Outline (Dragged)

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Inquiry Project - Outline

You will complete the following outline as to begin brainstorming and compiling evidence for your inquiry
project. Once you are finished, you will post your outline to your blog.

Inquiry Question:
• Write the inquiry question you will be exploring.

How does play increase memory in a young


• Write a few sentences explaining why you chose that inquiry question. Explain what interests you
about that aspect of child development.

I chose this question because i find that play is an essential part of a childs
development and teaches important aspects of life. Depending on the game or toy,
play can help a child learn basic aspects of life.

• Identify 2-3 pieces of evidence that will help you answer your inquiry question.
o Summarize what the evidence is saying in relation to your inquiry question.
• Keep track of your sources. Write the title of the website, journal, article, or magazine and
copy/paste the link of the resource in the “Resource” section of the chart below.

Evidence Resource



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