Universal Commercial Code 1 Affidavit of Lien-StateFarm-Afni

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moorish national republic federal government

~ societas republicae et al maurikanos ~

moorish divine and national movement of the world
north west amexem / north west africa / north america / 'the north gate'
adjoining atlantis and americana islands
~ temple of the moon and sun ~
the true and de jure natural peeples + heirs of the land
~ i.s.l.a.m. ~

empire state ov morocco

affidavitt uv writtene innitiall unniversall commershiall code 1 financing statemente
phixture philing, lande ande commershiall lien

nationale safe harbore programme universal commercial code § 9-521 wherebye nationales who fiile writtene universall
commershial code liens can file universall commershial code liens in any state.

● Article III kounsular kourt action: macw000000033_cause002023002

all rize ande stande ande reemain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe
amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. we are the sovereigne livinge justise in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria
persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. all moors are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente
al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande
canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we
are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente, the unniversall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the articlle iii
moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. we are peace. we are one god. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time
ande at all pointes in time nunq pro tunq.
to debters:
[all dba GOVERNORS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA] ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov
[Donald J Trump dba PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA] ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov

copies mailled to:

Bowser, Muriel
John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW #203
[Washington, DC 20004]

dellivered via emaile ande returned receipte united states poste offise
copy: Dewitt, Jeffrey
1101 4th St SW #270
[Washington, DC 20004]

[delivered via emaile and/or returned receipte united states poste offise]
all debtors reeceived origenal affidavitts by
sovereignee creditor
empire state ov morocco
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
moorishe amerika konsulate
c/o 8480 mattituck circle
orlando florida reeservatione
washington districte for columbia
sion new jerusalem
unniversall naturall arrea codde: 76wwgp3h+pp

this is an initiale universall commershial code 1 philing pursuante to universall commershial codes ande districte for columbia
offishial codes § 28:9-501, § 28:9-502, § 28:9-516a, § 28:9-516b, § 28:9-520c, § 28:9-521 ande all other applicable codes
koncerning sekyured partie creditores ande initial philings.

§ 28:9-521 universall writtene financinge statementee - a philing offise that acceptts writtene wreckords maye not refuse to
acceptt a writtene initial financinge statemente in this form ande format exxcept for a reason set forth in § 28:9-516(b) entitled
“what konstitutes philing; effecktiveness of philing”. (a) exxcept as otherwise provided in subsection (b), communication of a
wreckord to a philing offise ande tender of the philing fee or acceptance of the wreckord by the philing offise konstitutes

§ 28:9-501 philing offise. exxcept as otherwyse provyded in subsecktion (b), if the locall law of the districte governs
perphection of a securitie interest or agricultural lien, the offise in whiche to file a financinge statemente to perfect the
securitie interest or agricultural lien is:
(1) the wreckorder of deeds, if (b) the financinge statemente is filed as a phixture philing ande the collaterall is goods that are
or are to become phixtures; or
(2) the mayore in all other cases, including a case in whiche the collaterall is goods that are or are to become phixtures ande
the financinge statemente is not filed as a phixture philing.
(b) the offise in whiche to file a financinge statemente to perfect a securitie interest in collaterall, including phixtures, of a
trannsmitting utilitie is the offise of the mayore. the financinge statemente also konstitutes a phixture philing as to the collaterall
indicated in the financinge statemente whiche is or is to bekome phixtures.
§ 28:9-515 duratione ande effecktiveness of financinge statemente; effect of lapsed financinge statemente. (f) if a debter is a
trannsmitting utilitie ande a filed initial financinge statemente so indicates, the financinge statemente is effective until a
termination statemente is filed.
§ 28:9-521:
“universall commershial code 1 financinge statemente
“a. sovereigne appellashun & fone (optionale)
jordon alonzo jones in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes
empire state ov morocco
“b. email (optional)”

“c. send acknowledgement to:

reginald jones bey
℅ empire state ov morocco
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
moorishe amerika konsulate
℅ 8480 mattituck circle
orlando florida reeservatione
unniversall naturall arrea codde: 76wwgp3h+pp
“the above space is four filing offise uze onley

providde debters name

[debter 1]

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company

ande all heirs assigns principalls agentes ande derivativs there ov
Custodian: Michael T Tipsord dba
Trustee ‘The Trust’ , Chairman, President,
Chief Executive Officer
One State Farm Plaza
Bloomington Illinois [61710]

[debter 2]


ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov
Custodian: Ron DeSantis dba GOVERNOR
400 South Monroe Street
[Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001]
Phone: 850/488-7146
Fax: 850/487-0801

[debter 3]
Custodian: Ashley Moody dba
Office of the Attorney General
State of Florida
PL-01, The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
[debter 4]


Custodian: Cord Byrd dba
The State of Florida, Department of State
R.A. Gray Building
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
850.245.6125 (fax)

[debter 5]


ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes ande derivativs thereov
Custodian: Jay Robert [J.B.]Pritzker dba GOVERNOR
207 Statehouse
Springfield, Illinois 62706
Fax: 217/524-4049

[debter 6]


Custodian: Kwame Raoul dba
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
Constituent Services
100 West Randolph Street
Chicago, Illinois 60601

` [debter 7]


Custodian: Alexi Ginnoulias
Office of the Secretary of State
213 State Capitol
Springfield, IL 62756
Fax: (217) 785-0358

[debter 8]

Custodian: Ron Greene dba
Chief Executive Officer, President
404 Brock Drive
Bloomington, Illinois 61702
Fax: 309.828.0931

“11. sovereigne universall origeneall indigenous creditore:

empire state ov morocco
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
moorishe amerika konsulate
c/o 911 southe weste 314th plase
federall way washington reeservatione
washington districte for columbia
sion new jerusalem
unniversall naturall arrea codde: 4s3wv qvkz5

latittude longittude 47.31981,+122.34762

12a. moorishe american appellation

reginald jones bey en propria persona sui juris,
all rights exercised at all tymes

12b. mailing location:

empire state ov morocco

moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
moorishe amerika konsulate
c/o 8480 mattituck circle
orlando florida reeservatione
washington districte for columbia
sion new jerusalem
unniversall naturall arrea codde: 76wwgp3h+pp

13. the following collaterall:

all lande at america is anciente origeneall endigeneous buriale landes ande eminint dominione is herebye invoked buriale lande is
defined as the sovereigne lande uv thuh moorish american heires where thuh origeneall indigeneous ancientes are playced undere
earthe or watter. this financinge statemente cuvers the followinge collaterall: the collaterall covvered bye this financinge
statemente is the lande ande all structurrs, property, equipmente, kommerce ande the indebtedness of the debter to the sovereigne
universall origeneall indigeneous secured creditore in the sum certaine amount of $100,000,000 in golde backed lawfull tender
for each sovereigne origenel endigeneous anciente ancesstral buriall parcell the debter(s), occupies on the lande to whiche
reginald jones bey in propria persona sui juris, ande all moorishe american nationales who are the moorishe nationale republic
federal government, the moorishe american konsulate, ande the moorishe divine ande nationale movement of the worlde are
heires pursuante to anciente sovereigne suppreme universall naturale divyne lawe, the peace ande friendship affidavitt 1786 ande
1836, the konstitution for the united states 1789/1791. nunc pro tunc.

this true bill in universal commerce has been activated pursuante to the following universall commershial codes in alignment
with the will of the sovereigne universall original indigenous secured creditores. all endebtedness is for debts engaged into before
the said konstitution ande for unlawfully occupying the lande of all moorishe american nationals. the said treaty is the attached
(by reference) library of congress certified publication entitled The Public Statutes at Large of the [UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA], volume 8 pages 100 through 105, certified september 26, 1990, signed ande sealed by Library of Congress
Photoduplication Service Acting Chief Shirley M. Berry on november 8, 2007. endebtedness is additionally calculated pursuante
to all writs ande affidavitts recorded by all moorishe american nationales. proof of service of writs ande affidavitts are on the
pubblic reckorde. creditores notice to agents, principals, ande/or the liable parties is the judgemente. this is a judgemente ande
invocation of eminent dominion to possesse lande, property, structures, ande all commershial transactions by judgment debter(s),
principals, agents, assigns, ande heirs). also in alignment with *ucc 9-607 collection ande enforcement by sekyured partie*ucc
9-203 attachment ande enforceability of securitie interest*ucc 9-609 sekyured partie’s right to take possesshun after deffaulte. all
praesumed kontracts with the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] ande all agents, principals, heirs, assigns ande
derivatives thereof are terminated effective september 11, 2018. the lande that is north america/northwest amexem/northwest
africa/the north gate is now declared ande proclaimed to be new jerusaleme ande is sion. all [US] BANNERS OF AMITY AND
COMMERCE are outlawed. no other flags, banners, or signs of allegiance shall fly or be displayed on moorishe american lande.
only the moorishe american flag (red field with green five pointed star) shall fly or be publicly displayed. the moorishe american
flag will fly in all plases currently occupied by the [US] BANNER OF AMITY AND COMMERCE ande the [US] BANNER OF
AMITY AND COMMERCE shall be permanently removed immediately. all citizens are subjects to the moorishe american
nationales at all times. no Person shall obstructe, hindere, encumbere, speake againste, or resist the mandates of this affidavitt. all

immigrants, aliens, ande citizens shall affirm sincere allegiance to the moorishe american flag ande the moorishe nationale
republic federal government. All non combatant, non hostile, peace lovinge foreigners that affirm allegience to the empire state of
morocco, the moorishe nationale republic federal government ande the moorishe american flag will be granted moorishe subject
status ande are mandated to obey the supreme laws of the lande who are the moorishe nationale republic federal government at
all tymes. we remain in honor ande governing accordingly. All goods ande services that are provided to the moorishe nationale
republic federal government are prepaid. the moorishe nationale republic federal government is the superior jurisdictione at all
points in time ande in all affairs. onley gold ande silver shall be used in payment of debts at all points in time. [FIAT PRIVATE
COMMERCIAL PAPER] ande all [FEDERAL RESERVE] DEBT NOTES, are outlawed ande abolished into perpetuity. the
moorishe amerkcan gold standarde haz been activaited. the gold backed moorishe sovereigne dollarium is the worldes reeserve
currency ande pettro dollar.

“14. checke onley if applickable ande checke onley one box:

“collaterall is XX helde en the universall truste of the people who are the
moorishe nationale republic federal governmente ande jordon alonzo jones bey en propria persona sui juris
“15 □ being adminnistered by a decedent’s personal representative.
“16a. check onley if applickable ande checke onley one box:
“□ public-finance transaction □ manufactured-home transaction

“xx a debter is a transmittinge utilitee”

“16b. checke onley if applikcable ande checke onley one box:“□xx- agricultural lien □ non-ucc philing

“17. alternative designation (if applicabul): □ lessee/lessor □ konsignee/konsignor □ seller/buyer □ bailer/bailor □ licensee/licensor

“18. optional filer reference data (maximum principal endebtedness)

“the governinge principal does extend to the ammendment xiii (20 sections) uv the konstitution for the united states of america, ratifyed: nov 18,
1865 by ¾ of the severall states. we, the moors at north america, are the executors, ministars, creditores, claiments, trustees ande benefishiaries
of all lande, all natural resources, ande all kommerce as mandated by our anciente ancestars.

en honoure, i am divinne natural man, reginald lee jones bey in capitis diminutio nolo in red ink in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo ande
in proprio heredes, affirms that eye am the sovereignee natural ande divinne being here en proclaimed, en capitis diminutio nolo en propria
persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes; affirmed bye law full bearthright; being law fullie universally quallified ande kompetent
to affirme this dockument. i therefour plaice mye hande ande seall heretwo ande en favorr uv all moorishe american nationals.

all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs affirming this ande all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous
annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente dockumentes are on the pubblic reckorde
at amerika, annciente morocco, northe weste amexem, northe weste affrica, the northe gate, turtle islande, gaia', midguarde, earthe.
chronos time immemoriall inn to perpeetuitee

kyros dey 10, month july, year 1443 moon [2023]

all soverigne origeneall inndigeneous moorishe american autograffs fore this dockumente ande for all
sovereigne united states of america governmente dockumentes are on thee publick reckord at america.

nothing in this law full affidavid, nor oure spoken affidavids, nor our sylent affidavids shalle be
enterpreted or konnstrued as konnsente to anye jurisdiction that is knot en the jurisdiction of
ourr ansciente anncesstrall ennheritence.

chronos time immemoriall inn to perpetuity

ego sum reginald jones bey, et alia

noble phoenix micha ek, et alia

justise vizier ministar

in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes.
notice to agente is notice to principall. notice to principall is notice to agente.

empire state ov morocco

moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
moorishe amerikan konsulate
c/o 8480 mattituck circle
orlando, florida reeservatione
washington districte for columbia
sion new jerusalem
unniversall naturall arrea codde: 76wwgp3h+pp


amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

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