6001 Fasa Battlestar

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Introduction 2 Damage Descriptions 13

Game Components 3 Damage Conflict From Multiple Hits 17
Terms Important For Pilots 4 Replacing Cylons 17
Game Setup 6 Asteroids 18
Sequence Of Play 6 Placing Asteroid Counters 18
Movement 7 Movement Through Asteroids 18
Moves Possible 7 Asteroids And Weapon Fire 18
Stacking Counters 7 Skill Rolls And Increasing Skills 19
Number Of Moves Per Turn 7 Skill Rolls 19
Recording Movement 8 Using Gunnery Skill 19
How Damage Affects Movement 8 Creating Experienced Pilots And Gunners 19
Fuel Supply 8 Increasing Skill And Program Efficiency 19
Using Fuel 8 Familiar Fighter Bonus 20
Recording Fuel Use 8 Using Base Ships 20
Recording Damage To Fuel Supply 8 Base Ship Construction 21
Firing Weapon Systems 9 Firing Base Ship Lasers 21
Weapon Types 9 Base Ship Incoming Fire 21
Firing Arcs 9 Destroying A Base Ship 22
Determining Weapon Hits 9 Fighter Take-Offs 22
How Damage Affects Weapon Firing 10 Fighter Landings 22
Damage From Hits 11 Crashing Into Base Ships 23
Determining Damage 11 The Games 23
The Damage Display 11 Fighter Duel 23
The System Status Display 13 Mass Attack . 23
The Fuel Supply Display 13 Campaign Game 23


Designer Playtesting Production

Jordan Weisman Michael Bledsoe Graphics And Artwork
Co-Designer Chris Fell Dana Knutson
L. Ross Babcock, III Butch Leeper Layout
Ellen Wilkerson Jordan Weisman
Development Typesetting
Martin Gant
Wm. John Wheeler Karen Vander Mey
David Gerhart
Forest Brown Proofreading
Mitchell Korsky
Writing And Editing Donna Ippolito
Wm. John Wheeler


Battle Alert! Scramble Vipers! to destroy the Cylon Raider before the Cylon crew can hunt
Deep-space scanners show a Cylon Baseship lurking you down and destroy your fighter?
near an asteroid field. Its Raiders have been launched, and This boardgame simulates the fast-paced action of
the fight is on. Can you, as a Colonial pilot fly your Viper in fighter combat from the television series Battlestar Galactica.
a successful mission against the dreaded and deadly Cylons? It may be played by one or more gamers, taking either the
Can you fly your fighter skillfully enough to put the enemy Colonial human side or the Cylon side. Players may man any
in your sights without colliding with an asteroid? Will you of 3 types of fighters or play the base ships of the side they
be able to fire your lasers and torpedoes accurately enough choose.

1979 Universal City Studios, Inc. All Rights reserved.

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA *a trademark of and licensed
by Universal City Studios, Inc.


RULE BOOK Asteroid Clusters

This rule book gives all the information and data needed Two huge asteroid clusters are provided, and 29 small
to learn and play this exciting game It is written simply, with clusters The huge clusters are 7 times as big as the smaller
each step thoroughly explained, and it has many illustrations clusters
so that new gamers can learn how to play easily
Three 17" by 22" starfield mapsheets form the playing
surface for the game Each has a grid of 6-sided areas called
hexagons, or just hexes The six hex-sides are used to deter-
mine a fighter's heading for movement and the way its guns
are pointed for firing
One of the mapsheets shows only stars, this 'blank' sheet
is used in all versions of the game, and is the only one used
in the fighter duel game The other two mapsheets show the
base ships for both sides, one showing Battlestar Galactica
and the other the Cylon Baseship
There are three types of 1-inch-wide, 6-sided, colored
20 Explosion Counters
counters that are used in this game They show the 6 kinds When a fighter blows up, one these counters is placed
of fighters, asteroid clusters, and explosions on top of it, and when a base ship takes damage, one of
these counters shows this Fires in the landing bays or
18 Viper Counters launching bays also are shown by these counters
The Galactica pilots fly the Viper, which is shown in the
illustration There are three types, as shown by the small
number on the counter The pilot also is the gunner

A pad of 2-sided Game Sheets is provided for recording
movement and damage One side of each sheet has the in-
formation used by the Viper pilot, and the other has the
information used by the Raider pilot

18 Raider Counters
The Cylon pilots fly the Raider shown in the illustration
It is just as powerful as the Viper, but it takes damage in a
different way It also has three models Three Cylons are in
the cockpit, one gunner, one pilot, and one standby The
Cylon player chooses which Cylon will do which job

Two 6-sided dice are provided for resolving combat and
damage One of these dice is red and the other is white
Sometimes one is rolled (the color does not matter), and at
other times both are rolled Dice rolls are required to resolve
weapon fire and to determine damage The colors make a
difference when damage is determined

Before any pilot can really understand these rules, there FUEL SUPPLY
are a few terms that he should learn This section gives the The fuel supply is what allows the fighter to move and
meanings of these terms all in one place The definition for fire, each fighter has 30 fuel points As the game progresses,
most of these terms is repeated the first time it is mentioned the fighter has less and less fuel, either because it has been
in the rules Pilots who do not understand the way a term is used, or because its fuel tanks have been damaged When
used in other parts of the rules can look it up here easily its fuel supply is gone, a fighter may not move or fire In the
campaign game, the fighter can be refueled Fuel use and
Pilots may fly into this cluster of space debris, and they damage to the fuel supply is shown in the Fuel Record boxes
may shoot from it or into it, but both of these tasks are harder below the Damage Display
than normal
The fuselage is the plasmetal that forms the body, the
This huge ship is the home base of the Cylon Raider tailfins, the canopy, and all that holds the fighter together
pilots It has launching bays, landing bays, and laser turrets It is the easiest part of a target to hit, but it can take more
It is used in the Mass Attack game or the Campaign Game damage than other parts of the craft before the damage be-
Though it has many lasers, the targeting system is not as comes critical Damage to the fuselage is recorded in the
accurate as the fighter laser system It may seem invulnera- Fuselage wedge of the Damage Display
ble, but accurate hits can destroy it GAME TURN
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA A game turn begins when pilots record their moves and
ends after all shots have been resolved Fighters are limited
This huge ship is the home base of the human Viper
pilots Like the Cylon Baseship, it has landing and launching in the number of movements, steering changes, and weapon
shots they may make in a game turn
bays and lasers It, too, can be destroyed by accurate fire It
is used in the Mass Attack Game and the Campaign Game LASER
COLLISION ROLL The weapon with the longest range and the best chance
When a fighter flies into an asteroid cluster, he must roll to hit is the laser Depending on the type, a fighter may have
2 dice to see if his piloting is good enough to avoid collisions 1, 2, or 3 lasers Lasers may be rearmed and fired again in
If the number is greater than or equal to his piloting Skill each new game turn Damage to the laser firing system is
Target, no collision occurs If a collision occurs, damage is recorded on the left side of the Game Sheet
rolled as if the fighter took a weapon hit LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM
This is the complex electronic and electrical system that
When a shot hits a fighter, it automatically takes some controls the oxygen and heat necessary to keep Viper pilots
damage Sometimes the damage will be light, and some- alive Damage to this system is recorded in the Cockpit wedge
times heavy enough to make the fighter blow up! Usually, of the Damage Display
as the fighter takes damage, it becomes slower and hard to Cylon fighters do not have this system
maneuver, it also becomes harder to hit targets or to remain MOVEMENT
in control When the fighter takes enough damage, it will not Movements are the way the fighters go from place to
be able to fly any longer place on the mapsheet Forward movements cause the
The Damage Chart gives the exact effects, whether the fighter to move straight ahead Direction changes, called vec-
damage is given to the fuselage, the engines, the weapon tor changes, cause the fighter to move forward and then
targeting system, the life support system, the steering sys rotate either right or left, these are used to steer the fighter
tern, or to the cockpit This damage is recorded on the Game in one direction or another Undamaged Vipers and Raiders
Sheet, in the Damage Display can make up to 3 movements without turbos and 6 move-
DAMAGE ROLL ments with turbos
This is a dice roll that is used to determine the damage PROGRAM EFFICIENCY
that results from a successful shot This damage is deter- For Cylon pilots, program efficiency replaces piloting
mined by consulting the Damage Results Tables The red die skill or gunnery skill In advanced scenarios or the Campaign
tells which table to use, and the white die tells what the result Game, program efficiency is used to help the Cylon restore
is Hits from some weapons change the table number to give full functioning after being disrupted and to fire weapons
more or less damage than average more accurately It also is used to remove movement restric-
DAMAGE CHART tions and to avoid collisions See SKILL ROLL
The Damage Chart tells what the effect of a successful RAIDER
weapon shot does to the target On it are 36 different damage This is the Cylon fighter The Mark I has 3 very accurate
effects in 6 tables The tables are numbered 1 - 6, the greater lasers and the most efficient turbo thruster The Mark II has
the table number, the greater the damage 2 lasers and 2 torpedoes The Mark III has 1 laser and 4 very
DISRUPTED accurate torpedoes, its turbo thruster is the least efficient
Whenever a Cylon Raider is hit, there is a chance that Three Cylons fly in the cockpit One is the fighter's pilot,
one or more of the Cylons will experience a power surge another the gunner, and the third is a standby Any of the
that temporarily disrupts its programming When this hap three Cylons can do either job, as the Cylons take damage,
pens, the Cylon cannot function at its job If the pilot is dis it is up to the player to decide which one does which job
rupted, the Raider flies randomly If the gunner is disrupted, SKILL
the lasers fire randomly Disrupted Cylons can come back In determining if collisions occur in asteroid clusters,
on line by making a successful Skill Roll Viper pilots use their piloting Skill New pilots have a piloting
FIRING ARC skill of 0 Successful missions add to their piloting skill Pilot-
Lasers and torpedoes have fixed firing arcs They only ing skill also is used when making Skill Rolls in advanced
fire directly in front of the fighter or slightly left and right scenarios or the Campaign Game See SKILL ROLL
In advanced scenarios or the Campaign Game, human torpedoes in its rack The Mark III Vipers and Raiders, which
pilots also have gunnery skill, which allows them to fire carry 4 torpedoes, have specially designed torpedo firing
weapons more accurately Beginning pilots have a gunnery systems that are quite accurate After a torpedo has been
skill of 0 Successful missions increase this value, which de- fired, it is gone Damage to the torpedo firing system is re-
creases the base To-Hit Number corded on the left side of the Game Sheet In the campaign
SKILL ROLL game, fighters may reload torpedoes if they land
In advanced scenarios, whenever damage to the fighter TURBO
results in movement restrictions or whenever the fighter flies Each fighter has a turbo thruster system that allows it
into asteroid clusters, it is the pilot's piloting skill or program to make extra movements An undamaged fighter may make
efficiency that is used to remove the restriction or to avoid 3 movements without the turbo thruster and 6 with the turbo
a collision Then 2 dice are rolled If the number rolled is thruster Movement with the thruster uses fuel more rapidly
greater than or equal to the Skill Target, the roll was success- than without it When the fighter takes damage, it cannot
ful, if the number rolled is less than the Skill Target, the roll use its turbos as well, as shown in the Engines Wedge of
failed the Damage Display Damage to the turbo thruster itself is
A successful Skill Roll allows the pilot to remove the recorded in the upper left corner of the Game Sheet
movement restriction (stabilizer damage, heading change TURN
restriction, turbo thrusters out, or speed change restriction), In this game, this word only refers to one game turn
and allows him to fly the fighter normally in the next turn Steering (turning) the nose of the fighter is called making a
A successful Skill Roll allows the pilot to avoid collisions vector change to avoid confusion
with asteroid clusters UNCONSCIOUSNESS ROLL
Successful Skill Rolls for Cylons allow them to restore When a Viper pilot takes more than two wounds, he may
normal functioning after their programs have been disrupted pass out Then he cannot perform his job If the pilot passes
SKILL TARGET out, the craft flies randomly, and no weapons may be fired
The piloting Skill Target is determined by subtracting To determine if this happens, 2 dice are rolled On the
the piloting Skill or Program Efficiency from 7 This is used third hit, if the roll is equal to or greater than 8, the roll is
in making Skill Rolls, Collision Rolls, and rolls to restore successful On the fourth hit, if the roll is equal to or greater
Cylon program functioning after it has been disrupted than 10, the roll is successful On the fifth hit, if the roll is
STABILIZER equal to or greater than 12, the roll is successful
The stabilizer controls the direction that the fighter will If the roll is successful, then the pilot does not lose con-
fly If it takes damage, the pilot has no control over where sciousness If he is unconscious already, he regains con-
his fighter will go sciousness
This is the number that a pilot needs to roll for a success- When a pilot steers (turns) the nose of his fighter in a
ful shot with any weapon In general, the following is true different direction, he makes a vector change This points
about To-Hit Numbers the nose of his fighter to the right or the left of the way he
The farther away the target, the higher the To-Hit was facing Gentle vector changes turn the nose of the fighter
Number only slightly, but hard vector changes turn it a great deal
Targets or firing ships that have moved using turbos A vector change can only be made AFTER the fighter
have higher To-Hit Numbers has been moved forward, and so a fighter cannot spin in
Shooting from or into asteroids gives higher To-Hit Num- place
bers Vector changes are recorded m the Movement Log Dam-
The greater the skill (program) of the gunner, the lower age to the steering mechanism is recorded in the Steering
the To-Hit Number More experienced pilots and gunners Controls wedge of the Game Sheet Damage Display
have lower To Hit Numbers VIPER
TO-HIT ROLL This is the fighter from the Galactica It is flown by a
This is a roll with two dice that is used to determine if single human pilot who also fires its weapons Like the Cylon
the pilot's shot hit the enemy The roll is successful if it is Raider, Mark I Viper has 3 very accurate lasers and the most
greater than or equal to the To-Hit Number efficient turbo thruster system The Mark II has 2 lasers and
TORPEDO 2 torpedoes The Mark III, designed as a torpedo ship, has 1
In general, the torpedo gives more damage than the laser (the least accurate) and 4 torpedoes, its torpedo firing
laser, with more chances to hit the cockpit or to destroy the system is the most accurate but its turbo thruster system is
target Depending on the type, a fighter may have 0, 2, or 4 the least efficient


Players first should choose sides, trying to keep the

number of players on a side as close to the same as possible
Comparison Between Fighter Types
Then they choose which game they will play, Fighter Duel,
Mass Attack, or the Campaign Game Type Lasers Torpedoes
Cost Turbo Fuel
Number Weapon Number Weapon
Depending on the game, one or more starfield map
Base Base
sheets are laid out on a flat surface between the players
For Fighter Duel games, only one mapsheet is used, the Mark I 3 2 0 - 2
one with nothing on it but stars There is no special way this Mark II 2 3 2 6 3
sheet must be laid out Mark III 1 4 4 3 4
For the advanced scenarios of the Mass Attack game,
two mapsheets are laid out - one showing the ship being
attacked, either Battlestar Galactica or the Cylon Baseship, Recording The Fighter Data
and the blank mapsheet The illustration below shows how 1 At the top center of the sheet, circle the fighter type
these sheets are put together to make the playing surface 2 In the Systems Status Display at the left of the Game Sheet,
The mapsheet with the ship should be closest the player record the turbo fuel cost in the blank provided in the Turbo
playing it Status Box Make an X on the OPER circle to show that the
For the Campaign Game, all three mapsheets are laid turbo thrusters are operational
out, so that Battlestar Galactica and the Cylon Baseship are 3 In the Laser Status Box, for each laser that the fighter has,
shown The illustration shows how the sheets fit together make an X on the OPER circle to show that the system is
PLACING PLAYING COUNTERS operational Cross off any extra laser systems
Players select their fighter counters and place them on 4 In the Torpedo Status Box, make an X on the OPER circle
the mapsheet The rules for this are given in the sections on to show that the system is operational Cross off any extra
the various games torpedoes, or the whole system if using a Type I Viper or
If asteroids are to be used, players determine how many Raider
will be laid out Then the asteroids are placed on the map 5 In the Targeting wedge of the Damage Display, fill in the
sheet The rules for this are given in the section on Asteroids Weapon Base numbers, beginning with the outer arc, and
This completes the setup for the game adding 1 to the Weapon Base for each arc toward the center
Each Viper or Raider pilot takes a Game Sheet to record
movement and damage, this is filled out as described below SEQUENCE OF PLAY
Most steps for filling out the Game Sheet are identical for
Viper pilots and Raider pilots Where they differ, the differ- Recording Movement
ences are noted 1 Viper and Raider pilots choose their movements and record
Recording Viper Pilot Data them secretly on the Game Sheet They cross off fuel boxes
1 In the upper right corner, fill in the pilot's Piloting Skill to show their move
For new pilots, this is 0 Moving The Fighters
2 Subtract the Piloting Skill from 7 to find the Piloting Skill 2. Vipers and Raiders are moved If any have stabilizer dam
Target Record this number in the space provided age or are moving randomly, one die is rolled for each move-
3 Fill in the pilot's Gunnery Skill For new pilots, this is 0 ment to determine direction
Recording Cylon Data 3 If any fighter flies into an asteroid cluster or attempts to
1 In the Cockpit wedge of the Damage Display, for each land, a collision Skill Roll is made If a collision occurs, dam-
Cylon, record the Program Efficiency For new Cylons, this age is rolled
is 0 Resolving Fire
2 For each Cylon, mark an X on the OPER circle to show 4 Fire from Vipers, Raiders, Battlestar Galactica, and the
that it is operational Cylon Baseship is resolved Damage is recorded by the
3 Choose which Cylon will be the pilot, circle the P to show targets
this 5 Fighters or asteroid clusters that have been destroyed are
4 Of the remaining two Cylons, choose which will be the removed from the game
gunner, circle the G to show this 6 Explosion counters are placed on the Battlestar or the
5 Circle the S to show that the last Cylon is on standby Cylon Baseship to show successful hits
Choosing A Fighter 7 Rolls are made for steering restrictions, weapon damage,
There are three types of fighters, with the Viper and the and unconsciousness for the next turn, this lasts for at least
Raider being equal for each type Type I is designed for fast, 1 turn
maneuverable dogfights, it has only lasers, but they are the
Skill Rolls
best available Type II is an all-purpose fighter, with both
8 Skill Rolls are made to remove steering restrictions, to
lasers and torpedoes, its turbos are of average efficiency
become conscious, or to restore full program efficiency from
and its weapons do not fire as well as either of the more
damage taken m previous turns
specialized fighters Type II is a torpedo gunship, it has the
least efficient turbos and only one laser, but it has 4 torpedoes Continuing Game
in its rack, and they fire very accurately The table below 9 Repeat steps 1 through 9 until one side is the winner
compares the three types

MOVES POSSIBLE fighters may not be able to make that many One vector
There are five ways that a fighter may move It may go change may be combined with another or with forward
straight ahead It may make a gentle turn to the left or right, movement, as long as damage does not prohibit it
these turns are called vector changes so they will not be
confused with the words game turn It also may make a hard STACKING COUNTERS
vector change to the left or right It must move, though it More than one fighter may occupy the same hex on the
may end up in the same place, it cannot stay where it is nor mapsheet They are assumed to be at different elevations
can it spin in place with respect to one another, and they will not collide When
To go from place to place on the mapsheet, fighters use this occurs, simply stack the counters one on top of another
from 1 to 6 movements Each of these movements is de- If asteroids are used and a fighter flies into a hex contain-
scribed below, beside an illustration that shows how each ing an asteroid counter, simply stack the fighter on top of
looks on the mapsheet the asteroid
Forward Movement Normal Movement
The fighter moves into the hex that its nose points to- As long as it is undamaged, a Viper or a Raider may
ward It can never move in reverse This movement may be make up to 3 movements in a game turn using normal en-
combined with any other movement, as long as damage gines This means that it may move in any pattern the pilot
does not prohibit it desires, as long as it makes no more than 3 gentle vector
changes It can only make 1 hard vector change when using
Changing Direction normal engines, because the hard vector change costs 2
In order to change the direction it is heading, the fighter movements The fighter may move straight ahead, make
must first move forward, it cannot spin in place Whenever gentle vector changes, or make a hard vector change, or any
a vector change is made, the fighter counter first moves combination A pilot does not have to make all 3 movements
straight ahead into the hex that its nose points toward Then If he chooses, he may make 1 or 2, but he must make at least
it rotates left or right 1 hex-side for a gentle vector change one If the pilot chooses, a fighter may be moving 3 hexes
or 2 hex-sides for a hard vector change one turn and 1 hex the next
A gentle vector change costs 1 of a fighter's movements, When a fighter takes enough damage, the number of
a hard vector change costs 2 movements Undamaged fight- normal movements it can make will be reduced When it can
ers may make up to 3 vector changes in a turn, damaged no longer move, it blows up!

Turbo Movement Movement Record A hard vector change left is shown by
As long as it is undamaged, a Viper or a Raider may drawing a circle around the left arrow and the dot in the
make up to 6 movements in a game turn using its turbo Movement Record A hard vector change right is shown by
thrusters This costs more fuel than normal movement, but drawing a circle around the right arrow and the dot in the
it means that the fighter may make 6 movements in any Movement Record
pattern the pilot desires as long as he does not make more The illustration shows how to record each type of move-
than 3 vector changes (either gentle or hard) ment on the Game Sheet
Vector Changes
As long as it is undamaged, any fighter may make 3
vector changes in a game turn This means that it can change
directions up to 3 times in any direction the pilot desires It
may make no vector changes, 1 change, 2 changes, or 3
changes The choice is up to the pilot
Gentle vector changes cost 1 movement, just like moving
forward Hard vector changes cost 2 movements This means
that a fighter may make 3 gentle vector changes using its 3
normal movements, but only ONE hard vector change Only
when a fighter uses its turbos can it make more than 1 hard
vector change Making 3 hard vector changes in the same
turn allows the fighter to make a complete circle
Movement is recorded on the Movement Log at the bot-
tom of the Game Sheet The Movement Log is made up of
lines showing arrows and dots, these lines are called Move-
ment Records Each Movement Record has 3 groups of sym-
bols, each with 1 left arrow, 1 dot, and 1 right arrow To the
left of each Movement Record is a blank and a circle
In each game turn, after a pilot decides on his move-
ments, he writes the turn number in the blank beside the
Movement Record where he will record his movement If he HOW DAMAGE AFFECTS MOVEMENT
will use his turbos, he may need 2 Movement Records to Damage to the fighter's engines or fuselage may prevent
give him enough groups to show his movement In this case, it from making 3 normal movements, or even from making
he numbers them both 2 movements It might also prevent the fighter from making
Second, if he is using his turbos, he crosses off the circle 6 or even 5 movements with its turbo thrusters Damage to
to the left of the Movement Record to show this the turbos themselves may prevent them from being used
Then, he draws circles around the arrows or dots to for the next turn, or even for the rest of the game When
show what he wants to do for each movement he will make engine damage is so great that it can no longer move at all,
He makes only one circle per group of symbols, but he may the fighter explodes These things will be explained in the
(if his fighter is not damaged) draw a circle in as many as 6 Damage From Hits section
groups Damage may reduce the number of movements possible
Forward movement is recorded by drawing a circle enough that the fighter cannot make any hard vector
around the dot in the Movement Record A gentle vector changes In addition, damage to the fighter's vector change
change left is recorded by drawing a circle around the left system may prevent the pilot from heading in a particular
arrow in the Movement Record A gentle vector change right direction while he fixes the damage This will be explained
is recorded by drawing a circle around the right arrow in the in the Damage Descriptions section

It takes fuel to make the fighter move and to fire its able when they use their turbos, but they use fuel very
weapons Each fighter starts the game with 30 fuel points rapidly This cuts down the number of turns that the fighter
These are shown in the Fuel Supply just below the Damage can remain in the game before going dead in space or flying
Display Each box stands for one fuel point As the fighter back to base In the Fighter Duel Game, it is assumed that
uses fuel or takes damage to the fuel tanks, these boxes are the Fuel Supply only shows the fuel available for the dogfight,
crossed off When the Fuel Supply is at 0, the fighter cannot and that the fighter will have enough fuel to fly back to base
move, fire, or produce the power necessary to keep the pilot if the pilot can get it off the starfield mapsheet before the
alive fuel runs out
If a pilot chooses to make normal movement, his fighter After a pilot marks his movements, he crosses off 1 box
uses 1 fuel point for the turn It does not matter how many on the Fuel Supply to show that he is using only normal
movements he makes, 3, 2, or 1, nor how many weapons movement If he is using his turbos, he crosses off the ap-
he fires, the cost is the same propriate number of boxes to show this
If a pilot chooses to use turbos he uses 2, 3, or 4 fuel RECORDING DAMAGE TO FUEL SUPPLY
points, depending on the type of fighter he is flying Mark I Sometimes a successful hit from an enemy weapon will
Vipers and Raiders use 2 fuel points when they use their damage the fuel tanks This damage may be as little as 1
turbo thrusters Mark II fighters use 3 fuel points, and Mark fuel point or as many as 10 fuel points Damage to the fuel
III turbos use 4 fuel points tanks is recorded by crossing off the appropriate number of
It is obvious that the fighters are much more maneuver 8 boxes

Each fighter has at least one laser, and it may also have
torpedoes. The following table compares the weapon sys-
tems of each fighter.
Mark I Laser 3 11 hexes 2
Torpedo 0
Mark II Laser 2 10 hexes 3
Torpedo 2 7 hexes 6
Mark lll Laser 1 9 hexes 4
Torpedo 4 10 hexes 3
Even though all the weapons fire in the same direction,
shots are fired separately. Thus, a Viper II may fire both its
lasers and both its torpedoes at the same target, or at as
many as 4 different targets.
Lasers may be fired once each game turn. If a laser sys-
tem is damaged, that laser may not be fired for the remainder
of the game.
Each torpedo can only be used once per game; after the
torpedo has been fired, it is gone. Torpedoes usually do DETERMINING WEAPON HITS
more damage when they hit, having twice as much chance Declaring Targets
as with a laser that a successful hit will explode the target After all movement has taken place, pilots may fire their
or hit the cockpit in one shot. weapons, if they desire. If an enemy fighter is in his firing
Photon Missile arc, a pilot may choose to fire at it with one or more of his
The photon torpedo has the shortest range of all 3 weapons. If there are several enemies in his firing arc, he
weapons. When the fighter weapon system is undamaged, may split his fire. He must declare which weapons will fire
the torpedo can travel out to 8 hexes. Any target more than at which targets before any weapons fire is resolved.
8 hexes away is out of effective range. Resolving Fire
FIRING ARCS Weapons fire is resolved by rolling two dice and adding
Each weapon has a firing arc, or the hexes into which it the result together. This gives numbers between 2 and 12.
may be fired. If an enemy fighter is not in the weapon's firing For this game, the higher the numbers the better when firing
arc, then it is not a target. weapons.
Because all weapons are mounted to fire forward, there Determining To-Hit Number
is only 1 firing arc, which is straight ahead of the fighter. In Each weapon type has a Weapon Base. This is the
the illustration, the shading shows which hexes are in the number that a pilot would have to roll to hit a target in the
arc. In general, the arc includes the straight line of hexes hex directly in front of the weapon. For undamaged fighters,
that begin at the counter; it also includes the straight line of the table below gives the Weapon Bases for each weapon.
hexes to the left and to the right of this line. As you can see, Weapon Bases
each firing arc is 3 hexes wide. Fighter Type Laser Base Torpedo Base
Mark I 2 none
Mark II 3 6
Mark lll 4 3
To find the To-Hit Number, add modifiers to the Weapon
Base to account for the range to the target and for other
special circumstances.
Range Modifiers
The Weapon Base is the unmodified To-Hit Number for
targets that are in the hex directly in front of the fighter. To
account for greater ranges, add a modifier of 1 to the To-Hit
Number for each hex the target is farther away.
A good way to do this is to count upward from the
Weapon Base as you touch each hex between your fighter
and the target. Start with the hex directly in front of your
fighter and say the Weapon Base. Move one hex away, and
add 1 as you touch the hex. Continue to do this until you
reach the target. Count the target hex, but not the firing
fighter's hex. As long as you count in a reasonably straight
line, exactly how you do it does not matter. The illustration
shows how to count the range.

Each fighter has at least one laser, and it may also have
torpedoes The following table compares the weapon sys-
tems of each fighter
Mark I Laser 3 11 hexes 2
Torpedo 0
Mark II Laser 2 10 hexes 3
Torpedo 2 7 hexes 6
Mark lll Laser 1 9 hexes 4
Torpedo 4 10 hexes 3
Even though all the weapons fire in the same direction,
shots are fired separately Thus, a Viper II may fire both its
lasers and both its torpedoes at the same target, or at as
many as 4 different targets
Lasers may be fired once each game turn If a laser sys-
tem is damaged, that laser may not be fired for the remainder
of the game
Each torpedo can only be used once per game, after the
torpedo has been fired, it is gone Torpedoes usually do DETERMINING WEAPON HITS
more damage when they hit, having twice as much chance Declaring Targets
as with a laser that a successful hit will explode the target After all movement has taken place, pilots may fire their
or hit the cockpit in one shot weapons, if they desire If an enemy fighter is in his firing
Photon Missile arc, a pilot may choose to fire at it with one or more of his
The photon torpedo has the shortest range of all 3 weapons If there are several enemies in his firing arc, he
weapons When the fighter weapon system is undamaged, may split his fire He must declare which weapons will fire
the torpedo can travel out to 8 hexes Any target more than at which targets before any weapons fire is resolved
8 hexes away is out of effective range Resolving Fire
FIRING ARCS Weapons fire is resolved by rolling two dice and adding
Each weapon has a firing arc, or the hexes into which it the result together This gives numbers between 2 and 12
may be fired If an enemy fighter is not in the weapon's firing For this game, the higher the numbers the better when firing
arc, then it is not a target weapons
Because all weapons are mounted to fire forward, there Determining To-Hit Number
is only 1 firing arc, which is straight ahead of the fighter In Each weapon type has a Weapon Base This is the
the illustration, the shading shows which hexes are in the number that a pilot would have to roll to hit a target in the
arc In general, the arc includes the straight line of hexes hex directly in front of the weapon For undamaged fighters,
that begin at the counter, it also includes the straight line of the table below gives the Weapon Bases for each weapon
hexes to the left and to the right of this line As you can see, Weapon Bases
each firing arc is 3 hexes wide Fighter Type Laser Base Torpedo Base
Mark I 2 none
Mark II 3 6
Mark lll 4 3
To find the To Hit Number, add modifiers to the Weapon
Base to account for the range to the target and for other
special circumstances
Range Modifiers
The Weapon Base is the unmodified To-Hit Number for
targets that are in the hex directly in front of the fighter To
account for greater ranges, add a modifier of 1 to the To-Hit
Number for each hex the target is farther away
A good way to do this is to count upward from the
Weapon Base as you touch each hex between your fighter
and the target Start with the hex directly in front of your
fighter and say the Weapon Base Move one hex away, and
add 1 as you touch the hex Continue to do this until you
reach the target Count the target hex, but not the firing
fighter's hex As long as you count in a reasonably straight
line, exactly how you do it does not matter The illustration
shows how to count the range
As you can see, the Weapon Base for the Viper Mark II fire from an asteroid cluster at a target in or behind any part
lasers is 3, and so it is the To-Hit Number for the hex directly of the same or different cluster
in front of the Viper As you count hexes toward the Raider, Determining Successful Hits
add 1 per hex When you get to the Raider, the To-Hit Number Add all modifiers to the To-Hit Number This will take
is 9 This is what you must roll on the 2 dice into account the weapon type, the range, and any modifiers
For the Viper Mark II torpedoes, the Weapon Base is 6, In order to see if a shot hit or missed, roll the 2 dice, add
and so the To-Hit Number is 12, a hard roll to make! Please the numbers together, and compare the sum to the adjusted
notice that it does not make any difference how you count To-Hit Number If the roll is the same as or more than the
the hexes, as long as you try to keep m a relatively straight adjusted To-Hit Number, then the shot hit the target and
line damage may be determined If the roll is less than the ad-
Special Modifiers justed To-Hit Number, then the shot is a miss
The To-Hit Number is modified by five special cir- Recording Missiles Fired
cumstances that make it harder to make a successful shot Each Viper or Raider has only a small number of tor-
These modifiers are cumulative, and so they are added to pedoes m its rack The number of torpedoes left m the rack
one another before being added to the To-Hit Number is shown on the Game Sheet to the left of the damage display,
Shooting After Using Turbos Any fighter that uses turbos just above the Movement Log At the beginning of the game,
has a more difficult shot than normal The pilot (gunner) the 4 boxes should be marked to show how many torpedoes
adds 1 to the To-Hit Number the fighter has If it is a Mark I, all 4 boxes should be crossed
Shooting At A Speeding Target Any fighter that uses turbos off If it is a Mark II, 2 should be crossed off, and if it is a
is a more difficult target than normal Another fighter firing Mark III, none should be crossed off After a torpedo has
at it adds 1 to the To-Hit Number been fired, whether it was a hit or a miss, mark off one of
Splitting Fire Any fighter that splits fire between two or the boxes in the torpedo rack When all 4 boxes have been
more targets has less accuracy than normal Shots at the marked off, the fighter has no more torpedoes to fire
first target are made with no additional modifier, but for HOW DAMAGE AFFECTS WEAPON FIRING
shots at the second target, the pilot (gunner) adds 1 to the As the fighter takes damage, the Weapon Base goes up,
To-Hit Number For shots at the third target, the pilot (gunner) and so it might be different from one turn to the next To
adds 2 to the To-Hit Number, and so on find out what the Weapon Base is m any turn, look at the
Shooting Into An Asteroid Cluster Any fighter m an asteroid large Damage Display on the Game Sheet This shows the
cluster is a more difficult target than normal because of all Weapon Bases for each weapon in the Targeting wedge
the space debris near it Another fighter firing at it adds 1 to (center)
the To-Hit Number Weapon fire may damage one or more weapons, and
Shooting Out Of An Asteroid Cluster Any fighter in an as- so even if the firing system may be powered, the weapon
teroid cluster who decides to fire at another fighter has the may be damaged itself and so it cannot fire
space debris near him that may block his shot The pilot adds The Damage Descriptions section gives the rules for each
1 to his To Hit Number for all targets It is not possible to of these effects

Each successful hit gives the target some damage This Table 3
damage may be given to the fighter's fuselage, its engines,
Die Roll Damage
its weapon systems, or its steering system It might even be
1 3 Fuselage
given to the pilot!
2 3 Fuselage
As the firing player rolls the dice, the target player re
3 3 Fuselage
cords the damage on his Damage Display, sometimes cross-
4 2 Engine
ing off boxes, circles, or arcs, and sometimes making notes
5 2 Engine
concerning the next game turn This section of the rules
6 4 Fuel Lost
describes how to determine the damage, how to record it,
Table 4
and how it affects play
1 4 Fuselage, Viper Pilot Wounded or Cylon Damaged
Choosing The Damage Table
2 4 Fuselage, Viper Steering Restriction or
The Damage Chart has 6 different tables, numbered 1
Cylon Disrupted
6 Each table has 6 different damage results, also num-
3 4 Fuselage, Viper Stabilizer Damaged or
bered 1 - 6 This gives 36 different damage results In gen-
Cylon Disrupted
eral, the greater the table number, the greater the damage
4 2 Engine, No Speed Change
Only Table 6 gives damage guaranteed to end the game in
5 2 Engine, Turbo Damaged, Half Speed Only
one shot
6 6 Fuel Lost
For all hits, the damage is determined the same way
Table 5
Two dice are needed, one red and one white Both dice are
rolled, but the numbers are not added together The red die Die Roll Damage
tells which of the 6 damage tables to use, and the white die 1 5 Fuselage, Viper Pilot Wounded or Cylon Damaged
tells which of the 6 damage results to pick Some results are 2 5 Fuselage, Viper Steering Restriction or
specific for human Viper pilots, and some are specific for Cylon Disrupted
Cylons Each weapon gives damage in a different way, as 3 5 Fuselage, Viper Stabilizer Damaged or
described below Cylon Disrupted
Lasers. Lasers from the Viper or the Raider give damage just 4 3 Engine, No Speed Change
as described above For example, if the red die comes up 4 5 3 Engine, Turbo Damaged, Half Speed Only 1 Turn
and the white die comes up 3, then the damage is read from 6 8 Fuel Lost
Table 4, line 3 4 Fuselage, Stabilizer Damaged or Cylon Table 6
Disrupted If the red die comes up 1 and the white die comes Die Roll Damage
up 6, then the damage is read from Table 1, line 6 1 Fuel Lost 1 1 Fuselage, Weapon System Destroyed
Torpedoes: The torpedo is more powerful than a standard 2 1 Fuselage, Targeting Computer Hit
laser Its damage table is determined by adding 1 to the red 3 1 Fuselage, Viper Life Support System Hit or
die roll Thus, when a 5 or 6 is rolled, Table 6 is used, and Cylon Destroyed
when a 1 is rolled, Table 2 is used This not only gives the 4 3 Engine, Turbo Destroyed
torpedo added damage, but it also gives it twice as much 5 Cockpit Destroyed
chance to guarantee ending the game in one shot 6 Fighter Blows Up
DAMAGE CHART Ail damage is recorded on the Game Sheet, either in the
large Damage Display in the center or in one of the smaller
displays around it The large Damage Display is broken down
Table 1 into 5 wedges There is one wedge for fuselage damage,
Die Roll Damage which has an effect on all the other wedges There is one
1 1 Fuselage wedge for engine damage, which determines how fast the
2 1 Fuselage fighter can fly There is one wedge for the ability to target
3 1 Fuselage weapons, which determines the Weapon Base numbers
4 1 Engine There is one wedge for damage to the heading controls,
5 1 Engine which determine how many vector changes the fighter can
6 1 Fuel Lost make And there is one wedge for cockpit damage, including
damage to the Viper pilot and his life support system or to
the 3 Cylons in the Raider Each of these wedges is described
Table 2 below
Die Roll Damage To the left of the Damage Display, is the Systems Status
1 2 Fuselage, Viper Pilot Wounded or Cylon Damaged Display It shows the status of the fighter's turbo thrusters,
2 2 Fuselage, Viper Steering Restriction or radio, and weapons In the upper right corner of the Game
Cylon Disrupted Sheet for the Viper is space for the pilot's gunnery and pilot-
3 2 Fuselage, Viper Stabilizer Damaged or ing skill, as well as his Collision Number In the Cockpit wedge
Cylon Disrupted of the Game Sheet for the Raider, there are status boxes for
4 1 Engine, No Speed Change each of the 3 Cylons, including space to record their Program
5 1 Engine, Turbo Damaged, Half Speed Only Efficiency and their Collision Number At the bottom of the
6 2 Fuel Lost display, above the Movement Log, is the row of Fuel Supply
Fuselage Damage When the fighter is undamaged, the listed Weapon Base
Damage to the fighter's fuselage is shown in the large for its lasers and torpedoes is recorded in the outer arc For
Damage Display, where there is a wedge marked 'Fuselage ' a Mark II Viper or Raider, the listed Weapon Base is 3 for
This wedge contains 6 arcs, each with 4 circles, as shown in lasers and 6 for torpedoes When the fighter takes a targeting
the illustration As the fuselage takes damage, the circles are computer hit or takes enough damage to affect how accu-
marked off, beginning at the outer arc, when all of the circles rately it can fire, this arc is marked off, and the Weapon Base
in one arc are gone, those in the next arc are marked This numbers go up by 1 When it takes even more damage,
damage has an effect on the rest of the fighter, the rules for another arc is crossed off, and the Weapon Base numbers
this are given in the Damage Description section below go up again Rules showing when to cross off one of the
arcs are given m the Damage Descriptions section below
Heading Controls Damage
When the fighter takes damage that affects its ability to
make vector changes, it is recorded in the large Damage
Display, where there is a wedge marked 'Heading Controls '
In this wedge there are 3 arcs, as shown in the illustration
The outer arc is marked '3 Vector Changes,' the second is
marked '2 Vector Changes,' and the center is marked '1 '

Engine Damage
Damage to the fighter's engines is shown in the large
Damage Display, where there is a wedge marked 'Engines '
This wedge contains 6 arcs, each with 3 circles, as shown in
the illustration As the engines take damage, the circles are
marked off, beginning at the outer arc Engine damage also
affects the rest of the fighter, the rules for this are given m
the Damage Descriptions section below
When the fighter is undamaged, it may make 3 vector
changes per turn When it takes enough engine or fuselage
damage to affect its heading controls, then the outer arc is
marked off, and Me fighter can make only 2 vector changes
per turn The rules for marking off these arcs is given m the
Damage Descriptions section below
Cockpit Damage
Damage to the fighter's cockpit is recorded m the large
Damage Display, where there is an area marked 'Cockpit'
This area contains different information for the Viper and
the Raider
The arcs also contain references to the engines them Viper For the Viper, which has a Colonial human pilot, this
selves These words and numbers tell how fast the fighter area has small circles for the Pilot's Condition and one small
can fly The outer arc reads "Turbo 6 - Normal 3 " This circle for the Life Support System, as shown m the illustra-
means that the fighter may make 6 movements when it uses tion
turbos and 3 otherwise As long as there is still 1 unmarked
circle in an arc, the fighter can make the number of moves
given When all circles m an arc are marked, then the fighter
must make fewer movements
For example, if only 1 or 2 engine circles have been
marked off, then the fighter may make up to 6 movements
using turbos But if 3 engine circles have been marked off,
then it can make only 5 movements m a turn using turbos
Weapon Targeting Damage
Damage that affects the fighter's ability to target its
weaponry is shown in the large Damage Display, where there The status for the Pilot's Condition is a column of 6
is a wedge marked Targeting ' As the fuselage and the en- circles As the pilot takes a hit, a circle is marked off He can
gine take damage, it becomes harder and harder for the guns take 2 hits and still do his job, but if he takes 1 more hit, he
to fire accurately This is reflected by the Weapon Base num- may fall unconscious The roll he needs to remain conscious
bers which are recorded m the 6 arcs at the beginning of the is shown m the fourth, fifth, and sixth circles The rules for
game, as shown in the illustration unconsciousness and death are given in the Damage Descrip-
tions section below
The status for the life support system is shown in the
center of the wedge If the life support system takes damage,
the circle is crossed off The rules for this are given in the
Damage Descriptions section below
Raider For the Raider, which has 3 Cylons all capable of
being either pilot or gunner, the area is larger There are
three columns of data, one for each Cylon - Alpha, Beta,
and Gamma
The first line is used to record the Program Efficiency Weapon System Damage
for each Cylon, below this is a row of 4 small circles to show When a weapon system is damaged by a direct hit, this
the status of the Cylon The circle on the left is marked when is recorded m the Systems Status Display, as shown in the
the Cylon is fully operational The second circle is marked illustration When a laser is damaged, then one of the circles
when the Cylon's programming is disrupted and remains marked 'Laser System' is crossed off When the torpedo rack
marked until full functioning is restored The 2 circles on the is destroyed, then the circle marked for it is crossed off How
right are marked when the Cylon itself is damaged A Cylon to determine which weapon system is destroyed is given in
can take two hits before it is destroyed the Damage Descriptions section below
The bottom line is used to record which Cylon currently
is performing which job The P is circled when the Cylon is
piloting the craft The G is circled when the Cylon is firing
the weapons And the S is circled when the Cylon is on
standby When a Cylon is disrupted, damaged, or destroyed,
the player may choose to change which Cylon is doing which
job Then he erases the circles and draws new ones to reflect
the change


To the left of the Damage Display is the Systems Status
Display There are four boxes in this display showing the
status of the turbo thrusters, the radio, the laser turret sys-
tems, and the torpedo system As these systems are dam-
aged, the damage is recorded in the boxes of the Systems
Status Display, as described below THE FUEL SUPPLY DISPLAY
The fighter's fuel supply is recorded in the Fuel Supply
Display just above the Movement Log, as shown in the il-
lustration This display has 30 boxes, each representing 1
fuel point When the fuel supply takes a hit, the fuel lost is
Turbo Damage recorded on the Fuel Supply Display For each fuel point lost,
When the turbo thrusters take damage, this is recorded one box is marked off on the Fuel Supply The rules for this
on the Systems Status Display, as shown in the illustration are given in the Damage Descriptions section below
At the beginning of the game, the fuel cost for the turbo is
recorded in the blank to the left of the turbo status box When
the turbo is functioning, regardless of how fast the fighter
may move with it, the small circle marked OPER is crossed
off When the turbo takes temporary damage, the circle
marked DMGD is crossed off, when the damage is repaired,
the OPER circle is crossed off again When the turbo is de-
stroyed, the circle marked DSTRY is crossed off When to
make these marks is discussed in the section on Damage
Descriptions below

Each of the damage results is described below, along
with the way the damage is recorded and the effect the dam-
age has on the play of the game
Fuselage Hit
The fighter's fuselage has taken damage equal to the
number of points indicated - 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 points For each
damage point, cross off one circle in the Fuselage wedge of
Radio Damage the Damage Display When all 4 circles in an arc have been
This damage is only used in games with more than one crossed off, cross off the whole arc
person on a side Every time the pilot is wounded, the radio Damage to the fuselage also affects how fast the fighter
in the fighter is damaged Erase the mark on the OPER circle can move and how well it can target its weapons When an
and mark DMGD In the basic versions of the game, this arc has been crossed off, the fighter can no longer make as
damage lasts 1 turn, in advanced scenarios, it may be re many movements or target any of its weapons as well as
paired only after a successful Skill Roll when it was undamaged Furthermore, if the fuselage takes
enough damage, this affects how well the fighter can man- gines arcs As long as at least one circle in the outer arc
euver When 2 arcs have been crossed off, the fighter can remains, the fighter may make 6 movements per game turn
no longer make as many vector changes as when it was using turbos and 3 movements per game turn normally
undamaged The way this is recorded is called Sweeping When that arc has been crossed off, however, it may only
Clockwise When the center arc has been crossed off, the make 5 movements using turbos, as shown by the Turbo 5
fighter blows up in the second arc When the center arc, where the 7 is, is
Sweeping Clockwise When a Fuselage arc has been crossed crossed off, the fighter blows up
off, sweep the damage around the circle clockwise by cross- Like damage to the fuselage, damage to the engines
ing off the adjacent Engines arc and the adjacent Targeting affects how well the fighter can target its weapons When
arc The whole Engines arc is crossed off, no matter how one Engines arc has been crossed off the fighter can no
many circles remain After this is done, the Display shows longer target any of its weapons as well as when it was
the new number of movements possible (in the Engines undamaged Furthermore, if the engines take enough dam-
wedge) and the new Weapon Base (in the Targeting wedge) age, this affects how well the fighter can maneuver When
The arcs crossed off are shown in the first illustration The 2 Engines arcs have been crossed off, the fighter can no
sweep has no effect on arcs already crossed off longer make as many vector changes as when it was undam-
The way to record the effects on the other systems is
by sweeping clockwise, just as with fuselage damage In this
case, however, the Fuselage arcs are not crossed off because
they are to the left of the Engines arcs As above, sweeping
around has no affect on arcs that already have been crossed
Fuel Lost
The fighter's fuel supply has taken damage equal to the
number of points indicated - 1, 2, 4, 6, or 8 points For each
damage point, cross off one box in the Fuel Supply Cross
off the box to the left first, and so on
When the Fuel Supply is completely gone, either because
of fuel hits or because of fuel use, the fighter may not move
or fire, it goes dead in space If the fighter is a Viper, the
pilot does not have enough fuel left to power his life support
system, and he dies If the fighter is a Raider, the Cylons use
up their power supply and their memory banks are wiped
When 2 Fuselage arcs have been crossed off, sweep the Advanced rules allow the fighter to refuel
damage even farther around the circle than before by cross- Viper Pilot Wounded
ing off the adjacent Engines arc, the adjacent Targeting arc, The Colonial pilot has taken a hit Cross off the top circle
and the adjacent Heading Controls arc After this is done, on the Pilot's Condition column
the Display shows the new number of movements possible Unconsciousness Human pilots can take 2 hits without the
(in the Engines wedge), the new Weapon Base numbers (in possibility of falling unconscious When they are hit, the ap-
the Targeting wedge), and the new number of vector changes propriate circle is merely crossed off When the pilot takes
that can be made (in the Heading Controls wedge) The new 2 hits, the top 2 circles are marked off When the pilot takes
arcs crossed off are shown in the second illustration, the the third hit, the third circle is marked off, and he might fall
arcs already crossed off are not shaded The sweep has no unconscious
effect on arcs already crossed off After the third hit, the player must roll 2 dice and add
the numbers together The roll is compared to the number
m the next circle If the roll is equal to or greater than the
number in the circle, the pilot does not fall unconscious, but
if it is less than the number in the circle, he is unconscious
for the next game turn In the basic versions of the game,
this condition lasts for 1 turn, in advanced scenarios, the
condition continues until the pilot makes a successful Uncon-
sciousness Roll
The number in the fourth circle is 8, and so after the
pilot's third hit, his roll must be 8 or more or he will fall
unconscious Likewise, after one more hit, his roll must be
10 or more as shown by the 10 m the fifth circle After 2
more hits his roll must equal 12, as shown by the 12 in the
sixth circle
When the pilot is unconscious, the fighter moves ran-
domly (just as though it.took a stabilizer hit) and cannot fire
Engines Hit weapons until the pilot revives
The fighter's engines have taken damage equal to the Regaining Consciousness At the end of the next game turn,
number of points indicated - 1, 2, or 3 points For each after all movement and firing have taken place, the player
damage point, cross off one circle in the Engines wedge of rolls 2 dice as above If the roll is successful, the pilot regains
the Damage Display When all three circles in an arc have consciousness and can behave normally in the next turn He
been crossed off, cross off the whole arc will not fall unconscious again unless he takes another hit
Damage to the engines affects how fast the fighter can Then the dice must be rolled once more, as told above
move This is shown by the words and numbers in the En- Death After taking six hits, a human pilot is dead
Cylon Damaged Viper Steering Restriction
One Cylon has taken damage, its program is automat- The steering mechanism on the Viper only is jammed
ically disrupted and the Cylon's function is lost, as described temporarily The fighter may not be able to make a vector
in the section on Cylon Disrupted To find out which Cylon change either right, left, or straight ahead while he clears
has been hit, roll 1 die and consult the table below Each of the jam It is possible that the mechanism will lock left or
the 3 Cylons can take 2 hits before being destroyed When right, forcing the fighter to turn in a circle Depending on the
a Cylon takes a hit, cross off the DMGD circle If it takes number of movements a pilot chooses to make, a steering
another hit, cross off the DSTRY circle If the Cylon that is restriction may cause a fighter to make more vector changes
hit has been destroyed already, reroll so that an active Cylon than normally would be allowed In the basic versions of the
is damaged game, the steering restriction lasts 1 game turn, in advanced
scenarios, the condition lasts until the pilot clears it by pass-
Cylon Damaged ing a Skill Roll
Die Roll Cylon Choosing The Restriction. To choose which steering restric-
1 or 2 Alpha tion to make, roll 1 die and consult the following table The
3 or 4 Beta roll should be made in secret so that other pilots do not know
5 or 6 Gamma exactly what the restriction is

Cylon Disrupted
The program of a Cylon has been disrupted by the hit, Viper Steering Restrictions
and that Cylon cannot perform its function until it has been Die Roll Restriction
returned to full functioning In the basic versions of the game, 1 Control locks left
the condition lasts for 1 game turn, in the Campaign Game, 2 Control locks straight
the condition lasts until the player makes a successful Skill 3 Control locks right
Roll 4 No vector change left
Choosing Cylon Disrupted To determine which Cylon was 5 No straight movement
disrupted, roll 1 die and consult the table below If the Cylon 6 No vector change right
is already disrupted or has been destroyed, this result has
no effect

Cylon Disrupted
Die Roll Cylon Restriction Descriptions: When the control locks left,
1 or 2 Alpha straight, or right, the fighter must move m the direction indi-
3 or 4 Beta cated for the next game turn When the restriction is no
5 or 6 Gamma vector change left or right, the fighter may move straight or
make changes to the opposite side, but it may not make the
indicated vector change m the next game turn When the
restriction is no straight movement, the fighter MUST make
Pilot Disrupted: If the pilot is disrupted or damaged, the vector changes right or left
fighter moves randomly in the next turn Record this by mark- Recording The Restriction In the blank to the right of the
ing the DSRPT circle for the pilot and writing a PD in the movement record for the next game turn, secretly record the
blank for the next turn After all players have recorded their steering restriction, using such symbols as an arrow left,
next turn's movement, 1 die is rolled to determine the speed straight, or right to show that the controls are locked, and a
of the fighter If the number rolled is 1 - 3, the fighter uses crossed out arrow to show that no movement may be made
normal engines only, and if the number is 4 6, the fighter m that direction The illustration shows two vector change
uses turbo thrusters if it can If the number rolled is larger restrictions, one for controls locked right, and the second for
than the number of movements possible because the fighter no vector chance right
is damaged, the fighter makes as many moves as possible
Then, for each movement, 1 die is rolled to determine the
direction moved, just as with a stabilizer hit described below
This continues until all movements have been used up, even
if more than 3 vector changes are made In this case, the
hard vector change counts as 1 movement
Gunner Disrupted If the gunner is disrupted or damaged,
the fighter fires its lasers randomly in the next turn Record
this by marking the DSRPT circle for the gunner and by writ- Viper Stabilizer Damaged
ing GD in the blank for the next turn This fighter should be The steering mechanism has taken a severe hit, and it
moved first in the next turn, if possible After all movement is impossible to control the fighter's movement in the next
has taken place, 1 die is rolled A roll of 1 3 indicates that turn The pilot can choose how many movements he wants
the lasers will be fired at the closest possible target, even if to make, but he cannot determine ahead of time whether he
it is another Cylon A roll of 4 6 indicates that the lasers will go straight, head left, or head right Stabilizer damage
will not be fired may force a fighter to make more vector changes than nor-
Standby Disrupted: This has no immediate effect on the mally would be allowed In the basic versions of the game,
craft Record this by marking the DSRPT circle for the this condition lasts for 1 turn, in advanced scenarios, it lasts
standby A disrupted standby may not replace another Cylon until the pilot clears it by making a successful Skill Roll
Recording Stabilizer Hits Record a stabilizer hit by writing
an S in the blank to the left of the Movement Record Then,
after deciding on how many movements will be made draw
a circle around all 3 symbols (left arrow, dot, and right arrow)
for each movement that will be made The illustration shows
this, with the pilot making three movements

Moving With Damaged Stabilizer After all other fighters

have been moved, the fighter with the damaged stabilizer No Speed Change
makes his movements For each movement he has chosen The power systems to the engines have jammed, and
to make, he rolls 1 die and consults the table below to deter- the fighter's speed must remain constant This means that
mine which direction he will move It is possible that more if the fighter was making 4 movements during the turn when
than 3 vector changes may be required, or even more than the damage was taken, then it must make 4 movements in
the fighter would normally be allowed, this is permitted For the next turn Record no speed change by writing the number
this damage result, hard vector changes count as 1 move- of movements required in the blank to the left of the next
ment game turn's Movement Record In the basic versions of the
game, this condition lasts for 1 turn, in advanced scenarios,
Stabilizer Damage Vector Changes this condition lasts until it is cleared by passing a Skill Roll
Damage Reducing Speed If damage reduces the maximum
Die Roll Vector Change speed of the fighter, it is possible that the speed will be less
1 hard left the following turn than it was when the damage was taken
2 gentle left In these cases, the number of movements must be as close
3 or 4 straight as possible to the original number In the example above, if
5 gentle right the fighter's maximum speed was 4, and it took 3 damage
6 hard right points to the engines, its new maximum speed would be 3
Therefore, it could only make 3 movements in the next turn,
not 4
The illustration shows how the fighter actually moved Using Turbos If the fighter may not change speed and turbos
for each of the 3 movements the pilot decided to make For were used in the turn, the pilot must use turbos the next
the first move, the pilot rolled a 1 and so he headed hard turn if possible If that is not possible because of damage,
left For the second move, he rolled a 5, and so he headed the pilot must make the greatest number of movements pos-
gentle right For the third move, he rolled a 6, and so he sible
headed hard right
Turbo Out, Half Speed Only
The turbo thrusters may not be used Record this by
changing the mark in the Turbo Status Display to DMGD In
the basic versions of the game, the condition lasts for 1 turn,
in advanced scenarios, this condition lasts until the pilot
makes a successful Skill Roll
Furthermore, the power systems to the engines have
been shocked, and the fastest that the fighter can go next
turn is only half of its normal speed As always, it can move
slower than maximum if the pilot desires The table below
shows how to figure the new maximum speed Record half
speed by writing a tiny 1/2 in the blank to the left of the next
turn's Movement Record In all games, this condition only
lasts 1 turn

Temporary Half Speed

Normal Speed Half Speed
3 2
2 1
1 1

Weapon Destroyed
One of the weapons has been destroyed and cannot be
used for the rest of the game To determine which was de-
stroyed, roll 1 die and consult the table below When a
weapon is destroyed, mark this in the Weaponry Status Dis-
play at the top left of the Game Sheet In this display, there
is a circle for each weapon Crossing out the circle means
that the weapon is destroyed and cannot fire If a weapon
has already been destroyed, this has no additional effect
Weapons Destroyed
Fighter Type Die Roll Weapon Destroyed
Mark l 1 or 2 Laser System A
3 or 4 Laser System B
5 or 6 Laser System C Two Viper Stabilizer Hits
Mark II 1 or 2 Laser System A No matter how many hits damage the stabilizer, the die
3 or 4 Laser System B is rolled only once per movement This roll serves for all
5 or 6 Torpedo System stabilizer hits
Mark ill 1 or 2 Laser System
Steering Restriction/Stabilizer Hit
3 or 4 Torpedoes 1 and 2
Stabilizer hits are determined as usual, and the steering
5 or 6 Torpedoes 3 and 4
restriction is ignored
Two Half Speed Only
The speed is reduced for each hit Thus, if a fighter mov-
Targeting Computer Hit ing at 3, 4 or 5 movements takes two half speed only hits,
For each hit on the targeting computer, cross off one it can only make 1 movement the next game turn A fighter
Targeting arc This means that the Weapon Base for each moving at 1 or 2 movements cannot move in the next game
weapon is increased by 1 point Because this occurs relatively turn, but it can still fire
rarely, pilots will find that the Targeting arcs most often are If a fighter takes 3 or more half speed only hits, it cannot
crossed off because of fuselage or engine damage move in the next game turn
Life Support System Hit Two Turbo Damaged
The Viper pilot's life support system is damaged and the The turbo is damaged from one of the rolls The second
pilot has only 6 game turns to get the craft off the board If has no additional effect
he cannot do this, he loses the game when he runs out of No Speed Change/Turbo Damaged, Half Speed Only
air This is recorded in the Cockpit wedge by crossing off the The no speed change is postponed for 1 turn, and the
Life Support System circle Then, 6 Movement Records must fighter must move for 2 turns at half speed only If the fighter
be counted off, and a heavy line drawn beneath the sixth to was using turbos, and damage requires it to maintain the
show that the pilot is dead if he cannot get off the board same speed but also knocks out the turbos, the fighter must
This has no effect if the life support system has already been make the greatest number of moves possible
hit No Speed Change/Viper Steering Restriction
It is possible that a no speed change effect and a steering
Cylon Destroyed restriction will require a Viper to make more than 3 vector
One of the Cylons has been destroyed To determine
changes This is permitted
which, roll 1 die and consult the table below
No Speed Change/Viper Stabilizer Hit
It is possible that a no speed change effect and a stabilizer
hit will require a Viper to make more than 3 vector changes
Cylon Destroyed This is permitted
Die Roll Cylon
1 or 2 Alpha No Speed Change/Cylon Disrupted Or Damaged
3 or 4 Beta The number of movements made by the Viper should
5 or 6 Gamma be as constant as possible The die is not rolled to determine
the number of movements because of a disrupted Cylon pilot
It is possible that a no speed change effect and a Cylon
Disrupted or Cylon Damaged effect will require a Raider to
Cockpit Destroyed
make more than 3 vector changes This is permitted
The cockpit has taken a direct hit, destroying everything
in it The game is over for that fighter, and it goes dead in Two Viper Life Support System Hits
space! The second hit is ignored beyond giving the 1 damage
point to the fuselage
Fighter Blows Up
Kaboom! Two Weapon Destroyed Hits
If a weapon is hit that has already been destroyed, the
second hit is ignored beyond giving the 1 damage point to
Most frequently, when a fighter takes damage from mul-
tiple hits, there will be no conflict Damage to the fuselage, Anything And Fighter Blows Up
engines, fuel supply, weapon systems, and pilot gunner are Kaboom!
cumulative, with all damage being recorded as it is rolled REPLACING CYLONS
Thus, if a hit gives damage of 3 Fuselage and a second gives Damaged or disrupted Cylons may be replaced by one
damage of 5 Fuselage, the fighter takes a total of 8 damage of the other Cylons in the cockpit This takes place at the end
points to its fuselage of a turn
Sometimes, however, the special damage to steering, When a Cylon is first damaged or disrupted by weapon
to the stabilizer, or to speed change causes a conflict to arise fire, it may be replaced at the END of the next turn This
How to resolve the conflict from each of these cases is de- simulates that it takes some time (even though it is a very
scribed below short time) for the other Cylons to realize the problem and
Two Viper Steering Restrictions take steps to correct it If a player does not wish to replace
No matter how many steering restrictions are given in the Cylon immediately, he can do it at any later time, as long
a single game turn, the die is only rolled once The restriction as at least 1 turn has passed between the initial damage and
rolled is used for all restrictions given the replacement

Once pilots have mastered the basic rules, they will be Determining Damage
interested in making play more interesting by adding some The Damage Chart is used to determine what the damage
or all of the advanced rules below Rules have been provided is from a collision The faster a fighter is moving, the more
for placing asteroids on the mapsheet, for increasing piloting damage it is likely to take The number of movements that
gunnery skill or program efficiency, for firing on and firing the fighter is making in the game turn determines which
from base ships, for taking off and landing from base ships, table to use for the damage If the fighter is making 5 move-
and for repairing, refueling, and rearming fighters during the ments and has a collision, Table 5 is used, if he has a second
game collision m the same game turn, Table 5 is used again
Gametesters have found that adding asteroids to the Just as with weapon damage, the white die is used to
mapsheet makes the game much more fun! This section determine exactly what the damage is A separate roll should
describes how to place the asteroid counters on the map- be made for each collision
sheet and how they affect play
PLACING ASTEROID COUNTERS Weapons may be fired into an asteroid cluster or out of
A number of the colored counters are asteroid clusters an asteroid cluster, but no weapon may be fired through a
There are two large clusters, each with asteroids in 7 hexes cluster, as detailed below
There are 20 smaller asteroid clusters as well Blocking Fire
Determining Number Asteroid clusters serve as a sort of 'smoke screen' for
There are three (and maybe more) ways of determining fighters to hide behind, because no weapons may be fired
how many asteroids to use in a game No one way is better through them A single small cluster will block fire only if it
than the others, and players should choose the method that is directly in line with the target If it is slightly to one side,
works best for them weapon fire is not blocked This is shown in the illustration
First, both players can agree on how many counters will
be placed Second, the dice can be rolled several times, with
the total of the rolls being the number of counters that will
be placed, 3 rolls of both dice seem to work well Third, each
player can write down a number in secret, with the total
being the number of counters that will be placed, it is a good
idea to limit the number, 10 or 15 being best, depending on
how many are playing
Laying Out The Counters
Asteroids are only placed on the blank mapsheet, no
asteroids may be placed on the mapsheets with the drawings
of the Galactica or the Cylon Base Ship Before the clusters Shooting Into Asteroids
are placed, the fighter counters are laid out Then the two A fighter can shoot at a target in an asteroid cluster, but
large clusters are laid out, followed by enough of the smaller the shot is more difficult than normal because of all the
counters to make up the total Each large cluster counts as debris near the target No hex of asteroids can be between
1 cluster, even though it has 7 times as many hexes of as- the firing fighter and the target in a large cluster, so that the
teroids as the small clusters target must be on the edge This means that a fighter in the
Clusters may be arranged m any order that the players center of a large cluster is safe from weapon fire as long as
want A good way to get a random order is for players to he remains there
take turns laying out a counter anywhere they choose until When shooting into asteroids, subtract 1 from the To-Hit
all necessary are down Clusters may be laid touching one Number
another, making good screens against shooting and interest- Shooting From Asteroids
ing mazes for movement Clusters may not be stacked No A fighter can shoot out of an asteroid cluster at a target
cluster may be closer than 1 hex away from any fighter or in open space, but the shot is more difficult than normal
7 hexes away from any base ship because of all the debris nearby The target cannot be in an
asteroid cluster itself, for that would be the same as shooting
MOVEMENT THROUGH ASTEROIDS through asteroids, which is impossible
Fighters may move through asteroids if the pilots desire When shooting from an asteroid cluster, subtract 1 from
They may use the clusters to evade enemy weapon fire, or the To-Hit Number
to shake pursuit The only problem with such movement is Clearing Asteroids
that the fighter might hit an asteroid giving it damage A torpedo shot into a small asteroid cluster destroys that
Determining Collisions cluster (as well as damages any fighter in that cluster) Thus,
Whenever a fighter enters a hex containing an asteroid if the pilot desires, he may use his photon missiles to clear
cluster, the pilot temporarily stops moving the counter until away asteroid clusters The explosion is contained com-
he determines if he hit anything He rolls both dice and adds pletely m the target hex, and nothing m any of the surround-
the rolls together If this total is equal to or greater than his ing hexes is damaged If the shot is successful, remove the
Skill Target, then the fighter did not collide with any asteroids asteroid hex from the mapsheet and treat the newly-clear
If the total is less, then there was a collision and damage hex as a regular, deep space hex
occurred For beginning pilots, the Skill Target is 7 A successful torpedo shot at a fighter m an asteroid
The dice must be rolled for every hex of asteroids that cluster not only damages the fighter, but it clears the hex of
a fighter passes through As you can see, the more hexes of asteroids
asteroids that a fighter flies through, the more chances for When clearing an asteroid cluster, subtract 1 from the
a collision To-Hit Number as above for shooting into asteroids

In advanced scenarios, and particularly the Campaign the roll is not successful, then the Cylon cannot function and
Game, steering restrictions and other temporary damage to the player may choose to substitute another Cylon to insure
a fighter is not automatically repaired after 1 turn Instead, that the fighter can fly normally or still fire weapons
the piloting skill of the Viper pilot or the program efficiency USING GUNNERY SKILL
of the Cylon pilot is used to determine if the restriction is Viper pilots use their gunnery skill and Cylons use their
removed The skill or program efficiency of a pilot also deter- program efficiency to help them fire weapons more accu-
mines if the fighter collides with asteroids when flying rately When firing a weapon, after the To-Hit number has
through an asteroid cluster Furthermore, the gunnery skill been calculated and all range and special modifiers have
of the Viper pilot or the program efficiency of the Cylon been added, the gunnery skill or the program efficiency is
gunner is used to make shots more accurate subtracted from the To-Hit Number, making a successful shot
The rules below tell how and when to make Skill Rolls easier No Skill Roll is necessary
and how gunnery skill is used They also tell how piloting This means that some shots will be automatic hits, if the
skill, gunnery skill, and program efficiency are increased target is close enough and the gunner's skill or program
efficiency high enough!
Piloting Skill Rolls Sometimes, in advanced scenarios, players may wish to
At the end of a game turn, whenever damage to a fighter create Viper pilots or Cylons that have experience In these
gives it a steering restriction, stabilizer damage, a speed re- cases, roll 1 die and consult the table below
stnction, or turbo damage, the condition must be fixed before
the fighter can perform normally again In basic scenarios
and beginning games, this occurs after 1 game turn, but in Creating Skill Or Program Efficiency
advanced scenarios or the Campaign Game, this does not
occur automatically Instead, the Viper or Cylon pilot must Die Roll Skill
make a Skill Roll 1 0
Piloting Skill Rolls are made by rolling 2 dice, adding 2 or 3 1
the rolls together, and comparing the total to the piloting 4 or 5 2
Skill Target If the roll is equal to or greater than the target, 6 3
it is successful and the restriction no longer applies If the
roll is less than the target, it is unsuccessful, and the restric-
tion applies for the end of the next game turn, when a new INCREASING SKILLS AND PROGRAM EFFICIENCY
Skill Roll may be made Human Piloting Skill
If a fighter has more than one restriction, the pilot must Viper pilots who complete a combat mission gain skill
choose which restriction he will remove, because only one in piloting their fighter In order to gain skill from the combat
Skill Roll is allowed per turn mission, the three conditions listed below must be met If
Piloting Skill Rolls also are made whenever a fighter these three conditions are met, then the pilot of the fighter
attempts to land on a base ship The rules for this are given may raise his piloting skill 1 point for every 5 combat mis-
in the section on Landing Fighters sions The maximum piloting skill is 4
Piloting Skill Targets 1 The fighter must have returned from the mission This is
The piloting Skill Target is found by subtracting the pilot- assumed to have occurred if the fighter flies off the mapsheet
ing skill of the Viper pilot or the program efficiency of the after a duel when his base ship is not part of the playing
Cylon from 7 The result is the piloting Skill Target board, he must have sufficient fuel to have left the board
Collision Skill Rolls under power, even if he uses up his fuel doing so In games
Whenever a pilot flies his fighter into an asteroid cluster, in which fighters leave their base ship, the fighter must return
there is a chance for a collision The pilot must make a Skill to the base ship under power and land safely
Roll, using his piloting Skill Target If the roll is successful, 2 The fighter must have fired on an enemy craft The enemy
the fighter flies through the cluster hex without a collision fighter need not have been damaged by the fire, but he must
If the roll is unsuccessful, then he takes damage, as outlined have been within range and within the firing arc
in the section on Asteroids A roll must be made for each 3 The fighter must have been shot at by the enemy Damage
hex of asteroids a fighter passes through need not have been taken
Failed landings may result in a collision and a fire This It will be necessary to keep track of the number of combat
can be prevented by making a successful collision Skill Roll missions for each pilot At the beginning of each new game,
The rules for this are given in the section on Landing Fighters divide this total by 5 and round down to find the piloting
Removing Program Disruptions skill This skill is recorded in the upper right corner of the
Whenever a Cylon is damaged or his program is other- Viper Game Sheet New pilots have a piloting skill of 0
wise disrupted, he cannot perform his normal function until Human Gunnery Skill
his program has been stabilized This is done by means of If a Viper pilot destroys two Cylon Raiders, either with
a Skill Roll Cylon Skill Rolls are made against a Skill Target direct hits, by wearing them down, or by destroying the
calculated just like the Skill Target of the Viper pilots The cockpits, then he may add 1 to his gunnery skill The
program efficiency is subtracted from 7 to give the Skill maximum gunnery skill is 4
Target Two dice are rolled, and their sum is compared to It will be necessary for each player to record the kills
the Skill Target as detailed above made by each pilot, so that the skill may be recorded m the
If the roll is successful, the Cylon's program is no longer upper right of the Viper Game Sheet when a new game
disrupted and he can function normally in the next turn If begins New pilots have a gunnery skill of 0
Cylon Program Efficiency program efficiency is calculated by dividing the number of
Cylons substitute program efficiency for piloting skill or missions by 8 and the number of kills by 4 These numbers
gunnery skill For each combat mission a Cylon flies, his are added together, and the sum is rounded down to give
program efficiency increases, as long as he meets the condi- the program efficiency With 3 Cylons in the cockpit, a Raider
tions below If the conditions are met, then the program will almost always have at least one new Cylon The program
efficiency increases by 1 for every 8 missions efficiency of a new Cylon is 0 The maximum program effi-
1. The fighter must return from the mission, having fired on ciency is 5
an enemy and been fired on, as stated for human pilots FAMILIAR FIGHTER BONUS
above If a Viper pilot or a Cylon has flown in the same fighter
2. The Cylon must have been the pilot or the gunner for at (this means the same craft, not the same fighter type) for 4
least 4 turns during the mission Cylons who are standbys missions, he is assumed to have learned all of its little quirks
for an entire mission gam no program efficiency and tricks This gives him a bonus when making Skill Rolls
If the Cylon gunner destroys an enemy fighter or kills or when firing weapons For pilots flying familiar fighters (4
the pilot, the program efficiency of the pilot and the gunner missions or more), subtract 1 from the piloting Skill Target
increase as well For every 4 kills, the program efficiency before making any piloting or collision Skill Rolls For Viper
increases by 1 pilots or Cylon gunners firing the weapons of a familiar
The player must keep track of each Cylon's successful fighter, subtract 1 from the To-Hit Number before making
missions and kills At the beginning of a new game, the any To-Hit Rolls


The Galactica and the Cylon Baseship are shown in the

illustrations below Each of these ships is drawn on its own
starfield mapsheet Only one is used in the Mass Attack game,
the choice being up to the players

Laser Turrets
Base ships have laser turrets These have firing arcs that
are identical to the firing arcs of the fighters - the line of
hexes directly in front of the turret and one row of hexes to
either side The range of a base ship's laser turret is 8 hexes,
but the accuracy drops off quickly close to the base ship
Each turret has 2 lasers, powerful enough to do damage like
a fighter torpedo Fighter lasers or torpedoes may destroy a
base ship laser turret
When the base ship is not being controlled by a player,
the turrets are fixed in the positions shown on the starfield
In more advanced scenarios, or in scenarios where the Flying Over Base Ships
base ship is controlled by a player, an unused counter may Fighters may not fly over base ships or into any hex
be turned over to allow the turret to face in more than one occupied by a base ship except the launching landing bays
direction To do this, draw an arrow on the back of the counter To do so causes the fighter to crash and explode
to show which way the lasers point Most turrets will be able FIRING BASE SHIP LASERS
to point in only 2 useful directions, but the turrets on the Each turret has 2 lasers, which use the same fire control
corners of the base ship may have 3 useful directions system This means that they must fire at the same target
It is up to the player playing the base ship to decide The To-Hit Numbers for each laser shot is shown in the table
which direction his lasers will point He does this after all below
fighter pilots have recorded their movement but before any
one has moved When no one is playing the base ship, the
position of the turrets may be determined by rolling 1 die
If the turret has 2 useful fields of fire, a roll of 1 3 is left, Base Ship Laser To-Hit Numbers
and a roll of 4 - 6 is right If the turret has 3 useful fields of Range To-Hit Number
fire, a roll of 1 or 2 is left, 3 or 4 is center, and 5 or 6 is right 1 4
2 6
3 7
4 8
5 9
6 1
7 11
8 12

Damage is given in the same manner as damage from a

torpedo Both dice are rolled One is added to the red die
roll to determine which Damage Table to use
Launching Tubes And Landing Bays Fighters shooting at base ship turrets and landing/
Baseships also have fighter launching tubes and landing launching bays fire as usual When they hit, the base ship
bays These are shown in the illustrations In advanced Mass takes damage as shown below Fighter lasers may damage
Attack scenarios and in the Campaign Game, fighters may or destroy a base ship turret, but they have no effect on
be launched from the launching tubes and may return to the landing launching bays This means that Mark I fighters can
base ship for refueling or rearming by landing in a landing not destroy a base ship
bay Only fighter torpedoes may damage a launching tube
Turret Hits
or landing bay If a landing bay takes enough damage, the
When a turret is successfully hit, roll 1 die and consult
base ship blows up!
the table below to determine the damage If the turret is
destroyed, place an explosion counter on it If only one laser
is out, place an upside-down explosion counter on the turret
to show this

Base Ship Turret Damage

Die Roll Laser Damage Torpedo Damage
1 No Effect No Effect
2 No Effect One Laser Out
3 No Effect One Laser Out
4 One Laser Out One Laser Out
5 One Laser Out Turret Destroyed
6 Turret Destroyed Turret Destroyed

Launching Tube/Landing Bay Hits more is needed for success If there are 3 hexes of fire in the
Launching tubes and landing bays may only be damaged bay, a roll of 10 or more is needed for success And if there
by torpedoes, laser hits have no effect The explosion of the are 4 hexes of fire in the bay, a roll of 11 or more is needed
torpedo may cause a fire There are two kinds temporary for success
fires, which burn out themselves, and permanent fires, which Successfully fighting a hex of temporary fire puts it out,
will burn until the base ship crew puts them out remove the explosion counter Successfully fighting a hex
A launching tube can take only 1 hit Any fire puts it out of permanent fire turns it into a temporary fire, turn the
of action explosion counter upside down
A landing bay cannot be used for landings if it has 3
hexes of fire The bay is out of action, but it is not destroyed
Positioning Fighters For Take-Off
The bay, and the whole base ship with it, is destroyed only
Fighters take off from the launching tubes by placing
when it contains 5 hexes of permanent fire
their counters on the launching tube hex If the fighter has
Torpedo fire is as usual, but damage is determined by
been placed there at the beginning of the game, then it may
rolling 1 die and consulting the table below
take off in the first turn of play If the fighter is not there at
Base Ship Launch Tube/Landing Bay Damage the beginning of the game, then it must be moved to the
Die Roll Damage bay from the hangar storage area in the center of the base
1 No Effect ship, this takes 1 turn Then the fighter must be readied for
2 Temporary Fire take-off, this also takes 1 turn Thus, it takes 3 turns before
3 Temporary Fire a fighter in the hangar can be flying in combat 1 turn in
4 Temporary Fire moving to the bay, 1 turn in readying for take-off, and 1 turn
5 Temporary Fire taking off It only costs 1 turn to ready a fighter for take-off
6 Permanent Fire if it is in a landing bay, simply move the fighter to a launch
Temporary Fire A temporary fire has started from the tor- tube, and it can take off m the next turn
pedo explosion It will last for only 1 to 6 turns, and then will Movement During Take-Off
burn out all by itself, roll 1 die to determine how many go When taking off, a fighter flies as though it were using
by before it will burn itself out Place an explosion counter turbos It flies straight for the first 3 movements After it has
there, but turn it upside down to show that the fire is only cleared the bay, it may fly in any direction it chooses for the
temporary A scrap of paper showing the turn number that next 1, 2, or 3 movements A fighter may not fly over the
the fire will go out could be added to keep record-keeping base ship itself Taking off does not cost any fuel points
simple Take-Offs Through Fires
There can be only 1 hex of temporary fire in a launch A launching tube that is on fire may not be used to
tube or landing bay A second hex of temporary fire will turn launch fighters
the first hex into a hex of permanent fire Turn the explosion FIGHTER LANDINGS
counter over Fighters land by ending their movement on one of the
Permanent Fire A permanent fire has started from the explo- three hexes in a landing bay, each of these hexes costs a
sion This fire will continue to burn until conscious effort is movement point, as usual A Skill Roll is not necessary in
made to put it out Place an explosion counter on the bay, normal circumstances
right side up If the fighter is moving using turbos, vector changes are
DESTROYING A BASE SHIP made, the pilot is wounded or damaged, or the landing bay
There is a direct path from the landing bays to the center is on fire, a Skill Roll is necessary The Skill Target depends
of the base ship Every time a new fire is started in the bay, on the piloting skill (program efficiency), the speed of the
another counter is added to the path, moving the fire closer fighter, how many vector changes it made before landing,
and closer to the center of the base ship and whether the pilot is wounded or damaged To find this
Base ships may be destroyed by causing 5 hexes of number, add the number of movements made Subtract the
piloting skill Add 1 for every soft vector change, and 2 for
permanent fire in a single landing bay The fifth hex of per-
every hard vector change Add 1 for each wound on a Viper
manent fire sweeps into the fuel storage area and explodes
violently, carrying fire into the very heart of the base ship pilot, and 3 if the Cylon pilot is damaged Add 4 for each hex
Destroying a base ship is quite difficult, because the base of fire the fighter passes through The result is the Skill Target
for landing
ship crew will attempt to fight the fires They also will attempt
to keep the laser turrets operational, as outlined below The Two dice are rolled The sum of the rolls is compared
damage to a base ship may be repaired given good luck and to the Skill Target If the result is equal to or greater than
enough time Turrets may be repaired and fires may be put the Skill Target, the landing was successful If the sum is
out less than the Skill Target, the fighter crash landed
For example, desperate because he is low on fuel, a
Turret Repair
Viper pilot has a piloting skill of 3 He lands after making 5
Repairs on a turret may be attempted in any turn that
movements, including 1 gentle vector change and 1 hard
the lasers are not fired Roll 2 dice If the result is 10 or more,
vector change He has 2 wounds This means that his Skill
one gun has been repaired Remove the explosion counter
Target for landing is 7 (5 movements - his piloting skill of
or turn it over to show the turret's status
3 + 1 for gentle vector change + 2 for the hard vector change
The number needed for repair is decreased by 1 for each
+ 2 for the wounds =9) He rolls a 6, and so he makes a
turn that repairs are attempted Thus, the result must only
crash landing
be 9 or more for a successful second attempt
Firefighting Crash Landings
Each turn, one hex of fire may be fought in each launch- A crash landing can kill the pilot or destroy a Cylon
ing tube or landing bay To do this, roll 2 dice In a launching Make a Skill Roll against the Piloting Skill Target for the pilot
tube or in a landing bay where there is only 1 hex of fire, a and for EACH Cylon If the roll is successful, the pilot takes
roll of 8 or more means that the fire was fought successfully 2 wounds or the Cylon is damaged If the roll is unsuccessful,
If there are 2 hexes of fire in a landing bay, a roll of 9 or the pilot is killed or the Cylon is destroyed
A crash landing can also start a fire in the bay Make a REPAIRING, REARMING,
Skill Roll against the Piloting Skill Target If the roll is success- AND REFUELING FIGHTERS
ful, the pilot managed to steer the fighter into a relatively The table below gives the number of turns that are re-
safe area and no fire is started If the roll is unsuccessful a quired to repair the fighter, rearm its torpedo rack, refuel, or
temporary fire is started Treat this fire just as a normal tem- to change it altogether A repair fixes an entire arc on the
porary fire Damage Display, partial arcs cost the full amount Repair
Landing Through A Fire times are cumulative, but reloading, refueling, or changing
Landing in a bay that is on fire is more difficult than pilots may be made at the same time that repairs are taking
usual Landings may not be made in a fire To do so would place
explode the fighter, kill the pilot or destroy the Cylons, and
add a hex of permanent fire to the landing bay Thus, fighters Repair Time Costs
must fly through the fire hexes in order to have a chance to
land safely Action Turns
To see if the pilot lands safely, add 4 to the Skill Target Repair
for each fire hex, temporary or permanent, through which 1 Fuselage Arc 1
the fighter must fly This means that only the most experi- 1 Engine Arc 1
enced pilots can land in a bay with 2 fires, and that no pilot 1 Targeting Arc 1
can land in a bay with 3 fires 1 Heading Control Arc 1
A crash landing in a bay that is already on fire automat- Life Support System 1
ically adds 1 hex of temporary fire to the bay Cylon Damage 3
A fighter that flies into a base ship crashes, destroying Turbo Thruster 3
the craft This can inflict damage on the base ship if he Replace
crashes into a laser turret a launching tube, or a landing Viper Pilot 1
bay A hit is automatic Cylon 1
If the fighter is uncontrolled, either because of a stabilizer Torpedo Rack 1
hit or an unconscious or disrupted pilot, roll damage as usual Refuel 1
If a fighter pilot chooses to sacrifice himself and his fighter
intentionally, and is in control of his fighter, add 1 to the die Change Fighters 2
roll, so that damage is more intense

Base Ship or Raiders against the Galactica In this case, the
FIGHTER DUEL base ship fires every time that a fighter is in range and the
turret positions are fixed or decided by dicing after move-
This game pits the fighter(s) of one player against the ment is recorded When a player's fighter is being fired upon,
fighter(s) of another, with the players' skills in maneuvering the dice are rolled for the base ship by another player
their craft determining the outcome It is played on only one In the second version, one player plays the base ship
starfield mapsheet and all other players play fighters flying against it If there
The fighters begin the game out of range of each other's are enough players, one or more may play fighters defending
weapons and facing one another For a game with only 2 the base ship In this game, the turrets of the base ship are
fighters, the craft should be centered on the mapsheet as not fixed, but their firing arc is determined by the player who
much as possible, facing each other across the short side plays it
For games with more fighters, the craft should be equally Set up the game by determining how many fighters will
spaced on the mapsheet so that no player has an advantage be on each side All fighters from the base ship must start
Fighter Duel games end when one player or side forces the game either on a launching pad or in the central hangar
the fighter(s) of the other off the mapsheet because of dam- All attacking fighters must start from the far edge of the blank
age or when the fighter(s) or pilots of one side have been mapsheet
destroyed In this game, because the map is so big, Life Support
Advanced games may be played with asteroids or with System hits allow a Viper pilot 10 turns to return to the base
experienced fighters When playing these games, players ship or get off the mapsheet
may decide beforehand to award skill advancement only to
the winner, or to give half awards to the loser This will help
prevent players flying their fighters off the board before they CAMPAIGN GAME
absolutely need to
In the Campaign Game, all three starfield mapsheets are
used so that fighters can take off and land for repairs, rearm-
MASS ATTACK ing, and refueling The game is not over until one of the base
ships is destroyed
In this game, players attempt to destroy a base ship The The game is set up by determining how many fighters
base ship is not defenseless, but has many banks of lasers each side will have, exactly which types will be used can be
protecting it It is no easy task to blow one up, but it may be decided by the two teams on their own, or it can be agreed
done The game is over when the base ship is destroyed or upon at the beginning of the game All fighters must start
all of the fighters have been destroyed or driven from the on launching tubes or m the central hangar
board The rules for the game are given below Two versions Because the playing board is so big in this game, Life
are possible Support System hits allow a Viper pilot 10 turns to return to
In one version, which also may be a solo game, all the Galactica and land If the fighter has not landed by the
players are on the same side, flying Vipers against the Cylon end of the tenth turn, he is dead
Creating Skill Or Program Efficiency
Die Roll Skill
Comparison Between Fighter Types Stabilizer Damage Vector Changes 1 0
2 or 3 1
Type Lasers Torpedoes
Cost Turbo Fuel Die Boll Vector Change 4 or 5 2
1 hard left 6 3
Number Weapon Number Weapon
2 gentle left
Base Base
3 or 4 straight
Mark I 3 2 0 2 5 gentle right
Mark II 2 3 2 6 3 6 hard right
Mark III 1 4 4 3 4 Base Ship Laser To-Hit Numbers
Range To-Hit Number
1 4
3 7
Temporary Half Speed 4 8
Table 1 5 9
Normal Speed Half Speed 1
Die Poll Damage 6
3 2 11
1 1 Fuselage 7
2 1
2 1 Fuselage 8 12
1 1
3 1 Fuselage
4 1 Engine
5 1 Engine
6 1 Fuel Lost Weapons Destroyed
Fighter Type Die Roll Weapon Destroyed
Table 2 Mark I 1 or 2 Laser System A
3 or 4 Laser System B
Die Roll Damage
5 or 6 Laser System C
1 2 Fuselage, Viper Pilot Wounded or Cylon Damaged
Mark II 1 or 2 Laser System A
2 2 Fuselage, Viper Steering Restriction or
3 or 4 Laser System B
Cylon Disrupted
5 or 6 Torpedo System
3 2 Fuselage, Viper Stabilizer Damaged or
Mark lll 1 or 2 Laser System
Cylon Disrupted
3 or 4 Torpedoes 1 and 2
4 1 Engine, No Speed Change
5 or 6 Torpedoes 3 and 4
5 1 Engine, Turbo Damaged, Half Speed Only
6 2 Fuel Lost
Table 3
Cylon Destroyed
Die Roll Damage Base Ship Turret Damage
1 3 Fuselage Die Roll Cylon
Die Roll Laser Damage Torpedo Damage
2 3 Fuselage 1 or 2 Alpha 1 No Effect No Effect
3 3 Fuselage 3 or 4 Beta
2 No Effect One Laser Out
4 2 Engine 5 or 6 Gamma
3 No Effect One Laser Out
5 2 Engine 4 One Laser Out One Laser Out
6 4 Fuel Lost 5 One Laser Out Turret Destroyed
Table 4 6 Turret Destroyed Turret Destroyed
Die Roll Damage
1 4 Fuselage, Viper Pilot Wounded or Cylon Damaged Cylon Damaged
2 4 Fuselage, Viper Steering Restriction or Die Roll Cylon
Cylon Disrupted 1 or 2 Alpha Base Ship Launch Tube/Landing Bay Damage
3 4 Fuselage, Viper Stabilizer Damaged or 3 or 4 Beta Die Roll Damage
Cylon Disrupted 5 or 6 Gamma 1 No Effect
4 2 Engine, No Speed Change 2 Temporary Fire
5 2 Engine, Turbo Damaged, Half Speed Only 3 Temporary Fire
6 6 Fuel Lost 4 Temporary Fire
Table 5 5 Temporary Fire
Die Roll Damage Cylon Disrupted
6 Permanent Fire
1 5 Fuselage, Viper Pilot Wounded or Cylon Damaged
Die Roll Cylon
2 5 Fuselage, Viper Steering Restriction or
1 or 2 Alpha Repair Time Costs
Cylon Disrupted
3 or 4 Beta Action Turns
3 5 Fuselage, Viper Stabilizer Damaged or
5 or 6 Gamma Repair
Cylon Disrupted
4 3 Engine, No Speed Change 1 Fuselage Arc 1
5 3 Engine, Turbo Damaged. Half Speed Only 1 Turn 1 Engine Arc 1
6 8 Fuel Lost 1 Targeting Arc 1
Table 6 1 Heading Control Arc 1
Viper Steering Restrictions
Life Support System 1
Die Roll Damage Die Roll Restriction
1 1 Fuselage, Weapon System Destroyed Cylon Damage 3
1 Control locks left Weapon Module 3
2 1 Fuselage, Targeting Computer Hit 2 Control locks straight
3 1 Fuselage, Viper Life Support System Hit or Turbo Thruster 3
3 Control locks right
Cylon Destroyed Replace
4 No vector change left
4 3 Engine, Turbo Destroyed Viper Pilot 1
5 No straight movement
5 Cockpit Destroyed Cylon 1
6 No vector change right
6 Fighter Blows Up Torpedo Rack 1
Refuel 1
Change Fighters 2

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