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(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,497,708 B2

Mukherjee et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 30, 2013

(54) FRACTIONAL-RATE PHASE FREQUENCY 6,847,789 B2 1/2005 Savoj

DETECTOR 6,956,923 B1 * l0/2005 Younis et al. ............... .. 375/375
7,050,524 B2 * 5/2006 Takasoh et a1. .. 375/375
. 7,057,418 B1 * 6/2006 Fu et a1. .......................... .. 327/3
(75) Inventors: Tonmoy Shankar MukherJee, Atlanta, 7,079,055 B2 700% Padapammb?
GA (US); Arlo James Aude, Atlanta, 7,103,131 B1 * 9/2006 Byl‘an et al. ................ .. 375/375
GA (US) 7,170,964 B2 * 1/2007 Kocaman et al. . .. 375/376
7,251,573 B2 * 7/2007 Sanduleanu et al 702/79
(73) Assignee: National Semiconductor Corporation, 7286525 B2: 10/2007 Lee et al' ~~~~~~~~~~ ~' " 375/376
Santa Clara CA (Us) 7,466,785 B2 12/2008 Sanduleanu et al. ........ .. 375/375
’ 7,482,841 B1 l/2009 Nguyen et al.
_ _ _ _ _ 7,580,491 B2* 8/2009 Kim etal. ................... .. 375/354
(*) Not1ce: Subject to any d1scla1mer, the term ofth1s 7,692,501 B2 * 4/2010 Hsueh e131, ,, 331/25
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7,697,652 B2* 4/2010 Jeong et al. ................. .. 375/376
U_S_C_ 154(1)) by 66 days_ 7,720,188 B2 5/2010 Sanduleanu et a1.
7,760,030 B2 * 7/2010 Jeong et al. ................... .. 331/25
_ 7,795,926 B2 9/2010 Tseng et al.
(21) APP1-N°-- 13/102932 7,957,500 B2* 6/2011 Sanduleanu etal. ........ .. 375/374
_ 8,138,798 B2* 3/2012 Nedovic et al. .... .. 327/3
(22) Filed: May 6,2011 8,232,821 B2* 7/2012 Saitoh ...... .. .. 327/156
8,315,349 B2* 11/2012 Badalone .................... .. 375/376
(65) Prior Publication Data (Continued)
US 2012/0280716 A1 Nov. 8, 2012 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(51) Int. Cl. Savoj, J. et al., “Design of Half-Rate Clock and Data Recovery
H03D 13/00 (2006.01) Circuits for Optical Communication Systems”, Proceedings of
(52) US. Cl. Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2001, pp. 121-126.
USPC ............................................... .. 327/9; 327/12 _ d
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search (Commue )
Si? ii'c'iiigi'iiig £51131?1.3818218535375675 Piiiiiiii * William Himiiiiiii
PP P 1y‘ (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm *AndreW S. Viger; Wade J.
(56) References Cited Brady, 111; Fredenck J. Telecky, Jr.
5,712,580 A 4 H1998 Baumgarmer et a1, ,,,,,,, H 327/12 Aphase frequencydetectordetectsthe differencebetWeenthe
6,034,554 A * 3/2000 Francis et a1. .................. .. 327/7 edges ofafractional-raterecoveredclock signal andtheedges
6,055,286 A * 4/2000 Wu GU11 Within a serial data bit stream, Where the edges Within the
2 * 832;: et a1‘ """""""" " 327/12 serial data bit stream correspond With the edges of a full-rate
632113741 B1 4 40001 Dalmia clock signal that Was used to clock the serial data bit stream.
6,614,314 B2 * 9/2003 d’Haene et al. ............. ..
6,804,472 B1 10/2004 Ho 17 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

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20060029177 Al 2/2006 Crawford, Jr‘ et a1‘ Pottbacker, A. eta1., TPl0.3. A 8Gb/s S1 Brpolar Phase and Fre
2009/0045848 A1 * 2/2009 Kiaei et a1. .................... .. 327/10 quency Detector IC for Clock Extraction”, IEEE International Solid
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US. Patent Jul. 30, 2013 Sheet 2 of5 US 8,497,708 B2
US. Patent Jul. 30, 2013 Sheet 3 of5 US 8,497,708 B2


FIG. 5D Q414 0
FIG. 6B Q112

FIG. 7B Q422


FIG. 7D 0424 0 1

FIG. 7E 0 O

FIG. 8B Q122 0
US. Patent Jul. 30, 2013 Sheet 4 of5 US 8,497,708 B2


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US. Patent Jul. 30, 2013 Sheet 5 of5 US 8,497,708 B2


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US 8,497,708 B2
1 2
FRACTIONAL-RATE PHASE FREQUENCY 112.As shoWn in FIGS. 2A-2B, if an edge in the serial data bit
DETECTOR stream DBS (Which corresponds With an edge of the clock
signal used to clock the serial data bit stream DBS) clocks ?ip
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ?op 112 When the in-phase clock signal CLK-I is loW, ?ip ?op
112 outputs the phase difference signal PD With a logic Zero.
1. Field of the Invention Similarly, if the edge clocks ?ip ?op 112 When the in-phase
The present invention relates to phase frequency detectors clock signal CLK-I is high, ?ip ?op 112 outputs the phase
and, more particularly, to a fractional-rate phase frequency difference signal PD With a logic high.
detector. Referring again to FIG. 1, Pottbacker phase frequency
2. Description of the Related Art detector 100 also includes a phase detector 120 that detects a
A serial data receiver is a device that receives a serial data difference in phase betWeen the edges of an out-of-phase
bit stream, and converts the data in the steam into a format clock signal CLK-Q and the edges in the serial data bit steam
Which can be processed. To extract the data from the serial DBS, and generates a phase difference signal OD that repre
data bit stream, a serial data receiver must typically recover sents the difference in phase. The out-of-phase clock signal
the clock signal that Was used to clock the serial data bit CLK-Q is the same as the in-phase clock signal CLK-I, but
stream from the serial data bit stream. lags the in-phase clock signal CLK-I by 90°.
To recover the clock signal from a serial data bit stream, As shoWn in FIG. 1, phase detector 120 is implemented
serial data receivers commonly utiliZe a circuit knoWn as a With a conventional D ?ip ?op 122 that has a data input D
phase-locked-loop (PLL). A conventional PLL includes a connected to receive the out-of-phase clock signal CLK-Q, a
voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), a phase frequency 20 clock input connected to receive the serial data bit stream
detector that is connected to the VCO, and a loop ?lter that is DBS, and a Q output that generates the phase difference
connected to the phase frequency detector and the VCO. signal OD.
In operation, the VCO generates a recovered clock signal FIGS. 3A-3B shoW diagrams that illustrate the operation of
that has a phase and frequency Which are de?ned by the value phase detector 120. FIG. 3A shoWs the out-of-phase clock
of a VCO control voltage. In addition, the phase frequency 25 signal CLK-Q, While FIG. 3B shoWs the Q output Q122 of ?ip
detector detects the difference in phase and frequency ?op 122. As shoWn in FIGS. 3A-3B, the logic state output by
betWeen the edges of the recovered clock signal and the edges the Q output Q112 of ?ip ?op 122 depends on When an edge
Within the serial data bit stream. in the serial data bit stream DBS (Which corresponds With an
The loop ?lter ?lters the phase and frequency differences to edge of the clock signal used to clock the serial data bit stream
output the VCO control voltage to the VCO to adjust the phase 30 DBS) clocks ?ip ?op 122.
and frequency of the recovered clock signal until the phase Referring again to FIG. 1, Pottbacker phase frequency
and frequency of the recovered clock signal match the phase detector 100 further includes a frequency detector 130 that
and frequency of the clock signal that Was used to clock the detects a difference in frequency betWeen the in-phase clock
serial data bit stream. signal CLK-I and the clock signal used to clock the serial data
Thus, When the recovered clock signal locks onto the edges 35 bit steam DBS as represented by the edges in the serial data bit
in the serial data bit stream, the recovered clock signal is stream DBS, and generates a frequency difference signal FD
substantially the same as the clock signal used to clock the that represents the difference in frequency.
serial data bit stream. As a result, the phase and frequency of As shoWn in FIG. 1, frequency detector 130 is imple
the recovered clock signal and the phase and frequency of the mented With a conventional D ?ip ?op 132 that has a data
clock signal used to clock the serial data bit steam are sub 40 input D connected to the Q output of ?ip ?op 122 to receive
stantially the same. the phase difference signal OD, a clock input connected to the
There are many types of phase frequency detectors knoWn Q output of ?ip ?op 112 to receive the phase difference signal
in the art. One type of phase frequency detector is a Pott PD, and a Q output that generates the frequency difference
backer phase frequency detector. Pottbacker phase frequency signal FD.
detectors are alWays connected to a VCO circuit that outputs 45 One of the drawbacks of Pottbacker phase frequency detec
the recovered clock signal as an in-phase clock signal, and tor 100 is that as the frequencies of the serial data bit streams
also outputs a quadrature clock signal (a clock signal that is reach ever higher rates, it becomes increasingly harder to
identical to the in-phase clock signal, but Which lags the route the in-phase clock signal CLK-I (i.e., the recovered
in-phase clock signal by 90°). clock signal) around to each of the devices that are clocked by
FIG. 1 shoWs a diagram that illustrates a prior-art Pott 50 the in-phase clock signal CLK-I.
backer phase frequency detector 100. As shoWn in FIG. 1, For example, When the serial data bit stream DBS Was
Pottbacker phase frequency detector 100 includes a phase clocked at a frequency of 12.5 GHZ, the VCO locks and
detector 110 that detects a difference in phase betWeen the generates a 12.5 GHZ in-phase clock signal CLK-I, Which is
edges of an in-phase clock signal CLK-I and the edges in a routed to the other clocked devices. HoWever, When the clock
serial data bit steam DBS, Which are clocked by a clock 55 signal used to clock the serial data bit stream reaches a fre
signal, and generates a phase difference signal PD that rep quency of, for example, 25 GHZ, it becomes increasingly
resents the difference in phase. di?icult to route a 25 GHZ in-phase clock signal around to the
As further shoWn in FIG. 1, phase detector 110 is imple other clocked elements.
mented With a conventional D ?ip ?op 112 that has a data
input D connected to receive the in-phase clock signal CLK-I, 60 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
a clock input connected to receive the serial data bit stream
DBS, and a Q output that generates the phase difference FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating a prior-art Pottbacker phase
signal PD. The serial data bit stream DBS canbe, for example, frequency detector 100.
in a non-return to Zero (N RZ) format. FIGS. 2A-2B are diagrams illustrating the operation of
FIGS. 2A-2B shoW diagrams that illustrate the operation of 65 phase detector 110 of detector 100. FIG. 2A shoWs the in
phase detector 110. FIG. 2A shoWs the in-phase clock signal phase clock signal CLK-I, While FIG. 2B shoWs the Q output
CLK-I, While FIG. 2B shoWs the Q output Q112 of ?ip ?op Q112 of ?ip ?op 112.
US 8,497,708 B2
3 4
FIGS. 3A-3B are diagrams illustrating the operation of In the present example, phase detector 410 includes a
phase detector 120 of detector 100. FIG. 3A shows the out detector circuit 410A and a synch/clean up circuit 410B.
of-phase clock signal CLK-Q, While FIG. 3B shoWs the Q Detector circuit 410A makes the phase difference determina
output Q122 of ?ip ?op 122. tions, and outputs a phase difference signal PD that represents
FIG. 4 is a diagram illustrating an example of a half-rate the phase difference determinations. Synch/clean up circuit
phase frequency detector 400 in accordance With the present 410B, in turn, generates the synchroniZed phase difference
invention. signal SPD as a delayed version of the phase difference signal
FIGS. 5A-5E are diagrams further illustrating the opera PD.
tion of phase detector 410 in accordance With the present In the present example, the phase difference signal PD and
invention. FIG. 5A shoWs the half-rate in-phase clock signal synchroniZed phase difference signal SPD each has a ?rst
CLK-I, FIG. 5B shoWs the Q output Q412 of ?ip ?op 412, logic state When an edge Within the serial data bit stream DBS
FIG. 5C shoWs the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK leads the closest edge of the half-rate in-phase clock signal
Q, FIG. 5D shoWs the Q output Q414 of?ip ?op 414, and FIG. CLK-I, and a second logic state When the edge Within the
5E shoWs the output XOR of exclusive-OR gate 416. serial data bit stream DBS lags the closest edge of the half
FIGS. 6A-6B are diagrams illustrating the operation of rate in-phase clock signal CLK-I.
phase detector 110 of detector 100. FIG. 6A shoWs the in Phase detector 410 detects a difference in phase betWeen
phase clock signal CLK-I, While FIG. 6B shoWs the Q output the full-rate clock signal that Was used to clock the serial data
Q112 of ?ip ?op 112. bit stream DBS and the full-rate version of the in-phase clock
FIGS. 7A-7E are diagrams further illustrating the opera 20 signal CLK-I by sampling the half-rate in-phase clock signal
tion of frequency detector 420 in accordance With the present CLK-I and a half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-Q (a
invention. FIG. 7A shoWs the half-rate out-of-phase clock clock signal identical to the in-phase clock signal CLK-I, but
signal CLK-45, FIG. 7B shoWs the Q output Q422 of ?ip ?op Which lags the in-phase clock signal CLK-I by 90°) in
422, FIG. 7C shoWs the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal response to the edges Within the serial data bit stream DBS.
CLK-135, FIG. 7D shoWs the Q output Q424 of ?ip ?op 424, 25 The sampled values from the half-rate in-phase clock signal
and FIG. 7E shoWs the output XOR of exclusive-OR gate 426. CLK-I and the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-Q are
FIGS. 8A-8B are diagrams illustrating the operation of then logically exclusively ORed together to form the phase
frequency detector 120 of detector 100. FIG. 8A shoWs the difference signal PD.
quad-phase clock signal CLK-Q, While FIG. 8B shoWs the Q In the FIG. 4 example, phase detector 410 determines a
output Q122 of ?ip ?op 122. 30
phase difference betWeen a rising bit edge in the serial data bit
FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating an example of a half-rate stream DBS, such as rising edge E1, and a clock edge (rising
phase frequency detector 900 in accordance With an alternate or falling) of the in-phase clock signal CLK-I that lies closest
embodiment of the present invention.
in time to the bit edge, such as rising edge E2, determines a
FIG. 10 is a diagram illustrating an example of a quarter
phase difference betWeen the rising bit edge in the serial data
rate phase frequency detector 1000 in accordance With the 35
present invention. bit stream DBS, such as rising edge E1, and a clock edge
(rising or falling) of the out-of-phase clock signal CLK-Q that
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION lies closest in time to the bit edge, such as rising edge E3, and
generates the phase difference signal PD in response to the
FIG. 4 shoWs a diagram that illustrates an example of a 40 differences in phase.
half-rate phase frequency detector 400 in accordance With the Phase detector 410 also determines a next phase difference
present invention. As described in greater detail beloW, the betWeen a next rising bit edge in the serial data bit stream
present invention synchronizes the edges of a fractional-rate DBS, such as rising edge E4, and a clock edge (rising or
(e.g., half-rate, quarter-rate) recovered clock signal to the falling) of the in-phase clock signal CLK-I Which occurs
edges Within a serial data bit stream Which Were clocked With 45 closest in time to the next bit edge, such as rising edge E5,
a full-rate clock signal. determines a next phase difference betWeen the next rising bit
As shoWn in FIG. 4, phase frequency detector 400 includes edge in the serial data bit stream DBS, such as rising edge E4,
a phase detector 410 that determines a phase difference and a clock edge (rising or falling) of the out-of-phase clock
betWeen the edges in a serial data bit stream DBS and the signal CLK-Q Which occurs closest in time to the next bit
edges of an in-phase clock signal CLK-I, and generates a 50 edge, such as rising edge E6, and modi?es the phase differ
synchronized phase difference signal SPD that represents the ence signal PD to account for any change in the phase differ
difference in phase betWeen the full-rate clock signal that Was ences.
used to clock the serial data bit stream DBS and a full-rate Although phase detector 410 has been described as
version of the in-phase clock signal CLK-I. responding to the rising bit edges in the serial data bit stream
The serial data bit stream DBS is clocked With a full-rate 55 DBS, phase detector 410 can alternately respond to the falling
clock signal so that each edge Within the serial data bit stream bit edges in the serial data bit stream DBS, or both the rising
DBS has a corresponding edge in the full-rate clock signal. and falling bit edges in the serial data bit stream DBS.
The full-rate clock signal used to clock the serial data bit Further in the FIG. 4 example, detector stage 410A is
stream DBS, in turn, has a frequency that is an even integer implemented With a rising-edge triggered D ?ip ?op 412, a
multiple greater than the frequency of the in-phase clock 60 rising-edge triggered D ?ip ?op 414, and an exclusive-OR
signal CLK-I. gate 416, While synch/clean up circuit 410B is implemented
In the FIG. 4 example, the full-rate clock signal used to With a rising-edge triggered D ?ip ?op 418. Each of the ?ops
clock the serial data bit stream DBS has a frequency of 25 and gates can be realiZed With conventional devices.
GHZ and the in-phase clock signal CLK-I has a frequency of D ?ip ?op 412 has a data input D connected to receive the
12.5 GHZ. In addition, the serial data bit stream DBS is 65 half-rate in-phase clock signal CLK-I, a clock input con
illustrated With a one-Zero-one data pattern in a non-return to nected to receive the serial data bit stream DBS, and a Q
Zero (NRZ) format. output. D ?ip ?op 414 has a data input D connected to receive
US 8,497,708 B2
5 6
the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-Q, a clock input signal that Was used to clock the serial data bit stream DBS
connected to receive the serial data bit stream DBS, and a Q and a full-rate version of the out-of-phase clock signal CLK
output. Q. (The out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45 is identical to the
Exclusive-OR gate 416 has a ?rst input connected to the Q in-phase clock signal CLK-I, but lags the in-phase clock
output of ?ip ?op 412, a second input connected to the Q signal CLK-I by 45°.)
output of ?ip ?op 414, and an output that generates the phase In the present example, phase detector 420 includes a
difference signal PD. D ?ip ?op 418 has a data input D detector circuit 420A and a synch/clean up circuit 420B.
connected to the output of exclusive-OR gate 416, a clock Detector circuit 420A makes the phase difference determina
input connected to receive the serial data bit stream DBS, and tions, and outputs a phase difference signal OD that repre
a Q output that generates the synchronized phase difference sents the phase difference determinations. Synch/clean up
signal SPD. Although the ?ip ?ops 412, 414, and 418 have circuit 420B, in turn, generates the synchronized phase dif
been described as all being rising-edge triggered ?ip ?ops, the ference signal SOD as a delayed version of the phase differ
?ip ?ops 412, 414, and 418 can alternately all be implemented ence signal OD.
With falling-edge triggered ?ip ?ops as Well as all being Phase detector 420 detects a difference in phase betWeen
implemented With doubled-edge triggered ?ip ?ops. the full-rate clock signal that Was used to clock the serial data
In operation, When an edge Within the serial data bit stream bit stream DBS and the full-rate version of the out-of-phase
DBS clocks ?ip ?ops 412 and 414, the logic states of the clock signal CLK-Q by sampling a half-rate out-of-phase
half-rate in-phase clock signal CLK-I and the half-rate out clock signal CLK-45 and a half-rate out-of-phase clock signal
of-phase clock signal CLK-Q are captured and logically CLK-135 in response to the edges Within the serial data bit
exclusively-ORed to generate the phase difference signal PD. 20 stream DBS. (The out-of-phase clock signal CLK-135 is
The phase difference signal PD is then output by ?ip ?op 418 identical to the in-phase clock signal CLK-I, but lags the
as the synchronized phase difference signal SPD on the next in-phase clock signal CLK-I by 135°.) The sampled values
clocking edge Within the serial data bit stream DBS. from the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45 and the
FIGS. 5A-5E shoW diagrams that further illustrate the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-135 are then logi
operation of phase detector 410 in accordance With the 25 cally exclusively ORed together to form the phase difference
present invention. FIG. 5A shoWs the half-rate in-phase clock signal OD.
signal CLK-I, FIG. 5B shoWs the Q output Q412 of ?ip ?op In the FIG. 4 example, phase detector 420 determines a
412, FIG. 5C shoWs the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal phase difference betWeen a rising bit edge in the serial data bit
CLK-Q, FIG. 5D shoWs the Q output Q414 of ?ip ?op 414, stream DBS, such as rising edge E1, and a clock edge (rising
and FIG. 5E shoWs the output XOR of exclusive-OR gate 416. 30 or falling) of the out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45 that lies
As shoWn in FIGS. 5A-5E, the logic state of the XOR closest in time to the bit edge, such as rising edge E7, deter
output of exclusive-OR gate 416 depends on When an edge in mines a phase difference between the rising bit edge in the
the serial data bit stream DBS clocks ?ip ?ops 412 and 414. serial data bit stream DBS, such as rising edge E1, and a clock
For example, if a rising edge Within the serial data bit stream edge (rising or falling) of the out-of-phase clock signal CLK
DBS is detected at time T, then ?ip ?op 412 outputs a logic 35 135 that lies closest in time to the bit edge, such as rising edge
high, ?ip ?op 414 outputs a logic loW, and exclusive-OR gate E8, and generates the phase difference signal OD that repre
416 outputs a logic high. sents the differences in phase.
FIGS. 6A-6B shoW diagrams that illustrate the operation of Phase detector 420 also determines a next phase difference
phase detector 110 of detector 100. FIG. 6A shoWs the in betWeen the next rising bit edge in the serial data bit stream
phase clock signal CLK-I, While FIG. 6B shoWs the Q output 40 DBS, such as rising edge E4, and a clock edge (rising or
Q112 of ?ip ?op 112. As shoWn in FIGS. 5A and 6A, the falling) of the out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45 Which
frequency of the half-rate in-phase clock signal CLK-I input occurs closest in time to the next bit edge, such as rising edge
to phase frequency detector 400 (FIG. 5A) is one-half the E9, determines a next phase difference betWeen the next
frequency of the in-phase clock signal CLK-I input to phase rising bit edge in the serial data bit stream DBS, such as rising
frequency detector 100 (FIG. 6A). Further, as shoWn in FIGS. 45 edge E4, and a clock edge (rising or falling) of the out-of
5E, 6A, and 6B, the XOR output of exclusive-OR gate 416 is phase clock signal CLK-135 Which occurs closest in time to
identical to the output Q112 of ?ip ?op 112. the next bit edge, such as falling edge E10, and modi?es the
Thus, the present example of the invention generates a synchronized phase difference signal SOD to account for any
phase difference signal PD and a synchronized phase differ change in the phase differences.
ence signal SPD that are identical to the phase difference 50 Although phase detector 420 has been described as
signal PD output by ?ip ?op 112, While at the same time using responding to the rising bit edges in the serial data bit stream
an in-phase clock signal CLK-I and an out-of-phase clock DBS, phase detector 420 can altemately respond to the falling
signal CLK-Q that are both one-half the frequency of the bit edges in the serial data bit stream DBS, or both the rising
clock signal that Was used to clock the serial data bit stream and falling bit edges in the serial data bit stream DBS.
DBS. 55 Further in the FIG. 4 example, phase detector 420 is imple
As a result, one of the advantages of the present invention mented With a rising-edge triggered D ?ip ?op 422, a rising
is that, for example, a 12.5 GHz recovered clock signal (in edge triggered D ?ip ?op 424, and an exclusive-OR gate 426,
phase clock signal CLK-I) can be locked to a 25 GHz clock While synch/clean up circuit 420B is implemented With a
signal that Was used to clock the serial data bit stream DBS. A rising-edge triggered D ?ip ?op 428. Each of the ?ops and
12.5 GHz recovered clock signal, in turn, is much easier to 60 gates can be realized With conventional devices. D ?ip ?op
route to other clocked devices than is a 25 GHz signal. 422 has a data input D connected to receive the half-rate
Referring back to FIG. 4, phase frequency detector 400 out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45, a clock input connected to
also includes a phase detector 420 that determines a phase receive the serial data bit stream DBS, and a Q output.
difference betWeen the edges in the serial data bit stream DBS D ?ip ?op 424 has a data input D connected to receive the
and the edges of an out of-phase clock signal CLK-45, and 65 half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-135, a clock input
generates a synchronized phase difference signal SOD that connected to receive the serial data bit stream DBS, and a Q
represents the difference in phase betWeen the full-rate clock output. Exclusive-OR gate 426 has a ?rst input connected to
US 8,497,708 B2
7 8
the Q output of ?ip ?op 422, a second input connected to the As shoWn in FIG. 4, frequency detector 430 is imple
Q output of ?ip ?op 424, and an output that generates the mented With a conventional D ?ip ?op 432 that has a data
phase difference signal OD. input D connected to the Q output of ?ip ?op 428 to receive
D ?ip ?op 428 has a data input D connected to the output of the synchronized phase difference signal SOD, a clock input
exclusive-OR gate 416, a clock input connected to receive the connected to the Q output of ?ip ?op 418 to receive the
serial data bit stream DBS, and a Q output that generates the synchronized phase difference signal SPD, and a Q output
synchronized phase difference signal SOD. D ?ip ?op 418 that generates the frequency difference signal FD.
and D ?ip ?op 428 are used to synchronize the phase differ In addition, as further illustrated in FIG. 4, the serial data
ence signal PD and the phase difference signal OD to ensure bit stream DBS is generated by a serial data transmitter 440,
that the phase difference signal PD and the phase difference and the clock signals CLK-I, CLK-Q, CLK-45, and CLK-135
input to phase frequency detector 400 are generated by aVCO
signal OD are output With the proper timing.
442 in a conventional manner. For example, VCO circuit 442
In addition, D ?ip ?op 418 and D ?ip ?op 428 also remove can generate a clock signal that is 45° out-of-phase With the
glitches from the exclusive-OR gates 416 and 426, respec in-phase clock signal CLK-I by adding a delay path that is
tively. (Exclusive-OR gates can have output glitches during half as long as the delay path used to form a conventional
state changes Which are removed by clocking the output out-of-phase clock signal CLK-Q. Similarly, VCO circuit 442
through ?ops.) Thus, ?ip ?ops 418 and 428 (synch/clean up can also generate a clock signal that is 135° out-of-phase With
circuits 410B and 420B) can be omitted if synchronization the in-phase clock signal CLK-I by adding a delay path With
and glitch prevention are not required. Further, although all of the necessary length.
the ?ip ?ops 422, 424, and 428 have been described as being 20 In operation, the synchronized phase difference signal SPD
rising-edge triggered ?ip ?ops, the ?ip ?ops 422, 424, and and the frequency difference signal FD are indirectly utilized
428 can alternately all be implemented With falling-edge by VCO 442 to adjust the phase and frequency of the half-rate
triggered ?ip ?ops as Well as all being implemented With in-phase clock signal CLK-I to lock the half-rate in-phase
doubled-edge triggered ?ip ?ops. clock signal CLK-I to the full-rate clock signal that Was used
In operation, When an edge Within the serial data bit stream 25 to clock the serial data bit stream DBS.
DBS clocks ?ip ?ops 422 and 424, the logic states of the When the half-rate in-phase clock signal CLK-I is locked
half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45 and the half-rate to the full-rate clock signal that Was used to clock the serial
out-of-phase clock signal CLK-135 are captured and logi data bit stream DBS, the in-phase clock signal CLK-I has a
cally exclusively-ORed to generate the phase difference sig frequency Which is substantially one-half the frequency of the
nal OD. The phase difference signal OD is then output by ?ip 30 clock signal that Was used to clock the serial data bit stream
?op 428 as the synchronized phase difference signal SOD on DBS. In addition, each rising edge of the half-rate in-phase
the next clocking edge Within the serial data bit stream DBS. clock signal CLK-I occurs substantially at the same time that
FIGS. 7A-7E shoW diagrams that further illustrate the a rising edge of the full-rate clock signal that Was used to
operation of phase detector 420. FIG. 7A shoWs the half-rate clock the serial data bit stream DBS occurs.
out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45, FIG. 7B shoWs the Q 35 In the FIG. 4 example, When the half-rate in-phase clock
output Q422 of ?ip ?op 422, FIG. 7C shoWs the half-rate signal CLK-I is locked to the full-rate clock signal that Was
out-of-phase clock signal CLK-135, FIG. 7D shoWs the Q used to clock the serial data bit stream DBS, the frequency
output Q424 of ?ip ?op 424, and FIG. 7E shoWs the XOR difference signal FD has a logic loW and the synchronized
output of exclusive-OR gate 426. phase difference signal SPD sWitches back and forth betWeen
As shoWn in FIGS. 7A-7E, the logic state of the XOR 40 a logic loW and a logic high.
output of exclusive-OR gate 426 depends on When an edge in As discussed above, the output from ?ip ?op 112 of phase
the serial data bit stream DBS clocks ?ip ?ops 422 and 424. detector 110 and the output from ?ip ?op 418 of phase detec
For example, if a rising edge Within the serial data bit stream tor 410 are the same, and the output from ?ip ?op 122 of phase
DBS is detected at time T, then ?ip ?op 422 outputs a logic detector 120 and the output from ?ip ?op 428 of phase detec
loW, ?ip ?op 424 outputs a logic loW, and exclusive-OR gate 45 tor 420 are the same. Therefore, for example, ?ip ?op 112 and
426 outputs a logic loW. ?ip ?op 122 of a 25 GHz Pottbacker circuit can be replaced
FIGS. 8A-8B shoW diagrams that illustrate the operation of With ?ip ?ops 412, 414, 418, 422, 424, and 428, along With
frequency detector 120 of detector 100. FIG. 8A shoWs the exclusive-OR gates 416 and 426, to obtain a 25 GHz Pott
quad-phase clock signal CLK-Q, While FIG. 8B shoWs the Q backer circuit that utilizes a 12.5 GHz recovered clock signal
output Q122 of ?ip ?op 122. As shoWn in FIGS. 7E, 8A, and 50 (in-phase clock signal CLK-I).
8B, the XOR output of exclusive-OR gate 426 is identical to FIG. 9 shoWs a diagram that illustrates an example of a
the output Q122 of ?ip ?op 122. phase frequency detector 900 in accordance With an alternate
Thus, the present example of the invention generates a embodiment of the present invention. Phase frequency detec
phase difference signal OD and a synchronized phase differ tor 900 is similar to phase frequency detector 400 and, as a
ence signal SOD that are identical to the phase difference 55 result, utilizes the same reference numerals to designate the
signal OD output by ?ip ?op 122, While at the same time using structures Which are common to both detectors.
an out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45 and an out-of-phase As shoWn in FIG. 9, phase frequency detector 900 differs
clock signal CLK-135 that are both one-half the frequency of from phase frequent detector 400 in that detector 900 utilizes
the clock signal that Was used to clock the serial data bit a frequency detector 910 in lieu of frequency detector 430.
stream DBS. 60 Frequency detector 910 includes a latch 920 and a latch 922
Referring again to FIG. 4, phase frequency detector 400 that each have a non-inverted data input D Which is connected
further includes a frequency detector 430 that detects a dif to receive the synchronized phase difference signal SOD. In
ference in frequency betWeen the frequency of the full-rate addition, latch 920 has a non-inverted clock input and latch
version of in-phase clock signal CLK-I and the frequency of 922 has an inverted clock input that are both connected to the
the full-rate clock signal used to clock the serial data bit steam 65 synchronized phase difference signal SPD.
DBS, and generates a frequency difference signal FD that Output circuit 912 additionally includes a logical AND
represents the difference in frequency. gate 924 and a logical AND gate 926. Logical AND gate 924
US 8,497,708 B2
has an inverted input connected to the Q output of latch 920 connected to the outputs of the ?rst and second ?ip ?ops
and a non-inverted input connected to the synchronized phase 1016A and 1016B. Although the ?ip ?ops 1016A and 1016B
difference signal SPD. Logical AND gate 926 has an inverted have both been described as rising-edge triggered ?ip ?ops,
input connected to the Q output of latch 922 and an inverted the ?ip ?ops 1016A and 1016B can alternately both be imple
input connected to the synchronized phase difference signal mented With falling-edge triggered ?ip ?ops as Well as both
SPD. being implemented With doubled-edge triggered ?ip ?ops.
In operation, frequency detector 910 provides an alternate In addition, the half-rate in-phase clock signal CLK-I that
approach to implementing a Pottbacker circuit that provides is received by input ?ip ?op 412 is replaced by a quarter-rate
the signals that are necessary to lock a half-rate recovered in-phase clock signal CLK-I and a quarter-rate out-of-phase
clock signal, e.g., a 12.5 GHZ clock signal, to the full rate clock signal CLK-Q that are received by detector circuit
clock signal, e.g., a 25 GHZ clock signal, that Was used to 1012, Which replaced ?ip ?op 412. (Quarter-rate clock signal
clock the serial data bit stream DBS. CLK-Q is identical to quarter-rate clock signal CLK-I, but is
Thus, the present invention generates a recovered clock delayed by 90°.) Logically exclusively ORing the quarter
signal Which has one-half the frequency of the clock signal rate in-phase clock signal CLK-I and the quarter-rate out-of
that Was used to clock the serial data bit stream Which, in turn, phase clock signal CLK-Q generates the half-rate in-phase
signi?cantly reduces the effort required to construct a clock clock signal CLK-I.
tree that distributes the recovered clock signal to other For the half-rate delayed clock signal CLK-Q, the pair of
clocked devices. In addition, the present invention can also quarter-rate clock signals include a quarter-rate clock signal
generate a recovered clock signal Which has one-quarter (or With a ?rst delay and a quarter-rate clock signal With a second
one-eighth, one-sixteenth, and so on) the frequency of the 20 delay. The quarter-rate clock signal With the ?rst delay is
clock signal that Was used to clock the serial data bit stream. determined by dividing the delay of the half-rate clock signal
The frequency of the in-phase clock signal and the delayed by tWo, While the quarter-rate clock signal With the second
clock signals that are input to the detector circuits can be delay is determined by adding the ?rst delay of the quarter
reduced by half from a ?rst rate to a second rate, such as from rate clock signal to the delay of the half-rate clock signal.
half-rate clock signals to quarter-rate clock signals, or from 25 Thus, in the FIG. 10 example, the half-rate (e. g., 12.5 GHZ)
quarter-rate clock signals to eighth-rate clock signals, by out-of-phase clock signal CLK-Q that is received by input ?ip
replacing each input ?ip ?op in the detector circuits With an ?op 414 is replaced by a quarter-rate (e.g., 6.25 GHZ) 45°
inserted detector circuit, and replacing each ?rst rate clock out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45 and a quarter-rate 135°
signal that is received by an input ?ip ?op With a pair of out-of-phase clock signal CLK-135 that are received by
second rate clock signals so that the pair of second rate clock 30 detector circuit 1014, Which replaced ?ip ?op 414. (Quarter
signals are received by the inserted detector circuit that rate clock signal CLK-45 and quarter-rate clock signal CLK
replaced the input ?ip ?op. The pair of second rate clock 135 are identical to quarter-rate clock signal CLK-I, but are
signals, in turn, are selected so that an exclusive OR of the pair delayed by 45° and 135°, respectively.) Logically exclusively
of second rate clock signals generates the ?rst rate clock ORing the quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45 and
signal. 35 the quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-135 generates
Thus, to convert the half-rate phase frequency detector 400 the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-Q.
shoWn in FIG. 4 to a quarter-rate phase frequency detector, The quarter-rate in-phase clock signal CLK-I is received
?ip ?ops 412, 414, 422, and 424 must each be replaced by an by the data input D of ?ip-?op 1016A of detector circuit 1012,
inserted detector circuit. In addition, the ?rst-rate clock sig Which replaced ?ip ?op 412, and the quarter-rate out-of
nals CLK-I, CLK-Q, CLK-45, and CLK-135 must each be 40 phase clock signal CLK-Q is received by the data input D of
replaced by a pair of second rate clock signals that When ?ip-?op 1016B of detector circuit 1012, Which replaced ?ip
exclusively ORed together generates the ?rst rate clock sig ?op 412. The quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-45
nal. is received by the data input D of ?ip-?op 1016A of detector
FIG. 10 shoWs a diagram that illustrates an example of a circuit 1014, Which replaced ?ip ?op 414, and the quarter-rate
quarter-rate phase frequency detector 1000 in accordance 45 out-of-phase clock signal CLK-135 is received by the data
With the present invention. Phase frequency detector 1000 is input D of ?ip-?op 1016B of detector circuit 1014, Which
similar to phase frequency detector 400 and, as a result, replaced ?ip ?op 414.
utiliZes the same reference numerals to designate the struc In operation, the quarter-rate in-phase clock signal CLK-I
tures Which are common to both detectors. and the quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signals CLK-Q, CLK
As shoWn in FIG. 10, phase frequency detector 1000 dif 50 45, and CLK-135 have a frequency that is substantially one
fers from phase frequent detector 400 in that detector 1000 quarter of the frequency of the full-rate clock signal that Was
utiliZes a phase detector 1010 in lieu of phase detector 410. used to clock the serial data bit stream DBS. In addition, the
Phase detector 1010 is similar to phase detector 410 and, as a phase difference signal PD output by detector circuit 1010A
result, utiliZes the same reference numerals to designate the is identical to the phase difference signal PD output by detec
structures Which are common to both detectors. 55 tor circuit 410A.
Phase detector 1010 differs from phase detector 410 in that As further shoWn in FIG. 10, phase frequency detector
phase detector 1010 utiliZes a detector circuit 1010A in lieu of 1000 also differs from phase frequent detector 400 in that
detector circuit 410A. Detector circuit 1010A is similar to detector 1000 utiliZes a phase detector 1020 in lieu of phase
detector circuit 410A and, as a result, utiliZes the same refer detector 420. Phase detector 1020 is similar to phase detector
ence numerals to designate the structures Which are common 60 420 and, as a result, utiliZes the same reference numerals to
to both detector circuits. designate the structures Which are common to both detectors.
Detector circuit 1010A differs from detector circuit 410A Phase detector 1020 differs from phase detector 420 in that
in that detector circuit 1010A replaced ?ip ?op 412 With a phase detector 1020 utiliZes a detector circuit 1020A in lieu of
detector circuit 1012, and replaced ?ip ?op 414 With a detec detector circuit 420A. Detector circuit 1020A is similar to
tor circuit 1014. Detector circuits 1012 and 1014 each has a 65 detector circuit 420A and, as a result, utiliZes the same refer
?rst rising-edge triggered ?ip ?op 1016A, a second rising ence numerals to designate the structures Which are common
edge triggered ?ip ?op 1016B, and an exclusive OR gate 1018 to both detector circuits.
US 8,497,708 B2
11 12
Detector circuit 1020A differs from detector circuit 420A used to form an out-of-phase clock signal CLK-Q. Similarly,
in that detector circuit 1020A replaced ?ip ?op 422 With a VCO circuit 1032 can also generate a clock signal that is 135°
detector circuit 1022, and replaced ?ip ?op 424 With a detec out-of-phase With the in-phase clock signal CLK-I by adding
tor circuit 1024. Detector circuits 1022 and 1024 each has a a delay path With the necessary length.
?rst ?ip ?op 1016A, a second ?ip ?op 1016B, and an exclu In the same manner as above, quarter-rate phase frequency
sive OR gate 1018 connected to the outputs of the ?rst and detector 1000 shoWn in FIG. 10 can be converted to an eighth
second ?ip ?ops 1016A and 1016B. rate phase frequency detector. As above, the input ?ip ?ops
For the half-rate delayed clock signals CLK-45 and CLK 1016A and 1016B in each detector circuit must each be
135, the replacement pair of quarter-rate clock signals include replaced by an inserted detector circuit. In addition, the clock
a quarter-rate clock signal With a ?rst delay and a quarter-rate signals CLK-I, CLK-Q, CLK-45, CLK-135, CLK-22.5,
clock signal With a second delay. The quarter-rate clock signal CLK-67.5, CLK-112.5, and CLK-157.5 must each be
With the ?rst delay is determined by dividing the delay of the replaced by a pair of clock signals that When exclusively
half-rate clock signal by tWo, While the quarter-rate clock ORed together again generates the clock signals CLK-I,
signal With the second delay is determined by adding the ?rst CLK-Q, CLK-45, CLK-135, CLK-22.5, CLK-67 .5, CLK
delay of the quarter-rate clock signal to the delay of the 112.5, and CLK-157.5.
half-rate clock signal. It should be understood that the above descriptions are
Thus, in the FIG. 10 example, the half-rate out-of-phase examples of the present invention, and that various altema
clock signal CLK-45 that is received by input ?ip ?op 422 is tives of the invention described herein may be employed in
replaced by a quarter-rate 22.5o out-of-phase clock signal practicing the invention. Thus, it is intended that the folloW
CLK-22.5 and a quarter-rate 67.5o out-of-phase clock signal 20 ing claims de?ne the scope of the invention and that structures
CLK-67.5 that are received by detector circuit 1022, Which and methods Within the scope of these claims and their
replaced ?ip ?op 422. (Quarter-rate clock signals CLK-22.5 equivalents be covered thereby.
and CLK-67.5 are identical to quarter-rate clock signal CLK What is claimed is:
I, but are delayed by 22.50 and 67.5°, respectively.) Logically 1. A circuit, comprising:
exclusively ORing the quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signal 25 phase detector circuitry coupled to receive (a) a serial data
CLK-22.5 and the quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signal bit stream clocked by a full rate clock signal With a full
CLK-67.5 generates the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal rate frequency, and (b) at least tWo fractional clock sig
CLK-45. nals With a fractional rate frequency that is a binary
Further, the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-135 integer fraction of the full rate frequency: Clk-I and
that is received by input ?ip ?op 424 is replaced by a quarter 30 Clk-Q Which lags in phase Clk-I by substantially 90°;
rate ll2.5° out-of-phase clock signal CLK-112.5 and a quar the phase detector circuitry including:
ter-rate 157.5o out-of-phase clock signal CLK-157.5 that are sampling circuitry con?gured to sample the at least
received by detector circuit 1024, Which replaced ?ip ?op Clk-I and Clk-Q fractional clock signals With the
424. (Quarter-rate clock signals CLK-112.5 and CLK-157.5 serial data bit stream to generate at least ?rst and
are identical to quarter-rate clock signal CLK-I, but are 35 second phase differences betWeen a sampling bit edge
delayed by 1 12.50 and l57.5°, respectively.) Logically exclu of the serial data bit stream and respective clock edges
sively ORing the quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK of the at least Clk-I and Clk-Q fractional clock signals
112.5 and the quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK closest in time to the sampling bit edge; and
157.5 generates the half-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK phase difference circuitry responsive to the at least ?rst
135. 40 and second phase differences to provide a phase dif
The quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-22.5 is ference signal corresponding to the difference in
received by the data input D of ?ip-?op 1016A of detector phase betWeen the edges of the serial data bit stream
circuit 1022, Which replaced ?ip ?op 422, and the quarter-rate and at least the Clk-I fractional clock signal, and
out-of-phase clock signal CLK-67.5 is received by the data thereby corresponding to the difference in phase
input D of ?ip-?op 1016B of detector circuit 1022, Which 45 betWeen the full rate clock signal and at least the Clk-I
replaced ?ip ?op 422. The quarter-rate out-of-phase clock fractional clock signal.
signal CLK-112.5 is received by the data input D of ?ip-?op 2. The circuit of claim 1 Wherein the sampling circuitry
1016A of detector circuit 1024, Which replaced ?ip ?op 424, includes:
and the quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signal CLK-157.5 is a ?rst ?ip ?op having a D input, a clock input, and a Q
received by the data input D of ?ip-?op 1016B of detector 50 output, the D input to receive the Clk-I fractional clock
circuit 1024, Which replaced ?ip ?op 424. signal, the clock input to receive the serial data bit stream
In operation, the quarter-rate out-of-phase clock signals and the Q output to provide the ?rst phase difference;
CLK-22.5, CLK-67.5, CLK-112.5, and CLK-157.5 have a and
frequency that is substantially one quarter of the frequency of a second ?ip ?op having a D input, a clock input, and a Q
the full-rate clock signal that Was used to clock the serial data 55 output, the D input of the second ?ip ?op to receive the
bit stream DBS. Further, the phase difference signal OD Clk-Q fractional clock signal, the clock input of the
output by detector circuit 1020A is identical to the phase second ?ip ?op to receive the serial data bit stream and
difference signal OD output by detector circuit 420A. the Q output to provide the second phase difference.
In addition, as further illustrated in FIG. 10, the serial data 3. The circuit of claim 2 Wherein the phase difference
bit stream DBS is generated by a serial data transmitter 1030, 60 circuitry includes an exclusive-OR gate having a ?rst input
and the clock signals CLK-I, CLK-Q, CLK-45, CLK-135, connected to the Q output of the ?rst ?ip ?op, a second input
CLK-22.5, CLK-67 .5, CLK-112.5, and CLK-157 .5 input to connected to the Q output of the second ?ip ?op, and an
phase frequency detector 1000 are generated by aVCO 1032 output providing the phase difference signal.
in a conventional manner. 4. The circuit of claim 3 further comprising synchroniza
For example, VCO circuit 1032 can generate a clock signal 65 tion circuitry including a third ?ip ?op having a D input, a
that is 45° out-of-phase With the in-phase clock signal CLK-I clock input, and a Q output, the D input of the third ?ip ?op
by adding a delay path that is half as long as the delay path being connected to the output of the exclusive-OR gate, the
US 8,497,708 B2
13 14
clock input of the third ?ip ?op to receive the serial data bit the second phase detector circuitry detector circuitry
stream, and the Q output of the third ?ip ?op providing a including:
synchronized phase difference signal. second sampling circuitry con?gured to sample the Clk
5. The circuit of claim 1, Wherein the fractional rate fre 45 and Clk-135 fractional clock signals With the serial
quency is one-fourth the full rate frequency, and data bit stream to generate third and fourth phase
Wherein the phase detector circuitry is coupled to receive differences betWeen the sampling bit edge of the
four fractional clock signals With the fractional rate fre serial data bit stream and respective clock edges of the
quency of one fourth the full rate frequency: Clk-l, Clk-45 and Clk135 fractional clock signals closest in
Clk-Q Which lags Clk-l by substantially 90°, Clk-45 time to the sampling bit edge; and
Which lags Clk-l by substantially 45° and Clk-135 Which second phase difference circuitry responsive to the third
and fourth phase differences to provide a second
lags Clk-l by substantially 135°; phase difference signal corresponding to the differ
Wherein the sampling circuitry is responsive to the serial ence in phase betWeen the edges of the serial data bit
data bit stream to sample each of the four fractional stream and at least the Clk-l fractional clock signal;
clock signals to generate four corresponding phase dif and
ferences betWeen a sampling bit edge of the serial data frequency detector circuitry responsive to the ?rst and sec
bit stream and respective clock edges of the Clk-l, Clk ond phase difference signals to provide a frequency dif
Q, Clk-45 and Clk135 fractional clock signals closest in ference signal corresponding to the difference in fre
time to the sampling bit edge; and quency betWeen the full rate clock signal used to clock
Wherein the phase difference circuitry is responsive to the 20 the serial data bit stream and at least the Clk-l fractional
four phase differences to provide the phase difference clock signal.
signal. 8. The circuit of claim 7 Wherein:
6. The circuit of claim 5: the ?rst sampling circuitry includes:
Wherein the four phase differences are respectively desig a ?rst ?ip ?op having a D input, a clock input, and a Q
nated a Clk-l phase difference, a Clk-Q phase difference, 25 output, the D input to receive the Clk-l fractional clock
a Clk-45 phase difference and a Clk-135 phase differ signal, the clock input to receive the serial data bit stream
ence; and and the Q output to provide the ?rst phase difference;
Wherein the phase difference circuitry includes (a) a ?rst and
exclusive-or logical operation on the Clk-l and Clk-Q a second ?ip ?op having a D input, a clock input, and a Q
phase differences to provide a ?rst intermediate phase 30 output, the D input of the second ?ip ?op to receive the
difference signal, (b) a second exclusive-or logical Clk-Q fractional clock signal, the clock input of the
operation on the Clk-45 and Clk-135 phase differences second ?ip ?op to receive the serial data bit stream and
to provide a second intermediate phase difference sig the Q output to provide the second phase difference; and
nal, and (c) a third exclusive-or logical operation on the the second sampling circuitry includes:
?rst and second intermediate phase difference signals to 35 a third ?ip ?op having a D input, a clock input, and a Q
provide the phase difference signal. output, the D input of the third ?ip ?op to receive the
7. A circuit, comprising: Clk-45 fractional clock signal, the clock input to receive
?rst phase detector circuitry coupled to receive (a) a serial the serial data bit stream and the Q output to provide the
data bit stream clocked by a full rate clock signal With a third phase difference; and
full rate frequency, and (b) tWo fractional clock signals 40 a fourth ?ip ?op having a D input, a clock input, and a Q
With a half rate frequency that is one half the full rate output, the D input of the fourth ?ip ?op to receive the
frequency: Clk-l and Clk-Q Which lags in phase Clk-l by Clk-135 fractional clock signal, the clock input of the
substantially 90°; fourth ?ip ?op to receive the serial data bit stream and
the ?rst phase detector circuitry including: the Q output to provide the fourth phase difference.
?rst sampling circuitry con?gured to sample the Clk-l 45 9. The circuit of claim 8 Wherein:
and Clk-Q fractional clock signals With the serial data the ?rst phase difference circuitry includes a ?rst exclu
bit stream to generate ?rst and second phase differ sive-OR gate having a ?rst input connected to the Q
ences betWeen a sampling bit edge of the serial data output of the ?rst ?ip ?op, a second input connected to
bit stream and respective clock edges of the Clk-l and the Q output of the second ?ip ?op, and an output pro
Clk-Q fractional clock signals closest in time to the 50 viding the ?rst phase difference signal; and
sampling bit edge; and the second phase difference circuitry includes a second
?rst phase difference circuitry responsive to the ?rst and exclusive-OR gate having a ?rst input connected to the Q
second phase differences to provide a ?rst phase dif output of the third ?ip ?op, a second input connected to
ference signal corresponding to the difference in the Q output of the fourth ?ip ?op, and an output pro
phase betWeen the edges of the serial data bit stream 55 viding the second phase difference signal.
and at least the Clk-l fractional clock signal, and 10. The circuit of claim 9 Wherein:
thereby corresponding to the difference in phase the ?rst phase detector circuitry further comprising ?rst
betWeen the full rate clock signal and at least the Clk-l synchronization circuitry that includes a ?fth ?ip ?op
fractional clock signal; having a D input, a clock input, and a Q output, the D
second phase detector circuitry coupled to receive (a) the 60 input of the ?fth ?ip ?op being connected to the output of
serial data bit stream clocked by a full rate clock signal the exclusive-OR gate of the ?rst phase detector, the
With a full rate frequency, and (b) tWo fractional clock clock input of the ?fth ?ip ?op to receive the serial data
signals both With a frequency corresponding to the frac bit stream, and the Q output of the ?fth ?ip ?op provid
tional rate frequency of the Clk-l fractional clock signal: ing a ?rst synchronized phase difference signal; and
Clk-45 Which lags in phase the Clk-l fractional clock 65 the second phase detector circuitry further comprising sec
signal by substantially 45°, and Clk-135 Which lags the ond synchronization circuitry that includes a sixth ?ip
Clk-l fractional clock signal by substantially 135°; ?op having a D input, a clock input, and a Q output, the
US 8,497,708 B2
15 16
D input of the sixth ?ip ?op being connected to the 157.5 phase differences to provide a fourth intermediate
output of the exclusive-OR gate of the second phase phase difference signal, and (c) a third exclusive-or logi
detector, the clock input of the third ?ip ?op to receive cal operation on the third and forth intermediate phase
the serial data bit stream, and the Q output of the sixth difference signals to provide the second phase difference
?ip ?op providing a second synchronized phase differ signal.
ence signal. 13. A method, comprising:
11. The circuit of claim 7: receiving (a) a serial data bit stream clocked by a full rate
Wherein the ?rst phase detector circuitry is coupled to clock signal With a full rate frequency, and (b) at least
receive four fractional clock signals With a fractional tWo fractional clock signals With a fractional rate fre
rate frequency of one fourth the full rate frequency: quency that is a binary integer fraction of the full rate
Clk-l, Clk-Q Which lags Clk-l by substantially 90°, Clk frequency: Clk-l and Clk-Q Which lags in phase Clk-l by
45 Which lags Clk-l by substantially 45° and Clk-135 substantially 90°;
Which lags Clk-l by substantially 135°; sampling the at least Clk-l and Clk-Q fractional clock
Wherein the ?rst sampling circuitry is responsive to the signals With the serial data bit stream to determine at
serial data bit stream to sample each of the four frac least ?rst and second phase differences betWeen a sam
tional clock signals received by the ?rst detector cir pling bit edge of the serial data bit stream and respective
cuitry to generate four corresponding phase differ clock edges of the at least Clk-l and Clk-Q fractional
ences betWeen a sampling bit edge of the serial data clock signals closest in time to the sampling bit edge;
bit stream and respective clock edges of the Clk-l, and
Clk-Q, Clk-45 and Clk135 fractional clock signals 20 providing, in response to the at least ?rst and second phase
closest in time to the sampling bit edge; and differences, a phase difference signal corresponding to
Wherein the phase difference circuitry is responsive to the difference in phase betWeen the edges of the serial
these four phase differences to provide the ?rst phase data bit stream and at least the Clk-l fractional clock
difference signal; and signal, and thereby corresponding to the difference in
Wherein the second phase detector circuitry is coupled to 25 phase betWeen the full rate clock signal and at least the
receive four fractional clock signals With a fractional Clk-l fractional clock signal.
rate frequency of one fourth the full rate frequency: 14. The method of claim 13, Wherein providing the phase
Clk-22.5 Which lags Clk-l by substantially 22.5°, Clk difference signal is accomplished by performing an exclu
67.5 Which lags Clk-l by substantially 67.5°, Clk-112.5 sive-or logical operation on the at least ?rst and second phase
Which lags Clk-l by substantially 112.5° and Clk-157.5 30 differences.
Which lags Clk-l by substantially 157.5°; 15. The method of claim 13:
Wherein the second sampling circuitry is responsive to Wherein receiving the serial bit stream and fractional clock
the serial data bit stream to sample each of the four signals comprises receiving (a) a serial data bit stream
fractional clock signals received by the second phase clocked by a full rate clock signal With a full rate fre
detector to generate four corresponding phase differ 35 quency, and (b) four fractional clock signals With a frac
ences betWeen a sampling bit edge of the serial data tional rate frequency of one fourth the full rate fre
bit stream and respective clock edges of the Clk-22.5, quency: Clk-l, Clk-Q Which lags Clk-l by substantially
Clk-67.5, Clk-112.5 and Clk-157.5 fractional clock 90°, Clk-45 Which lags Clk-l by substantially 45° and
signals closest in time to the sampling bit edge; and Clk-135 Which lags Clk-l by substantially 135°;
Wherein the second phase difference circuitry is respon 40 Wherein sampling the fractional clock signals comprises
sive to these four phase differences to provide the sampling, in response to the serial data bit stream, each
second phase difference signal. of the four fractional clock signals to determine four
12. The circuit of claim 11: corresponding phase differences betWeen the sampling
Wherein the four phase differences generated by the ?rst bit edge of the serial data bit stream and respective clock
sampling circuitry are respectively designated a Clk-l 45 edges of the Clk-l, Clk-Q, Clk-45 and Clk135 fractional
phase difference, a Clk-Q phase difference, a Clk-45 clock signals closest in time to the sampling bit edge;
phase difference and a Clk-135 phase difference; and
Wherein the four phase differences generated by the second Wherein providing the phase difference signal comprises
sampling circuitry are respectively designated a Clk providing, in response to the four phase differences, a
22.5 phase difference, a Clk-67.5 phase difference, a 50 phase difference signal corresponding to the difference
Clk-112.5 phase difference and a Clk-157.5 phase dif in phase betWeen the edges of the serial data bit stream
ference; and at least the Clk-l fractional clock signal.
Wherein the ?rst phase difference circuitry is con?gured to 16. The method of claim 15, Wherein providing the phase
perform (a) a ?rst exclusive-or logical operation on the difference signal is accomplished by performing (a) a ?rst
Clk-l and Clk-Q phase differences to provide a ?rst 55 exclusive-or logical operation on the Clk-l and Clk-Q phase
intermediate phase difference signal, (b) a second exclu differences to provide a ?rst intermediate phase difference
sive-or logical operation on the Clk-45 and Clk-135 signal, (b) a second exclusive-or logical operation on the
phase differences to provide a second intermediate Clk-45 and Clk-135 phase differences to provide a second
phase difference signal, and (c) a third exclusive- or intermediate phase difference signal, and (c) a third exclu
logical operation on the ?rst and second intermediate 60 sive-or logical operation on the ?rst and second intermediate
phase difference signals to provide the ?rst phase differ phase difference signals to provide the phase difference sig
ence signal; and nal.
Wherein the second phase difference circuitry is con?gured 17. The method of claim 13:
to perform (a) a ?rst exclusive-or logical operation on Wherein receiving a serial bit stream and fractional clock
the Clk-22.5 and Clk-67.5 phase differences to provide a 65 signals comprises receiving (a) a serial data bit stream
third intermediate phase difference signal, (b) a second clocked by a full rate clock signal With a full rate fre
exclusive-or logical operation on the Clk-112.5 and Clk quency, and (b) four fractional clock signals With a frac
US 8,497,708 B2
tional rate frequency of one fourth the full rate fre
quency: Clk-l, Clk-Q Which lags Clk-l by substantially
90°, Clk-45 Which lags Clk-l by substantially 45° and
Clk-135 Which lags Clk-l by substantially 135°;
Wherein sampling the fractional clock signals comprises 5
sampling, in response to the serial data bit stream, each
of the four fractional clock signals to determine four
corresponding phase differences betWeen the sampling
bit edge of the serial data bit stream and respective clock
edges of the Clk-l, Clk-Q, Clk-45 and Clk135 fractional 10
clock signals closest in time to the sampling bit edge, the
four phase differences being respectively designated a
Clk-l phase difference, a Clk-Q phase difference, a Clk
45 phase difference and a Clk-135 phase difference; and
Wherein providing a phase difference signal comprises: 15
providing, in response to the Clk-l and Clk-Q phase
differences, a ?rst phase difference signal corre
sponding to the difference in phase betWeen the edges
of the serial data bit stream and at least the Clk-l
fractional clock signal; 20
providing, in response to the Clk-45 and Clk-135 phase
differences, a second phase difference signal corre
sponding to the difference in phase betWeen the edges
of the serial data bit stream and at least the Clk-l
fractional clock signal; and 25
further comprising providing, in response to the ?rst and
second phase difference signals, a frequency difference
signal corresponding to the difference in frequency
betWeen the full rate clock signal used to clock the serial
data bit stream and at least the Clk-l fractional clock 30

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