SPE 77899 (2002) Contamination & GOR

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SPE 77899

In-Situ Contamination Monitoring and GOR Measurement of Formation Fluid Samples

C. Dong, O.C. Mullins and P.S. Hegeman, Schlumberger; R. Teague, Unocal; A. Kurkjian and H. Elshahawi,

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

In this paper, we show how to measure GOR downhole
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and during sampling using the OD of the methane signal. We also
Exhibition held in Melbourne, Australia, 8–10 October 2002.
describe a decolorization algorithm to remove the color effect
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
from the methane optical channel. The algorithm is based on
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to the exponential decay of color absorption toward the high
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at wavelengths in the near infrared region. After decolorization,
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
the methane channel contains only methane molecular
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is vibration absorption, which is then used to derive an accurate
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous crude oil contamination value and GOR.
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
When a formation fluid sample is taken from a well drilled
Abstract with Oil-Base Mud (OBM), the sample contamination by the
Formation fluid sampling early in the life of a well ensures OBM filtrate is a critical factor for the accurate measurement
that vital information is available for timely input to field of the sample PVT properties. Usually when the
planning decisions. Particularly in subsea wells, flow contamination is too high, the sample may become useless.
assurance is a major concern, and formation fluid samples The in-situ sample OBM contamination can be predicted in
from openhole logging help operators optimize investment in real time by Live Fluid Analyzer (LFA)1,2, a module of the
both upstream and downstream facilities. Modular Dynamics Tester3 MDT*, using the technique of
Oils have different color due to the amount of large, OBM Contamination Monitoring (OCM). This technique is
complex aromatic compounds they contain. Since synthetic based on the change of color and methane concentration in the
and oil-base drilling muds contain simple aliphatic flow line as the fluid cleans up. For very dark oil, the
compounds, they absorb little in the shorter wavelength color contamination prediction from methane component becomes
channels. The Oil-Base Contamination Monitoring (OCM) unreliable because of the color effect. We developed a
technique uses optical means to monitor the buildup of color decolorization technique to remove the color effect of heavy
during sampling. The technique provides real-time analysis of oils and improve the real-time contamination monitoring
sample contamination, as well as prediction of how long it will results.
take to achieve an acceptably low level of contamination. Gas/Oil Ratio (GOR) is an important property of crude oil,
As reservoir fluid replaces filtrate in the flow line, the which has profound value in the design of the production
optical density (OD) of the methane signal also increases, in facilities. Conventionally, GOR is measured at a PVT lab by
proportion to the oil’s methane content. Methane detection is flashing the crude oil into gaseous and liquid phases at
essential for condensates and for lightly colored crude oils. standard conditions (1 atm and 60oF). It may take many weeks
For such fluids, the color buildup becomes difficult to detect; before the lab can provide this critical information. We
however, the high methane content of these fluids makes developed an in-situ GOR measurement technique, which uses
possible a reliable methane-based OCM algorithm. the optical properties of methane and oil components in crude
Furthermore, the methane content can be used to determine oil. With this technique, GOR can be measured downhole in
the gas/oil ratio (GOR) of the sample. When these methane- real time, when the sample is taken. Furthermore, GOR is
based techniques are applied for darker oils, the color measured from live crude oil without phase separation. This
absorption of the crude extends to the near infrared region and technique has many advantages over the conventional GOR
covers the methane molecular vibration peak, resulting in a measurement. It keeps the sample intact and provides a
higher methane signal optical magnitude. If uncorrected for, confirmation check for the lab PVT analysis. It also ensures
this would result in errors in the methane-based contamination that GOR information is available at the wellsite. Downhole
prediction and GOR determination.
Mark of Schlumberger
2 C. Dong, O.C. Mullins, P.S. Hegeman, R. Teague, A. Kurkjian, H. Elshahawi SPE 77899

GOR measurement also aids fingerprinting oils from different Contamination Monitoring
layers and helps maintain the fluid in a single-phase during When the reservoir fluid sample is taken by the MDT tool
sampling. from a well drilled with OBM, the fluid in the invaded zone,
which is typically a mixture of reservoir fluid and OBM
Color Absorption and Molecular Vibration filtrate, flows into the LFA flow line first. As fluid in deeper
Absorption reservoir flows in, the fraction of the OBM filtrate in the flow
The techniques of contamination monitoring, decolorization line decreases, and the fluid color as well as the methane
and in-situ GOR measurement all rely on the optical content both change. Mullins et al.1-3 developed the OCM
absorptions of crude oil in the Near Infrared (NIR) region. technique by measuring the optical density (OD) of both color
Crude oils have two types of absorptions: color absorption and and methane channels in the LFA tool. Their study shows that
molecular vibration absorption. Current sample contamination at a constant pumping rate, as the fraction of the reservoir
assessment technique uses the color absorption and the fluid increases, the buildup of the optical density follows
methane molecular vibration absorption. The downhole GOR Equation 2
measurement uses the molecular vibration absorptions of
D (2)
methane and oil. OD = ODinf − 5
t 12

Color Absorption. Color absorption is caused by electronic where ODinf is the optical density of the pure reservoir fluid,
excitations that convert light to heat. Oils have different color which can be reached after infinite pumping time, D is a
due to their content of aromatic compounds. Aromatics, being constant and t is pumping time. ODinf and D can be calculated
the heavy end of crude oil, yield significant light absorption by fitting the buildup curve with Equation 2.
continuously from the visible to near infrared spectrum. Heavy Assuming the coloration of the crude oil is significantly
oils contain large amounts of aromatic compounds like higher than that of the OBM filtrate, the contamination of the
asphaltenes, and therefore have high absorption in the visible fluid in the flow line at time t is given by
wavelength region giving them a characteristic black color.
Light oils and gas condensates, on the other hand, have low ODc _ inf − ODc (t )
Cc = (3)
concentrations of aromatic compounds and low absorption in ODc _ inf
the visible region, and usually are colorless or have a light
yellowish color as shown in Figure 1. where Cc is the volume fraction of the OBM filtrate
For most crude oils, the color absorption is wavelength contamination calculated from color, ODc_inf is the optical
dependent and decays exponentially as the wavelength density of the color channel at infinite time and ODc(t) is the
increases4 as color difference channel at time t. ODc(t) that is calculated by
β (4)
OD = α 0 Le λ (1) ODc (t ) = ODcolor _ channel (t ) − ODbase _ channel (t )

where OD is the optical density, α0 and β are constants, L is The LFA tool has six color channels. ODcolor_channel is the
optical density of a selected color channel, and ODbase_channel is
the path length and λ is the wavelength. Figure 1 demonstrates
the optical density of the base channel, which usually has no
this relation.
absorption and is used as the baseline.
Because OBM filtrate usually contains no methane, but
Molecular Vibration Absorption. In addition to color
crude oil, and especially gas condensate, contains significant
absorption, crude oils also absorb light due to resonance of the
amounts of methane, the OBM filtrate contamination can be
chemical bonds in the molecules. Whereas color absorption
monitored also by monitoring the change of methane content.
occurs in a continuous wavelength, molecular vibration
This is reflected by the methane molecular vibration
absorption only occurs at certain wavelengths, which are
absorption with
related to the molecule structure and the type of chemical
bond. As shown in Figure 1, oils have molecular vibration ODm _ inf − ODm (t ) (5)
absorption peaks near 1200 nm, 1400 nm and 1750 nm. Cm =
ODm _ inf
Molecular vibration absorption is a function of the component
density and does not change when the component phase where Cm is the volume fraction of OBM filtrate
changes. For instance, with the same methane density, the contamination calculated from methane, ODm_inf is the optical
magnitudes of the molecular vibration absorptions of methane density of the LFA methane channel at infinite time and
are the same regardless of whether the methane is in a gas ODm(t) is the methane difference channel at time t as
phase or dissolved in crude oil.
The spectrum of crude oil is the sum of color absorption ODm = ODmethane _ channel − ODbase _ channel (6)
and molecular vibration absorption as shown in Figure 1. Note Figure 2 shows the buildup of the methane channel (red
that black oils and tars have a very large absorption near 1750 curve) and color channel (green curve) as the sample is
nm due to their combined molecular vibration absorption and cleaned up in an LFA sampling job. The base channel (light
color absorption in this region.
SPE 77899 In-Situ Contamination Monitoring and GOR Measurement of Formation Fluid Samples 3

blue curve) is stable and close to zero and should not buildup Equation 7 suggests that ln(OD) has a linear relationship with
with time, because at the wavelength of this channel, most 1/λ for crude oils as shown in Figure 4, which means we can
crude oils have no absorption. By fitting the color and extrapolate the color absorption at other wavelengths from the
methane difference channels with Equation 2, the OBM measured points. Because OBM filtrate is usually clear, we
contaminations from color and methane are calculated from assume Equation 7 is valid for a mixture of crude and filtrate.
Equations 3 and 5 respectively. The LFA has six color channels that have only color
Methane and color represent the light and heavy ends of absorption and no molecular vibration absorption. These color
crude oil respectively, and contaminations from both methane channels are used to fit Equation 7 to determine the color
and color provide an internal consistency check on the data absorptions in the methane and base channels. Then, the color
quality. When these two measurements give similar values of absorption is subtracted from the methane and base channels,
contamination, confidence can be placed on the results. and what is left in the methane channel is only the methane
Furthermore, for light oils and gas condensates, there is very molecular vibration absorption, and the base channel should
little or no color contrast between the oil and the filtrate, and be close to zero and not build up with time.
the buildup of color is hard to detect. Therefore, color This decolorization algorithm is applied to the dark oil in
monitoring will not provide a reliable contamination Figure 3, and the result is shown in Figure 5. After
prediction. In these cases, since condensate usually has a high decolorization, the base channel (light blue curve) is very
methane fraction, methane monitoring is the only reliable close to zero and does not build up with time, indicating that
measurement of contamination. most of the absorption in the original base channel is due to
color. The methane channel after decolorization (red curve in
Color Effect and Decolorization Figure 5) has a much lower optical density compared to before
The OBM contamination monitoring technique works well for decolorization (red curve in Figure 3), because all color
most crude oils, but when the oil is very dark, color absorption absorptions are removed and what is left is only the methane
extends to the methane channel and the base channel, and as a molecular vibration absorption. The methane difference
result, contamination prediction from methane becomes channel (methane - base channel) after decolorization (black
incorrect. As shown in Figure 1, the entire spectrum of dark curve in Figure 5) builds up with time, which is a significant
oils (between black oil and tar) is shifted up because of the improvement compared to the builddown curve before
heavy color absorption. The color absorption is wavelength decolorization (black curve in Figure 3). The methane
dependent, so subtracting the base channel from methane difference channel is higher than before decolorization,
channel cannot remove the color effect. As a result, the because there is more color absorption in the base channel
methane difference channel (methane channel – base channel) than in the methane channel. The contamination prediction
predicts an incorrect contamination. from the decolorized methane difference channel is 16%,
Figure 3 shows the methane channel, base channel and which is close to the prediction from color of 20%.
methane difference channel from an LFA sampling job of a For dark oils, the decolorization algorithm effectively
very dark oil. Because the oil is very dark, color absorption removes the color effect and significantly improves the
extends to both the methane channel and the base channel. methane contamination prediction. We also applied the
Therefore, the methane channel contains both color absorption decolorization algorithm to light and medium oils. As
and methane molecular vibration absorption, and the buildup expected, the results show that the algorithm has almost no
of the methane channel is the combination of both color and effect on these oils, because color absorption does not affect
methane effects. Because the color absorption extends to the the methane and base channels.
base channel too, as the fraction of the reservoir fluid (dark
oil) in the flow line increases, the base channel builds up with In-Situ GOR Measurement
time and is almost parallel to the methane channel as shown in Theory. Gas/Oil Ratio (GOR) is defined as the volumetric
Figure 3. Compared with the base channel of the light oil in ratio of gas to liquid of crude oil at 1 atm and 60oF. It has a
Figure 2, the color effect in Figure 3 is significant. As a result large impact on the design of surface facilities and the
of the buildup of the base channel, the methane difference production process from the subsurface formation. The
channel (black curve in Figure 3) is very flat or even slightly conventional way to measure GOR in a PVT lab is to flash the
building down, which gives a nil contamination prediction. In reservoir sample at 1 atm and 60oF and measure the volumes
this case, the contamination from color is 20%, which is quite of gas and liquid. This is termed “single-phase flash GOR.”
different from the result of methane prediction. Using the optical properties of methane and oil
The error is due to the color absorption on the base channel components in crude oil, we developed a technique of in-situ
and methane channel. To remove the color effect, the downhole GOR measurement for live crude oil in real time.
correlation between color absorption and wavelength in Figure 65 shows the spectra of several live oils with different
Equation 1 is used. Taking the natural logarithm of both sides GORs, of a dead oil and methane. The peak near 1660 nm is
in Equation 1 yields due to vibrational absorption of methane molecules, which is
β the major component in the gaseous phase after crude oil is
ln(OD) = ln(α 0 L) + (7) flashed at standard conditions. The peak near 1730 nm is due
4 C. Dong, O.C. Mullins, P.S. Hegeman, R. Teague, A. Kurkjian, H. Elshahawi SPE 77899

to the vibration absorption of the –CH2– group, which is the Equation 12 provides a way to calculate the mass fractions of
major constituent of the molecular structure of most crude methane and dead oil in a live crude oil from the optical
oils. As GOR increases from dead oil (zero) to methane densities of the methane and oil channels.
(infinite), methane fraction increases and oil fraction When the live crude oil is flashed at 1atm and 60oF, the
decreases, and as a result, the methane peak becomes higher gaseous phase contains methane (C1), other light gases (C2-
and the oil peak diminishes as shown in Figure 6. C5), non-hydrocarbon gases (CO2, H2S, N2) and the vapor of
Mullins’ study6 shows that the magnitude of the methane the dead oil at its equilibrium vapor pressure. Assuming ideal
peak is proportional to the methane density, and the magnitude gas behavior at standard conditions, the mass ratio of the dead
of the oil peak is proportional to the oil density. Therefore, the oil vapor to methane is
ratio of the methane peak to oil peak can be used to calculate
mdead_oil_vapor pdead_oil_vapor wdead_oil_vapor (13)
the mass ratio of gas to liquid in crude oil, and furthermore, =
the GOR can be calculated from the mass ratio. The LFA tool mm pmethane wmethane
has channels that cover the methane and oil peaks, and these where mdead_oil_vapor is the mass fraction of the dead oil vapor
channels are used to calculate GOR of live crude oils. inside the gaseous phase, pdead_oil_vapor is the vapor pressure of
Mullins7 analyzed the NIR spectra of binary mixtures of the dead oil vapor, pmethane is the partial pressure of methane,
methane and n-heptane to develop his GOR algorithm. In this wdead_oil_vapor is the average molecular weight of the dead oil
study, we followed a similar approach, but replaced the binary vapor and wmethane is the molecular weight of methane.
mixture with live crude oils, and replaced the NIR spectra with From our analysis of over 25 crude oils, we calculate an
the signals from the LFA tool. average vapor pressure of the dead oil vapor to be 23.4 torr at
As shown in Figure 6, the methane and oil channels in the 60oF and its average molecular weight to be 80.3 g/mol. The
LFA each have absorption contributions from both methane molecular weight of methane is 16.04 g/mol. We assume a
and oil. A response matrix, B̂ , is formed to capture these typical gas is about 80% by volume of methane, so pmethane is
effects as 608 tor. Inserting these values into Equation 13 gives
 bm _ m bm _ o 
(8) mheptane_vapor = 0.193mm (14)
B̂ =  
 bo _ m bo _ o 
All gaseous components occupy the same volume, so we
where bm_m, bm_o are the response factors of the methane can use either methane or dead oil vapor to calculate the
channel to methane and dead oil, respectively, and bo_m, bo_o volume of the gaseous phase. GOR is the volume ratio of gas
are the response factors of the oil channel to methane and dead to liquid at 1 atm and 60oF, and is calculated by
oil, respectively. The response matrix is a critical factor in mm
GOR calculation; we measured the optical absorptions of RT
more than 30 live and dead oils and condensates to determine
and verify the LFA response matrix. p methane (15)
The mass fraction vector of methane and dead oil in crude
(mo − 0.193mm )
oil, m , is ρ dead _ oil
r m  (9) where R is the universal gas constant, T is the temperature in
m =  m 
 mo  Kelvin, ρdead_oil is the average density of dead oil at 1 atm and
60oF. Inserting the values of wmethane (16.04 g/mol), R (8.31
where mm is the mass fraction of the methane and mo is the J/mol/k), T (288.73 k), pmethane (608 torr) and ρdead_oil (0.862
mass fraction of dead oil. The signal vector from the LFA tool, g/cm3) into Equation 15 and converting units yield the
S , is equation to calculate GOR from mass fraction
r s  mm
S =  m  (10) GOR = 8930 scf/bbl (16)
 so  mo − 0.193mm
where sm and so are the optical density responses of the Combining Equations 11, 12 and 16 gives the algorithm
methane channel and oil channel respectively. The OD ratio of for calculating GOR from OD ratio of methane channel to oil
the methane channel to oil channel is calculated by channel, for live crude oils. Non-hydrocarbon components,
such as CO2 and H2S are not accounted for in this algorithm;
sm (11)
OD Ratio = therefore, if the crude oil contains large amounts of these
so impurities, this algorithm will underestimate the GOR.
r r
The signal vector S and the mass fraction vector m are Effect of Pressure and Temperature on OD Ratio. The real-
correlated as time GOR measurement is made at downhole conditions,
r r
S = Bˆ m (12) which vary considerably from well to well. If the OD ratio
SPE 77899 In-Situ Contamination Monitoring and GOR Measurement of Formation Fluid Samples 5

changes with pressure and/or temperature for the same GOR, m= mass fraction vector of methane and oil
it would be difficult to predict GOR from OD ratio alone. To OD = optical density
find the effect of pressure and temperature on OD ratio, the p= pressure, torr
spectra of four binary mixtures of methane and n-heptane, and R= universal gas constant, J/mol/k
a condensate, covering a wide GOR range, were analyzed. s= optical signal
The OD ratios of each sample measured at more than 13 S= optical signal vector
different pressures and temperatures are shown in Figure 7. t= pumping time, sec
The pressure ranges from 6000 psi to 20000 psi, and the T= temperature, k
temperature ranges from 20oC to 175oC. Figure 7 shows that w= molecular weight, g/mol
both pressure and temperature do not affect OD ratio α0 = defined by Eq. 1
significantly. OD ratio is a function of only GOR. Thus, the β= defined by Eq. 1
OD ratio measured at downhole conditions can be used to
λ= wavelength, nm
calculate GOR of live crude oil.
ρ= fluid density, g/cm3
Comparison with Field Data. We collected the LFA job data
and corresponding PVT lab reports from the Gulf of Mexico,
c = color
North Sea and other areas. The results are shown in Figure 8.
c_inf = color at infinite time
For the blue points, the OD ratios are measured with the LFA
inf = at infinite time
tool, and the GOR are from the PVT lab reports. The red line
m = methane
in Figure 8 is the GOR prediction from the OD ratio by the in-
m_inf = methane at infinite time
situ GOR measurement technique we have developed. There is
m_m = methane channel to methane
a very good agreement between the lab results and what GOR
m_o = methane channel to oil
model predicts. For most points in Figure 8, the error is less
o_m = oil channel to methane
than 10%. This comparison validates the technique of in-situ
o_o = oil channel to oil
GOR measurement in single-phase live crude oil.
o = oil
The optical absorption of crude oils is caused by both color
and molecular vibration absorptions. Sample contamination 1. Mullins, O. C. and Schroer, J.: “Real-Time Determination of
Filtrate Contamination During Openhole Wireline Sampling by
during formation testing can be monitored independently with Optical Spectroscopy”, paper SPE 63071 presented at the 2000
both the color channel and methane channel, and this provides SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
an internal consistency check. Based on the exponential decay Texas, October 1-4.
of color absorption with wavelength, a decolorization 2. Smits, A. R., Fincher, D. V., Nishida, K., Mullins, O. C.,
technique has been developed to remove the color effect on Schroeder, R. J. and Yamate, T.: “In-Situ Optical Fluid Analysis
the methane and base channels to improve the contamination as an Aid to Wireline Formation Sampling,” paper SPE 26496
prediction from methane. A real-time downhole GOR presented at the 1993 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
measurement of live crude oil has already been developed Exhibition, Houston, Texas, October 3-6.
based on the optical properties of live crude oils, with 3. Crombie, A., Halford, F., Hashem, M., McNeil, R., Thomas, E.
parameters determined from experiments and crude oil C., Melbourne, G. and Mullins, O. C.: “Innovations in Wireline
properties. The prediction of the GOR algorithm gives Fluid Sampling,” Oilfield Review, Autumn 1998.
excellent agreement with the PVT lab analysis for crude oils 4. Mullins, O. C., Sheu, E. Y.: Structures and Dynamics of
from many locations around the world. Asphaltenes, Plenum Press, New York and London.
5. Mullins, O. C. and Fujisawa, G., private communication.
Acknowledgements 6. Mullins, O. C., Joshi, N. B., Groenzin, H., Daigle, T., Crowell,
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of our C., Joseph, M. T. and Jamaluddin, A.: “Linearity of Near-
colleagues at Oilphase, DBR, SKK, SDR and SPC. We thank Infrared Spectra of Alkanes,” Applied Spectroscopy 54, No. 4,
2000, 624-629.
Schlumberger for permission to present this paper.
7. Mullins, O. C., Daigle, T., Crowell, C., Groenzin, H. and Joshi,
N. B.: “Gas-Oil Ratio of Live Crude Oils Determined by Near-
Nomenclature Infrared Spectroscopy,” Applied Spectroscopy 55, No. 2, 2001,
b = optical channel response factor
B̂ = response matrix of methane and oil channels
C = volume fraction of contamination
D = defined by Eq. 2
GOR = gas/oil ratio, scf/bbl
L = path length of light, mm
m = mass fraction
6 C. Dong, O.C. Mullins, P.S. Hegeman, R. Teague, A. Kurkjian, H. Elshahawi SPE 77899

Figure 1. Color absorption and molecular vibration absorptions of crude oils.

Figure 2. Color, methane and base channels of a light oil during a sampling job.
SPE 77899 In-Situ Contamination Monitoring and GOR Measurement of Formation Fluid Samples 7

Figure 3. Methane, base and difference channels of a dark oil before decolorization.

Figure 4. Linear relationship between ln(OD) and 1/λ for crude oils.
8 C. Dong, O.C. Mullins, P.S. Hegeman, R. Teague, A. Kurkjian, H. Elshahawi SPE 77899

Figure 5. Methane, base and difference channels of a dark oil after decolorization.

Figure 6. Spectra of live crude oils, methane and dead oil .
SPE 77899 In-Situ Contamination Monitoring and GOR Measurement of Formation Fluid Samples 9

Figure 7. OD ratios at different pressures and temperatures.

Figure 8. Comparison of GOR algorithm with field data.

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