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Chemistry Topic 3 : Quantitative chemistry.

Relative formula mass: Mr

Ar = relative atomic mass (the top number in periodic
Finding relative formula mass steps: e.g., MgCl2
1. Look at the compound – MgCl2
2. Look at the Ar of all the elements in the compound
Ar of Mg = 24 Ar of Cl = 35.5
3. Chlorine has 2 atoms so the Ar of Cl x 2
4. Add all the Ar together
24 + (35.5 x 2) = 95

Finding percentage mass of an element in compound

Find the percentage mass of sodium in Sodium
Carbonate: Na2CO3
1. Find ram of sodium = 23
2. Number of sodium atoms= 2
3. Find Mr of formula = (23x 2) + 12 + (16 x 3)= 106
4. 23 x 2 = (46/ 106) x 100= 43%

Moles and masses:

 Moles is the name given to an amount of
 One mole of a substance has exactly 6.02 x 1023 .
This is called avagadros number.
 Symbol for moles = mol
 Molar mass is the same as Mr or relative formula

How to find the number of moles from mass:


How many moles are there in 66g of CO2?
1. Calculate the Mr of Co2 substance
Mr of co2 = 12 + (16x2) = 44
2. 66g / 44 = 1.5 mol
 Can rearrange formula to fit other questions
Conservation of mass law:
 Chemical reaction- no atoms are created ro destroyed.
 This means same number of atoms on both sides of
 We say mass is conserved during a reaction
 The total Mr of reactants = the total Mr of products
 Balanced equations
 If there is a change in mass its because of gas
i) Metal + oxygen *arrow* metal oxide
ii) Metal carbonate *arrow* metal oxide +carbon dioxe
iii)This is because it reacted with the air/ oxygen a gas

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