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DIRECTION: The following are sixty (60) incomplete sentences. Read each item carefully and finish them by writing
things or idea that comes to your mind. Work on all these as fast as you can. If you leave an item unfinished,
mark/encircle that item and go back to it after.

1. I feel that my father seldom helped with

household chores.
2. When the odds are against me I always pray.
3. I always wanted to be successful in life.
4. If I am in charge I’ll make sure all of my
participants are honest and free of fraud.
5. To me the future looks will be beautiful and
6. The men over me are abusers of power.
7. I knew it is silly, but I am afraid of cockroach and
8. I feel that a real friend can understand why we
don’t always see each other because we have
responsibilities in life.
9. When I was a child my grandfather fed me chili.
10. My idea of a perfect woman is doing the best for
the family.
11. When I see a man and a woman together I am
12. At work I get along best with are people who
are easy to get along with and are trustworthy.
13. My mother is hardworking and the strongest
14. I would do anything to forget the time when I
saw and heard how my parents got separated.
15. If my father would only, did not leave us and
gave long patience to my grandparents.
16. I believe that I have the ability to control my
own words and deeds.
17. I would be perfectly happy if our family is
together again.
18. If people work for me I will not agree because I
want to work for myself.
19. I look forward to that I can pass and find a good
20. In school, my teacher is good at teaching.
21. Most of my friends don't know I'm afraid of
cockroach and snake.
22. I don't like people who is saying something
behind your back.
23. Before the war there are soldiers who fought for
the country.
24. I think most girls are beautiful and intelligent.
25. My feeling about married life is more
26. My family treats me properly.
27. Those I work with are people I will never forget.
28. Mother and I are alike.
29. My greatest mistake was I did not go with my
auntie to live in Germany.
30. I wish that my father sees that we were raised
up properly and with fear of god by mama.
31. My greatest weakness that I lost my parents
while I was not yet successful.
32. My secret ambition in life will work on a ship or
33. The people who work for me is fun.
34. Someday I can repay my parents for their
35. When I see the boss coming I am getting ready.
36. I wish I could lose the fear of other people yell
at me.
37. The people I like best are the happy people.
38. If I am young again I will make the most of
every opportunity to be happy.
39. I believe most women are successful.
40. If I had sexual relation I don’t want to because I
prioritize work and family.
41. Most families I know have problems.
42. I like working with people who have initiatives.
43. I think that most mothers is willing to sacrifice
44. When I was young, I felt guilty about not
following my parents.
45. I feel that my father is handsome.
46. When luck turns against me I will make my own
47. In giving orders to others I always give
48. What I want most out of life is to become rich.
49. When I'm older I will thank God that I have lived
50. People whom I consider my superior knows
better than me.
51. My fear sometimes force me to do something.
52. When I'm not around my friends are sad.
53. My most vivid childhood memory was we play
“luksong baka”
54. My sex life is just right.
55. What I like least about women who complain
about life.
56. When I was a child, my family is happy and
57. I like my mother but she is annoying sometimes.
58. The worst thing I ever did when I give so many
chance to the person who cheated on me.
59. I like my mother but she is annoying.
60. The worst thing I ever did was I did what I knew was

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