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Fabric Management – Reference Guide

Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

Optiplan V3
Fabric Management - Reference Guide
Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004


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Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004


This document is dedicated to the Optiplan user, to help him setting up and working with the Optiplan
V3 Fabric Management.

Used Abbreviations:
OPFMS – Optiplan Fabric Management System

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

FIRST STEPS AND SETUP .............................................................................................................. 6

1. How to activate the Fabric management (OPFMS) ................................................................. 6

2. Interface presentation ................................................................................................................ 6
3. Some conventions...................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Shortcuts ................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Tool tip ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 User Interface Features ............................................................................................................ 7
3.3.1 Row/Column selection in tables......................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Extended "Splitter Bar" / Separation Line.......................................................................... 8
3.3.3 Sorting the contents of tables ............................................................................................ 9
4. Setup and Configuration.......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Setup of Program Environment............................................................................................... 10
4.2 OPFMS Configuration (Fabric Attributes) ............................................................................... 10
4.2.1 Key Attributes................................................................................................................... 11
4.2.2 Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................................ 11
4.2.3 Default Values and Groups.............................................................................................. 11
4.2.4 Activating additional fabric attributes ............................................................................... 11
4.2.5 Changing display sequence............................................................................................. 12
4.3 OPFMS Options ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 Checking for duplicate fabrics.......................................................................................... 13
4.3.2 Remember last articles entered....................................................................................... 13

OPFMS OPERATION........................................................................................................................ 14

5. Entering Fabric Articles ........................................................................................................... 14

6. Fabric Database Queries – Fabric Filters............................................................................... 16
6.1 Defining fabric filters ............................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Execute the Query .................................................................................................................. 17
6.2.1 Saving filters in Profiles ................................................................................................... 17
6.2.2 Working with Profiles ....................................................................................................... 18
7. Fabric Overview List – Query results ..................................................................................... 19
7.1 Configuration........................................................................................................................... 19
7.2 Show details (fabric articles / rolls) ......................................................................................... 20

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

7.3 Fabric Import ........................................................................................................................... 21

8. Fabric Article List – Fabric Editor ........................................................................................... 21
8.1 Display mode .......................................................................................................................... 21
8.2 Editing fabrics.......................................................................................................................... 21
8.3 Export Fabrics ......................................................................................................................... 23
8.4 Delete Fabrics ......................................................................................................................... 23

Appendix ............................................................................................................................................ 24

9. Definition of Fabric Attributes................................................................................................. 24

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004




• Click on the OPFMS icon on the desktop,


• <Start> <Programs> <Lectra> <Optiplan> <OPFMS V3R1>.

Or in

• Optiplan V3 main tool bar

The following picture shows the main application window of the Optiplan Fabric Management System

Menu Bar

Fabric Article (Roll) list and

Fabric Editor
Fabric Overview and Chapter 8
Fabric Selection list
Chapter 7

Fabric (Roll) Entry

Chapter 5
Fabric Filter definition
Chapter 6
2 1

Configuration Options
Chapter 4.2 Chapter 4.3

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

The Main Window is divided into four sections:

1. Lower Right: Fabric Entry table
It is used to enter new fabric articles (Rolls) manually, if there is no import of fabric data possible.
2. Lower Left: Fabric Filter Definition
It is used to define and save filters for querying available fabrics in the database. Filters are used
to display only a subset of the fabric information stored in the database.
3. Upper left: Fabric Selection List
This list shows an overview of all fabrics in the database which are matching the filter criteria
defined in the query and allows a further selection for the display in the Fabric Article (Roll) list.
4. Upper Right: Fabric Article (Roll) List
Shows details for all articles (rolls) selected in the Fabric Selection list as well as for the last
fabrics entered in the fabric entry table. It can also be used to modify and manage fabrics in the


3.1 Shortcuts

If there are shortcuts corresponding to specific function, they are indicated.

A particular shortcut to resize tables/grids to fit the contents is Ctrl Shift A.

3.2 Tool tip

If you let the mouse one second on the icon, the meaning of the icon is displayed.

3.3 User Interface Features

3.3.1 Row/Column selection in tables

To be able to adapt the displayed information to the needs of the user, it is possible in
most of the tables to select the rows and/or columns to be displayed.
1. Position the mouse cursor over the fixed (gray) cells of a table (on the top or left)
2. Press the right mouse button while holding down the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard
(Ctrl+Right Click). This brings up a window where you can select the cols/rows,
which shall be displayed. The changes are applied immediately and you can see
the result in the table in the background.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

[Ctrl] + Right Click to

show the selection

Switches between
row and column
Select (switch on) all
available columns/rows

Left click in this

boxes to switch
columns On or Off

3.3.2 Extended "Splitter Bar" / Separation Line

A "Splitter Bar" is used to separate / split regions in a window.
Different types of the splitter bar:
Type 1a:
Type 1b:
Type 2:
Type 1a is used to display/hide parts of the window without a possibility of resizing the
part. Clicking (left mouse button) on one of the arrows will hide the part below the bar and
the bar changes to Type 1b. In this state the lower part of the window can be displayed
again by clicking with the left mouse button on the "grip" in the middle of the bar, but it is
not possible to move/drag the bar to a desired position.
Type 2 enables also the drag and drop operation as well as hiding the upper part of the
window by clicking (left mouse button) on the left arrow. The right arrow hides the lower
part as described above. To move the bar to a desired location move the cursor over the
"grip" in the middle, press the left mouse button and move the bar while holding the
mouse button down. When the desired location is reached release the button. In case
that the bar hides one part of the window a click on the "grip" in the middle restores the
previous position of the bar.
The pictures above show horizontal bars, but there are also vertical bars used in OPFMS
There is no difference, beside that the arrows work then left/right instead of up/down.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

3.3.3 Sorting the contents of tables

Some tables, usually displaying lists of items, can be sorted by up to 3 columns. To sort
the contents by a column, simply click on the last row of the header (gray cells) for this
The first click sorts the contents ascending by the selected column. An arrow is displayed
in the header cell to visualize the sorting:

The second click sorts the contents descending:

The third click changes back to unsorted display:
The sorting can be extended to up to 3 columns. You can select another column as
additional sort column by holding down the [Ctrl] key.
Example for 3 sorted columns. First by Fabric Code, then Width and finally by Shade:

All sorting is done ascending.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004


4.1 Setup of Program Environment

The Program Environment Manager is called from the Main Menu Bar by selecting <Program>
<Environment Manager …> from the menu.
With the Environment Manager it is possible to define the language, measurement and currency
settings. A detailed description of the Environment manager can be found in the «Optiplan V3 –
Process Guide ».

If the Fabric Management System OPFMS is installed on a computer also

running Optiplan V3, the settings for the program environment are the same for
Optiplan V3 and OPFMS.

4.2 OPFMS Configuration (Fabric Attributes)

The fabric definition in Optiplan V3 and OPFMS is user definable. Optiplan V3 provides a set of
predefined attributes for a fabric (see "Definition of Fabric Attributes"). But it is also possible to
add user definable attributes to describe a fabric, or provide additional information. By default, a
fabric in Optiplan V3 has the attributes Fabric Code, Width, Shade, Price and Length

Clicking the Button shows the following dialog, where the fabric attributes and their
appearance (e.g. display sequence) are defined.

Default Values for Group definitions for

manual fabric entry manual fabric entry

Changing display
Activated Fabric
Attributes Activate additional fabric

Modification of the
Key Attributes settings for attributes
for fabric
identification Delete activated fabric
attributes (set inactive)
Mandatory attributes for
manual fabric entry

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

4.2.1 Key Attributes

Key attributes are used to identify a fabric to avoid duplicate fabrics in the database. The
correct setup of the key attributes is critical when fabrics shall be imported from a
warehousing system. The key values define if a fabric article in the database will be
updated, or a new fabric article will be inserted.
Attributes Fabric Article in Database Imported Fabric Article
Fabric code DEMO-001 DEMO-001
Width 150,0 cm 150,0 cm
Shade A A
Price $ 5.00 $ 4.50
Length [T] 1500 m 1500 m

If only Fabric code, Width and Shade are the Key attributes to identify a fabric in Optiplan
V3, the price of existing fabric article will be updated with the new price (and length) of
the imported fabric article. There will be no second fabric article for DEMO-001/150,0
cm/A in the database after the import.
If the Price is also defined as a key attribute, the existing fabric article will not be updated,
but the imported fabric will be inserted as a new article in the database. In this case there
will be two fabric articles in the database after the import, with a total length of 3000 m
and two different prices.

4.2.2 Mandatory Attributes

An attribute can be defined as mandatory, to ensure that a value for this attribute must be
entered when entering fabric articles in OPFMS. Before a manually entered fabric article
will be added to the database, the values of all mandatory attributes are checked, if one
of them remains empty an error message will show up and the fabric article will not be
written to the database until all mandatory values are entered. Values for attributes, which
aren’t defined as mandatory, are not checked (are optional) and may remain empty.

4.2.3 Default Values and Groups

When entering fabric articles manually, the attributes for each article can be filled with
default values defined in the configuration dialog, to minimize the effort for data entry.
Groups are used to define which attributes have to be entered when a sequence of
fabrics (e.g. rolls or dye lots) is manually entered. Group 1 defines the values, which must
be entered for the first article and the values marked in Group 2 must be entered for all
following fabrics in this group. This can be used to minimize the effort for data entry when
entering a lot of rolls/articles for one fabric. Very often it is only necessary to enter just the
Roll identification and Roll length for the following rolls, when the fabric code and other
common attributes have been entered already for the first roll.

4.2.4 Activating additional fabric attributes

To add additional fabric attributes for the usage in OPFMS and Optiplan V3, they must be
added to the fabric definition.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

Pressing the button [ New… ] shows the following dialog:

List of predefined and
currently inactive fabric
Edit field for entering
custom fabric attributes

To activate/add a new fabric attribute either select one predefined attribute from the list
on the left, or enter a descriptive name in the edit field for the name. It is possible to set
the default value and define this attribute as mandatory.

4.2.5 Changing display sequence

As new attributes are always added at the end of the attribute list, it may be desirable to
change the display sequence.
To change the display sequence of the fabric attributes, just select one attribute by
clicking on the gray cell with the attribute name on the left of the line, and use the buttons
with the blue arrows on the right to move the attribute into the desired position.

Use these buttons to

move the selected
attribute into the
desired position

The fabric configuration is the same for Optiplan V3 and OPFMS.

The configuration dialog can also be accessed in Optiplan V3 from the Main
Menu <Options> <Fabric configuration …>.
The configuration is stored in the database and therefore valid for all Optiplan
V3 and OPFMS stations accessing the same database (Client-Server

After changing the fabric configuration has been changed OPFMS and Optiplan
V3 application must be closed, to ensure that the configuration changes are
taking place.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

4.3 OPFMS Options

Pressing the Button shows the following Options dialog:

Enable/Disable check
for duplicates

Remember the last

entered fabric articles
on exit

4.3.1 Checking for duplicate fabrics

This option defines if a check for duplicate fabrics is performed when a new fabric is
entered manually. It is recommended to enable the check. The check is performed based
on the defined key attributes (see Key Attributes).
If the check is enabled and a duplicate fabric is entered, the following dialog is shown:

Pressing [Create] will save the new article in the database. The result will be two
identically articles in the database.
Selecting the existing article and pressing [Update] will update the length of the existing
article with the one entered for the new article (75,00 m in the example above).
[Cancel] aborts the save. The new fabric article will not be saved.

4.3.2 Remember last articles entered

This option defines if the last entered fabric articles shall be saved on exit and the
maximum number of articles, which shall be remembered. The saved articles can then be
shown again, even if OPFMS was closed in the meantime and enable to keep track of the
last actions. By default, the last ten articles are saved on exit.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004



Fabric articles can be entered in the lower right part of OPFMS (Fabric entry section):
Lengths of already
entered fabrics
Fabric Attributes as
defined in
New Fabric
(Clear all)

Previous Group
(Blue check marks)
Blue check mark
shows attributes that Value column:
must be entered Prefilled with the
default values as
Enter the attributes for the fabric article starting in the first row of the value column until all attributes
are correct. [Enter] automatically proceeds to the next row marked with a blue check mark.
When the last row with a blue check mark is reached, [Enter] automatically saves the entered article.

Pressing [Enter] when

the last row with a
blue check mark is
reached – saves the
fabric article

There is no separate dedicated action necessary to save the fabric article in the database. The saved
fabric is automatically displayed in the “Fabric Article (Roll) list” in the upper right part of OPFMS.
A detailed description of the “Fabric Article (Roll) list” is given in Fabric Article List – Fabric Editor page

Display mode is auto-

matically switched to
”Last articles entered” Saved fabric article.
Entered in the Fabric
Entry part.
Saving the first fabric switches also the check marks for the Fabric Entry to Group 2 according to the
configuration shown below (see also Default Values and Groups).

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

For the first article all

attributes must be
Fabric Code, Width, entered (Group 1)
and Shade are
mandatory attributes For the following
articles (Rolls) only the
“Usable Length” and
Length and Roll ID
“No. of Fabrics” are
must be entered (Group
calculated values and
therefore cannot be
(just displayed)

Attributes for Length values are

Group 2 are marked updated when a fabric
with blue check marks article is saved

All entered articles (rolls) are displayed in the “Fabric Article (Roll) list”.

When an attribute that is configured as mandatory is left blank (or is 0, e.g. for Width) a Warning
message is shown and the fabric article isn’t saved in the database.

As the Shade attribute

is defined as a
mandatory attribute, an
empty value is not

The button returns to the entry of a new group of fabrics (Group 1). The check marks are set
according to the configuration for Group 1 (usually all attributes) and the length for the group (Total
group) is reset to zero.

The button starts the entry of a new fabric. All previously entered values in the Fabric Entry part
are cleared and preset with the default values.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004


In the previous version of Optiplan (V2) all available fabrics in the database were displayed in a fabric
tree. A complete list of fabrics may soon become very difficult to handle and slow, as (especially when
dealing with rolls) the number of fabrics grows rapidly.
To display fabrics in the database with OPFMS, the database is queried by defining filters for the
fabrics that shall be displayed. A filter description is something like “Show me all red fabrics with a
width between 140,0 cm and 145,0 cm”.
The filters/queries are defined in the lower left part of the OPFMS, the “Fabric Filter definition”:

Selection of filters Save filter definition into

saved in profiles Profile
Incremental selection of
saved filters (add) Execute the query and
show the result in the
Fabric Overview List
Clear the values in the
Table to define the
filter definition table
filters for querying the
fabrics in the database
The result of the query is then displayed in the “Fabric Overview List” (for details see Fabric Article List
– Fabric Editor page 21).

6.1 Defining fabric filters

Before it is possible to define filters, the attributes that shall be used for the queries must be
selected for the filter table. Perform [Ctrl] + Right Click as described in Row/Column selection in
tables to setup the table as desired. In this example, queries can be done on Fabric Code,
Width, and Shade.
Filters are defined by entering either a value or minimum and maximum values for the fabric
Possible combinations for one attribute:

• Define a value or a minimum or a maximum value

• Define a minimum value and maximum value

This filter displays all fabrics with the Fabric code Demo-001 and a width between 140,0 cm and
145,0 cm.
It is possible to use Wildcards/Placeholders to perform more complex queries.
“ % ” or “ * ” substitute any number of characters.
“ _ “ or “ ? “ substitute exactly one character.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

A query for a Fabric Code = “DEMO*” displays all fabrics where the Fabric Code starts with
“DEMO”. E.g. DEMO-0001, DEMO-0002 but also DEMONSTRATION.
A query for a Fabric Code = “DEMO-????” displays the fabrics where the Fabric Code consists
of “DEMO-“ and exactly 4 additional characters. E.g. DEMO-0001, DEMO-0002 as above, but
Placeholders cannot be used for numerical attributes, like width etc.

6.2 Execute the Query

After defining the filter, the query is executed by pressing [F5] or the button .
This executes the query and displays all available fabrics in the database matching the defined
filter in the Fabric Overview List (upper left part). Previously displayed results are cleared before
the new result is displayed.
The result for the query for “All fabrics with the Fabric code Demo-001 and a width between
140,0 cm and 145,0 cm” may result in something similar like the following.

If you want to add the result of another query to an already displayed result, use [Shift + F5] or

the button . This way the result of the query is added to the list without clearing previously

When no filter values are defined (all fields empty), all fabrics in the database
are displayed.
Caution! Depending on the fabric count, this query may be rather slow.

6.2.1 Saving filters in Profiles

To be able to reuse regularly used filters without retyping the filter every time, it is
possible to save filters in Profiles.

Filters are saved with the button . The following dialog is shown:
Enter a name for the
Profile or select an
existing one

Select if the Profile

shall be visible in
Optiplan (Public)

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

Profiles are saved as files on the hard disk. Thus the Profile name must match the file
naming conventions of Windows (e.g. : / \ * ” are not allowed).
Public profiles are not only visible in OPFMS, but also in Optiplan V3 and can be used
there to split fabrics in an order. Non-Public profiles will be shown in brackets “[ ]” in the
profile selection list to distinguish them from Public Profiles.

6.2.2 Working with Profiles

To apply filters defined in Profiles simply select them from the Profile selection list.

Profile selection list

„Public“ Profile: also

Incremental selection of visible in Optiplan
(push button)
„Private“ Profile in [ ]:
only visible in OPFMS

If the button is not pushed in, the selection of a profile clears all previously defined

filters and the query is automatically executed, without pressing additionally or .

If the button is pushed in only the values defined in the profile are written into the
filter table, all other previously entered filter values are left alone. The query is not
automatically executed. This enables incremental working with profiles and also adapting
values before the query is executed.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004


The results of the queries defined with the filters are displayed in the Fabric Overview List in the upper
left part of OPFMS.

7.1 Configuration

The detail level in the fabric overview depends on the configuration which columns are
displayed in the table ( [Ctrl] + Right Click ).
The following screenshots are showing the different display of the result of the same query,
depending on the columns selected in the table. In the first case Fabric Code, Width, and Shade
are displayed. In the second only Fabric Code and Width, the Shades are not displayed and
therefore the fabrics are not divided per Shade.

Clear the list

Fabric article (Roll)
(Doesn’t delete the
count for the “Fabric”
fabrics in the database)

6 “Fabrics“ when Shade

is displayed Total Length for the

4 “Fabrics“ when Shade

is not displayed

Depending on the necessary level of detail, the appropriate attributes must be displayed in the
list. A higher level of detail usually results in more fabrics (longer lists), which makes it more
difficult to see the desired information easily.
The fabric length, weight and # Fabrics are accumulated (total) values for the displayed fabrics.
Example (using the above lists):
There are 502,00 m on 7 Rolls available of the Fabric DEMO-001 in a width of 142,0 cm.
More detailed (from the first list with Shade):
There are 290,00 m on 4 Rolls in Shade 0 and
there are 212,00 m on 3 Rolls in Shade 1
If the information about the different shades is important, the first configuration should be used.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

Display sequence (columns)

The display sequence in this table can be defined independent from the sequence defined in
the fabric configuration.

Press to enter the mode to change the column sequence.

Select one column by clicking on the gray cells on the top.

Use to move the column to the desired position

When done, press again to quit the mode to change the column sequence and return to
normal operation.

7.2 Show details (fabric articles / rolls)

Double click on a row in the Overview list highlights the line and displays the details (rolls) for
this “Fabric” in the “Fabric Article list” in the upper right corner of OPFMS.

Double click to display

roll/article information

Automatically activated
when a fabric is

7 Rolls with details for

the “fabric“ selected

To select more than one “fabric” in the overview list, click on the first line and extend the
selection by pressing [Shift] or [Ctrl] key and click on additional lines.

After the selection is finished press to show the rolls/details for the selected fabrics.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

7.3 Fabric Import

To import fabrics into OPFMS press and select the file name for the import in the file
selector dialog. When the import is finished the count of imported fabrics is shown.


The fabric article list shows either the last articles, which have been entered manually, or the details
for the selection made in the Overview List on the left. Fabric articles are the smallest units of fabrics
(can be rolls but also dye lots etc.) handled in OPFMS and Optiplan V3. All other representations of
fabrics are just “fabric sets”, which consist of one or more articles. The fabric import or manual data
entry is always done for articles, as this is the data stored in the database. Editing data must also be
done for fabric articles, thus the Article List can also be used to modify/edit the fabric data in Optiplan

Display mode: Export the selected

Selection from “Overview fabric articles
List” or Fabric articles Clear the list
entered in “Fabric Entry” (Doesn’t delete the
fabrics in the database)

Modified fabric articles.

Click on the disk symbol Save all modifications
saves modifications at once.

8.1 Display mode

The user can select the display mode, but the program also automatically changes it (without
direct user interaction).
As soon as a new fabric article is entered in the “Fabric Entry” part and is saved in the database
the display mode is automatically set to “Last articles entered”.
If a selection is made in the ”Overview List”, the display mode is automatically changed to
“Fabric selection”.

8.2 Editing fabrics

To modify a value of a fabric attribute just enter the new value directly in the table. A small disk
symbol is shown on the left of the modified fabric article. A click on the cell with the disk icon
saves the modifications for this article in the database. If more than one article have been

modified, all modifications can be saved at once, with a click on the button.
If the value for an attribute shall be changed for a bunch of fabrics (e.g. set a new width), it is
possible to perform this modification in one step.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

Select all the fabric articles that shall get a new value. Click on the gray cells on the left for
selection and extend the selection by pressing [Shift] or [Ctrl] key and click on additional lines.
Point with the mouse to the column for the attribute that shall be modified, and perform a right
click. This shows a context menu. Select the entry for mass update of the attribute value.

Enter the new value in the appearing dialog and confirm with [Enter].

Finally save the modifications as described above.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

8.3 Export Fabrics

Select the fabric articles that shall be exported as described above and click on the button,
or perform a right click into the list to show the context menu, and select “Export the selected
fabric” from this menu.

If the button without selecting fabric articles, all articles in the list are automatically selected
(= Export all).

8.4 Delete Fabrics

Select the fabric articles that shall be exported as described above and click on the button,
or perform a right click into the list to show the context menu, and select “Delete the selected
fabric” from this menu.
In opposite to the Export, there is no automatic selection to perform a “Delete all” operation.

The button is disabled as long as there are no fabrics selected.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004



The following table defines the attributes know to Optiplan V3 and OPFMS.

ID number Attribute Description

1 Fabric Code The fabric reference code. This code identifies the fabric. It
appears throughout Optiplan V3 and on the printouts. It is the
primary reference to a particular fabric and thus a mandatory
attribute. Usually the fabric code is composed of the
identification for the fabric quality and color information.

2 Fabric Name An additional identification that can be assigned to a piece of


3 Width The width of the fabric. As Optiplan V3 matches marker and

Fabric width the value represent the usable fabric width without

4 Total Length / Length [T] The total length of a fabric.

5 Shade The shade of a fabric. Can also be used to identify dye lots or
similar information

6 Total Weight / Weight [T] The total weight of a fabric, given in kilograms or pounds.
If this attribute is used, the «Specific Weight» must also be

7 Specific Weight The specific weight of a fabric given in grams per square meter
or ounces per square yard.
This attribute is mandatory, if «Total Weight» and/or «Usable
Weight» attributes are used.

8 Shrinkage X The shrinkage value of a fabric in X direction (Length) given in


9 Shrinkage Y The shrinkage value of a fabric in Y direction (Width) given in


10 Price The fabric price per meter or per yard given in the currency
specified currently in Optiplan V3.

11 Season An identifier of the season, where the fabric is used.

12 Comment Any comments to the fabric.

13 Roll Identification Identification for the particular piece of fabric. It is

recommended to choose unique identifications for each piece
of fabric (roll), if this attribute is used.

14 Supplier The supplier of the fabric.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

ID number Attribute Description

15 Storage Location The storage location of the fabric.

16 Reserved for Order The name of the order for which this fabric is reserved.

17 Reserved for Model The name of the model for which this fabric is reserved.

18 Pallet The identification of the pallet where the fabric is stored.

19 Motif Name The name of a motif.

20 Motif Repeat X The repeat of a motif in X direction (across the length of the
fabric) given in centimeters or inches.

21 Motif Repeat Y The repeat of a motif in Y direction (across the width of the
fabric) given in centimeters or inches.

22 Motif Offset X1 A motif offset value in X direction (length of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

23 Motif Offset Y1 A motif offset value in Y direction (width of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

24 Motif Order 1 A motif order value. This is a whole number.

25 Motif Offset X21 A motif offset value in X direction (length of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

26 Motif Offset Y2 A motif offset value in Y direction (width of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

27 Motif Order 2 A motif order value. This is a whole number.

28 Motif Offset X3 A motif offset value in X direction (length of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

29 Motif Offset Y3 A motif offset value in Y direction (width of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

30 Motif Order 3 A motif order value. This is a whole number.

31 Motif Offset X4 A motif offset value in X direction (length of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

32 Motif Offset Y4 A motif offset value in Y direction (width of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

33 Motif Order 4 A motif order value. This is a whole number.

34 Motif Offset X5 A motif offset value in X direction (length of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

35 Motif Offset Y5 A motif offset value in Y direction (width of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

36 Motif Order 5 A motif order value. This is a whole number.

37 Motif Offset X6 A motif offset value in X direction (length of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

Fabric Management – Reference Guide
Optiplan V3
Edition 1 - February 2004

ID number Attribute Description

38 Motif Offset Y6 A motif offset value in Y direction (width of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

39 Motif Order 6 A motif order value. This is a whole number.

40 Motif Offset X7 A motif offset value in X direction (length of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

41 Motif Offset Y7 A motif offset value in Y direction (width of the fabric) given in
centimeters or inches.

42 Motif Order 7 A motif order value. This is a whole number.

43 Direction A boolean value to describe if a fabric has a direction or not. It

must be TRUE, if the fabric has a direction, it must be FALSE,
if the fabric has no direction.

251 Usable Length / Length [U] The usable length of a fabric. This length is defined as the total
length of the fabric minus the amounts already assigned to

252 Usable Weight / Weight [U] The usable weight of a fabric. This weight is defined as the
total weight of the fabric minus the amounts already assigned
to orders.
If this attribute is used, the «Specific Weight» must also be

253 Assigned Amount The amount of fabric that has been assigned to a particular
order. This can be all or only part of the available amount of
the fabric.

258 Allocated Amount The amount of fabric that is allocated to a particular order.
This attribute can be used only in order import. It is not allowed
in fabric import.


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