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Chapter 3

The Eye and Retina

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The Perceptual Process

Figure 1.4

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Starting at the Beginning

Figure 3.1

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Light and Focusing (3.1, 3.2)

Photoreceptors and Perception (3.1, 3.3)
Neural Convergence and Perception (3.4)
More: Early Events Are Powerful

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Light: the Stimulus for Vision

What if there is no light / sound?

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Light: the Stimulus for Vision
Electromagnetic spectrum ( ) m
A continuum of electromagnetic energy produced by electric charges.
Energy is described by wavelength.
Spectrum ranges from short wavelength gamma rays to long wavelength radio waves.
只有 此範圍內 photo_reeepter才
Visible spectrum for humans ranges from 400在to 700 nanometers (10有
One Photon ( ): the smallest possible packet of light energy.

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Difference in Preferred Wavelengths
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The Eye
(aqueous humor)
(vitreous humor)
(ciliary muscles)

(cornea) (retina)

(optic nerve)

(blind point)

Biopsy Figure 6.4 Introducing Psychology, Mosslyn & Rosenbery, 4th Ed. Figure 3-4

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The Eyes of Different Species

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The Eye
The eye contains receptors for vision
Light enters the eye through the pupil and is focused by the cornea and lens to a sharp image on
the retina.
Rods ( ) and Cones ( ) are the visual receptors in the retina that contain visual
pigment ( ).
The optic nerve carries information from the retina toward the brain.

Figure 3.2

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Light is Focused by the Eye
The cornea ( ), which is fixed
focus), accounts for about 80% of focusing.
The lens( ), which 會 調整形狀
adjusts shape for object at

different distances, accounts for the other 20%.
Accommodation ( ) results when
ciliary muscles are tightened which causes the
lens to thicken.
Light rays pass through the lens more sharply
and focus near objects on retina.

睫狀肌 tightened

Figure 3.9
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Loss of Accommodation With Increasing Age
The near point ( ) occurs when the lens can no longer adjust
for close objects. 富 体接近到某⼀
物 個點時 ⽔晶体就無法再調適了
Presbyopia ( ) - old eye
Distance of near point increases
Due to hardening of lens and weakening of ciliary muscles
Corrective lenses are needed for close activities (reading)

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Myopia ( ) or nearsightedness - Inability to see distant
objects clearly
-- Image is focused in front of retina
-- Caused by
Refractive myopia ( )- cornea or lens bends
too much light
Axial myopia ( ) - eyeball is too long

Solutions for myopia

-- Move stimulus closer until light is focused on the retina [Distance
when light becomes focused is called the far point ( ) ].
-- Corrective lenses can also be used.
-- LASIK surgery can also be successful.

Figure 3.9
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Hyperopia ( ) or farsightedness - inability to see nearby objects clearly
Focus point is behind the retina.
Usually caused by an eyeball that is too short ( )
Constant accommodation for nearby objects can lead to eyestrain and headaches.

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LASIK surgery 形塑⾓膜
讓光線能重新聚焦 Artificial Eye

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Light and Focusing (3.1, 3.2)

Photoreceptors and Perception (3.1, 3.3)
Neural Convergence and Perception (3.4)
More: Early Events Are Powerful

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The Retina
為何 主要消耗能量 ⽽視
: : :
(photoreceptors) (bipolar cells) (ganglion cells)

Biopsy Figure 6.5

outer inner
Biopsy Figure 6.7
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posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 17
Rod and Cone
( )( ) i
Rods Cones

Most prevalent in the Most prevalent in the

peripheral retina; not 中央 retina; found
found in the fovea in the fovea
Sensitive to low levels Sensitive to moderate
of light to high levels of light
Provide only Provide information
monochromatic about hue
information ⾊彩知覺
Provide poor acuity Provide excellent

Figure 3.3 Biopsy Table 6.1

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Distribution of Rods and Cones
Differences between rods and cones Rods cones 20 1
-- Shape -- Distribution on retina
Rods - large and cylindrical
Cones - small and tapered
Fovea ( ) consists solely of cones.
Peripheral retina has both rods and cones.
More rods than cones (20:1) in periphery.

籲 ii 的訊息由視神 Figure 3.4

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Fovea ( )

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Distribution of Rods and Cones
Differences between rods and cones
-- Number: about 120 million rods and 6 million cones
20 1
Blind spot - place where optic nerve leaves the eye
[Demonstration] wnnnn

We don t see it because:

one eye covers the blind spot of the other.
it is located at edge of the visual field.
the brain fills in the spot.
Figure 3.6

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Distribution of Rods and Cones
Macular degeneration ( )
Fovea and small surrounding area are
destroyed 中央⼩ 被破壞

Creates a blind spot on retina
Most common in older individuals

Retinitis pigmentosa ( )
Genetic disease
Rods are destroyed first
Foveal cones can also be attacked
Severe cases result in complete blindness
Figure 3.5
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Telescopic Eye
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Transforming of Light Energy Into Electrical Energy
Photoreceptors: inner and outer segments

Inner segments: nucleus
外 segments: visual pigment
Outer visual
molecules , which have two pigment

Opsin ( ) - a large protein nucleus

Retinal ( ) - a light sensitive


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Transforming of Light Energy Into Electrical Energy
Visual transduction occurs when the retinal absorbs one photon
Transduction: Process by which energy from the environment is converted to a

change in membrane potential in a neuron. [first step in visual perception]
Retinal changes it shape (from been bent to straight), called isomerization ( ).

Figure 3.10

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Transforming of Light Energy Into Electrical Energy
Isomerization triggers an enzyme cascade ( ).
A cascade means that a single reaction leads to increasing
numbers of chemical reactions.
Isomerizing one visual pigment molecule triggers a chain of
chemical reactions that releases as many as a million
charged molecule (1 1 million) activation of the receptor.

Figure 3.11

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: Adapting to the Dark
Visual Pigments also shape specific aspects
of our perceptions. Ex: adjustment to the
darkness (Dark Adaptation ).
Dark adaption is the process of increasing
sensitivity in the dark (mainly because cones
and rods adapt to the dark at different rates).
Dark Adaptation Curve :
Sensitivity increases in two stages.
Stage one takes place for 3-4 minutes.
Then sensitivity levels off for 7-10
minutes - the rod-cone break.
Stage two shows increased sensitivity
for another 20 to 30 minutes.

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Measuring the Dark Adaptation Curve
Measuring the dark adaptation curve
Observer is looking directly at the fixation
point but pays attention to a test light to the
side (image falls on the peripheral retina).
Light is ON, adjusts the intensity of a test light
until he/she can just see it (light-adapted
Figure 3.12
Light is then turned OFF
Once the observer is dark adapted, she
adjusts the intensity of a test light until she
can just see it (dark-adapted sensitivity).
[Threshold vs. Sensitivity ]

Figure 3.4

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Dark Adaptation Curve
Experiment for cone adaptation
Test light only stimulates cones [HOW?]. Sensitivity = 1/ threhold

Results show that sensitivity increases for

3-4 minutes and then levels off. ( )
Experiment for rod adaptation
Must use a rod monochromat (no cones)
Results show that sensitivity increases for
~25 minutes and then levels off. ( )

Question: ~100,000 times greater

Why do the rods take longer to reach their than the light-adapted
maximum sensitivity? -

Figure 3.13

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Mythbusters - Pirates Eye Patch l
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Visual Pigment Regeneration
Process needed for transduction: Pigment bleaching
視黃醛molecule changes shape and
separates from Opsin 視蛋⽩
The retina shows pigment bleaching.
Retinal and Opsin must recombine
(regeneration) to respond to light.
Regenerations: Cone in 6 minutes and Rod
takes over 30 minutes.
Sensitivity to light depends on the
concentration of the visual pigment.
The speed at which our sensitivity increases in
the dark depends on the regeneration of the High Low
visual pigment. sensitivity sensitivity
Pigment epithelium is needed for
the regeneration. mww
(detached) Figure 3.14

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Spectral Sensitivity
Visual Pigments also shape specific aspects of our perceptions.
Ex: Spectrum Sensitivity
Sensitivity of rods and cones to different parts of the visual spectrum
Use monochromatic light to determine threshold at different
Threshold for light is lowest in the middle of the spectrum
1/threshold = sensitivity, which produces the spectral
sensitivity curve 戚
敏 程度是開值的倒數

Figure 3.15

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Spectral Sensitivity - continued
暗5oonm 飅燈光 Figure 3.16

Rod spectral sensitivity shows:

more sensitive to short-wavelength light.
most sensitivity at 500 nm.
Cone spectral sensitivity shows:
most sensitivity at 560 nm.
Purkinje shift - enhanced sensitivity to short
wavelengths during dark adaptation when the shift
from cone to rod vision occurs

在⽇ it ⾊的敏感程度會增加

Figure 3.17

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Spectral Sensitivity - continued
Difference in spectral sensitivity is due to absorption spectra of visual pigments ( )
Rod pigment absorbs best at 500 nm.
Cone pigments absorb best at 419nm(S), 531nm(M), and 558nm(L)
Absorption of all cones equals the peak of 560nm in the spectral sensitivity curve [Color Vision
in chapter 9] vision evision L M i 1
Rid 1 4
nl 三種不同cones in

主要 Dominate的波長 Roorda & Williams 1999
Figure 3.16

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Thought Question
People who try to see faint, distant lights, or stars at night
are often advised to look just to the side of the location
where they expect to see the lights. Is this food advice?
Explain the rationale for why this advice is helpful (or not
環境下看燈光or 星星
in 遮 槽比較
澔 嘛 吐

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Light and Focusing (3.1, 3.2)

Photoreceptors and Perception (3.1, 3.3)
Neural Convergence and Perception (3.4)
More: Early Events Are Powerful

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posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 36
Neural Convergence and
photoreceptors rods cones bipolar cells ganglioncells
Rods and cones send signals vertically through
bipolar cells .
ganglion cells .
ganglion axons. photoreceptor

Signals are sent horizontally

between receptors by horizontal cells .
between bipolar and between ganglion cells by
amacrine cells .

Figure 3.19
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Rods n
Convergence in the Retina
126 million rods and cones converge to 1 million ganglion Biopsy Figure 6.9 Foveal vs. Peripheral Acuity

Higher convergence
少細胞than cones
of rods
Average of 120 rods to one ganglion cell
Average of 6 cones to one ganglion cell convergence程度低
Cones in fovea have one to one relation to ganglion i

在Periphery 有 ⾼程度的

Ganglion cells in the fovea receive input from

a smaller number of photoreceptors than
those in the periphery and provide more acute
Figure 3.20
n visual information.
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Convergence Causes the Rods to Be
More Sensitive Than the Cones
Rods are more sensitive than cones.
Rods take less light to respond
Rods have greater convergence, increase the likelihood
of ganglion-cell response.
Trade-off: rods cannot distinguish detail

All-cone foveal vision results in high visual acuity

One-to-one wiring leads to ability to discriminate details
Trade-off: cones need more light to respond than rods

Figure 3.22

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Figure 3.21

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none有3類 rod只有⼀類

⽩天 1


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Ganglion Cell Receptive Fields


I( )

: Fovea and periphery
ogni ⼤ my 低

Hartline (1938, 1940)

greater area than a single rod and cone receptor,

indicating that a single fiber is receiving converging
signals from many receptors.
The receptive fields of many neighboring fibers
overlap a single photoreceptors is sending diverging Figure 3.24
signals to several bipolar cells!
鄰近細胞敀視覺受域有重疊⼆ 㻜上遊來的訊
息不只傳送到⼀個細胞 diverging
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中央 周圍區域
-Surround Receptive Fields
Receptive field: The stimulus region and features that affect the activity of a cell in a sensory system.
The receptive field in the retina (bipolar and ganglion cells) is organized in two concentric areas: the
center and the surround.
The center and its surround are always antagonistic .[ ]
富在兩個區域中呈現相同刺激 作⽤相反

On-center Off-center
Off-surround On-surround

Figure 3.25 Figure 3.26

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44 i

On-center Off-center
Off-surround On-surround

Figure 3.25 抑制

center surround
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Lateral Inhibition Underlies Center-Surround Antagonism


Figure 3-29

抑制 側抑制

Figure 3-28

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越強 反應越弱
Photoreceptors Dark Current
ffi 膜

光線 舜 神經物質 少

When light activates rhodopsin, Retinal

dissociates and the Opsin is activated.
A cascade of events produces a
hyperpolarization of rods or cones
(dark current).
The magnitude of the
hyperpolarization determines the
暗 多
變 i Fix reduction in neurotransmitter release
明 ⾯N He (glutamate).
Biopsy Figure 6.8 Neural Circuitry in the Retina

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ON and OFF Center

Photoreceptor : glutamate

Bipolar Cell
On-center bipolar cells turning on light excites them neuraltransmitter
Off-center bipolar cells turning off light excites them
ON- and OFF-center cells differ in their postsynaptic receptors:
抑制 嚻
ON-center: mGluR6 glutamate recepten

OFF-center: AMPA glutamate 裝Ǘten

Ganglion Cell
On-center bipolar cells excite on-center ganglion cells. 釋放得少
Off-center bipolar cells excite off-center ganglion cells. 則抑制
班吼 被
Both ON- and OFF-center cells have AMPA receptor. 銒
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相反y 致

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Surround Horizontal cells are depolarized by the
release of glutamate from
photoreceptors, which happens in the
absence of light.

In the DARK
release more GABA (inhibitory)
接收麩胺酸 inhibits this center photoreceptor
release less glutamate
excite On-center bipolar cell

Conversely, in the LIGHT

releases less GABA
disinhibits the center photoreceptor
release more glutamate
inhibit ON-center bipolar cell

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Visual Processing in the Retina

Click on the screenshot to view this video.

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Center-Surround Receptive Field and Edge Enhancement
很重要 界定邊界 object recognition
對偵測 edge

Mach Bands

Figure 3.30

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Figure 3-31

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Center-Surround Receptive Field and Edge Enhancement
People see an illusion of enhanced lightness and light dark
darkness at borders of light and dark areas.
Actual physical intensities indicate that this is
not in the stimulus itself.
Receptors responding to low intensity (dark)
area have smallest output. 光線
Receptors responding to high intensity (light) 強度

area have largest output.
All receptors are receiving lateral inhibition ynonzaiu
from neighbors
刺激強 更
ǖ Ii
抑制強 亮 暗
In low and high intensity areas amount of 更
inhibition is equal for all receptors
Receptors on the border receive differential

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Center-Surround Receptive Field and Edge Enhancement

On the low intensity side, there is additional
inhibition resulting in an enhanced dark band.
On the high intensity side, there is less inhibition 抑制弱

Di 較暗
resulting in an enhanced light band.


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視網膜 癥
Color Opponent Ganglion Cells

偵測 帳 漲

Ǘie ⼼ ⼼
再 L in 接收
Biopsy Figure 6.18
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Role of the Retina in Color Perception
缠 硐 啾 以
Photoreceptors: Trichromatic Coding
Eye detects different colors because it contains three types of receptors, each對於 某波長的
sensitive to光線
a 敏感
single hue
Genetic defects incone
color vision result from anomalies in one or more of the three types of cone
Protanopia: 紅⾊的cone
⾊盲 Deuteranopia: opsin
Monochromatic vision 沒有⾊彩知覺
Retinal Ganglion Cells: Opponent-Process Coding 如何combine不同cone 的訊息 形成了
Retinal ganglion cells use an opponent-color system
Neurons respond to opposing pairs of primary colors
Retina contains two kinds of color-sensitive ganglion cells:①red-green and②yellow-blue
③black-and-white detectors
Other ganglion cells are

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Biopsy Figure 6.17
Testing for Color Vision
Special images are used to assess protanopia, 對比
deuteranopia, and tritanopia. The tester shows the
individual the images and asks them to identify the
number in the circle.
In protanopia, people have difficulty seeing

In deuteranopia, people have difficulty

In tritanopia, people have difficulty seeing


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Biopsy Figure 6.19
Color Coding in the Retina
causes excitation of a red-green ganglion cell.
causes inhibition of a red-green ganglion cell.

causes excitation of a yellow-blue ganglion

izfi M 被combined
訊息 (d)

causes inhibition of a yellow-blue ganglion cell.
The arrows labeled E and I represent neural
circuitry within the retina that translates excitation
of a cone into excitation or inhibition of a ganglion
cell. For clarity, only some of the circuits are

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盯住⼗字 會看⾒綠⾊圈圈 因為當紅⾊

的刺激消失 綠⾊的抑制效果也會下降 藍 黃channel 當黃⾊刺激消失時 對
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Biopsy Figure 6.20 A Negative Afterimage

Stare for approximately 30 seconds at the plus sign in the center of the left figure; then quickly
transfer your gaze to the plus sign in the center of the right figure. You will see colors that are
complementary to the originals.

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posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 61
Different Cell Types in the Retina
魡 的 視網膜較懶複雜

Dendrite bipolarcen


a 樹突靠近photorecep

Masland 2001 Nat Neurosci, 4

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posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 62
Neural Network of Early Visual Processing


Goldstein, Sensation and Perception, Eleventh Edition. © 2022 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 63

Light and Focusing (3.1, 3.2)

Photoreceptors and Perception (3.1, 3.3)
Neural Convergence and Perception (3.4)
More: Early Events Are Powerful

Goldstein, Sensation and Perception, Eleventh Edition. © 2022 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 64
視覺系統在出⽣後 仍⼀直在發展 並受到環境的影響
Early Events Are Powerful

Figure 3.34
Figure 3.33

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posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 65

Goldstein, Sensation and Perception, Eleventh Edition. © 2022 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 66
Infant Visual Acuity
Preferential looking (PL) technique

Visual evoked potential (VEP)


Figure 3.35

cycles visualacuity
Figure 3.36

Goldstein, Sensation and Perception, Eleventh Edition. © 2022 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 67
Infant Visual Acuity
長度 影響範圍改變

Figure 3.37

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posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 68
Infants & Vision
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posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 69
Light and Focusing
Photoreceptors and Perception
- photoreceptors: rods and cones
- dark adaptation
- spectral sensitivity
Neural Convergence and Perception
- differences between rod and cone pathways
- center-surround receptive field (ON-center and OFF-center)
- edge enhancement by center-surround organization

Goldstein, Sensation and Perception, Eleventh Edition. © 2022 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 70

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