Rosa Parks CNA Lidia

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Rosa 🌹 Parks

1913 - 2005
Who was Rosa
Disponíveis em casa!
Civil rights montgomery
bus boycott
More equality x I can't breathe
University that she studied
She moved
M.L.K. could have lived

Im talking about Rosa Parks roles
Known Rosa Parks became a black activist under her husband influence
when she refused a seat for a white man by state law when she should have
Thus Rosa Parks arrested. Her attitude have been considered a climax among with Martin Luther King was making
(you likely mind the speech of him, "I have a dream", to draw attention about equality between blacks and whites
people referring to the sky perfection) he was baptist shepard of course
She obtained a boycott of public transport and economic loss of companies, workers started to ride a bike, take a
carpool or even on foot, the protests lasted a little more than a year
Since then, social inequality have been greatly reduced in the US what does not mean that it not a serious problem
yet. The law was withdrawal
Recently we've been since June, a case of a policeman who killed a black man (George Floyd) a wave of protests,
called i can't breathe.
Against the paradigms I ask u, if she'd lived in nowdays would she have moved to another state? In order to change
her image as an activist, the final question is Martin Luther King would not have murdered?

Thanks for watching

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