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Title: TEST 2 – Organisational Leadership HCL 4103

Author: Mansahij Singh Sidhu

Student ID: C0869122

1. Motivating and Managing Staff:

a. Maslow's Needs Hierarchy:

● Physiological Needs: Ensure employees have access to rations, clean water,

and suitable living arrangements.
● Safety Needs: Provide training and security measures to guarantee
employees' safety in outdoor settings.
● Social Needs: Foster a sense of belonging among employees to mitigate
● Esteem Needs: To boost self-esteem, acknowledge and express gratitude for
their contributions.
● Self-Actualization Needs: Promote opportunities for both professional and
personal development.

b. ERG Theory (Existence, Relatedness, Growth):

● Existence Requirements: Satisfy fundamental needs related to compensation

and working conditions.
● Relatedness Requirements: Cultivate a positive work environment through
team-building activities.
● Growth Requirements: Offer avenues for professional development and career

c. Expectancy Theory:

● Ensure employees believe their efforts will lead to performance and that
performance will result in desired rewards.
● Clearly communicate performance expectations and associated incentives.
● Enhance staff competencies through training and support.
● Establish an open and equitable rewards program.

2. Gantt Chart:

Task Duration Responsible

Site preparation and infrastructure setup 3 months Project Team

Recruitment and training of staff 2 months HR Manager

Construction of resort facilities 6 months Construction Team

Procurement of necessary supplies 2 months Procurement Team

Marketing and promotions Ongoing Marketing Team

Resort operations and maintenance Ongoing Operations Team

Monitoring and evaluation Ongoing Project Manager

3. Increasing Productivity and Ensuring Timely Completion:

● Employees can enhance their skills through comprehensive training.

● Implement efficient work practices and technology to reduce manual labor.
● Provide regular feedback and establish clear performance objectives.
● Motivate employees with performance-based rewards.
● Monitor developments closely and adjust the project plan as needed.
● Encourage collaboration and open communication among staff members.
● Anticipate and address potential obstacles and setbacks in the project

4. Managing Employee Stress:

An employee at the resort may exhibit the following signs of stress:

● Reduced productivity and effectiveness.

● A pattern of absenteeism.
● Fluctuating moods and irritability.
● Physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches.
● Withdrawal from social interactions.

Possible workplace stressors in this remote environment include isolation,

challenging working conditions, and safety concerns.

To alleviate the employee's stress:

● Foster open communication and provide a safe space for expressing

● Offer access to mental health resources and counseling.
● Modify job duties or working conditions where feasible.
● Encourage regular breaks and a work-life balance.
● Express appreciation and recognition for their contributions.

Managing a project successfully in such a remote location requires adaptability,

flexibility, and a strong commitment to employee well-being. Creating a positive and
supportive work environment is essential to attract and retain talent.


● Maslow, A. H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review,

50(4), 370-396.
● Alderfer, C. P. (1969). An Empirical Test of a New Theory of Human Needs.
Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 4(2), 142-175.
● Vroom, V. H. (1964). Work and Motivation. Wiley.
● Gantt, H. L. (1910). Work, Wages, and Profits: Their Influence on the Cost of
Living. Engineering Magazine.
● Coulter, M., Robbins, S. P., & DeCenzo, D. A. (2017). Fundamentals of
Management. Pearson.
● Luthans, F. (2011). Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach.
● Nelson, D. L., Quick, J. D., Hurrell, J. J., & Quick, J. C. (2017). Preventing
occupational stress: Recommendations and a checklist to facilitate
implementation. Organizational Dynamics, 46(1), 6-16.
● Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal, and Coping. Springer

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