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Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template

The Forgotten Manor

Find a Way in and Escape with the Lost Family Heirloom

Designer : Noah Egierski

Email: or

Phone: (574)800-1621
Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template

The Forgotten Manor.................................................................................................................................... 1
Level or Game Overview ............................................................................................................................... 3
Overhead/Orthographic Map ....................................................................................................................... 4
Notes on Map ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Gameplay Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 8
First Key Section ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Second Key Section ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Final Key/Acquire Weapon ........................................................................................................................... 8
Acquire the Heirloom .................................................................................................................................... 8
Visual References .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template

Level or Game Overview

*Buzz* *Buzz* Your phone screen lights up with a new message from an Unknown Number. At first
you brush it off, but then your curiosity gets the better of you, so you open the message. It is a long
read, but when you finish it you are left in disbelief. According to the sender, they are a “long lost”
family member, and they have information regarding a family heirloom that was meant to be passed
down to you but had been lost after its previous owners death. They included the address of a
mansion just over 75 minutes away from where you live where they believe the heirloom must be. In
addition to the address, they also added a warning. Apparently before the owner’s death, neighbors
reported a strange figure patrolling the grounds and nonhuman sounds escaping from within the
walls of the mansion. Filled with both excitement but also caution, you thank the sender for the
information and make your way to the address provided.

The Forgotten Manor is a short single player experience in which you, the player, are tasked with
retrieving a long-lost family heirloom. You make your way to an old mansion that apparently was
previously owned by your late relative and has sat vacant since their passing. The mansion has 4 floors,
one of which is an attic as well as one being a basement. Inside the mansion you are greeted by dust,
cobwebs, and an interior that is barely holding itself together. After progress is made/areas start to
become unlocked, a supernatural entity is added to the scene and that shifts the gameplay from
exploration-based loops and adds horror and stealth elements to the game. With enough exploration,
you find a way to defend yourself, however it is not a permanent solution and only has a limited amount
of uses. Once the player retrieves the heirloom, they will have a way to permanently take care of the
enemy and escape the mansion safely. This project also will be using the Unreal Engine 5 First Person
Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template

Overhead/Orthographic Map

Figure 1: An overhead map of the 1st floor of the mansion

Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template

Figure 2: An overhead map of the 2nd floor of the mansion

Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template

Figure 3: An overhead map of the attic of the mansion

Figure 4: An overhead view of the basement of the mansion

Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template
Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template

Notes on Map
• The building itself is going to be decrepit, so walls will be falling apart, holes in the floor, etc.
• The enemy isn’t stuck to just one area, he will instead roam whatever floor the player is on after
the first lock is bypassed.
• The mansion will not be empty, I just could not determine what I wanted the final props to be.

Gameplay Summary

The game/level begins with your character on the main path leading to the front door of the mansion.
Throughout the mansion there are areas locked off and require keys that are found through exploring
unlocked areas on the mansion. The threat doesn’t make itself known until the first seal/lock is

First Key Section

• The player walks into the mansion and gets an idea of the areas that they can access, and areas
they will have to come back to later.
• After enough exploration, the player will find a key. When the key is found, the player will then
pick it up.
• Once the key is picked up and it is brought to the door it is needed at, the door will then unlock.

Second Key Section

• Once the player accesses the new area, there is another locked door that will require the player
to find a key. At the same time, an ominous noise starts to approach the player.
• When the ominous noises/enemy are close, hiding is necessary to avoid detection and death.
• Once the enemy has left the area, the player continues their search for the key.
• Once the key is found, they again take it to the designated door.

Final Key/Acquire Weapon

• The attic is a “smaller” area, but it contains both a weapon and a key. The weapon “stuns” the
enemy, and the key unlocks the final door to access the basement.
• Once the player has made it to the basement door, use the key to unlock it.

Acquire the Heirloom

• In the basement, there are strange markings on the floor. Once within them, the enemy spawns.
• After shooting it, it doesn’t disappear. This is where you can permanently rid the world of this
supernatural enemy.
• After the enemy is taken care of, you can grab the heirloom and finally safely leave the mansion.
Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template

Visual References
Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template
Purdue Polytechnic Game Pitch/Level Design Pitch Document Template

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