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Develop TWO level 2 or 3 questions (i.e., What is the one of the most important ideas/moments in the
reading? Why?) that will engage your group in a discussion. Then, answer the questions; include the evidence
(quotes or paraphrase of a situation/circumstance) with page number that supports you answer.

 Ch6 p58 introduces “Muscle Testing”. Are there similarities between this and predicting the weather
based on how old injuries feel?

Answers with Evidence

DISCUSSION DIRECTOR: Your job is to identify the important parts of your text and develop a list of
questions that your group will want to discuss. Don't worry about the small details; your task is to help people
talk over the big ideas in the reading and share their reactions. Usually the best discussion questions come
from your own thoughts, feelings, and concerns as you read.
DISCUSS: Ask your group the two questions you developed. Record the best answer to one of the questions
and explain why you thought it was the best answer.

Member Answer

PARTICIPATE: Use this space to complete the task and record notes related to your group member’s

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