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 Module 1: Introduction to Cognitive Behavior Therapy

o An Overview of the Cognitive Model

o Introduction to Socratic Questioning
o Advantages/Disadvantages Analyses
o Key Components of Cognitive Behavior Therapy
o Definition and Development of CBT
o Research on CBT
 Module 2: Conducting CBT Sessions
o The Therapeutic Relationship
o Values and Aspirations
o Typical Day and Setting Goals
o Structuring Sessions and Interrupting Clients
 Module 3: Rachel's Therapy Session
o Rachel’s Therapy Session

 Module 4: Cognitive Conceptualization

o Overview of Cognitive Conceptualization
o Automatic Thoughts
o Core Beliefs, Assumptions, and Coping Strategies
o Cognitive Conceptualization Diagrams
o Using the CCD to plan treatment
 Module 5 - Responding to Unhelpful Cognitions
o Identifying Automatic Thoughts and Distinguishing Cognitions from Emotions
o Identifying Core Beliefs
o Identifying Coping Strategies and Assumptions
o Cognitive Distortions
o Socratic Questioning
o Behavioral Experiments and Additional Techniques to Test Cognitions
o Evaluating Maladaptive Core Beliefs
o Responding to Cognitions
o When not to evaluate unhelpful cognitions
 Module 6 - Action Plans
o Overview of Action Plans and Therapy Notes
o Behavioral Assignments
o Increasing the Likelihood of Action Plan Completion
o Covert Rehearsal and Credit
o Reviewing Action Plans

 Module 1: The Basics of CBT for Depression

o Theory, Therapy, and Research on Depression
o Video of a Therapy Session
o Strength-Based and Problem-Based Cognitive Formulation
o Schemas
o The Cognitive Triad and the Cognitive Model
 Module 2: Planning Treatment Using Cognitive Conceptualization Diagrams
o Introduction to the Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram (CCD
o The Strength-Based Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram (SB-CCD)
o The Problem-Based Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram (PB-CCD)
o Using the CCD to Plan Treatment
 Module 3: Building Blocks of Treatment
o Structure of Therapy Sessions
o Re-Establishing Rapport and Doing a Mood and Medication Check
o Bridges, Agendas, and Review of Action Plans
o Middle and End of Sessions
o The Therapeutic Relationship
o Setting Action Plans
 Module 4: Beginning Treatment
o The Evaluation Session and Contacting Other Providers
o The First Session: Objectives, Structure, Beginning
o The First Session: Psychoeducation
o The First Session: Typical Day, Core Values, and Aspirations
o The First Session: Setting Goals
o First Session: The End of the Session
 Module 5: Automatic Thoughts
o Basics of Automatic Thoughts
o Types of Automatic Thoughts
o Eliciting Automatic Thoughts
o Socratic Questioning to Evaluate Automatic Thoughts
o Additional Techniques to Address Automatic Thoughts
 Module 6: Core Beliefs, Coping Strategies, and Intermediate Beliefs
o Identifying and Providing Psychoeducation about Core Beliefs
o Modifying Maladaptive Core Beliefs
o Coping Strategies and Intermediate Beliefs
 Module 7: Techniques from CBT and Other Therapies
o Problem Solving, Credit Lists, and Decision Making
o Creating Therapy Notes
o Scheduling Activities
o Clinical Roundtable about Scheduling Activities
o Role Plays
o Graded Task Assignments, Skills Training, and Bibliotherapy
o Mindfulness Techniques
o Techniques from other Modalities
 Module 8: Termination and Relapse Prevention
o Preparing to Terminate
o Tapering Sessions
o Activities Near Termination
o Difficulties with Termination and Booster Sessions

 Module 1: The Basics (Part 1)

o Research on CBT For Anxiety Disorders
o Sarah's First Therapy Session
o The Cognitive Model
o The Risk/Resource Model
o Focus of Attention
o Anxiety about Anxiety
o Avoidance & Safety Behaviors
 Module 2: The Basics (Part 2)
o The Evaluation Session
o Identifying Values and Aspirations and Setting Goals
o An Overview of Cognitive Case Conceptualization
o The Cognitive Model
o Cognitive Models for Sarah
o Relevant Life History
o Core Beliefs
o Coping Strategies and Intermediate Beliefs
o Cognitive Case Conceptualization
o Strength-Based Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram (SB-CCD)
o Therapeutic Relationship
o Session Structure
o Treatment Structure
 Module 3: Cognitive Interventions (Part 1)
o Presenting the Cognitive Model to Clients
o Identifying Automatic Thoughts
o Evaluating Automatic Thoughts, Gathering Evidence, and Coping Cards
 Module 4: Cognitive Interventions (Part 2)
o De-Catastrophizing, Problem Solving, and Alternative Explanations
o Worksheets to Evaluate and Respond to Automatic Thoughts
o in Using Cognitive Restructuring
o Cost-benefit Analyses
 Module 5: Behavioral Interventions: Behavioral Experiments
o Creating and Reviewing Behavioral Experiments
o In-session Behavioral Experiments
 Module 6: Behavioral Interventions: Exposures (Part 1)
o Exposure Exercises and the Cognitive Formulation of Anxiety
o The Rationale for Exposure Exercises
o Exposure Hierarchies
o an Exposure and Safety Behaviors
o the Clients’ Focus of Attention, Rating Anxiety Levels, and Cognitive
o Reviewing Experiences and Drawing Conclusions
 Module 7: Behavioral Interventions: Exposures (Part 2)
o Making Exposure Effective
o Frequency and Duration of Exposures
o Imaginal Exposures
o Exposures
o Body Sensations Exposures
o Case Example of Body Sensation Exposure
o A Recovery-Oriented Approach to Exposures
 Module 8: Physiological Interventions and Mindfulness
o Physiological Interventions
o Progressive Muscle Relaxation
o Diaphragmatic Breathing
o Simple Controlled Breathing
o Mindfulness Interventions
o Therapy Session: Mindfulness of Thoughts
o Mindfulness of Sensations and Emotions
o Mindfulness for Attentional Control
 Module 9: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
o Diagnostic Criteria for GAD
o Cognitive Model of GAD and Factor 1: Intolerance of Uncertainty
o Beliefs About Worry
o Poor Problem Orientation
o Cognitive Conceptualization: Sarah
o Worry Awareness
o Cognitive Restructuring: Decatastrophizing and Problem-Solving
o Cognitive Restructuring: A Two-Column Thought Record
o Evaluating Beliefs About Worry
o Worry Time
o In-vivo Exposure to Uncertainty
o Imaginal and Emotion Exposure
o Relaxation Training & Summary
 Module 10: Panic Disorder
o Diagnostic Criteria for Panic Disorder
o Cognitive Model of Panic Disorder
o Cognitive Model of Panic Disorder Example: Mike
o Hypervigilance, Safety Behaviors, and Avoidance
o Cognitive Conceptualization: Mike
o Tailoring CBT to Panic Disorder
o Cognitive Restructuring of the Catastrophic Misinterpretation
o Interoceptive Exposures
o Therapy Session: Interoceptive Exposure
o Breathing Retraining
o In-Vivo Exposures
o A Recovery-Oriented Approach to In-Vivo Exposures
o Strategies When Clients Refuse or Avoid Exposures
o Symptom Acceptance
o The Use of Medication
 Module 11: Social Anxiety Disorder
o Diagnostic Criteria for Social Anxiety Disorder
o The Cognitive Model of Social Anxiety Disorder
o Self-Focused Attention and Constructing an Impression of Oneself as a Social
o Safety Behaviors
o Anxiety-Induced Skill Deficits
o Post-Event Processing
o Social Anxiety Summary and Case Example
o Tailoring CBT to Social Anxiety Disorder
o Emotional Acceptance
o Cognitive Restructuring of Anticipatory Anxiety
o A Recovery- Oriented Approach to Cognitive Restructuring
o Focus of Attention Training: Mindfulness for Attentional Control
o Focus of Attention Roleplay
o Roleplay Exposures with Video or Audio Feedback
o Post-Event Processing Reduction
o In-Vivo Exposures and Social Mishap Exposures
 Module 12: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
o Diagnostic Criteria for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
o Overview of Cognitive Model of OCD and Unwanted Mental Intrusions
o Appraisals of Obsessions
o Neutralizing Compulsions
o Appraisals of Control
o Cognitive Conceptualization: Paul
o The Longitudinal Formulation of Paul
o Tailoring CBT to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Psychoeducation
o Cognitive Restructuring of Appraisals of Obsessions
o Behavioral Experiments
o In-vivo Exposure and Response Prevention
o Exposure Hierarchies
o Imaginal Exposure and Response Prevention
o Mindfulness of Intrusions
o Relapse Prevention
o Obstacles in Treating OCD
o A Recovery-Oriented Approach for OCD

 Module 1: Introduction to CBT for Personality Disorders

o Introduction to Treatment and Research
o Diagnosing Personality Disorders
o Cognitive Formulation
o Schemas, Modes, Coping Strategies, and Intermediate Beliefs
o The Problem-Based Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram (PB-CCD)
o Strength-Based Formulation
o The Strength-Based Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram (SB-CCD)
 Module 2: The Basics of CBT for Personality Disorders
o A Summary of CBT Treatment
o Initiating Treatment for Clients with Personality Disorders
o Treatment Planning
o Modifications in CBT Treatment for Clients with Personality Disorders
o Techniques from Other Modalities
o Emotion Regulation and Self-Compassion Techniques
o Specifying Problems
o Maladaptive Assumptions
o Therapy Session with Mary
 Module 3: Strengthening Adaptive Beliefs
o Identifying or Developing Adaptive Beliefs
o Indirectly Strengthening Adaptive Beliefs
o Educating Clients About Adaptive Core Beliefs
o Motivating Clients to Strengthen Core Beliefs
o Strengthening Adaptive Beliefs Directly
 Module 4: Modifying Maladaptive Beliefs
o Identifying Maladaptive Beliefs
o Educating Clients about Maladaptive Core Beliefs
o Sharing the Conceptualization with Clients
o Explaining the Strength of Maladaptive Core Beliefs
o Motivating Clients to Modify Maladaptive Core Beliefs
o Introduction to Modifying Maladaptive Core Beliefs
o Socratic Questioning and Reframing
o Reflecting on Other People
o Self-Disclosure, Modifying Spontaneous Images, Behavioral Experiments, and Skill
o Cognitive Continuums, Intellectual-Emotional Role Plays, and Analogies and
o Restructuring the Meaning of Early Experiences
o Variations for Restructuring the Meaning of Early Experience
 Module 5: The Therapeutic Relationship
o Therapy-Interfering Beliefs and Coping Strategies
o Preventing Problems in the Therapeutic Relationship
o Strengthening the Therapeutic Relationship
o Identifying and Conceptualizing Difficulties in the Therapeutic Relationship
o Planning A Strategy
o Case Examples
o Repairing Therapeutic Relationship Ruptures
o Providing Interpersonal Feedback to Clients
 Module 6: Therapists’ Unhelpful Reactions to Clients
o Recognizing Unhelpful Reactions to Clients
o Conceptualizing Problems
o Increasing Empathy and Modifying Expectations
o Managing Negative Reactions to Clients
o Referring Clients, Self-Care, and Increasing Your Competence

 Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders - Aaron T. Beck, MD, Arthur Freeman, EdD, and
Denise D. Davis, PhD
 Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems: What to Do When the Basics Don't Work -
Judith S. Beck, PhD
 Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: Science and Practice - Aaron T. Beck, MD, and
David A. Clark, PhD
 The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral Solution - Aaron T. Beck, MD,
and David A. Clark, PhD
 Depression: Causes and Treatment - Aaron T. Beck, MD, and Brad A. Alford, PhD
 Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond, 3rd Edition - Judith S. Beck, PhD

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