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Faculty: faculty of engineering.

Department: Department of manufacturing and

Mechanical engineering.

Unit: MMEN 100.

Name: Collins Odhiambo.

Registration number: B13/09333/22


1. Discuss the impacts of manufacturing in Kenya.

The impacts of manufacturing in Kenya includes the following:

➢ Manufacturing aids in mordernization of agriculture leading to increased production of

agricultural produce.
➢ It leads to reduction of people’s significant reliance on agricultural income by offering jobs in the
secondary and tertiary sectors.
➢ Manufacturing industries serve to reduce unemployment and poverty.
➢ By building companies in tribal and backward areas they reduce regional inequities.
➢ Exporting manufacturing items boosts trade between the two countries.
➢ It leads to diversification of the economy of the country and reduce reliance on one type of
➢ It contributes to the earning of foreign currency to the country through exporting manufacturing
➢ It leads to self sufficiency. In that the country reduces its reliance on imported goods and this
can lead to stabilization of the economy.
➢ It stimulates the development of transport and communication like the construction of roads,
railways and ports.
➢ It leads to the development of other economic activities like tourism, trade and agriculture.
➢ It reduces expenses on imports since most of the goods can be produced locally.
➢ It encourages the improvement of social services such as education, health, services, electricity
and water supply.
➢ It has promoted innovation. In that many ideas are generated leading to improvement of
product quality.
➢ It has lead to opening up of remote areas and expansion of urbarn areas.
➢ It has also lead to the pollution of the environment.toxic gases produced by manufacturing
industries pollutes air.

Date of submission: 13/0/10/2022.

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