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The Actionable CX

Measurement Playbook:
How to Make an Impact With the CX Metrics
You Already Collect
Table Of Contents








Why Do You Need Actionable
CX Metrics?
A recent Forrester survey found that ONLY 33% of employees
in product development, 50% in business development and
customer service and 48% in digital strategy agree that their
companies provide metrics with actionable insights about the
customer experience.
Most organizations, while having some level of customer experience measurement program
in place, are still not able to show how the CX metrics they collect directly impact business
performance or how they are using them to improve customer experience.

To take your customer experience measurement program to a level where it starts

producing actionable results, you need to measure the right things within the context
of the customer journey, and make use of those customer experience metrics in the
best way possible, so your company can benefit from the insights.

This ebook provides detailed, actionable ways in which you can use the customer
experience metrics you collect to take direct actions that maximize benefits for
your organization, improve experience for your customers’ and take customer
experience measurement to the next level.

Five Ways to Use Customer Experience
Metrics You Already Collect
Take actions that maximize benefits for your organization, improve customer experience and
take CX measurement to the next level





1. Take Direct Action Based on Your
Customer Experience Metrics
Many CX professionals will admit to measuring customer experience move NPS detractors and passives to promoters, and keep
but taking no concrete action from the data collected. Net Promoter promoters happy.
Score® (NPS®), in particular, has gained a lot of prominence in the last
decade. Yet at the end of the day, the act of capturing NPS alone will Input for Product Development – There are a number of ways in
not magically solve your customer experience problems. which you can utilize customer experience metrics for product
development. Here are three examples:
Here are six ways to take direct actions using the • Employ NPS as a go/no-go threshold for launching a new
customer experience metrics you collect: product. Use a predetermined Net Promoter Score as a go/no-go
threshold when deciding to launch either a new product or a new
Personalize Customer Care Calls – Map customer experience feature within an existing product. Release a beta version and
metrics into your customer’s profile to equip your support team to
track the NPS for it. Release the full version to the market once
answer questions knowing exactly how each customer feels about
you achieve your target NPS.
your business at that point in their journey.
This will help your support team to personalize each interaction,

1. Take Direct Action Based on Your
Customer Experience Metrics (con’t)
• Use NPS to prioritize product • Apply VoC data to uncover new process (which is the journey
improvements. NPS can guide your product opportunities. Include a point at which customers are most likely
product roadmap by serving as question about unmet needs during to churn). Your Customer Effort Score will
an input for prioritization of new your VoC data collection process to tell you how easy your onboarding process
features and other potential product uncover a range of opportunities is. Over time, as you work to simplify and
improvements, so that they are better for the product team such as ease your onboarding process, track the
aligned with customer requirements. improvements to boost product customer effort score to make sure that it
Net Promoter Score can help product usability, features to differentiate continues to improve.
development teams most when it is your product from competition, and
followed by deeper research into the suggestions for complementary Leverage Promoters and Other Happy
scores. Customers specially respond products and services. Customers – Use happy customers from VoC
well when it’s made clear that the data or Promoters from NPS surveys to talk
request for further feedback is coming Simplify Customer Onboarding – Use about your product. If you have provided
from the product team, rather than Customer Effort Score (CES) to determine exceptional value, customers are willing to
from sales, marketing or customer the effort required during the onboarding give good reviews, talk about your service
service. to friends and family members, participate
in a testimonial, quote or video
and even be willing to buy
another product or upgrade to
a higher version.

1. Take Direct Action Based on Your
Customer Experience Metrics (con’t)
Conduct Spend Analysis on High-Value Promoters – Once you have identified your
high-value promoters, you can conduct a detailed spend analysis to determine
their spending pattern as it relates to product category, seasonality, average spend,
demographic distribution, etc. Use customer journey analytics to quickly reveal
the connection between revenue and NPS scores within the context of customer

Close the Loop With Dissatisfied Customers – While it’s important to focus on your
happy customers, it is also vital to ‘close the loop’ with your dissatisfied customers.
Make sure your frontline customer service representatives are empowered to act
upon real-time feedback and take quick action on the information they get. A
good customer experience measurement process should include the tool
set needed for triggering action in response to a poor customer
interaction. This will go a long way towards reducing customer

2. Use Journey-Based
Metrics to Elevate Your CX
Measurement Program
Assess Customer Experience Metrics
Through a Journey-Based Lens
To be able to use the customer experience metrics you have collected in
a manner that is systematic, efficient and comprehensive, it is important
to employ a journey-driven approach. After all the resources you have put
in measuring customer experience, journey analytics is critical to elevate
your measurement program and take it to the next level.

Using a journey-based approach helps you identify the right customer

experience metric to use at the right point in the customer journey. A lot
of companies have a tendency to capture and analyze their metrics, as
a single value across the entire customer journey. However, this single
metric approach is really problematic, as customer needs and experiences
can vary dramatically across individual journeys.

Align the best metric with the right point in the customer journey

Recently, a mom called the customer care center of an online What she experienced is a classic case of poor alignment of
shoe retailer as she was experiencing a delay in the delivery customer experience measurement with the customer journey.
of her kid’s shoes. The service representative was able to To get better results, you should first discover end-to-end
successfully resolve the issue and promised that she would customer journeys before you pick the most appropriate
receive the pair of shoes without any further delay. metric to use at a given interaction.

The call was handled professionally and courteously. Before

hanging up, the service representative asked her if she would
recommend the online retailer to a friend or colleague (a
standard question to measure Net Promoter Score). But she
had not even received the shoe yet, and her kid had not had
a chance to use the product. All she had was a satisfactory
customer experience.

Select Which Customer Journeys to Measure
All customers don’t behave the same As per Forrester, Charles Schwab used
way nor do they have an equal impact on journey analytics to identify critical
your revenue. Since your resources are journeys where the client relationship
not unlimited and you cannot measure was at risk, such as onboarding,
every interaction, use customer journey providing a mortgage and portfolio
analytics to prioritize which high-impact reviews. Use Customer Journey
customer journeys and customer
Analytics to Prioritize
experiences to measure.
the Measurement of
High-Impact Customer
Journeys and Experiences

Calculate Customer Experience Metrics for Individual
Customer Segments

Journey analytics helps divide your Usage, Occasion, Customer satisfaction,

customers into individual segments beyond Interest, Engagement-level and User status.
demographics. Customer experience teams
should use this insight to steer measurement Different customer segments have different
towards customer segments with high expectations and often entirely different
profitability, high growth potential, high customer journeys; hence they require
influence in target marketplace, etc. different customer experience metrics.

Customer journey analytics can also segment A good example of customer experience
customers based on their pattern of behavior measurement based on customer
and interaction with a brand. This is known segmentation can be found in the US
as behavioral segmentation. Behavioral health insurance industry. Some insurance
segmentation is about understanding providers focus on measuring customer
customers not just by who they are, but by experience of self-insured customers,
what they do, using insights derived from as that segment has high growth
customers’ actions. potential. Other insurers focus more on
measuring the customer experience of
Behavioral segmentation is further healthy customers, as they are the most
categorized into several different types such profitable segment and their continued
as segmentation by Purchasing behavior, enrollment is essential for maintaining
Benefits sought, Customer journey stage, revenue.

Measure CX at the Optimal Time and Via the Preferred Channel

Making your customer experience measurement process short Keep in mind that customers may have feedback fatigue from
and easy is a common goal for most customer experience being asked for their opinion by every service provider at every
teams. But reaching out to customers at the optimal time interaction. If this is the case, you want to reach out to measure
through their preferred channel is equally important. customer experience at only the most important moments, also
known as ‘moments of truth.’
Say you want to capture feedback after a customer calls into
your call center. To do this, you are likely to pass the customer on Using customer journey
to a recording platform to capture their feedback at the end of analytics, you can
the call. discover these important Using Journey Analytics
But this may not be the best way for the customer who has
interaction points and You Can Discover
only prompt customers
already been on the line with an agent for over ten minutes and the Most Important
for feedback at those
wants nothing more than to hang up. Maybe an SMS or a brief
points in their individual
Interaction Points at
email would produce a better result. Which to Measure the
Before you act based purely on instincts or experience, use Customer Experience
customer journey analytics to discover your customers’
preferred channels for engagement. A customer journey
analytics platform can trigger engagement at any point in the
customer journey through your existing technology stack.
This way you never have to leave the environment to set up an
interaction and the whole process can be automated.

3. Make Your CX Metrics Actionable by
Determining the ‘Why’ Behind the Score
To make a customer experience metric actionable, it is essential Sophisticated customer journey analytics platforms employ
to evaluate the metric within the context of the customer journey artificial intelligence to improve customer experience by
and understand the underlying customer sentiment or behavior rapidly sifting through billions of data points and finding
driving the score, to determine the ‘why’ behind the score. With every relationship in the data that exists. AI can enable you to
customer journey analytics, you can make NPS and other customer determine the precise factors that influence those scores—e.g.
experience metrics actionable by discovering high-impact which customer interactions had the highest impact on the
customer journeys that move the metrics in a positive or negative metrics over time—within the context of your customers’ actual
direction over the course of time. journeys.

AI allows you to focus your time on evaluating

insights and deciding which ones to act on first,
rather endlessly manipulating the data you collected.

A Top U.S. Telecom Company Makes

NPS Actionable

A top 5 US Their existing tools were unable to call center scripts, truck roll scheduling, and
accurately attribute and measure impact of service activations among others.
telecommunications their new customer messaging system.
provider made a significant The CX team used customer journey
They used customer journey analytics analytics to visualize specific customer
investment in automated to measure how automated messaging journeys of interest.They tested the effect
customer messaging to influenced customer behavior and customer of messaging on NPS within a specific
experience metrics, particularly NPS. customer care journey that included truck
improve Net Promoter rolls (i.e. on-site service visits) and product
Score and increase Within a few days they were able to rapidly activations.
and easily integrate data sources with
Customer Lifetime Value. the customer journey analytics platform,
including VoC surveys, mobile messages,


The Result
Within 2 weeks of data integration with the customer journey Now they plan to increase investment in automated messaging
analytics platform, the team was able to attribute and quantify and roll it out for broader use across other customer segments
an increase in NPS as a result of the automated messaging. and geographies.
For the first time ever, they had the ‘why’ behind their customer
experience metric.

4. Link Customer Experience
Metrics to Organizational KPIs
An important step you can The right measurements will help you
evaluate your customer’s experiences at
take to use your customer
every touchpoint as well as the impact
experience metrics and those touchpoint experiences have
make them actionable is to on your business. If the customer’s
experience changes, either positively or
start linking them to your
otherwise, you need a way to know it.
organizational KPIs. And you want to understand what impact
Organizational KPIs (hard, quantitative those changes are having on the KPIs that
metrics like revenue, sales growth, churn drive your business.
and acquisition) are well-known and
The way to link a customer experience
accepted throughout the organization,
metric to an important organizational KPI
and resonate with executives. By linking
is to show a direct relationship between
your customer experience metrics to
the two. Customer journey analytics
KPIs such as these, you will quickly build
can provide a quantitative link between
visibility and alignment for customer
customer experience and hard metrics
experience measurement across your
like revenue or profitability.

5. Increase the Scope, Scale and Visibility
of Customer Experience Measurement
Create a consolidated CX metrics dashboard
To keep stakeholders and employees engaged, present customer Although senior executives may want to monitor only one or two
experience metrics in a consolidated, visual, interactive dashboard metrics to summarize whole of the customer experience, that
that presents your metrics in real-time so that you can continuously approach does not show you where to focus your efforts to bring
monitor them. Avoid focusing only on one top-level customer about improvement. Finally, make sure the metrics are linked to key
experience metric, such as CSAT or NPS. customer journeys.

Share Insights that Drive Action A few examples:

Investment firm Vanguard has created a customer feedback

In addition to dashboards, think of other formats
management platform that sends alerts to designated
to share regular and urgent insights with the
employees as soon as an important customer has filled out an
organization, particularly those insights that have the
NPS survey.
potential to drive meaningful action. These formats
could be online reports, videos, or customer quotes. UK-based retailer Homebase pushes out feedback alerts in
real-time via a mobile app to frontline staff so that they can
address complaints immediately. The feedback is not filtered
through the management and is placed directly in the hands of
the frontline staff. This proactive move has helped Homebase
increase CSAT by 3 percentage points year over year.

Roll Out Your CX Measurement Connect Customer Experience
Program Across Additional Metrics to business units
Business Units and Customer Make your CX metrics relevant for other business units
Segments by identifying and sharing how a particular business unit
contributes to a metric within the context of the overall
In large enterprises, customer experience measurement
customer journey. This will help increase the level of visibility
typically begins with one or two business units and a
and engagement of your customer experience measurement
select few customer segments. Once you have successfully
demonstrated how to use the customer experience metrics
you have collected, the scope and scale of the measurement
program can be elevated by rolling it out across additional
business units and expanding it to larger customer
segments. Ensure that the metrics you choose continue to tie
back to the organization’s larger business goals.
Show Each Business
Unit How They
Contribute to Your
CX Metrics

Work on Quick Wins and Plan
for Long-Term Priorities
Once you have analyzed the data collected, there
will likely be opportunities for quick wins—visible
problems that are easy to fix, quick to complete
and with clear benefits.

Start by working on those immediately, as they can

help elevate the visibility of your customer experience
measurement program.

There will also be other issues that require a deeper

understanding, more research and are long-term
priorities. Get the relevant stakeholders involved, start
planning and documenting these long-term issues so
that you can build a case for the required investment.

Contact Us
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Boston, MA 02210
1-888-MYJRNYS (1-888-695-7697)
Discover and Optimize Your
Customers’ Journeys
Pointillist makes it easy for CX professionals to uncover and optimize
the journeys that matter to your customers, so you can improve
customer experience results and impact the KPIs that matter most
to your business.

• Quickly understand customer behavior across all touch-points &

channels over time

• Uncover and predict high-impact customer journeys

• Drive personalized, multi-channel customer experiences

Unlike other journey analytics solutions, Pointillist lets you connect the
dots between customer interactions and business goals in seconds,
rather than days or weeks. By using artificial intelligence to reveal high-
impact journeys and predict likely behavior, Pointillist is like having a
personal data scientist that’s always on call.


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