Callaini 1997

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Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 37:300–307 (1997)

Patterns of Microtubule Assembly in

Taxol-Treated Early Drosophila Embryo

Giuliano Callaini and Maria Giovanna Riparbelli

Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

Incubation of early Drosophila embryos with low concentrations of taxol (2.5 µM)
revealed a pattern of microtubule assembly that was cell-cycle dependent.
Microtubule bundling was observed during the pronuclear stage after resumption
of meiosis, whereas at the onset of the first mitosis the microtubules organized in
astral arrays. Taxol treatment showed differential microtubule assembly properties
of the egg cytoplasm. The preferential assembly site for taxol-induced asters was
the ventral cortex; in the dorsal cortex only microtubule bundling occurred. This
dorsal-ventral heterogeneity of the egg cortex persisted until the third or fourth
nuclear cycle. Microtubules did not organize in astral arrays in the inner cytoplasm,
but only in mitotic spindles. CP190 and g-tubulin, usually found in the centrosome
of the early Drosophila embryo, were absent in taxol-induced asters. These
observations suggest that the mechanism driving the assembly of taxol-induced
asters is not centrosome dependent in the early Drosophila embryo. Cell Motil.
Cytoskeleton 37:300–307, 1997. r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: cytoplasmic heterogeneity; taxol-induced asters; mitosis

INTRODUCTION ences in the organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton

are apparent in the early embryo. The dorsal-ventral
The early Drosophila embryo is a large cell in
polarity of the early embryo can only be predicted from
which 13 mitoses occur without the formation of distinct
the shape of the egg that is curved on the ventral side and
membranes between neighbouring nuclei. The dividing
flattened on the dorsal one. Dorsal-ventral asymmetry
nuclei remain in the interior of the embryo until the tenth
first becomes apparent at the end of cellularization, the
mitosis when they migrate to the cortical region and
ventral cells being completed before the dorsal cells
divide three times more before cell membranes are
[Sonnenblick, 1950]. To test for cytoplasmic heterogene-
formed [Foe et al., 1993]. Several studies suggest that the
ity in microtubule assembly properties we treated early
cytoskeleton plays an important role in early develop- Drosophila embryos with low concentration of taxols.
ment [Warn, 1986; Schejter and Wieschaus, 1993; Foe et Taxol is a plant-derived drug that has been shown to
al., 1993; Miller, 1995]. Microtubules seem to form a inhibit cell division [Wani et al., 1971] and to promote
filamentous network just beneath the plasma membrane microtubule assembly by lowering the critical concentra-
of the preblastoderm embryo [Karr and Alberts, 1986]. tion required for tubulin polymerization [Schiff et al.,
This cortical network is not, however, visible in embryos 1979] in a cell-cycle dependent manner [De Brabander et
fixed without taxol [Warn and Warn, 1986; Kellogg et al., al., 1986]. By using this drug we obtained evidence of
1988; Baker et al., 1993]. This finding suggests that
peripheral microtubules could be an artifact of taxol
treatment. However, short randomly oriented microtu- Contract grant sponsor: MURST.
bules occur throughout the oocyte before ovulation
[Theurkauf et al., 1992]. *Correspondence to Dr. Giuliano Callaini, University of Siena, Depart-
ment of Evolutionary Biology, via Mattioli, 4, 53100 Siena, Italy.
Although the egg has established its principal axes, E-mail:
dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior, by the end of oogen-
esis [Chasan and Anderson, 1993], no regional differ- Received 23 August 1996; accepted 27 March 1997.

r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Microtubules in Taxol-Treated Drosophila Embryo 301

cytoplasmic domains with different microtubule assem- DMSO at a concentration of less than 1% does not
bly properties in the preblastoderm embryo. This informa- interfere with embryo development [Zalokar and Erk,
tion provided insight into the cytoskeletal organization 1976].
and dynamics of early Drosophila embryogenesis.
Fluorescence Microscopy


To remove the vitelline envelope, the eggs were put
in a solution of 5 ml 90% cold methanol in H2O plus 5 ml
Reagents n-heptane and shaken for 4–5 min (Warn and Warn,
Microtubules were detected with a monoclonal 1986). Eggs that lost their vitelline envelope sink down.
antibody against b-tubulin (Boehringer Mannheim, India- These eggs were fixed for 10 min in methanol and for 5
napolis, IN) and a monoclonal antibody against acety- min in acetone, both at 220°C. After fixation, the eggs
lated a-tubulin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) both used at were washed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and
1:200-fold dilution. The centrosome-associated protein incubated for 30 min in PBS containing 0.1% BSA. To
CP190 was detected with the rabbit polyclonal antiserum visualize CP190 antigen or g-tubulin, the embryos were
Rb188 [Frasch et al., 1986; Oegema et al., 1995; Whit- incubated with Rb188 or Rbcs1 antibodies at room
field et al., 1988, 1995] used at 1:400 dilution; g-tubulin temperature. After 4–5 h, an antibody against b-tubulin
was detected using Rbcsl, a polyclonal antiserum raised was added for 2 h. The embryos were then rinsed in
against recombinant Drosophila g-tubulin (dilution, PBS/BSA and incubated for 1 h in a mixture of secondary
1:100). The antibodies against g-tubulin and centrosomal antibodies. To exactly determine the stage of the em-
antigens of Drosophila were kindly provided by W.G.F. bryos, the nuclei were stained with Hoechst 33258 for
Whitfield, University of Dundee, United Kingdom. Sec- 3–4 min. The samples were rinsed again in PBS and
ondary antibodies were either goat anti-mouse or goat mounted on glass microscope slides in 90% glycerol
anti-rabbit conjugated IgG (Cappel, West Chester, PA; containing 2.5% n-propyl gallate [Giloh and Sedat,
dilution, 1:600) coupled with fluorescein or rhodamine. 1982]. Fluorescence observations were carried out with a
Nuclei were visualized with 1 µg/ml of the specific dye Leitz Aristoplan microscope equipped with fluorescein,
Hoechst 33258 (Sigma). Taxol (Molecular Probes, Eu- rhodamine, and UV filters. Photomicrographs were taken
gene, OR) was dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) with Kodak Tri-X 400 pro and developed in Kodak
as stock solution and diluted with D20 medium [Echalier HC110 developer for 7 min at 20°C.
and Ohanessian, 1970] to the final concentration desired
for incubation. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was ob-
tained from Sigma.
Taxol Induced Cell-Cycle Dependent Patterns
Egg Collection of Microtubule Assembly in the Early
Drosophila melanogaster (Oregon-R) flies were Drosophila Embryo
raised in groups of 50 males and 25 females on standard The early Drosophila embryo has a thin peripheral
medium in 200-ml plastic containers. Eggs from 7- to layer that was faintly stained by an antibody against
8-day-old flies were collected twice for 20 min on small b-tubulin without revealing distinct microtubule bundles
agar plates at 24°C. After discarding these eggs, fertilized (not shown). Only microtubules associated with the
eggs were collected again at 5-min intervals. meiotic apparatus or with polar bodies were recognized.
The inner cytoplasm was dark and only the spindle
Drug Treatment microtubules were labelled.
For taxol incubation, the eggs were dechorionated Incubation with taxol (2.5 µM for 15 min), an agent
in a 50% bleach solution, washed in distilled water, dried known to promote microtubule assembly by lowering the
on filter paper, and permeabilized with heptane on small critical concentration required for tubulin polymerization,
Petri dishes for 2 min as described by Limbourg and led to a dramatic reorganization of the peripheral cytoplas-
Zalokar [1973]. The eggs were then quickly dried, mic domain and induced the formation of distinct micro-
covered with a small square of tissue paper (Kleenex), tubule bundles. By immunofluorescence with an antibody
and incubated with the drug for 15 min at 24°C. The against b-tubulin, we observed a complex pattern of
tissue paper prevented the eggs from floating on the microtubule organization that was correlated with the
surface of the solution and ensured that the whole embryo behavior of the parental complements. When embryos
was in contact with the drug. collected from rapidly laying females were incubated in
Controls were performed by incubating the eggs taxol within 5 min of egg deposition and scored for DNA,
without taxol in D20 medium containing 0.5% DMSO. we found three main nuclear configuration types: pro-
302 Callaini and Riparbelli

nuclear migration stages (19%, n 5 196), first mitotic of the ventral region of the embryo, whereas the dorsal
figures (70%, n 5 682), and late nuclear divisions (11%, one showed only randomly arranged microtubules (Fig.
n 5 107). This variety may be due to the fact that it is 1E and F). The asters decreased in size and number along
difficult to obtain synchronized batches of eggs from the transition zone: the dorsolateral area of the egg, where
Drosophila females. Our attempts to obtain the various short microtubules were also visible. The dorsal-ventral
meiotic stages were unsuccessful. Because the time cytoplasmic heterogeneity was no longer visible from the
required to complete meiosis in Drosophila was shorter third or fourth nuclear cycle.
than the time of taxol treatment, the lack of meiotic Taxol-induced microtubule bundling was appar-
figures suggests that taxol, at a concentration of 2.5 µM, ently a specific property of the peripheral cytoplasm,
did not significantly affect meiotic progression in Dro- because we never observed asters or microtubule bundles
sophila. One hundred sixty-nine eggs of the first class in the embryo in addition to the spindle microtubules
showed four peripheral nuclei, sometimes arranged in (Fig. 3E). Taxol at a concentration of 2.5 µM, induced
tandem, and a single nucleus in the inner cytoplasm. This dramatic reorganization of the cortical microtubules,
finding indicated that meiosis had been completed but without noticeably affecting the spatial organization of
that pronuclear migration had not occurred in these the spindle microtubules (Fig. 3E). This failure to affect
embryos. Heterogeneous bundling of microtubules, rang- microtubule organization in the embryo was not due to
ing from parallel bundles to partial clustering, was lack of taxol penetration, because spindle organization
induced by taxol under these conditions (Fig. 1A and B). was unaltered in eggs cut longitudinally and in syncytial
In 27 eggs of the first class, the male and female pronuclei blastoderms, in which the nuclei had migrated to the
were closely apposed in prophase-like configuration.
embryo surface. Abnormally large asters were induced at
Cortical bundles of microtubules, mostly parallel to the
the spindle poles at a higher concentration of taxol (10
surface, were seen to converge toward bright foci in these
µM). The asters produced by adding taxol were always
embryos (Fig. 1C and D). Microtubule bundles persisted
visible at the embryo surface during mitoses 1–9, but
during prometaphase, but decreased in number. From
were no longer observed as soon as the nuclei reached
metaphase of the first mitosis, the microtubule bundles
the periphery of the embryo during the tenth mitosis
were no longer visible, or only in the dorsal region of the
(Fig. 3F).
embryo, and loosely assembled asters appeared in the
ventral cortex (Fig. 1E and F).
When the embryos were incubated with D20 me- Asters Induced by Taxol Differed From the Asters
dium without taxol and containing 0.5% DMSO, we at the Spindle Poles
never observed astral arrays or microtubule bundles at the Cortical asters did not seem to contain acetylated
egg surface. Only microtubules associated with polar a-tubulin, because we were unable to obtain surface
bodies or mitotic spindles were visible (Fig. 2). labeling in embryos treated with 2.5 µM taxol (Fig. 4A
As nuclear division progressed, the surface of the and B). This finding was not due to lack of antibody
embryos treated with taxol was filled with distinct penetration because, as a rule, acetylated tubulin was
aster-like configurations connected by a network of short found in polar bodies (Fig. 4A) and throughout the
microtubules (Fig. 3A and B). With a higher concentra- mitotic spindles (Fig. 4B) in the interior of the embryo.
tion of taxol (10 µm), the microtubule asters increased in Acetylated microtubules seemed to be associated with a
size and compactness and took the shape of hollow thin area through the longitudinal axis of the mitotic
spheres with walls formed by short hook-like radially spindle, whereas acetylated a-tubulin was found in asters
orientated microtubule bundles (Fig. 3C and D). With assembled at higher concentration of taxol (10–20 µM)
longer incubation times the asters eventually merged. (not shown).
This finding was suspected because paired asters and Rb188 antibody that recognized a protein of 190
large masses of radially oriented microtubules were kDa associated with the centrosome of the early Dro-
found (not shown). sophila embryo did not stain the central area of taxol-
induced asters, but recognized the CP190 antigen at the
Taxol Incubation Revealed Regional Differences in poles of the mitotic spindles in the inner cytoplasm.
the Early Drosophila Embryo Figure 4C and D shows an example of centrosome
The pattern of taxol-induced microtubule polymer- staining of the spindle poles obtained with the Rb188
ization revealed a dorsal-ventral cytoplasmic heterogene- antibody. Although g-tubulin was found at the poles of
ity of the egg cortex. The organization of the microtu- the spindles in the inner cytoplasm, it was not found in the
bules in astral arrays appeared to be an intrinsic property cortical asters (not shown).
Microtubules in Taxol-Treated Drosophila Embryo 303

Fig. 1. Drosophila embryos treated with 2.5 µM taxol for 15 min and small astral arrays of microtubules are evident in the ventral and lateral
stained with an antibody against b-tubulin. A,B: At the end of meiosis regions of the egg cortex; the dorsal region shows short randomly
the embryo surface is filled with short randomly orientated microtu- orientated microtubules. Arrows indicate polar bodies. Embryo in F has
bules. C,D: When parental nuclei are in close apposition, the periphery a right-angle clockwise orientation with respect to that shown in E.
of the embryo shows bundles of microtubules mostly converging to Bars 5 100 µm in A,C,E, and 10 µm in B,D,F.
common foci (arrowheads). E,F: During metaphase of the first mitosis,
304 Callaini and Riparbelli

however, may be due to the fact that these asters are so

small that their structure cannot be resolved. Verde et al.
[1991] demonstrated that cytoplasmic dynein was re-
quired for aster assembly in taxol-treated extracts of
Xenopus eggs, because the mitotic asters failed to orga-
nize correctly in the presence of 10 µM of vanadate.
During the early preblastoderm stages, we found
that microtubule assembly did not occur in a homoge-
neous manner through the cytoplasm. We observed that
many astral arrays of microtubules organized in the
ventral periplasm in the presence of taxol (2.5 µM),
whereas microtubule bundling was irregular in the dorsal
region. This cytoplasmic asymmetry in microtubule dy-
namics is intriguing because it predicts dorsal-ventral
polarity, before organizational differences with respect to
this axis were apparent in the embryo. Asymmetry along
Fig. 2. Microtubule distribution in Drosophila embryos incubated for
the dorsal-ventral axis of the Drosophila embryo first
15 min in culture medium containing 0.5% DMSO without taxol. Note becomes evident at the end of cellularization when
that only microtubules of the polar bodies are visible (arrows). Astral ventral blastoderm cells are completed before the dorsal
arrays or microtubule bundles are absent. The embryo in the middle is cells [Sonnenblick, 1950]. Regional differences in aster
at the same stage as that in Figure 1C; the embryo on the left is at the microtubule organization have also been described during
second nuclear cycle; the embryo on the right corner is at the stage of
pronuclear fusion. Bar 5 100 µm. early Beroe development when taxol induced the assem-
bly of small asters around the mitotic spindle and
bundling of microtubules in the opposite egg cytoplasm
[Houliston et al., 1993]. In Drosophila, the astral arrays
DISCUSSION of microtubules gradually filled the embryo surface, and
In line with earlier observations in PtK2 cells regional heterogeneity disappeared when more nuclei
[De Brabander et al., 1986] and Xenopus egg cell-free populated the interior of the embryo during the fourth
extracts [Verde et al., 1991], taxol treatment induced mitosis. Interestingly, taxol did not induce microtubule
microtubule assembly in a cell-cycle-dependent manner polymerization in the interior of the embryo, where
in the early Drosophila embryo. We observed cortical spindle microtubules assembled. This finding suggests
microtubule bundles during pronuclear stages, and dis- that tubulin concentrations in the inner cytoplasmic
crete astral arrays of microtubules during the first mitosis. domain do not warrant taxol-dependent microtubule
In asters induced by taxol treatment, the lack of assembly, but only allow spindle microtubule nucleation
centrosomal components such as the CP190 antigen from the centrosomes.
[Whitfield et al., 1988, 1995] and g-tubulin [Sunkel et al., Taxol at a low concentration induced microtubule
1995], typically found at the spindle poles of the mitotic organization in cortical asters, but not accumulation of
apparatus of the early Drosophila embryo, suggests that detectable levels of acetylated a-tubulin in the preblasto-
the mechanism of assembly of the asters differs from that derm embryo. The lack of acetylated tubulin in taxol
required for spindle pole organization. This theory is induced asters is apparently in contrast with previous
consistent with the hypothesis of centrosome-indepen- findings showing bright staining of cortical microtubule
dent assembly of microtubules in radial structures in the clusters in taxol-treated embryos [Wolf et al., 1988]. This
presence of taxol observed in vivo and in vitro [Schatten discrepancy may be due to the lower taxol concentration
et al., 1982; Maekawa and Kuriyama, 1991; Verde et al., (2.5 µM) and to the shorter incubation times (15 min) we
1991; Kallajoki et al., 1992; Gaglio et al., 1995]. The used in our experiments. We observe faint labeling of the
morphology of taxol-induced asters is also indicative of mitotic spindles. This finding suggests that the accumula-
an unusual assembly mechanism. These asters are hollow tion of acetylated tubulin required different taxol concen-
spheres of different sizes without a central core or distinct trations and/or different exposure times between the inner
focus for radial microtubules. The latter were closely cytoplasm and the cortex of the preblastoderm Dro-
packed to form the wall of these structures. Only microtu- sophila embryo. At the concentration used (2.5 µM), taxol
bules of the asters observed during the first mitosis did not significantly affect astral microtubule organiza-
seemed to converge to a central core. This finding, tion at the spindle poles, whereas higher concentrations
Microtubules in Taxol-Treated Drosophila Embryo 305

Fig. 3. Microtubule staining of Drosophila embryos treated for 15 min embryo. Cross-view of the microtubule aggregates show an empty
with 2.5 µM (A,B,E,F) or 10 µM (C,D) taxol. A,B: Anaphase of the core. E: Cross-view of an embryo during anaphase of the eighth
fourth nuclear cycle; the egg cortex is filled with astral structures mitosis; taxol-induced asters are visible in the periplasm (arrows), not
connected by short microtubules. Note that many of the astral arrays in the inner cytoplasm. Note the normal-shaped mitotic spindles. F:
have an empty core (arrows). Anaphase spindles appear in a lower Surface view of an embryo during prophase of the tenth mitosis; note
focal plane. C,D: Embryos during metaphase of the third nuclear the lack of taxol-induced asters. Bars 5 100 µm in A,C, 10 µm in B,D,
division cycle treated with a higher taxol concentration. Spherical and 40 µm in E,F.
aggregates of short microtubules covered the entire surface of the
306 Callaini and Riparbelli

Fig. 4. Drosophila embryos treated with 2.5 µM taxol for 15 min. (A) Surface and (B) cross-views of an
embryo stained with an antibody against acetylated a-tubulin during prophase of the third mitosis. Only a
few microtubules associated with polar bodies (arrowhead) and with the mitotic spindles (arrows) are
acetylated. (C) Tubulin and (D) Rb188 labeling in an embryo during prophase of the eighth mitosis;
centrosomal material (arrowheads) was found near the spindle poles (arrows), not close to taxol-induced
asters (empty arrows). Bars 5 40 µm in A,B,C, and D.

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