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9th Malta Regency Weekend

Friday 21st April to Sunday 23rd April, 2023

Welcome! This is a special year for the Historical Re-enactment Group of Malta.
Twenty-five years ago, Stephen Petroni inspired a group of founder-members to
represent three Maltese regiments, all of which were present during the blockade
of the French in our harbour cities between 1798 and 1800. In June 1998 these
founders, along with more than 400 other re-enactors, took part in a memorable,
nine-day event commemorating the French invasion. There were a variety of
engagements around Malta and Gozo, including cavalry skirmishes and artillery
duels. Malta landed on the international re-enactment map with a bang.

Within two years, HRGM also fielded a Maltese militia, a French infantry unit and
British marines, with frequent participation in Napoleonic re-enactments all over
Europe. In 2009, HRGM formed a medieval guard unit for the city of Mdina, which
now portrays activities set in the period of a popular revolt in 1398.

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2010 saw out first foray into Regency/Napoleonic dance, as total novices.
We attended Margarita’s event in Florence and loved it. We got on really well with
the group run by Donald Francis in Florence and also with the large British
contingent, mostly from the Hampshire Regency Dancers. We found a suitable
venue and persuaded a keen dancer to lead our practice sessions. There was no
looking back.

At this early stage, we were lucky to have the valuable support of the late
lamented Diana Durant as well as her HRD friends James Arnott, Sally Petchey and
Caroline Tracey who were all instrumental in setting us on the right tracks. Soon
we were attending events in Italy, Britain and many other countries. In 2013, we
hosted the first Malta Regency weekend and we’ve kept it up every April except
for the blighted COVID years.

So, here we are again! As always, we’ve done our utmost to make this one the
most enjoyable yet, with a wonderful venue for the ball, the Sala degli Uccelli in
the Grand Masters’ Palace. We were obliged to relocate the Sunday garden party
in view of the untimely demise of Fra John Critien, Bailiff Grand Cross of Justice of
the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, who was due to host us in the citadel of Fort
Saint Angelo which, until a few weeks ago, was his residence. Fortunately, Villa
Bologna, which some of you have already visited, was available at short notice.

To register for this event, kindly fill in either the Euro form or the Sterling form,
both of which are at the end of this info pack, and send it by email to Nicky Bianchi
on You should note that the two forms have different
payment instructions. Please indicate your food preference for the meals by the
relevant key letter and also declare any food allergies.

The full program will be:

Friday 21st – Meridiana wine estate visit with light lunch

– dance workshop at the Grand Masters’ Palace, Valletta
– evening meal at La Giara Restaurant, Valletta

Saturday 22nd – Fabric restoration lab tour or 100-ton gun tour

– lunch at Marea - A Mano Restaurant, Kalkara
– the Ball at the Grand Masters’ Palace, Valletta

Sunday 23rd – a day of leisure at Villa Bologna

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Friday 21st April ‐ Meridiana Wine Estate (modern clothes)

For the early-arrivers, we’ve organised a wine tasting at the Meridiana Estate.
Over the years we’ve visited many wineries but this one remains our favourite.
Some of our guests who don’t drink wine would like to join the visit for the
pleasure of meeting up with their dance friends so this is now one of the options.
Departure will be from the usual pickup point outside the Phoenicia Hotel,
meeting at 10:00 in modern dress for departure at 10:30.

The Meridiana Estate led the revival of quality wine production in Malta in the
1990s. Their current portfolio includes ten labels, four whites, a rosé and five
reds, amounting to a production of around 140,000 bottles of wine annually. Most
of the wine produced is sold domestically but Meridiana also reserves limited
quantities of its wine for export to select niche markets such as Japan, Russia,
Denmark and Belgium, and to private clients in Germany, Austria, Singapore,
Hong Kong, Latvia, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States.

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The Estate Tour includes a visit to the fermentation-hall and underground cellar,
both set within a picturesque Maltese farmhouse, followed by tasting of four
premium wines on the fabulous panoramic terraces overlooking the vineyard.
To accompany the wine tasting, Meridiana will serve delicious Maltese finger food
comprising a selection of sausage, cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes,
bigilla (broad bean paste), ‘ftira’ bread and galletti (water biscuits). At the end of
the visit you will be transported back to Valletta, arriving at about 13:30.

Friday 21st April ‐ Dance Workshop & meal (modern clothes)

The workshop will start at

16:30 in the Sala degli Uccelli
of the Grand Masters’ Palace.
We will meet in the palace
courtyard at 16:15 and go up
to the hall together. Please
arrive in good time to greet
your friends. Comfortable,
flat shoes should be worn.
Biscuits and lemonade will be
served during a short break.
The workshop will be conducted by Libby Curzon, our caller for this Ball.

At 19:45 we’ll walk a couple

of blocks down the road to La
Giara, the Sicilian restaurant
in the lower part of Casa
Rocca Piccola, which is run by
a charming Sicilian family
who will present us with a
vast range of starters
(antipasti). The last time we
ate here, we offered a main
course option but many of
our guests told us it was too much, so this year we dropped it and instead added
dessert and coffee, which were not included previously. Bottled water and a good
house wine are included but all other drinks must be paid for there and then.

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Saturday 22nd April ‐ Bighi/Kalkara/Rinella Tours (period clothes)

Departure will be from the usual pickup point outside the Phoenicia Hotel,
meeting at 09:00 for departure at 09:15. Comfortable, flat shoes should be worn.
We are offering a choice between (a) a guided tour of the Bighi Fabric Restoration
Lab and a presentation on the conservation of a 1760 ikat banyan in the Heritage
Malta collection, or (b) a guided tour of the Rinella 100-ton gun battery.

(a) Restoration lab tour

The restoration lab lies on the Bighi
promontory, with a fabulous view of
Valletta across the Grand Harbour. We
will be met by Textile Conservator Claire
Bonavia who will show us round and will
explain the lab’s methodology and
conservation techniques. She will also
show us some of the items the lab is
working on and the extraordinary
banyan, which we will be able to examine
up close. Claire will accompany us on a
stroll down to the Marea A Mano
restaurant where she will walk us
through the banyan’s conservation

1760 banyan, Heritage Malta Banyan cuff detail

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(b) 100‐ton gun tour

Fort Rinella 100 ton Armstrong Gun in 1914

Fort Rinella was built in 1878 by the British administration and is one of two
Maltese coastal batteries that housed an Armstrong 100-ton gun. The gun is a
17.72 inch calibre rifled muzzle-loader made by the Elswick Ordnance Company,
the armaments division of Armstrong Whitworth, owned by William Armstrong.
These guns were first supplied to the Italian navy to arm two battleships and
eventually, to counter these, were also placed in British fortifications at Malta and
Gibraltar. Both Fort Rinella and the gun were restored in recent years and are
now open and accessible to the public.

The coach will arrive at about 1000 and a guided tour lasting about one hour will
be provided, followed by about half an hour of free time to look into any
interesting nooks and crannies which may take our fancy. Please note that a
supplement of €12 is to be added if this tour is selected instead of the fabric
restoration lab tour. At 1145, our coach will leave Fort Rinella and drop us at the
Marea A Mano restaurant which has a panoramic terrace where pre-prandial
drinks may be ordered.

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Marea A Mano Restaurant terrace

The Marea A Mano restaurant is located on the foreshore below what was the
Royal Navy Bighi Hospital, built in the 1830s. The hospital had a useful lift, which
is visible near the middle of the picture above, to convey injured sailors arriving
in small boats straight into the hospital.

We will all be served rosemary focaccia and tomato bruschetta (there will be
gluten free bruschetta for those who need it) followed by a main course, which
you should select when you book, and dessert. A list will be available, to remind
us which option we chose. Bottled water, soft drinks and coffee are included but
all other drinks must be paid for there and then.

Return transport will be by coach which will drop us outside the Phoenicia Hotel
at about 14:30.

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Saturday 22nd April ‐ Regency Ball at the Palace, Valletta (period clothes)

The Ninth Malta Regency Ball will be held in the Sala degli Uccelli of the Palace of
the Grand Masters (by kind permission of the President). The Palace is easy to
find, right in the middle of Valletta. Doors open at 19:00.

The Palace of the Grand Masters (use the door on the left)

In 1571 the Grand Master moved the Order's headquarters to the new city of
Valletta, occupying the house built by his nephew just two years before, and
subsequently all other buildings which formed part of the same block. The Palace
was modelled in the Mannerist style by the Maltese architect Girolamo Cassar.
It was extensively modified and embellished by subsequent Grand Masters, which
gave the building a Baroque character.

The ceilings of the main corridors were decorated with frescoes by Nicolau Nasoni
in 1724, during the magistracy of António Manoel de Vilhena. In the 1740s, Grand
Master Manuel Pinto da Fonseca made extensive alterations to the building and
gave it its present configuration. Pinto's renovations included the embellishment
of the façade, the opening of a second main entrance, and the construction of a
clock tower in one of the courtyards.

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A corridor in the Palace

The Palace has housed the President’s office since 1974 and Malta’s parliament
between 1921 and 2015. After parliament moved to a new building, Heritage
Malta undertook the vast task of restoration. Many of the state-rooms are still
undergoing works. We will be among the first to use the newly restored Sala degli
Uccelli which, for many years, was divided into small offices to serve parliament.
The richly painted suspended ceiling has been reinstated in full splendour.

The Sala degli Uccelli occupies the first floor directly behind the entrance
courtyard, with windows overlooking it. The Sala originally had windows along
the opposite side with a panoramic view of the Grand Harbour but these were
eliminated when a large armoury was built along Merchants Street, completely
blocking the view. A large yard was left at first floor between the Sala and the
Armoury, which is where finger food and drinks will be served from 19:30.

Dancing will start at 20:30 led by our caller Libby Curzon, with music provided by
our string quartet, Cuerdas. We will stop dancing for half an hour to be served
prosecco, sweets and coffee then resume dancing until midnight.

We will have one “surprise dance” in each of the two sessions, for which partners
will be drawn by lot, in advance. A list of these surprise couples will be on view
from the start of the Ball.

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Sunday 23rd April ‐ Villa Bologna (period clothes)

Villa Bologna

The Dolphin Pond, Villa Bologna Baroque Garden

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The Large Nymphaeum, Villa Bologna Baroque Garden

Our garden party and tea dance will be held at the charming Villa Bologna. This
will be our third visit and we are lucky to have the use of it after the sudden change
of plans which circumstances imposed on us. This palatial villa, with its extensive
gardens, was built as an aristocratic country retreat in the eighteenth century.

Please try to be at the usual meeting point outside the Phoenicia Hotel by 10:15
for departure at 10:30. On arrival, we will stroll through the gardens and, after a
light lunch, we may choose from a selection of activities such as archery, water
colour painting or Maltese bowls, some of which must be pre-booked.

The tea dance will be held in the pavilion, with its sprung wooden floor,
interrupted by tea with sandwiches, home-made cakes and biscuits, together with
our home-made lemonade which is always popular. We will have one “surprise
dance” in each of the two sessions, for which partners will be drawn by lot. A list
of these couples will be on view from the start of the Dance. Coaches will depart
at about 20:00, arriving at the Phoenicia Hotel drop-off point at about 20:30.
That will bring our Regency Weekend to a close. We very much hope to see you
at this our Ninth event and welcome you to Malta and all its many delights.
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The Dances
Libby has chosen a fine selection of favourites for the Ball, and a few less-known
dances which deserve an airing. We will include two Maltese dances, one
published in full, the other compiled by Libby to fit music which was collected in
Malta in 1805. There will be two Surprise Partner dances which encourage our
guests to circulate and chat with people they may not know in order to find their
surprise partner.

Dances for Sunday afternoon will be chosen by Daphne Abela and called by
Daphne and Annabel Mallia. We will certainly include some more Maltese dances
and many old favourites, as well as another two Surprise Partner dances.

There are no restrictions at all at the moment and we trust that it will remain so.
We will advise you of any changes.

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Friday 21st April ‐ Meal at La Giara Restaurant

Mixed Starters (Antipasti Mare e Monti)

Parma ham & melon
Caprese salad (mozzarella, tomato, basil)
Grilled peppers, aubergines, marrows (verdure grigliate)
Oven stewed octopus (polipo al forno)
Marinated salmon, tuna & sword-fish
Fried squid (calamari fritti)
Fried whitebait (maccu fritto)
Whitebait fritters (polpette di neonati)
Baked cheese with salmon (sfogliatine di ricotta e salmone)
Baked mussels with seasoned topping (cozze gradinate)
Garlic prawns (gamberi all’aglio)

Dessert (choose one of the following):

(A) Cassata Siciliana
a sponge-cake base topped with ricotta cheese, all in a marzipan shell
(B) Lemon sorbet
(C) Fruit salad


Half a bottle of water and half a bottle of house wine per person are included.
All other drinks, must be paid for there and then.

We would like you to note that the information on food intolerances which you
indicate at registration will be passed to our caterers. If you have any concerns
about the contents of food, please ask the person serving you. All food served may
contain traces of nuts, soya, dairy or wheat due to cross contamination in an open

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Saturday 22nd April ‐ Meal at Marea A Mano Restaurant

Focaccia - dressed with rosemary, parmesan, rocket and cherry tomatoes
Bruschetta - toasted bread topped with chopped tomato, basil & olives
Gluten free bread will be used for those who indicate they are gluten intolerant

Main Course (choose one of the following):

(D) Tagliata di Manzo
300 grams of beef bavette grilled to your liking,
dressed with rocket, cherry tomatoes and parmesan shavings
served with mixed veg, roasted potatoes or fries
(E) Pollo alla Griglia
Grilled chicken thigh with mozzarella, basil pesto & crushed tomato,
served with mixed veg, roasted potatoes or fries
(F) Seabream
Seabream filet cooked in foil
with white wine, cherry tomatoes, capers and olives,
served with mixed veg, roasted potatoes or fries
(G) Aubergine parmigiana (vegetarian)
sliced eggplant layered with cheese and tomato sauce
(H) Pasta Cacio e Pepe (vegetarian)
Classic Roman dish made with pasta, black pepper & pecorino cheese
(J) Pasta alla Norma (vegetarian)
Sicilian classic, with a rich tomato sauce studded with aubergine
and topped with shavings of cheese

Dessert (choose one of the following):

(K) Cheesecake Fragola
A layer of biscuit with soft cheese ricotta cream with a touch
of strawberry jam & garnished with pieces of strawberries
(L) Fruit salad

Water and soft drinks are included and coffee will be served with dessert. All other
drinks must be paid for there and then.

We would like you to note that the information on food intolerances which you indicate
at registration will be passed to our caterers. If you have any concerns about the
contents of finger-food, please ask the person serving you. All food served may contain
traces of nuts, soya, dairy or wheat due to cross contamination in an open kitchen.

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Malta Regency Weekend 2023 – Registration Form – EURO
Please fill in this booking form and email it to with your details for our records.
Make sure that all payments are tagged with the name of the person paying.
Kindly make your EURO payments to:
Bank of Valletta, Malta - account 40022932268 in the name of HRGM
BIC: VALLMTMT IBAN: MT43VALL22013000000040022932268

Friday 21st April 2023

Meridiana winery tour, including four wines, Maltese
€39.00 per person €
platter and transport
Meridiana winery tour, including Maltese platter and
€29.00 per person €
transport but no wine
Dance workshop Free of charge € 0.00

Meal at La Giara Restaurant €23.00 per person €

Saturday 22nd April 2023

Kalkara tour & Restaurant €38.00 per person €

Extra for Ricasoli 100-ton gun tour €12.00 per person €

Regency Ball at the Grand Masters' Palace €125.00 per person €

Sunday 23rd April 2023

Villa Bologna, incl. lunch, tea & transport €135.00 per person €
Extra for watercolour painting lesson
€20.00 per person €
(only ten places - email me before paying)



Email address
Mobile number


Names of any other persons covered by this registration: DESSERT MAIN DESSERT

Please advise us of any food allergies or dietary requirements (vegetarian/vegan/other):

Malta Regency Weekend 2023 – Registration Form – POUND
Please fill in this booking form and email it to with your details for our records.
Make sure that all payments are tagged with the name of the person paying.
Kindly make your POUND STERLING payments to:
WISE account 36499899 in the name of Nicholas Bianchi
UK sort code 23-14-70 IBAN: GB24 TRWI 2314 7036 4998 99

Friday 21st April 2023

Meridiana winery tour, including four wines, Maltese
£34.50 per person £
platter and transport
Meridiana winery tour, including Maltese platter and
£25.50 per person £
transport but no wine
Dance workshop Free of charge £ 0.00

Meal at La Giara Restaurant £20.50 per person £

Saturday 22nd April 2023

Kalkara tour & Restaurant £33.50 per person £

Extra for Ricasoli 100-ton gun tour £10.50 per person £

Regency Ball at the Grand Masters' Palace £111.00 per person £

Sunday 23rd April 2023

Villa Bologna, incl. lunch, tea & transport £120.00 per person £
Extra for watercolour painting lesson
£18.00 per person £
(only ten places - email me before paying)



Email address
Mobile number


Names of any other persons covered by this registration: DESSERT MAIN DESSERT

Please advise us of any food allergies or dietary requirements (vegetarian/vegan/other):

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