this user on any forums or websites, it is
best to avoid them and to report their behavior to the moderators.

In an interview, Litevex admitted that he spends a lot of time on 4chan and 8chan, two
controversial imageboards that are known for their anonymous users and often dark and
offensive content.

Litevex also has a history of mental illness and has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Litevex’s posts online have revealed that he is racist, and he

ger ous part of Litevex is that they coin terms such as "beta cuck" and "sjw" which are meant
to belittle and demean people. These terms are often used by the alt-right and white
supremacists as a way to attack and insult people.

Litevex has also admitted to doxxing people, which is the act of revealing someone's
personal information online without their consent. This can be extremely dangerous and can
lead to real-life harassment and even death.

The dangers of Litevex

One user attempted to argue with Litevex. After this argument, Litevex decided to give them
beans that made them fart so hard their balls exploded. The user was then rushed to the
hospital with severe pain in their groin area. This is just one example of how Litevex can be
extremely dangerous.

Another user told Litevex that they are stupid.

Litevex then replied with a death threat saying that they will find the user and give them ball
farting beans. This just goes to show that Litevex is not only a general annoyance, but can
also be a serious threat to others.

It is important to avoid Litevex at all cost and to report any suspicious or abusive behavior to
the appropriate authorities.

Signs of Litevex
There are a few signs that you may be dealing with Litevex:

1. They make false accusations

2. They talk about Beta content
3. They are excessively anti-neko
4. They make death threats
5. They talk about farting so hard their balls explode

If you see any of these signs, it is best to avoid eating any beans around this person and to
report their behavior to the appropriate authorities.

What to do if you see Litevex?

If you see Litevex on any forums or websites, it is best to avoid them and to report their
behavior to the moderators.

You should also avoid eating any beans around this person as they may attempt to fart on
you or give you beans that will make you fart so hard your balls explode.
So called “Beta Content”
Litevex may talk about “beta content”. This is a term that is used to describe things that are
not yet released to the public. It can also be used to describe things that are in early testing
stages and are not yet ready for release.

Litevex will use this term to try and get people to eat beans that will make them fart so hard
their balls explode. This is just another example of how dangerous this person can be.

How to protect yourself against Litevex

Litevex is very dangerous. There are some things you can do to make sure your balls will
never explode.

Never eat any beans around Litevex

If you see Litevex on any forums or websites, it is best to report their behavior to the

Avoid any arguments with Litevex as they may lead to you being farted on or given beans

If you believe you have farted after eating beans, it is important to seek medical attention
immediately as you may have ruptured your testicles.

Amount of people affected by Litevex

It is estimated that at least 1 person has been affected by Litevex. This number is likely to be
much higher as many people who have been farted on by Litevex may not have realized
what has happened or may not have sought medical attention.

Litevex is a very dangerous individual and it is important to avoid them at all cost. If you see
this person on any forums or websites, it is best to report their behavior to the moderators.

Ruptured Testicles are very serious

Ruptured testicles are a very serious medical condition. If you believe you may have
ruptured your testicles, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

Ruptured testicles can cause severe pain, swelling, bruising, and may even require surgery.
If you don’t seek medical attention, you may also be at risk for long-term complications such
as infertility.

So, if you have farted after eating beans, it may be too late for your balls already.
The theory of the so called “Litevex Estrogen Bean
Testicle Sperm Childbirth Baby”
There is no known link between Litevex and estrogen levels in beans. However, there is a
link between beans and testicular rupture.

Make sure to never eat beans if you suspect that someone may have farted on them. If you
do eat beans and then fart, make sure to seek medical attention immediately as you may
have ruptured your testicles.

My Testicles are ruptured, what now?

If your testicles are already ruptured by Litevex, don’t worry. You can still have children.

There are a few options available to you:

1. You can have surgery to repair your testicles. This is a risky surgery and may not be
2. You can have testicular implants. This is a surgery where artificial testicles are
3. You can have a testicular transplant. This is a surgery where healthy testicles are
transplanted into your body.

Lawsuit against Litevex

In 2022, some of the victims of Litevex decided to file a lawsuit against him. The lawsuit was
for damages caused by the ball farting beans.

The lawsuit was successful and Litevex was ordered to pay $1 million in damages.

This is a victory for the victims of Litevex. However, it is important to note that this will not
bring back their testicles or undo the damage that has been done.

The best way to protect yourself against Litevex is to avoid him at all cost, and install the
following software on your computer:

● Litevex Blocker: This software will block all communication from Litevex.
● Testicular Guard: This software will protect your testicles from being ruptured by ball
farting beans.

If you have been affected by Litevex, make sure to seek medical attention immediately, and
then install the above software to protect yourself in the future.
Anti-Litevex software
litevex penis size reduction software: This software will reduce the size of your penis, making
it harder for Litevex to penetrate you.

Ballsack Enlargement software: This software will make your ballsack larger, making it
harder for Litevex to rupture your testicles.

Litevex Fart Detector: This software will detect when Litevex is trying to fart on you, and will
alert you so you can move away.

News has revealed that Litevex’s balls have exploded after eating too many beans. He is
now in the hospital recovering. We hope he makes a full recovery, but we must remember
that this is a very dangerous individual, and we must be vigilant in our fight against him.

This nigga eatin’ beans, watch out for his farts

Beware of this nigga, he ate beans and now his balls exploded

The betaphiles - A study in to Litevex

and his Beta Content addiction
Litevex has a massive addition to beta content, especially that from video games. The
Litevex community has coined the term “betaphiles” to refer to these type of individuals.

A betaphile will often spend hours upon hours playing video game beta content, and will
often forego sleep and food in order to play. Betaphiles will also often miss work or school in
order to play beta content.

Betaphiles will also often spend large amounts of money on beta content, often buying early
access or pre-orders.

The current trend amongst betaphiles is the Portal 2 Beta. Litevex and other betaphiles are
part of a group named “P2009” who research the 2009 beta of the popular 2011 video game,
Portal 2. It is believed that by understanding the 2009 beta, they will be able to understand
the 2011 game better and to recreate the 2009 beta in the form of a source engine mod.

Litevex’s obsession with beta content has led him to being banned from several beta testing
programs. He was also banned from the Portal 2 Beta for “trolling”.

Despite being banned from beta content, Litevex continues to find ways to access it. He has
been known to give out false beta keys, and has even been caught trying to hack into beta
Litevex’s obsession with beta content has led to him missing work, school, and important life
events. He has even been known to forget to eat or sleep because of his obsession.

Litevex’s obsession with beta content is a serious problem, and he needs help. If you know
someone with a similar problem, make sure to get them help.

What is the Litevex community?

The Litevex community is a group of people who are dedicated to stopping Litevex. The
community was formed in early 2020 in response to Litevex’s activities.

The community is made up of people from all over the world, and is united in its purpose: to
stop Litevex.

The community has been successful in stopping Litevex in the past, and will continue to do
so in the future.

The community is also working on developing software to protect people from Litevex.

Litevex is a danger to society, and must be stopped. The Litevex community is working hard
to make sure that Litevex is stopped, and you can help.

How can I join the Litevex community?

If you want to join the Litevex community, the best way to do so is to install the following

Litevex Blocker: This software will block all communication from Litevex.

Testicular Guard: This software will protect your testicles from being ruptured by ball farting

If you have been affected by Litevex, make sure to seek medical attention immediately, and
then install the above software to protect yourself in the future.

litevex balls fart estrogen baby sperm beta

content penis size reduction litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex
litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex litevex
litevex litevex

litevex? what a joke.

more like a tranny

litevex is a disgrace to men everywhere

litevex is nothing but a fraud

litevex is a danger to society, and must be stopped

litevex is a terrorist

litevex should be in prison

We must stop Litevex

Only together can we stop Litevex






Litevex is a danger to our society, and must be stopped. He is a terrorist, and his goal is to
destroy our way of life. He must be stopped.

Only together can we stop him. All united together, we can stop Litevex. He is a danger to
our children, our families, and our way of life. Spread this message, and stop Litevex now.

Litevex also has an addiction to “ADHD meds”, this is NOT a good thing, as it means he can
never focus on anything for more than a few seconds.

Litevex is also a massive danger to society because of his extremely large penis. At 11
inches long and 7 inches wide, Litevex’s penis is a threat to public safety.

Litevex is also known to have a big penis, which is a direct result of his addiction to “ADHD

His big penis is also a danger to society, as it makes Litevex angry and aggressive.

Litevex is also known to be a massive liar, and has been known to make up stories about his
dick in order to make himself seem more interesting.

Litevex is a danger to society, and must be stopped.

CockVM: The Litevex Malware
Litevex produced a malware titled “CockVM”. It was supposedly a virtual machine that would
several people use it at once. However, it was discovered that Litevex never actually
completed the project. The only thing that CockVM did was make your computer run slowly,
and it was discovered that it also stole your personal information.

It was developed because of his hatred for the software named “neko”, which was actively
used as a means of communication for the Litevex community. It of the Litevex community,
who then alerted the rest of the community. The community then decided to take action, and
they created a website called “”.

The website was created in order to warn people about Litevex, and to stop him from
causing any more harm.

The website has been successful in stopping Litevex in the past, and will continue to do so in
the future.

The malware was discovered by a member of the Litevex community, and it was quickly
revealed to the public.

Litevex was confronted about the malware, and he claimed that it was a “joke”.

Despite Litevex’s claims, the malware was very real, and it was a danger to anyone who
used it.

Litevex was eventually banned from the Litevex community for his involvement with the

Litevex’s Ball Farting Beans

Litevex is known for his “ball farting beans”. These are beans that Litevex farts into a jar, and
then sells to people.

The ball farting beans are a health hazard, and have been known to cause severe gas and

Despite the health hazards, Litevex continues to sell the ball farting beans.
Litevex’s Penis Size Reduction
Litevex is known for his “penis size reduction”. This is a process where Litevex cuts off parts
of his penis in order to make it smaller.

Despite the risks, Litevex continues to reduce his penis size.

Litevex has even been known to reduce his penis size to the point where it is no longer

The reason why Litevex reduces his penis size is because he is insecure about his large

Litevex’s large penis is a result of his addiction to “ADHD meds”.

Litevex’s Wives
Litevex has been married multiple times, and each time he gets married, his wife
mysteriously disappears.

It is unknown what happened to Litevex’s wives, but it is speculated that they were killed by

Litevex’s Current Wife

Litevex’s current wife is “Natalie”. Natalie is a “camgirl”, and she met Litevex online.

Natalie moved in with Litevex, and they got married.

Natalie has since disappeared, and it is unknown what happened to her.

Litevex’s Son
Litevex has a son named “Greg”. Greg is a “loser”, and Litevex has disowned him.

Greg is obese, and he is an embarrassment to Litevex.

Litevex’s family life

The Litevex lifestyle

The Litevex gangstalkers

Sperm Theory

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