Annex 6

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Screenshots for Ecard Generation & Claim Search

1. Go to our website :

2. If you are not a registered user, please register from the option
3. Input your detail and register first.

• Please note that, user ID is unique for any user.

• Password must be between 8-16 character with at least one Upper Case, one Lower case, one
Special Character and One Numeric Character.
• Provided Email and Mobile no will be used for all further communication.
• Select Insurance Company Indian Bank Association [In National Insurance] and select your
• An email will be sent to your Email ID to verify the Email.

4. After registration, please use your UserName and Password to LogIn

5. You can use the Forgot Password Option to change your Password after clicking the link,
which will be sent to your registered Email ID
6. Once Logged in you can see various option like
a. Change Password
b. View Profile.
c. Card / Claim Status Check
d. Intimate your Claim
e. If you know your Unique CCN for any claim, you can use the option “Search By CCN”
without logging In.
f. You can download your Ecard from the website, without Logging In, from the option
“Download E Card”

7. You must be logged in to use the following option like CARD / CLAIM Status Search
Click Download All for Ecard of All Member or you can download Ecard for each member.

You can view the claim Details by Clicking the Claim Details Option.
8. Before claim document upload intimation first. After generate CCN then only document will be
9. Intimate Your claim by using the Option Web Intimation

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