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I. Make Yes/No Questions in PRESENT PERFECT by using the following clue.

Number 1 has been done as the example.

1. Drive the truck?

-Have you ever driven the truck?
-Has Willy ever driven the truck?

2. Break the window?


3. Draw a picture of yoursel/himself/herself?


4. Catch a butterfly?

5. Hold a snake?

6. Fall asleep during a class?


II.Put the right verb in the PRESENT PERFECT or SIMPLE PAST on sentences
How to answer? Just put your answer directly into the blank!
-Calvin _______ the bananas. (already/eat)
-Calvin has already eaten bananas.
1. Gratia and I are writers. We _______ (write) many books.
2. They _______ (not have) a holiday last year.
3. James _______ (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.
4. What time _______ (Ericha/go) to bed last night?
5. _______ (you/ever/meet) a famous person?
6. The weather _______ (not/be) very bad today.
7. Vincent’s hair is wet. He _______ (just/wash) it.
8. I _______ (wash) my hands before having breakfast this morning.
9. Gaby and Kelvin _______ (visit) many countries. They are travelers.
10. “Is Jesslyn here?” “No, she_______ (come/not) yet.”

III. Put the right verb in the PAST PERFECT or SIMPLE PAST on sentences below!
1. Imelda _______ (give) me Purnomo’s address before she left.
2. When the boys reached at the movie theater, the movie _______ (already, start).
3. Before we arrived at the harbour, we _______ (lose) our way.
4. All the tickets _______ (be) sold before the concert began.
5. Jessica and Christina took a bath after they _______ (finish) dancing.
6. I asked Mr. Nicholas Tee how many books he _______ (read)
7. Tifanny asked me why I ___________________ (not tidy) up my room.
8. I _______ (heard) the news after I had woken up.
9. Frans Denero watched TV after he _______ (have) lunch.
10. The sun shone yesterday after it _______ (be) cold for many weeks.
IV. Change the verb in bracket into a grammatically correct PRESENT PERFECT or
1. Melissa (feel) better after she (take the medicine).
2. Albert and Kimi were late. Mr. Septian (give/already) a quiz when the (get) into the class.
3. It is 10 o’clock. I (finish/already) my homework. So, I am going to bed.
4. The anthropologist (leave) the village when she (collect) enough data.
5. Nathan wanted to see Elaine in the party but he didn’t. Elaine (go home/already) when Nathan got

V. Make as many as possible sentences by using FUTURE PERFECT based on the

situation below!
Suppose Jessen and Agnes are planning to have a holiday in Medan. (uwu :D)
They will be flying tonight (September 3) at 7 from Notohadinegoro airport, Jember. It will need a 4-
hour flight to Medan and they will come back here on September 27.

Future Perfect Sentences:

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________

VI. Make your own situation and make as many as FUTURE PERFECT sentences just
like what you did in Activity V.

Future Perfect Sentences:

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________

*Untuk tugas V dan VI perhatikan keterangan waktu Future Perfect dan Tense yang menyertainya!

1. Next week we move to the next chapter so I will have your cognitive and psikomotor score from this
2. I-IV are for cognitive and V-VI are for psikomotor
3. I can’t control you when you’re doing this task, but I always check your work to give a fair score. If I
find 2 or more very similar/the same works, surely I won’t give any score. Just do it by yourself!
4. Since you have 2 kinds of task, you may submit this task at least 3 hours (180 mins) after this lesson
5. Send here

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