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Common Excel Interview Q

Common Excel Interview Questio

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Made by Kenji Explains / Career Principles

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Q1) Instructions
Use 2 different formulas to find the location of Connor West

Employee Office Location Formula #1

Bill Smith Tokyo Employee: Connor West
Kennedi Singh Paris Location: Chicago
Harley Fritz Austin
Nyla Novak Austin Formula #2
David Rasmussen London Employee: Connor West
Ivan Hines London Location: Chicago
Jonah Higgins London
Jordan Boone Madrid
Kylee Townsend Prague
Nora Rollins Chicago
Connor West Chicago
Brendan Walls Buenos Aires
Steven Michael Buenos Aires
Q2) Instructions
Find the number of bottles we need to sell to reach $10,000 in profit

Sales Price per Bottle 6.99
Sales Tax 8%
Cost per bottle 2.99

Bottles Sold 10
Sales $69.90
Sales Tax ($5.59)
Cost per bottle ($29.90)
Profit $34.41
Q3) Instructions
Clean the raw data import and identify sales less than $300

Data Import First Name

Squid Ward 1001 Honolulu Hawaii 301 Squid
Sponge Bob 1002 Honolulu Hawaii 238 Sponge
Homer Simp 1003 Austin Texas 294 Homer
Elon Jobs 1004 Austin Texas 238 Elon
Steve Musk 1005 Austin Texas 294 Steve
Warren Munger 1006 Chicago Illinois 308 Warren
Charlie Buffett 1007 Chicago Illinois 339.5 Charlie
Kobe James 1008 Chicago Illinois 332.5 Kobe
Jordan Bryant 1009 Cleveland Ohio 318.5 Jordan
Tom Manning 1010 Cleveland Ohio 273 Tom
Peyton Brady 1011 Cleveland Ohio 252 Peyton
Bob Builder 1012 Seattle Washington 346.5 Bob
Messi Ronaldo 1013 Seattle Washington 339 Messi
Roger Nadal 1014 Seattle Washington 308 Roger
Rafael Federer 1015 Seattle Washington 252 Rafael
Last Name Zip code Sales
Ward 1001 Honolulu Hawaii 301
Bob 1002 Honolulu Hawaii 238
Simp 1003 Austin Texas 294
Jobs 1004 Austin Texas 238
Musk 1005 Austin Texas 294
Munger 1006 Chicago Illinois 308
Buffett 1007 Chicago Illinois 339.5
James 1008 Chicago Illinois 332.5
Bryant 1009 Cleveland Ohio 318.5
Manning 1010 Cleveland Ohio 273
Brady 1011 Cleveland Ohio 252
Builder 1012 Seattle Washingto 346.5
Ronaldo 1013 Seattle Washingto 339
Nadal 1014 Seattle Washingto 308
Federer 1015 Seattle Washingto 252
Q4) Instructions
Create a chart showing product and service revenue and gross margin percentage

Income Statement
2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E 2028E
Products 226,117 264,007 288,893 300,002 337,975 313,352 341,939
Services 66,861 88,650 104,028 117,239 137,577 147,138 165,570
Total Revenue 292,978 352,657 392,921 417,241 475,552 460,490 507,509
Products 52,007 52,801 69,334 72,000 54,076 65,804 64,968
Services 16,715 22,162 22,886 38,689 37,146 41,199 43,048
Total COGS 68,722 74,964 92,221 110,689 91,222 107,003 108,017
Gross Margin 224,256 277,693 300,701 306,552 384,330 353,487 399,492

Gross Margin % 77% 79% 77% 73% 81% 77% 79%

Chart Title
400,000 82%
350,000 80%
50,000 70%

0 68%
2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E 2028E

Products Services Gross Margin %

Q5) Instructions
Show by quarter - the quantity sold, total sales, and avg sale price

Date Order ID First Last Purchase

1/18/2020 01001 Squid Ward $530 Years
2/9/2020 01002 Sponge Bob $550 2020
3/7/2020 01003 Homer Simp $540
4/3/2020 01004 Elon Jobs $630
4/30/2020 01005 Steve Musk $880
5/27/2020 01006 Warren Munger $800
6/11/2020 01007 Charlie Buffett $900 2021
6/26/2020 01008 Kobe James $850
7/11/2020 01009 Jordan Bryant $930
7/26/2020 01010 Tom Manning $750
8/18/2020 01011 Peyton Brady $960
9/10/2020 01012 Bob Builder $570 Total Result
10/3/2020 01013 Messi Ronaldo $570
10/26/2020 01014 Roger Nadal $660
11/21/2020 01015 Rafael Federer $800
12/17/2020 01016 Sam Smith $550
1/12/2021 01017 Ed Mars $910
2/7/2021 01018 Bruno Sheeran $880
3/5/2021 01019 Elvis Einstein $710
4/11/2021 01020 Albert Presley $500
5/18/2021 01021 Oprah Obama $680
6/24/2021 01022 Walt Ford $880
7/31/2021 01023 Henry Disney $510
9/6/2021 01024 Shohei Soto $810
9/24/2021 01025 Juan Ohtani $630
12/23/2021 01030 Bo Rogan $780
Date Count of Purchase Average of Purchase Count of Purchase

Q1 3 $540 3
Q2 5 $812 5
Q3 4 $803 4
Q4 4 $645 4

Q1 3 $833 3
Q2 3 $687 3
Q3 3 $650 3
Q4 1 $780 1
26 $722 26

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