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The Reason I am writing this is for approval of my senior portfolio.

I am also writing this for my

future in any job and future position I might hold. This cover letter can help me in my pursuits after

I have prepared for my future a lot throughout highschool including me taking classes one of them
being financial algebra. This class has helped me be better at managing my money and also taught me
about other life skills that will be useful in my future such as how to present to an audience and how to
look at my pay and read my pay stubs. My experiences during my highschool career have helped me in
many ways. It helped me to be more social and made it easier to talk to others which made me want to go
into a career where I'm working closely with others. During highschool and my experience in my
government made me want to serve my country which has made me want to pursue a career in the
military. My talents are that I'm good at working well with others because I'm very social. Another talent is
that I'm a good leader. I was a captain of my baseball team my junior and senior year.

My plans for the future right after highschool I want to go into the coast guard, which has been my
dream job for a while now. The job I want to do in the coast guard is a gunner's mate. I want to do this job
for a full 20 years to get a full pension and to keep my benefits. A few steps I need to take is to talk to a
recruiter and get all the info and research the job more than I have. I also need to be in better shape to be
more prepared for the boot camp and just serving in the military in general.

I can’t wait to hear the feedback of this portfolio. And I thank you for examining it for the approval
of my senior portfolio. I look forward to taking these next steps in my future in the military. I can’t wait to
see what my destiny holds for me.

Sincerely: Zack Petit

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