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Presentation of Candidates for Completion Confirmation of Completion

I have the honor to present to you the candidates for By virtue of the power vested in me by the
Completion for Junior High School SY 2022-23 with 25 male Department of Education and in behalf of our Schools Division
and 23 female with a total of 48. Superintendent Dr. Rommel C. Bautista and upon the
recommendation of our School Principal, Mr. Rodel D.
Magyaya, that you're successfully completed all the
I hereby CERTIFY that they have satisfactorily requirements for completion prescribed by the Department of
completed all the requirements of the K to 12 Basic Education Education under the K to 12 Basic Education Program, I
Program prescribed by the Department of Education. May I confirmed your completion this 11th of July year of our Lord
therefore request you to confirm their completion. 2023. Congratulations!

Presentation of Candidates for Graduation Confirmation of Graduation

I have the honor to present to you the candidates for By virtue of the power vested in me by the Department
graduation for Senior High School SY 2022-23 for Academic of Education and in behalf of our Schools Division
Track, General Academic Strand with 16 male and 12 female Superintendent Dr. Rommel C. Bautista and upon the
with a total of 29. recommendation of our School Principal Mr. Rodel D.
I hereby CERTIFY that they have satisfactorily Magyaya, that you're successfully completed all the
completed all the requirements of the K to 12 Basic Education requirements for graduation prescribed by the Department of
Program prescribed by the Department of Education. May I Education under the K to 12 Basic Education Program, I
therefore request you to confirm their graduation. confirmed your graduation this 11th of July, year of our Lord
2023. Congratulations!

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