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Angelina Valdovino Rosas

Frequency Adverbs
We use some adverbs to describe how
frequently we do an activity.
Intensity Adverbs
Adverbs of intensity modify adjectives or other
adverbs. They normally go before the adjective
or adverb which they modify.
Adverbs as Modifiers
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other
adverbs. They commonly describe how, when, or
where the action of a verb took place. How
refers to the manner in which an action
occurred. When addresses the time of the
action. Where investigates the place or
location the action took place.
Hobbies verbs
An activity or interest pursued for pleasure or
relaxation and not as a main occupation.
Present Continuous
The present continuous verb tense indicates
that an action or condition is happening now,
frequently, and may continue into the future.
The Present Continuous Formula: to be [am, is,
are] + verb [present participle]

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