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Good evening everyone, this is our presentation for the oral exam. It’s about a tourist named
Emily who is visiting The Cairo, but She was on a trip without information so now she needs a little

In our dialog Jean Franco, the ambassador, and myself Evelyn as the citizen we are going to talk
about the city and guide Emily trough her vacations with cultural, politics and history data.

Emily Oh no! I think I am lost, what should I do? I don't see anything near and I have to find some
water or I'll die of thirst, I think its a good idea walk a little bit more to see if I can find
someone that can help me. This is bad I was going to visit the Egyptian Museum tomorrow
morning, My best friend Aya told me that It has the largest collection of the history about
the ancient Egypt, around 120,000 pieces. Sometimes I'm very careless, how can I get lost
like this? I should brought the map. I guess I'll keep walking until I find someone.
Evelyn Hi, are you lost? Are you on vacation? You look like a tourist.
Emily Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Emily and I’m so glad to find you. As you can see I’m a
lost tourist I usually like to visit cities like this with a lot of culture and history on my own,
but now I see that It was a bad idea, if you don’t mind could you explain me how to visit the
Egyptian Museum please?
Evelyn Nice to meet you Emily, I’m glad you are visiting our city, my name is Evelyn, I’m a citizen
from the Cairo.
If you want to visit the Egyptian Museum you have two ways to do that, first at all its going
on your own, which I don’t recommend you because could be difficult and expensive, the
second option is to get a tour. A professional guide will pick you up at your hotel and then
you will enjoy your Egypt day tour, the Egyptian Museum is near the Giza Pyramids of
Cheops Khafre and Menkaure. You'll find exhibits of ancient Egyptian treasured artifacts and
antiquities from all stages of pharaonic history, including the latest discoveries, here are the
numbers and websites that you can visit to schedule the visit.
Emily This is very helpful, thank you very much, what other activities can I do here? Perhaps is
there a parade that I can go to? While I was walking in the city, I heard something about the
‘golden parade’.
Evelyn Here are some flyers with a lot of activities that you can do while you are here like private
tours of the pyramids or a camel ride.
An also, I want to introduce with Jean Franco, He is the ambassador of the city. He can
answer your doubt about the parade.
Jean Franco Ismak, it's a pleasure to meet you, my Name is Jean Franco, the ambassador of Cairo
We had a really big parade two years ago known as the golden parade it was a government
idea to reactivate the tourism that decrease by nearly 70% since the pandemic.
Emily Ismak Jean Franco. Thanks for the information, I hope go back soon to visit a lot of places,
Evelyn I’m sure that you are going to love the city, and maybe you can back next year for the
Emily Oh, excuse me, what Is Ramadan?
Evelyn Ramadan is an inspiring tradition that reflects well on Islam. Muslims give food and money
to the poor, as well as to travelers who cannot otherwise stop to eat when it is time to
break their fast. Food is supplied by many different groups, including wealthy individuals,
restaurants, and other foundations, often setting up tables along the streets for this
purpose. You can take wonderful photos by night with all the city illuminated and try typical
and delicious food.
Emily I have any doubts about your delicious food and I really want to taste the ‘Kushari’ since is
most famous dish in Egypt and the favorite of my best friend she even explain me how to
make it:
First cut 2 onions and 3 garlics in small pieces
Then fry the onions and the garlics with oil and add the Baharat that is an Arabic specie, salt
and a little bit of vinegar.
Cook the noodles and the rice by separate about 7 minutes.
Cook chickpeas and lentils too.
Put the rice, the noodles, and the legumes to the sauce.
Finally serve and sprinkle fry onion on the top.
It sounds just good¡
And Jean Franco could you tell me more information about how the city is managed?
And please I want to know everything about the golden parade, I’m sad that I missed It.
Jean Franco Well, we have a Democratic system where Islam is the official religion of the State and the
legal norms are based on the Koran, although the State is attributed the obligation to allow
the change of any religion. In fact we have a presidential republic, islam is a monotheistic
religion practiced by the musulmans our god is Ala, our profeta Mahoma and our sacred
book is Quran.
Maybe you listen the Name of the golden parade of the pharaohs, this parade Happened on
April 3, 2021, in the festival twenty two mummies were trasferred, including pharaohs and
queens of the new kingdom period of Egypt, from the egyptian museo in Cairo to the
National museum of egyptian civilization in Fustat.

I hope the information help you to spend a beautiful time in our city. Enjoy your time Here
and take care!
Emily I will, thanks for the information embassador that was very kind to share all this information
see you. Evelyn could you tell me a fast instruccions to get again to the city please?

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