Personal Vision Statement - Pazdziorko

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My Vision Statement

Lindsey Pazdziorko
What do you want to be in your future?

Currently I am applying for doctorate of occupational

therapy (OTD) programs with a goal of working in a
children’s hospital. Ultimately, by the end of my career I
would like to not only be apart of a children hospital
occupational therapy program but be running one.
How do you want to be in your future?
- An individual who can maintain
- Empathetic, without giving too
much of myself
- An individual who continues to
- Resourceful when problems arise
work on themselves
- Compassionate towards
- A good person, friend, and
everyone who walks through my
family member
- Someone who seeks help when
- I want to love my job, getting
they need it
excited for everyday
What do you see as your vocation?

Since a young age I’ve known that my calling is to help

others. As I’ve grown older I have found a way to turn this
into a career. Now, I believe the thing I will leave when I no
longer am alive is all of the people I had been able to help
throughout my career, with or without recognition
Who do you want to be with?
Professional Personal
Professionally I want to be Personally, I want to be surrounded
surrounded by like-minded those with similar qualities of those I
individuals in the sense that we all work with professionally. I want to be
surrounded by people who are
are empathetic, compassionate,
empathetic and compassionate,
resourceful and enjoy our jobs. But I
individuals who are caring and
want also to be surrounded by people hopefully have no mal-intent towards
of different backgrounds who can me, who help me to become a better
bring new ideas to the table, who I person and foster my dreams.
will continue to learn from
Do you Want to be Involved in Service?
I would ideally like to be involved in some sort of volunteer
work, something that works with veterans possibly. I would
also like to possibly foster children, I’ve always talked about
adoption and this could be a step in that direction. I say this
knowing that I may not have the time or the energy to add
this into my life with a busy career but at the very least I will
donate when I am able to.
Closing Statement
I do not think I have ever been asked to sit down and think about these questions
specifically, and all at once, ever in my life. I have certainly been asked them
individually, especially more recently as I have been applying to schools, but having
to sit down and analyze where I am currently and where I hope to go is a complicated
task. I know that we were allowed to ‘dream big’ so to speak but this personal vision
statement has been something I have simply known for the last several years of my
life, possibly without ever speaking it aloud. These are not things I hope will happen,
they will happen.

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