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STA Version 1.


Licence No: Date:

Landlord Name: Landlord ID/Reg. No.:

Landlord Address: Email:

Tenant’s Name: Tenant’s ID/Reg. No.:

Tenant’s Address: Email:

Property: Parking:

Furniture, Fixtures & Fittings: Unfurnished / Furnished (as per Schedule) Common Expenses: Included / Excluded /N/A

Commencement Date: Purpose: Residential / Commercial

Initial Rental Period: Renewal Period:

Rent: EUR Rent Payment Period: Monthly / Annually / Quarterly

Rent Increase: % Rent Increase Period:

Notice Period: Deposit: EUR

Special Terms, if any:

By signing below, we hereby enter into legally binding and enforceable agreement, based on the terms and conditions
attached which are hereby acknowledged and agreed.

Landlord Tenant

Witnessed by the following two witnesses in accordance with clause 77 (1) of Cyprus Contract Law, Cap 149, as amended.

Name: Name:

Guarantor: Guarantor ID/Reg No.

Guarantor Address: Email:

By signing below, I/we the Guarantor, hereby undertake, as a legally binding and enforceable obligation, to pay or otherwise satisfy,
on demand, as a primary obligor, Rent and all the obligations of the Tenant under this Agreement which are in default:


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This Standard Tenancy Agreement is a proprietary copyright of Epsilaw Ltd. Unauthorized use, copying reproduction or transmission without proper licence
constitutes an actionable criminal and civil offence. For information on how to obtain a licence visit All rights are reserved.
STA Version 1.4


This tenancy agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into on the Date written above by and between the Landlord and
the Tenant, whose names and details are described in the Main Terms.

The Landlord and the Tenant are hereafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party”.


A. the Landlord is the legal owner of the Property; and

B. the Landlord agrees to let the Property to the Tenant and the Tenant agrees to rent the Property from the Landlord subject to
the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants contained herein, as well as other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

1. Interpretation

1.1. The following terms shall be defined as below:

Business Day: means a day other than Saturday or Sunday where banks are open in Cyprus.

Landlord Bank Account: means the bank account of the Landlord communicated in writing to the Tenant from time to time.

Main Terms: means the main terms page signed by Parties, witnesses and the Guarantor, as applicable, describing all material
commercial terms of the tenancy under this Agreement.

1.2. Capitalised terms not defined above shall be defined as per the Main Terms, or as otherwise defined in the body of this

1.3. Where the Landlord or the Tenant is more than one person, legal or natural, the rights and obligation shall be entitled or owed
to each and all of them, namely “jointly and severally”.

1.4. The terms of this Agreement shall apply and shall inure the benefit of each Party’s heirs, administrators of estate, executors
assignees and transferees, as applicable.

1.5. If there is inconsistency between the Main Terms and these Terms and Conditions, the former will prevail.

2. Terms of Tenancy

2.1. In consideration of Rent and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement the Landlord agrees to let the Property to
the Tenant and Tenant agrees to rent the Property, including Parking, Furniture Fixtures and Fittings, if applicable.

2.2. Delivery of possession of the Property from the Landlord to the Tenant pursuant to this Agreement shall not take place and
shall not be deemed to have taken place unless all of the following events have occurred:

(a) The due execution of this Agreement by the Parties and witnesses;

(b) The Tenant has paid Rent for the first Rental Period;

(c) The Tenant has paid the Deposit; and

(d) If applicable under the Main Terms, this Agreement is signed by the Guarantor.

3. Validity & Renewal

3.1. The term of this agreement shall commence on the Commencement Date and shall continue for the Initial Rental Period, plus
any renewal further to clause 3.2 below (the “Rental Period”).

3.2. The Rental Period shall be automatically renewed for the Renewal Period at the date of expiration of the Initial Rental Period
(or the Renewal Period, as applicable) unless either Party gives the other Party at least Notice Period written notice of

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This Standard Tenancy Agreement is a proprietary copyright of Epsilaw Ltd. Unauthorized use, copying reproduction or transmission without proper licence
constitutes an actionable criminal and civil offence. For information on how to obtain a licence visit All rights are reserved.
STA Version 1.4

3.3. Notwithstanding any other provision, this Agreement cannot be terminated before the expiration of the Initial Rental Period.

4. Rent & Rent Increase

4.1. Rent shall be payable in advance on the 1st (first) Business Day of each Rental Period to the Landlord’s Bank Account, or in
such other manner agreed between the Parties in writing.

4.2. Unless the Parties otherwise agree in writing, the prevailing Rent shall be subject to an increase of Rental Increase, every Rent
Increase Period from the Commencement Date, subject to applicable law.

4.3. Payment of Rent as above, shall be subject to applicable deductions pursuant to relevant laws, including but not limited to
general health system and/or special contribution for defence, if any.

5. Termination

5.1. This Agreement shall not be terminated, and shall not be deemed to be terminated until all the following have occurred, to the
reasonable satisfaction of the Landlord:

(a) the Tenant has paid all accrued Rent due;

(b) the Tenant has vacated possession of the whole of the Property and has surrendered the property to the Landlord; and

(c) the Tenant has satisfied and/or is in conformity (as the case may be) with all Tenant Warranties under clause 7 of this

5.2. Without prejudice clause 3.3 above, each Party may at any time after the Initial Period, terminate this Agreement by giving
prior written notice to the other Party of at least the Notice Period.

5.3. The obligation of the Tenant to pay Rent and all other obligations of the Parties pursuant to this Agreement shall continue for
at least the Notice Period pursuant to clauses 5.2 above (as the case may be) and at all subsequent times until the provisions of
clause 5.1 have been satisfied.

5.4. If the Tenant vacates the Property at any time before the Initial Rental Period and/or without proper notice (as per clauses 5.2
above) then the Tenant shall be liable for all and any resulting losses incurred by the Landlord, including but not limited to loss
of Rent on account of the Property remaining vacant and all and any other related costs and expenses in relation to the
replacement of the Tenant.

5.5. To the extent that tenancy continues, post termination or expiry of this Agreement, of the Tenant is other deemed a “statutory
tenant” by operation of applicable law, the provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect except where
mandatory provision of the said legislation apply.

6. Deposit

6.1. On or about the date stated above, the Tenant shall pay the Deposit to the Landlord’s Bank Account, or in such other manner
agreed between the Parties in writing.

6.2. The Deposit is hereby acknowledged as a guarantee for the faithful performance of the conditions contained on the Agreement
by the Tenant.

6.3. The Deposit will be returned to the Tenant without interest upon the Landlord receiving free and unhindered possession of the
Premises provided that the Landlord shall not have any claim against the Tenant under this Agreement and subject to the
Landlord’s discretion that the Tenant is entitled to the said amount or part thereof.

6.4. The Deposit shall be returned within 7 Business Days from the termination or expiry of the tenancy, or such extended reasonable
time, taking into account all circumstances, for the Landlord to properly examine the Property, estimate or calculate damages,
or otherwise determine applicable deductions for replacements or repairs as per clause 6.3 above.

6.5. All deductions of Deposit, made as per clause 6.3 above, must be supported by invoices, receipts, quotations or such other
reasonable evidence of repair or replacement cost occurred, which must be furnished by the Landlord upon demand.

6.6. The Deposit cannot be used as payment in lieu of the last Rent prior to termination or expiry of the tenancy of this Agreement
and shall not in any way be deemed as payment of Rent except with the prior written consent of the Landlord.

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This Standard Tenancy Agreement is a proprietary copyright of Epsilaw Ltd. Unauthorized use, copying reproduction or transmission without proper licence
constitutes an actionable criminal and civil offence. For information on how to obtain a licence visit All rights are reserved.
STA Version 1.4

7. Tenant Warranties

7.1. The Tenant shall pay for all water, electricity, internet, telephone services, and any other utility services or otherwise related to
Property supplied and charged by the appropriate authorities and/or third parties for the whole Rental Period.

7.2. The Tenant shall pay and discharge all taxes, duties, charges, fees, levies and burdens relating to the use (but not ownership) of
the Property and including but not limited to sewerage fees and refuse fees.

7.3. If applicable, the Tenant shall pay common expenses imposed or attributed to the Property by the administrator and/or appointed
property manager of the building complex in accordance with applicable law, except where the Parties agree that the common
expenses are included in the Rent, as per the Main Terms. The obligation to pay common expenses shall exclude any amounts
constituting provisional or actual payments for repair or maintenance of the building complex or other expenses related to
ownership of the Property.

7.4. Restrictions affecting use:

(a) The Tenant shall not use the Property for any purpose other than for the Purpose.

(b) No pets are allowed, except with prior written consent of the Landlord, which will be specific to any one or more pets.

(c) The Tenant shall not display a sign on the exterior of the Property except with the prior written consent of the Landlord
and always subject to conformity with applicable laws and regulations.

(d) The Tenant shall not do or suffer to be done anything in or on the Property or any part thereof of illegal nature and/or
which may be or become a nuisance, annoyance or damage to the Property and /or neighbouring properties.

(e) The Tenant shall not do or permit to be done anything whereby the policy or policies of insurance on or in any way relating
to the Property taken out by the Landlord, if any, against loss or damage by fire or other risks may become void or voidable
or whereby the rate of premium thereon may be increased.

7.5. Compliance with laws and regulations:

(a) The Tenant hereby represents and warrants that he has the requisite legal capacity and authority to enter into this agreement
and perform its terms and is not in any way restricted by any applicable law or regulation, including but not limited to
matters pertaining to immigration or permanent residence.

(b) The Tenant shall at all times comply with all such requirements as may be imposed on the Tenant as the occupant of the
Property by or under any law, by-law, regulation or other statutory instrument and shall indemnify the Landlord against
liability in respect of any non-compliance solely or partly attributed to the Tenant.

(c) The Tenant shall, upon receipt of any notice, order or other thing from any competent authority in respect of or affecting
or likely to affect the Property comply therewith so far as the same requires anything to be done or not to be done by the
Tenant and in any event forthwith to deliver the same or a copy thereof to the Landlord.

7.6. Alterations:

(a) The Tenant cannot make any structural, interior, exterior or other alterations in the Property without first obtaining the
specific previous written consent of the Landlord.

(b) The Tenant must and shall be liable for any expenses and/or damages suffered to return the Property to its condition prior
to alternations made, except where the Landlord expressly waives any such right in writing.

(c) The Tenant shall not be entitled to any compensation, rebate and/or any other payment with respect to any alternations,
repairs and/or any other money spent by the Tenant for any improvements made on the Property with the Landlord’s prior

7.7. The Tenant shall not assign his rights under this Agreement, underlet, sublet or part with, the possession of the Property or any
part thereof, without the previous written consent of the Landlord.

7.8. Upon termination of this Agreement the Tenant shall peaceably surrender the Property to the Landlord in such good state and
condition, as at the time the Tenant takes possession of the Property and undertakes to take all necessary actions and to cover
all expenses in order to bring the Property to such a state, except as related to ordinary wear and tear.
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This Standard Tenancy Agreement is a proprietary copyright of Epsilaw Ltd. Unauthorized use, copying reproduction or transmission without proper licence
constitutes an actionable criminal and civil offence. For information on how to obtain a licence visit All rights are reserved.
STA Version 1.4

8. Landlord Warranties

8.1. The Landlord warrants that the Tenant shall peaceably hold and enjoy the Property during the Rental Period without any
interruption by the Landlord or any person rightfully claiming under or for the Landlord.

8.2. The Landlord shall pay and discharge all taxes, duties, charges, fees, levies and burdens relating to the ownership (but not use)
of the Property.

8.3. The Landlord shall keep the Property habitable, reasonably fit for purpose and in good repair and shall promptly, upon written
demand from Tenant, undertake maintenance and repairs for structural, mechanical, electromechanical, plumbing and other
problems of the Property, caused by normal wear and tear and not by negligence, misuse or otherwise by fault of the Tenant.

9. Right of Entry

9.1. The Landlord, and any other person duly authorised by the Landlord, shall have right to enter the Property to inspect the
condition thereof provided that a reasonable prior written notice is given to the Tenant.

9.2. The Landlord, and any other person duly authorised by the Landlord, shall have right to enter and display the Property to
replacement tenants, at least within the Notice Period prior to expiry or termination of this Agreement, and any other time to
any potential buyer of the Property, provided that a reasonable prior written notice is given to the Tenant.

10. Guarantee

10.1. The Tenant shall provide to the Landlord a Guarantee, if applicable as per the Main Terms, with respect to all obligations of
the Tenant under the Agreement which shall be valid for the duration of the Rental Period (and every other period where the
Tenant remains in possession of the Property).

10.2. The Guarantor shall pay and make good to the Landlord on demand outstanding Rent and all reasonable losses and expenses
of the Landlord incurred as a result of default by the Tenant in the performance or observance of the Tenant's obligation under
the Tenancy Agreement. Any failure of the Landlord in demanding or collecting the Rent or any other obligation when it falls
due, and any time allowance to pay which may be given to the Tenant by the Landlord shall not release the Guarantor or in
any way affect the liability of the Guarantor under this agreement.

11. Exemptions from liability

11.1. The Landlord shall not be liable to the Tenant for any loss, damage or inconvenience, which may be caused by reason of events
beyond the reasonable control of the Landlord.

11.2. The Tenant is liable for all damages caused to the Property except where the Tenant has taken all necessary due care for the
avoidance of such damage and/or except where the said damages are caused by ordinary wear and tear.

11.3. The Tenant shall be solely liable for all damages, material or physical, caused to invitees or other occupants of the Property
for the duration of the Rental Period.

12. Consequences of breach

12.1. Without prejudice to any rights or remedies of the parties herein the party in breach of this Agreement shall be liable to the
payment of damages to the other party in respect thereof.

12.2. If there has been a breach by the Tenant of any of the terms or covenants or stipulations contained in this Agreement capable
of remedy which the Tenant shall fail to remedy within 15 Business Days after receipt of a written notice of the Landlord
giving full particulars of the breach and requiring it to be remedied, the Landlord shall have the unequivocal right to terminate
this Agreement (if the Landlord so elects) and instigate all necessary legal actions to, inter alia, evict the Tenant or otherwise
retrieve possession of the Property.

12.3. Exercise of any right contained in clause 12 shall be without prejudice to any right of action or remedy of the Landlord in
respect of any antecedent breach of any of the covenants of the Agreement contained in this Agreement.

12.4. Any amount payable which is in default shall bear an interest of 9% or otherwise the maximum permitted by applicable law.

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This Standard Tenancy Agreement is a proprietary copyright of Epsilaw Ltd. Unauthorized use, copying reproduction or transmission without proper licence
constitutes an actionable criminal and civil offence. For information on how to obtain a licence visit All rights are reserved.
STA Version 1.4

13. Value Added Tax

In the event that the Laws of Cyprus impose VAT on rentals and this tenancy agreement falls within the scope of such laws,
then the Tenant shall be liable to pay the applicable VAT, if any, together with the payment of the Rent.

14. Notices

14.1. Any notice required to be given under the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing.

14.2. Such notice may be served on the Parties by email or registered post at the address indicated in the Main Terms, or such other
electronic or physical address indicated by proper notice from one Party to the other.

15. Severability

If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of this Agreement (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or
unenforceable, that provision or part-provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed to be deleted, and the validity and
enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected.

16. Variation

Any variation or amendment of this Agreement shall not be effective unless it is made in writing signed by both Parties.

17. Counterparts

This agreement may be executed physically (or subject to applicable laws, electronically) in one or more counterparts each of
which will be deemed and original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same duly executed agreement.

18. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and any dispute or claim arising in connection with
this Agreement shall be resolved in Cyprus courts.

Initials: __ _/_____ 6
This Standard Tenancy Agreement is a proprietary copyright of Epsilaw Ltd. Unauthorized use, copying reproduction or transmission without proper licence
constitutes an actionable criminal and civil offence. For information on how to obtain a licence visit All rights are reserved.

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