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Famous Person Interview

Oprah Winfrey
By: Angel Wang

What was their childhood like? Where did they grow up? Stories about
their family?
-Oprah Winfrey was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, United States, on January 29,
1954 and was brought to life from her mother Vernita Lee.
-She grew up in poverty with her mom in inner-city Milwaukee at the age of 6, and
was later sent to live in Vernon in Nashville, Tennessee.
-Oprah’s childhood was not the best one. She was molested and raped by her 19
year old cousin at just the age of 9, and was later giving birth to a baby at 14, but
sadly he passed away due to being born prematurely. She would also get abused by
one of her uncles and her family friends, which I would say, is totally unacceptable
for a girl to have gone through this much when she was just in her pre-teen years!

Were there any events in their childhood that they needed to overcome?
-Oprah had to overcome the fact that she was molested and sexually abused when
she was a child, and that she actually got pregnant from it at just the age of 14. She
spoke on many shows about her experience with sexual assault on TV and was able
to fight back now that she's successful and there's no one stopping her.

What did they learn about themselves through this event?

-Oprah learned that she needed to speak up for herself because she can only do
that, nobody's going to know what happened to her if she just kept her thoughts to
herself, but she chose to stand up for herself and got the revenge and result she

What education did they have?

-Even though Oprah grew up living in poverty, it still doesn’t stop her from being a
bright student. She attended Wharton Elementary School, East Nashville Magnet
High School, Nicolet High School, and Tennessee State University, which she
majored in Speech Communications and Performing Arts and graduated with a full
scholarship that she had won in a public-speaking competition.
What steps did they take towards his/her occupation?
-Oprah first went to Tennessee State University from 1971 till 1975, then in 1976,
Oprah moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where she hosted the TV chat show called
People Are Talking. After seeing how shows can earn tons of money, she decided to
stay for 8 years and was later recruited by a Chicago TV station to create her own
show. The show name was called The Oprah Winfrey Show, and it was a huge hit
when it started airing.

Why are they so successful in this occupation?

-She was able to start as a little girl living in severe poverty with her single mom, to a
multi-billionaire with the net worth of 2.6 million USD. I knew that she had worked
really hard to be able to come this way in her life, and also accomplishing tons of
achievements for herself. She worked hard, never stopped, and now is able to do
anything she wants to do.

What personal characteristics/traits do they have that connect to this

-Oprah is a strong, forthright, determined woman, she was able to influence others to
achieve their dreams. She takes charge, is determined, and headstrong, hosting a
long-running talk show at just the age of 32, and launching her own television
network and leading several philanthropic efforts.

What part of their process was luck and what part was earned?
-For Oprah, I think everything was earned by her and brought to her by her hard
work, I just don't think it’s luck. I think this is just her life. She learned to work hard to
achieve her dreams and was actually able to accomplish that goal in her life.

What is their life philosophy based on the life choices they made?
Oprah's philosophy is multifaceted. Her three key elements are…

-Take control of your own life

-An individual's choices and thoughts are central

-Live your dreams.

“My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at
this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”

-Oprah Winfrey
What is the most important thing you learned at school?

-To never plagiarism, always put some citations at the bottom for the information you
took from the websites. I learned that I will get kicked out of university or college if I
plagiarize, so I'm not doing that.

What are the qualities that make a good leader? A bad leader?

Qualities in a good leader include:

1. They are self-aware and prioritize personal development.

2. They focus on developing others.
3. They encourage strategic thinking, innovation, and action
4. They are ethical and civic-minded.
5. They practice effective cross-cultural communication.

Qualities in a bad leader:

1. Lack of Flexibility. ...

2. My-Way-or-the-Highway Mindset. ...
3. Rationalizing Poor or Unethical Conduct. ...
4. Lack of a Track Record. ...
5. Inability to Create or Conform to a Company Culture. ...
6. Poor Communication Skills. ...
7. Self-centred.

If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?

- I would choose to have the ability to fly, so I can be able to get together with my
relatives in another country that I haven't seen in a long time. I miss them dearly and
think about the times I’ve had with them every day.
-behavioural essentials
- Forbes
- Leadership Qualities
-Bad Leadership Qualities

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