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Evaluation of Losses

There are several ways to evaluate the losses:

• Buy by Minimum Price disregarding Losses
• Specify Maximum Allowable Losses
• Specify Minimum Allowable Efficiency
• Cuantification of Losses
• Cuantification of Losses + Maximum Allowable Loss
Standards related to the evaluation of losses and efficiency of transformers:
• IEEE Std C57.120-1991: “IEEE Loss Evaluation Guide for Power
Transformers and Reactors”
• NEMA TP 1-2002: "Guide for Determining Energy Efficiency for Distribution
• EN 50464-1:2007 “Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz,
from 50 kVA to 2500 kVA with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding
36 kV - Part 1: General requirements”
• Draft IEC 60076-20: “Power transformers – Part 20: Energy efficiency”
IEC 60076-20
Liquid-Immersed Transformers
IEC 60076-20
Liquid-Immersed Transformers
IEC 60076-20
Dry-Type Transformers
EN 50464-1
Oil-Immersed Transformers 50 Hz, 24 kV
EN 50464-1
Oil-Immersed Transformers 50 Hz, 24 kV
EN 50464-1
Oil-Immersed Transformers 50 Hz, 36 kV
Capitalization of Losses
ܲ = Annual cost of losses (ܷ$ܵ)
‫ = ݎ‬Yearly money interest rate (‫)ݑ݌‬
݊ = Years of life expected for the transformer
‫ = ܥ‬Capitalized cost of losses (ܷ$ܵ)
Bank account balances after take ܲ to pay the losses:

Year 1:  1 +  − 
Year 2:  1 + ଶ − 1 +  − 
Year 3:  1 + ଷ − 1 + ଶ − 1 +  − 
…….. ……………………………………….

Year ݊: 1 + ௡ − 1 + ௡ିଵ − 1 + ௡ିଶ − … … … − 1 +  −  = 0

1 + ௡ = 1 + ௡ିଵ + 1 + ௡ିଶ + … … … + 1 +  + 1
Geometrical progression:

= + + ଶ
+ ……+ ௡ିଵ
௡ ଵ ଵ ଵ ଵ ଵ
1 + ௡ − 1 1 + ௡ − 1
 1 +  ௡ = =
1 +  − 1 
1 1
= −
 1 + ௡
$ 1 1
 = ௘   ×  ℎ × ிா   +  ଶ ஼௎   −
ℎ  1 + ௡

ிா = No-load losses ஼௎ = Short-circuit or load losses

௘ = Cost of Electric Power
 = Number of hours in the year with the transformer connected to the
network (365x24=8760 h)
 = Load Factor (obtained from the load diagram)
Example of how to determine the load factor in function of the load

We will determine the equivalent constant load  with the same losses:

ிா + ଵଶ ଵ + ଶଶ ଶ ஼௎ = ிா +  ଶ ଵ + ଶ ஼௎

ଵଶ ଵ + ଶଶ ଶ =  ଶ ଵ + ଶ 
ଵଶ ଵ + ଶଶ ଶ
ଶ =
ଵ + ଶ

ଵ = 20 ℎ ଶ = 4 ℎ ଵ = 0.2 ଶ = 1.0
0.2ଶ × 20 + 1.0ଶ × 4

= 0.2
20 + 4
ை௎்  √3
√ ଶ ଶ  ଶ

ூே  √3 ଶ ଶ ଶ ஼௎ ிா

ை௎் √3 ଶ ଶ ଶ
ூே ଶ ଶ
√3 ଶ ଶ ଶ  ஼௎   
ଶே ிா

ଶ ଶ
1 √3 ଶ ଶ ଶ  ஼௎    ிா

 √3 ଶ ଶ ଶ
1 ஼௎ ଶ ிா 1 
1   1   ଶ
 √3 ଶ ଶ ଶே ଶ √3 ଶ ଶ ଶ ଶ

ଶ   1   ଶ 

ଶ     0 → ଶ  
ଶ ଶ 

Minimum of 1/ → Maximum

M of 

 ிா √3 ଶ ଶ ிா
ଶ     ଶே ଶ  
 √3 ଶ ଶ ஼௎ ஼௎
 Maximum for:
ଶ =  
஼௎ ଶே

ଶ ிா ଶ ଶ
ଶ = ଶே ଶ → ிா = ஼௎  
஼௎ ଶே
Now we will calculate  for ଶ = ଶே :

ை௎் √3 ଶே ଶ ଶ
= =
ூே ଶ ଶ
√3 ଶே ଶ ଶ + ஼௎   + ிா

ை௎் √3 ଶே ଶே  ଶ  ଶ
= =
ூே  ଶ ଶ
√3 ଶே ଶே  ଶ  ଶ + ஼௎   + ிா
ଶே ଶே

ேைெ = √3 ଶே ଶே

ை௎் ேைெ   ଶ
= =
ூே  ଶ ଶ
ேைெ  ଶ 
ଶே ଶ + ஼௎   + ிா

ଶ ை௎்  ேைெ ଶ
= → = =
ଶ +  ஼௎ + ிா
ଶே ூே  ேைெ ଶ

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