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Topics Question wise XII std

Checklist ALL 6 Chapters
Note -For topics on short notes refer text book strictly as it is knowledge
based, U can add additional information if required but not much. Yellow
highlighted topics not important

Q2) Short notes (4 MARKS) knowledge based

Write 4 to 5 well explained points, number them,
underline the sub-points.
CHAPTER1 1. Religious beliefs and practices in Ancient India /
Medieval India
2. Status of women in India early Vedic /Later
3. Nature of education Ancient/Medieval
4. Islamic education
5. Social life Ancient /Medieval
6. Urbanization (ancient and medieval)

Chapter 2 7.
8. Characteristics of tribal community/rural
community/urban community
9. Tribal religion
10. Panchsheel
11. Problems of tribal/rural/urban community
12. Efforts/programmes of tribal/rural/urban community

Chapter 3
13. Diversity in Indian society
14. Unity in Diversity
15. Process of Unity in India
16. Role of religion in social integration
17. Importance of unity /why do we need unity?

18. Challenges /obstacle to national integration or unity

CHAPTER 4 19. Characteristics of urbanization or Industrialization

20. Characteristics of Modernization /Digitalization
21. /Globalization
22. Impact of Social Processes

CHAPTER 5 23. Characteristics of social movements

24. Causes of social movements
25. Social Reform Movements in India
26. Women’s Movement in India
27. Workers Movement in India
28. Farmers movement
29. Environmental movement
30. Chipko movement
31. Narmada Bachao Andolan

CHAPTER 6 32. The problem of ageing

33. Causes of domestic violence
34. Consequences of Domestic Violence
35. The problem o Addiction
36. Types of Addiction
37. Substance addiction/mobile addiction /Internet
addiction as a social problem (causes and impact)
Q3) Write Differences (4 marks) Understanding and
knowledge based
Write 4 to 5 points

1. Status of women in the Early Vedic period and
Later Vedic Period.
2. Education During Ancient Period and Colonial Period
in Indian Society
3. Jainism/Buddhism/Hinduism

1.FOUNDER Hinduism has no Founder of Sikhism
historical founder. is Guru Nanak.
2.Sacred The sacred literature of The sacred
literature Hinduism are Vedas, literature of
Upanishads etc Sikhism is the Guru
Granth Sahib.
3. Area of Hinduism flourished Sikhism flourished
spread throughout the country in Punjab
4.Social Hinduism practised Sikhism rejected
hierarchy social hierarchy based caste based social
on caste system. hierarchy
Hinduism belief and Sikhism emerged in
5.Emergence practices starts in Vedic the late 15th
period -1500 BCE TO century, founded
500 BCE. in 1469CE-1539CE

1.Founder The founder of Jainism The founder of
is Vrishabhdev Buddhism is
Gautam Buddha
2.Teachings Ahimsa(non-harming) The middle path
Tapas (Penance) are based on the four
integral components of Noble Truths and
Jainism Eight-Fold Path are
the teachings of
3.Sacred The sacred literature of The sacred
literature Jainism is Agamas in literature of
Ardhamagadhi Buddhism is
Tripitkas in Pali
4.Practices Jainism advocates an Buddhism had
austere and strict fewer rigid rules
lifestyle based on and regulations in
penance which is more comparison to
rigid in practice Jainism.

CHAPTER 2 1. Tribal Community /Rural Community /Urban

2. Tribal Economy /Urban economy
CHAPTER 3 3. Regionalism/Linguism
● 4. Casteism /Communalism
5. Communalism /Secularism
6. Religious Diversity and caste Diversity
Gender binary and Gender diversity
Gender Binary Gender Diversity
1.meaning gender binary is the Gender diversity goes
classification of gender into beyond gender binaries of
two distinct, opposite forms female -male, masculine and
of masculine and feminine, feminine etc
due to social system
2.socialization socialization in terms of Socialization in terms of
gender binary leads to gender diversity creates
Gender stereotypes gender plurality which seeks
to identify all genders.

3.approach it excludes non-conformists, it has inclusive

and supports patriarchal approach and promotes
values Constitutional gender
4.effects it results into dominance of it results into acceptance of
heteronormativity in society gender fluidity.
and in all its institutions.
5.example Male-female Lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, gender non -
conforming etc

Sex Gender
1.meaning Sex refers to physical or Gender is a term that refers
physiological differences to social or cultural
between males and distinctions associated with
females being male or female.
2.Identity A person’s sex, as Gender identity is the extent
determined by his or her to which one identifies as
biology, does not always being either masculine or
correspond with his or her
3.variation Since the term sex refers Characteristics of gender,
to biological or physical may vary greatly between
distinctions, different societies
characteristics of sex will
not vary.
4.Determinants The sexual orientation of a Gender is shaped by culture,
person is determined by a social expectations and
combination of genetic behaviours assigned to being
and hormonal influences. male or female

CHAPTER 4 1. Liberalization /Privatization

2. Modernization/Globalization
3. Urbanization/Industrialization
CHAPTER 5 4. Social change/ Social movement
5. Women’s movement Pre-independence and
Post- Independence

CHAPTER 6 6. Individual Problem/Social Problem

7. Substance Addiction /Internet addiction

/Mobile addiction
Mobile addiction substance addiction
Nature It refers to It refers to a physical
obsession to mobile and biological
phone for dependence on
various reasons, substances like drugs,
and a desire to tobacco, alcohol which
constantly leads to unpleasant
upgrade one’s symptoms when the
mobile phone person
stops using the

2.Causes Easy access to Peer pressure,

internet due to curiosity, personal and
which it is psychological
flooded with conditions such as
information, misuse depression
of mobile / inferiority /
phones for superiority complex.
negative and vested
3.EFFECT Almost constantly Dependency on
on call, cybersex substances, stress,
addiction, online anxiety,
compulsions, virtual aggression or
relationships etc., irritability can take its
are the effects of toll on
mobile addicts. Inability to
addiction focus on activity etc.,
are the effects of drug
4.MEASURES Self-assessment, Creating awareness
getting involved in among public,
participative counselling, laws, drug
activities such as addiction clinic,
hobby mass media etc., are
classes, sports and the measures to tackle
games can help in
building positive
experiences for
which can help to
tackle mobile

Q4) Explain the following concepts with examples (4 marks)

Understanding and knowledge Write 4 to 5 points
1. Definition /meaning

2. Explanation of the concept or characteristics/causes

3. Impact /consequences / general information
4. Examples -explain in 2/3 lines
Chapter 1 1. Varna system /varna
2. Social legislation
3. First and second urbanization
4. Ashramvyavastha
5. Purusharthas
6. Bhakti movement
7. Zoroastrianism

Chapter 2 8. Tribal community /Rural community/Urban

9. Tribal religion
10. Sacred Groves
11. Schedule Tribes
12. Tribal Development/Rural/Urban Development
13. Panchayati raj
14. Familism
15. Urban crime
CHAPTER 3 16. Caste diversity /Linguistic/ Religious/Racial Diversity
17. Gender Diversity
18. Heteronormativity
19. Unity in diversity
20. Casteism
21. Regionalism
22. Economic inequalities
23. Communalism

24. Linguism
CHAPTER 4 25. Modernization
26. Globalization
27. Urbanization
28. Industrialization
29. Digitalization
30. (ans. 1. Definition ,2. Characteristics, 3. impact 4.
Chapter 5 31. Social movement
32. (ans.1. Definition /meaning 2. characteristics 3.
causes, 4.example)
33. Women’s movement
34. Farmers movement
35. Environmental movement
36. ( ans .1. What the movement stands for /meaning ,2
and 3 Phases explaining the issues covered by these
37. ,4 examples)
CHAPTER 6 38. Social problem
39. Individual problem
40. ANS. 1. Meaning, definition,2. characteristics,3. How
it can be solved ,4 examples)
41. Ageing
42. Domestic violence
43. Addiction
44. Substance Addiction
45. Mobile addiction
46. Internet addiction
47. (ans. 1. Definition/meaning 2. How it is a social
problem/causes 3. Consequences 4. Examples
Q5A) Complete the concept maps (4 marks) knowledge
CHAPTER 1 1. Polity in post independent India
2. Legislations /social legislations (British time/Post -
Independent India)
3. Constitution of India
4. Social reform movements (movements/founder)
5. Varna system
6. Ashramvyavastha
7. Purusharthas
8. The Delhi sultanate- five dynasties
9. The five pillars of faith (Islam)
10. Religion in ancient India
11. Religion in medieval India
12. Literary sources/scriptures of Hinduism
13. Status of women during early Vedic period
14. Four paths to realize God /Hinduism
Chapter 2 1. Tribes located in Himalayan/middle Indian
Region/western-Indian region/south Indian
region/the island region
2. Tribal Religion
3. Constitutional provisions for tribal community
4. Purpose for cultural contact with tribals
5. Tribal Rural Urban problem
6. Tribal Rural Urban programmes
7. Urban crime

CHAPTER 3 1. Diversities in India (types)

2. Unity in India (types)
3. Challenges to national integration
4. Racial classification
5. Language classification
CHAPTER 4 1. Processes of Social change
2. characteristics of Digitalization/
a. Modernization/globalization
3. Impact/Effects (Industrialization /urbanization
Globalization /Modernization/Digitalization)
CHAPTER 5 1. Social movement
2. Social Reform Movement in India pg. no 69
3. Causes /Types of social movement by
Aberle/characteristics of Social Movements
4. Example of environmental movement
5. Farmers organizations /leaders
6. Example of Farmers revolts or unrest -Early agitations
7. Women’s leaders (Nationalist Movement)
8. Significant concerns of 19th century women’s

CHAPTER 6 1. Problem of ageing

2. Causes/consequences of domestic violence
3. Types of substance addiction
4. Types of addiction
5. Solutions/measures to Substance addiction, Mobile,
internet addiction, Ageing, Domestic Violence

Q5B) State whether True /false with Reasons ( 4 marks)

Application, Knowledge and understanding
CHAPTER 1. Colonial rule has significant impact on Indian society
1 2. Buddhism spread to several parts of the India and beyond
3. Social legislations provide hope for those who are victims
of injustice.
4. Several systems were set in place under British Rule in India
5. Some significant Factors have affected India after 1947
6. The Medieval Period of India is one of the numerous
7. Women enjoyed high status during early Vedic Period
8. The status of women deteriorated in Medieval India
9. The status of women in India Declined in Later Vedic
10. Jainism and Buddhism are perceived as protest religions.
● The number of Jews have dwindled
● Zoroastrianism is one of the world’s oldest and
continuously practised religion.
● During the early Vedic Period the content of education was
not the languages of the masses.
● Education during Medieval period was centered on the
● The classical period is believed to be the Golden Age.

Chapter 1. Division of labour is complex in urban community

2 2. The traditional influence of caste has changed today.
3. Rural India till date can be called as a conservative society
4. Tribal were exploited during British time
5. Tribal communities/Economy -simple
6. A Majority of tribal live below poverty line
7. Overcrowding is a chronic problem in urban areas
8. Several steps have been taken to meet the challenges
posed by the urban crisis
Chapter3 1. Economic inequality has no effect on society
2. Constitutional and legal provisions provide hope to weaker
sections in Indian society
3. At the root of all the coexisting diversities, there exists
underlying unity
4. Indian society is diverse in nature/land of diversity
Chapter 1. Urbanization can have negative effects on our social
4 relationships
2. Globalization has both positive and negative impact
3. The impact of social processes is far reaching and wide.
4. Digitalization has led to various challenges

Cha 5. Organised social reform movement started since 19th

pter century
5 6. Social movement and social change are interconnected
7. The nationalist movement witnessed increased
participation of women
8. Chipko movement is marked by Gandhian principle
9.The Narmada Bachao Andolan has brought issues of
Sustainable development to fore front.

Chapter6 1. There is a strong causal relationship between addiction

and socialization
2. Technology is always useful for social progress.
3. The epidemic of substance abuse among the youth
has assumed alarming dimensions in India
4. Domestic violence is abuse within the family or
5. Ageing is a social Problem

Q7) Answer the following questions in Detail. 10 marks

Application, Understanding and knowledge based
Add Introduction and conclusion if required

CHAPTER 1 1. Colonial Period

2. Post-Independent India
3. Impact of British in post Independent India

CHAPTER 2 1. Problems and measures/solutions

(programmes/efforts) tribal/rural /urban

CHAPTER 3 2. Obstacles/challenges to national integration or unity

and Measures or Solution
3. Tribal rural urban interdependence
CHAPTER 4 4. Characteristics and impact of social processes
5. Impact of globalization/digitalization

CHAPTER 5 6. Farmers Movement/Women’s/Workers Movement

7. Movement/Environmental Movement-causes,
Issues related to the movement
How the movement has brought changes in Indian
society with two examples (Narmada bachao and
Chipko movement)
CHAPTER 6 1. Problems (causes) /Measures – Ageing/Domestic

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