Activity The Black Cat

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The Black Cat

Who wrote "The Black Cat"?
Edgar Allan Poe
John Steinbeck
William Shakespeare
Harper Lee

What was the narrator's great interest and passion in life?

What was the narrator's weakness?
Online shopping

The first cat's name was:

What body part was the first cat missing?
A leg
His eye
His heart
His tail

In the story, the narrator's house:

Is haunted.
Is falling down.
Burns to the ground.
Is repossessed by the banks.

What does the second black cat do that annoys the narrator?
Meows all the time.
Scratches him.
Scares the other animals.
Follows him everywhere.

Who does the narrator kill at the end of the story?
His wife.
The second black cat.
The police.

How does he hide the body?
He builds a wall in the cellar.
He burns the body.
He throws it into the lake.
He chops it up and hides it under the floorboards.

What else is behind the wall?
An alarm clock.
The axe.
The second black cat.
The deed to the house.

Poe’s Short Stories

Edgar Allan Poe
"The Black Cat" (1843) Quiz
Quick Quizzes "The Black Cat" (1843) Quiz

1of 5

In addition to Pluto the cat, what other animals does the narrator of "The
Black Cat" keep as pets?
 Birds

 Rabbits

 A monkey

 All of the above

2of 5

After being bitten by Pluto, in a drunken rage, the narrator of "The

Black Cat" retaliates by mutilating the cat's ___.
 Tail

 Eye

 Paw

 Tongue

3of 5
What ominous event takes place on the same night that the narrator
hangs Pluto?
 A fire

 A thunderstorm

 A hurricane

 An earthquake

4 of 5

Enraged by his wife's defense of the mysterious new cat, the narrator kills
her with ___.
 A gun

 A knife

 An axe

 His hands

5 of 5

In "The Black Cat," how many days pass between the narrator
murdering his wife and the arrival of the police?
 One

 Four

 Seven

 Ten

Why did people make fun of the narrator when he was younger?
What was the narrator's name?
What is the first black cat's name?
What is the allusion connected with the first black cat's name?
What does the narrator first do to the black cat after he comes home drunk one
How does our narrator change from how he was when we was younger?
What are some hints that Poe's gives us that our narrator is in jail and will be
What do Pluto and the new cat have in common?
How does the narrator kill Pluto?
What happens on the same night that the narrator kills Pluto?
What does the new cat have on his chest?
What does anomalous mean?

What does felicity mean?

How does the narrator kill his wife?
Why does the narrator kill his wife?
Who does the narrator want to kill instead of his wife?
Why does the narrator originally not kill the black cat?
How does the new black cat act with the narrator?
Where does the new black cat come from in the story?
What is on the one wall that did not burn of the house?
What is an example of foreshadowing in the story?
What does the narrator do with the body of his wife?
How does the narrator get caught in his crime?
How old was Poe when he died?
Does our narrator feel guilty for killing his wife?
Does our narrator feel guilty for killing Pluto?
Why does the narrator kill Pluto?

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