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D100 Traps

Compatible with Mork Borg and Pirate Borg

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

Important note on traps: If done poorly they can just feel like a
screw job. It is important to be logical in how each trap is placed so
players can infer where to look, and then to keep it consistent.
Otherwise your players will spend all of their time looking for traps,
even when there is nothing there which will slow the games down to
a complete crawl.
Further it's important to give players a chance to affect the
outcome, once the trap goes off tell them they hear a click and ask
what they do. Depending on what they say you should raise or lower
the DR of the check. For example If the trap is arrows launching
straight at them and they say they take a step back it should be
harder to avoid the damage, but if they say they drop prone it should
be easier.

1. Pitfall Trap: A hidden pit covered with a thin layer of foliage, leading to a
deep hole or spikes. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10 foot pole. DR
14 Agility to catch yourself as you fall.
2. Pressure Plate: Stepping on a pressure plate triggers a mechanism, such as a
falling ceiling or a dart trap.DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10 foot
pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid oncoming damage.
3. Tripwire Snare: A thin, nearly invisible wire that, when triggered, causes a
net or noose to ensnare the character. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a
10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid the oncoming net.
4. Poison Dart Trap: Hidden blowpipes shoot poisoned darts when triggered.
DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid
the dart, DR 14 toughness to resist poison. D4 dmg, D6 poison.
5. False Door: An illusionary door that collapses when touched, potentially
trapping characters inside a chamber. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a
10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid falling.

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

6. Spike wall Trap: A section of the wall that launches out deadly spikes. DR
12 presence to notice if not using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid the
spikes. D12 damage.
7. Gas Trap: A trap that releases noxious gas, causing hallucinations,
disorientation, or damage. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10 foot
pole. DR 15 Spirit to resist.
8. Boulder Roll: A large boulder is set loose to roll down a narrow corridor,
threatening to crush anyone in its path. DR 12 presence to notice if not using
a 10 foot pole. DR 15 agility to outrun the boulder.
9. Guillotine: A bladed mechanism that drops suddenly, attempting to
decapitate those who trigger it. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10
foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
10. Swinging Blade: A blade swinging horizontally or vertically across a
passage, requiring precise timing to avoid. DR 12 presence to notice if not
using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
11. Mimic Chest: A seemingly ordinary chest that reveals itself to be a living
creature when interacted with. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10
foot pole. If you fail to notice it gets a free attack on you.
12. Flame Jets: Wall-mounted nozzles that shoot jets of flames when triggered,
potentially causing burns. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10 foot
pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
13. Falling Net: A net suspended above a doorway or passage that drops down
to trap unsuspecting characters. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10
foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
14. Quicksand: Characters step into an area of quicksand, sinking deeper with
each struggle. DR 16 strength to climb out.
15. Glyph of Warding: A magical glyph that triggers a harmful spell effect, such
as lightning or fire, when touched or crossed. DR 12 presence to notice if
not using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid. 3d6 dmg
16. Decoy Treasure: A pile of enticing treasure that collapses or explodes when
someone tries to take it. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10 foot
pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
17. Corrosive Acid Spray: A trap that releases a spray of corrosive acid when
triggered, damaging equipment and potentially causing injury. DR 12

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

presence to notice if not using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid. Armor
degrades a step. 2d6 dmg.
18. Cave-In: A trap that triggers the collapse of a tunnel or section of a cave,
blocking the characters' path. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10
foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
19. Mirror Maze: A confusing maze filled with enchanted mirrors that create
illusions or lead characters astray. DR 14 Presence to notice an illusion in
the maze.
20. Spectral Haunting: A haunted area where ghostly apparitions or poltergeist
activity can cause harm or disorient characters.
21. Web Snare: Thick strands of sticky spider webs that immobilize characters
upon contact. DR 15 strength to break free.
22. Ceiling Collapse: A trap that triggers the sudden collapse of the ceiling,
raining debris and potentially causing injury. DR 12 presence to notice if
not using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
23. Blinding Flash: A trap that emits a blinding flash of light, temporarily
disorienting characters. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10 foot pole.
DR 14 Agility to avoid.
24. Poisonous Gas Emitters: Hidden vents that release poisonous gas into the
room, requiring characters to find a way to disperse or neutralize it. DR15
toughness or poisoned. 1d6 dmg
25. Cursed Fountain: A fountain that, when activated, curses anyone who drinks
from it with -1 toughness permanently.
26. Disappearing Floor Tiles: Certain tiles in the floor vanish or give way,
dropping characters into a lower level or a pit. DR 12 presence to notice if
not using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
27. Flood Chamber: Triggering this trap causes a chamber to flood rapidly,
threatening characters with drowning. DR 15 strength to open the door.
28. Sonic Alarm: A trap that emits a piercing, ear-splitting sound, alerting
nearby creatures or causing pain and disorientation.
29. Rotating Blades: A series of spinning blades that block a path, requiring
characters to navigate through them carefully. DR15 agility to navigate.
30. Chained Monster: A trap that unleashes a captive monster upon characters
when triggered, forcing them to fight for their lives.

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

31. Enchanted Statues: Statues that come to life when approached or touched,
attacking intruders.
32. Magical Disjunction: A trap that disrupts magical abilities or items in its
33. False Bridge: A bridge that collapses or breaks away when weight is applied,
causing characters to fall or be left stranded.
34. Tomb Gas: Opening a sarcophagus or disturbing a tomb releases a toxic gas
that induces paralysis or unconsciousness. DR14 toughness to resist.
35. Blade Pendulum: A pendulum swinging back and forth, with blades attached
to it, creating a hazardous obstacle. DR15 agility to get through.
36. Lava Trap: A pit or chamber filled with molten lava, requiring characters to
find a way to cross or bypass it.
37. Mind Control Glyphs: Glyphs or symbols that exert a subtle influence on
characters' minds, DR 14 Spirit or attack nearest ally.
38. Burning Floor Tiles: Stepping on specific tiles triggers them to ignite in
flames, causing damage over time. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a
10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
39. Mummy's Curse: Interacting with a mummy or its belongings triggers a
curse that afflicts characters with weakness. -1 agility permanently.
40. Elemental Conduit: A trap that activates a portal or conduit, summoning
elemental forces that attack the characters. Summons d4 elementals. DR 12
presence to notice if not using a 10 foot pole.
41. Shifting Walls: The walls of the room or corridor begin to move, shifting and
rearranging to create confusing paths or trap characters.
42. Suffocating Vines: Vines or tendrils wrap around a character's body,
constricting and restricting their movement, potentially leading to
suffocation. DR12 presence check if you don't have a 10 foot pole. DR15 A
to avoid. DR15 ST to break free.
43. Illusory Treasure: A tempting display of treasure that turns out to be an
illusion, causing characters to waste time and resources pursuing it. DR 14
presence to notice it's an illusion.
44. Mirror Reflection: A trap that creates mirror images of characters, making it
difficult to discern the real one. DR16 presence to see through it.

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

45. Disarming Floor: Stepping on certain tiles causes weapons and equipment to
be magically disarmed or pulled away. DR 12 presence to notice if not using
a 10 foot pole.
46. Spectral Hands: Ghostly hands emerge from walls or floors, attempting to
grab and restrain characters. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
47. Temporal Loop: Triggering this trap causes characters to be trapped in a
repeating time loop, reliving the same sequence of events. Players need to
break the spell. DR15 spirit.
48. Corrosive Fog: A cloud of corrosive gas fills the area, damaging equipment
and causing harm to characters caught within it. D6 damage. Armor reduces
1 tier.
49. Living Shadows: Shadows detach from the walls, becoming sentient and
attacking characters as they move through the area. HP 6/Moral 5/Damage
d4 & Permanent -1 toughness. Marked by long hallways that light wont
50. Ceiling Spikes: Spikes hidden in the ceiling descend rapidly, threatening to
impale characters below. Trigger when all players are at the center of the
room, DR14 agility to evade. D12 damage. Marked by square rooms with
columns in each corner.
51. Sudden Darkness: The area plunges into complete darkness, making it
difficult for characters to see or navigate. All light sources are snuffed.
Marked by Black crystals on the floor.
52. Venomous Snakes: A hidden compartment releases a swarm of venomous
snakes that attack characters in the vicinity. DR 12 presence to notice if not
using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid falling snakes.
53. Gusting Wind: Powerful gusts of wind suddenly blow through the area,
forcing characters to maintain their balance or be pushed back. DR15 agility.
54. Spectral Illusion: Characters encounter an illusory threat, such as a ghostly
55. Arcane Glyphs: Stepping on certain tiles triggers magical glyphs that cast
harmful spells or summon creatures to attack.
56. Searing Heat: A sudden burst of intense heat fills the area, causing damage
and potentially setting flammable objects or characters on fire. 2d6 fire

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

57. Gravity Well: Characters enter an area where gravity becomes extremely
strong, causing them to be pulled toward a central point.
58. Phantom Staircase: Characters encounter a staircase that leads upward but is
actually an illusion, causing them to fall when they reach the top.
59. Shadowy Pit: A deep pit filled with impenetrable darkness, making it
impossible to see the bottom or what may be lurking within.
60. Disintegration Beam: A beam of energy shoots forth, disintegrating anything
it touches, potentially causing characters to lose body parts or items.
61. Petrifying Gaze: Characters encounter a statue or creature whose gaze turns
them to stone if they fail a saving throw.
62. Spectral Blades: Ghostly blades emerge from the walls, attacking characters
as they move through the area.
63. Unstable Floor: The floor becomes unstable and begins to collapse or
crumble beneath the characters' feet, creating hazardous footing.
64. Sentient Moss: Moss or fungi in the area comes alive, ensnaring characters
and attempting to suffocate or devour them.
65. Wailing Winds: Strong gusts of wind howl through the area, knocking
characters prone or blowing them off balance.
66. Illusionary Chasm: Characters encounter a chasm that appears impassable,
but is actually an illusion, tempting them to take risky jumps.
67. Mystic Glyph Ward: Triggering this trap activates a ward that nullifies
magical abilities or spellcasting in the area. DR 12 presence to notice if not
using a 10 foot pole.
68. Venomous Pools: Pools of toxic or acidic substances cover the floor, dealing
damage to characters who come into contact with them. D8 damage.
69. Spectral Echoes: Characters hear their own voices or whispers echoing
through the area, causing confusion and potentially leading them astray.
70. Sudden Freeze: The temperature drops rapidly, causing freezing cold and
potentially encasing characters in ice or frost.
71. Shifting Gravity: Gravity in the area fluctuates, causing characters to feel
weightless or heavy, making movement and combat challenging.
72. Soul Drain: Triggering this trap siphons away a portion of characters' life
force or essence, weakening them temporarily or permanently. -1 to
toughness, Spirit, and Strength.

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

73. Suffocating Darkness: Darkness fills the area, gradually draining characters
of their life force and causing suffocation if they remain within it.
Temporary -1 to all stats every round till the players dispel or escape the
74. Tangling Vines: Vines or roots burst forth, entangling characters and
restricting their movement, potentially leading to immobilization. DR 12
presence to notice if not using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid. DR13
Strength to break free.
75. Mystic Ward: A protective barrier activates, repelling or reflecting spells or
projectiles cast or thrown by characters.
76. Animated Armor: Suits of armor come to life, attacking characters with
powerful strikes and unyielding defenses.
77. Burning Glyphs: Glyphs on the floor ignite in flames when triggered,
causing fire damage and potentially engulfing characters in a blaze.
78. Floodgate: Triggering this trap releases a torrent of water, flooding the area
and potentially washing away characters or their belongings.
79. Searing Steam Jets: High-pressure steam shoots from vents, causing burns
and potentially obscuring vision in the area.
80. Enchanted Statues: Statues possess magical abilities, such as petrifying gaze,
animate objects, or releasing elemental energy.
81. Teleportation Pad: Stepping on a pad triggers a teleportation effect,
transporting characters to an unknown location within the trap-filled
82. Spectral Guardians: The spirits of ancient guardians are awakened, attacking
characters to protect the area or an important artifact.
83. Pestilent Fog: A toxic fog engulfs the area, causing disease, poisoning, or
debilitating effects on characters who breathe it in.
84. Mirror Image Doppelgangers: Triggering this trap creates illusory duplicates
of characters, confusing and potentially attacking the real ones.
85. Teleportation Circle: Whoever steps on this platform first is instantly
teleported to its sister site deeper in the dungeon. Once activated the circle
depowers. DR 12 presence to notice if not using a 10 foot pole. DR 14
Agility to avoid.

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

86. Sonic Blast: A sudden, powerful sonic wave is unleashed, disorienting and
incapacitating anyone caught within its radius. DR 12 presence to notice if
not using a 10 foot pole. DR 14 Agility to avoid.
87. Burning Oil Cauldron: A trapdoor opens, releasing a cauldron filled with
burning oil that spills across the floor, creating a hazardous fiery zone. DR
12 presence to spot the trigger if not using a 10 foot pole.
88. Animated Armor Ambush: Suits of armor lining the walls come to life and
attack when adventurers pass by or touch them.
89. Chained Ceiling: The ceiling is lined with chains that suddenly descend,
restraining and constricting anyone within their reach.
90. Swinging Log: A large log swings horizontally across the room, acting as a
deadly pendulum that adventurers must avoid. DR 12 presence check to
notice trigger without a 10 foot pole. Dr12 to avoid.
91. Giant Spider Web: An enormous spider web fills the room, trapping and
immobilizing adventurers who come into contact with it.
92. Pressure Plate Maze: A room is filled with pressure plates, stepping on one
fills the room with walls creating a maze. Further triggers release traps or
change the layout.
93. False Exit: A disguised exit leads to a dead-end or another trap, deceiving
adventurers and wasting their time and resources.
94. Binding: Activating the trap causes ethereal chains or bindings to
materialize, restraining and immobilizing adventurers.
95. Chained Beast: A ferocious creature is bound by chains but becomes
increasingly agitated as adventurers progress, threatening to break free and
96. Ice Floor: The floor becomes coated in ice, making it slippery and difficult
to maintain balance or move without falling.
97. Corridor Collapse: The walls of a narrow corridor start closing in,
threatening to crush anyone inside. DR12 Presence check to spot the trigger
if not using a 10 foot pole. DR14 agility to escape.
98. Petrifying Gaze: A statue’s gaze turns anyone who meets its eyes to stone.
DR14 toughness to resist.
99. Spell Absorption Field: A magical field absorbs and nullifies any spells cast
within its range, rendering them ineffective or potentially reflecting them
back at the caster.

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

100. Falling Pillars: The pillars in the room collapse one by one, creating
obstacles and threatening to crush anyone beneath them.

D100 Traps is an independent production by Galactic Funk Creations and is not affiliated with
Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third
Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

D100 Traps is an independent production by Galactic Funk Creations. It is not affiliated with
Limithron LLC. It is published under the PIRATE BORG Third Party License. PIRATE BORG is
©2022 Limithron LLC.

Ednilson Junior (Order #41393235)

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