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Demography & Migration migration to governments and migrants, including internally

 Demography- The study of statistics such as births, deaths, displaced persons, refugees, and migrant workers.
income, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the - In 2016, IOM entered into an agreement with the United Nations,
changing structure of human populations. becoming a related organization. IOM serves as coordinator of the
a. Birth Rate- The current birth rate for Philippines in 2023 is United Nations network on migration, established by the Secretary-
19.579 (20) births per 1000 people, a 1.01% decline from General in 2018.
b. Death Rate- The current death rate in 2019 is 6.105 per 1000 Data on Migration
people, annual percentage of 1.130% - According to the latest estimates prepared by the Population
c. Life Expectancy- The current life expectancy for Philippines Division, in 2020, the number of international migrants worldwide
in 2023 is 71.66 years, a 0.18% increase from 2022. – people residing in a country other than their country of birth –
d. Infant Mortality Rate- The current infant mortality rate for reached 281 million. Female migrants constituted 48 per cent of
Philippines in 2023 is 17.544 (18) deaths per 1000 live births, international migrants.
a 2.36% decline from 2022. Most migrants reside in:
Asia & Europe – 31%
North America – 21%
Africa – 9%
Latin America % 3%

Global Media Culture:

The Main Reason for Globalization
Media the “Product of Culture”
- The media industry is perfect for spread of global trade without
regard for traditional political borders
- Low marginal costs of media mean that reaching a wider market
Population & Economy creates much larger profit margins for media companies.
• Implications of an aging population to an economy Because information is not a physical good, shipping costs are
• Lower population for the workforce and taxpayers generally inconsequential
• Harms the country’s economic growth and productivity - Finally, the global reach of media allows it to be relevant in many
different countries.

Migration- the United Nations defines an international
migrant as any person who has changed his or her country Media the “Product of Culture”
of residence. This includes all migrants, regardless of their - Media is largely a cultural product, and the transfer of such a
legal status, or the nature, or motive of their movement. product is likely to have an influence on the recipient’s culture.
- The term includes a number of well-defined legal categories - Increasingly, technology has also been propelling globalization.
of people, Technology allows for quick communication, fast and
- migrant workers; Overseas workers coordinated transport, and efficient mass marketing, all of which
- persons whose particular types of movements are legally- have allowed globalization—especially globalized media—to
defined, such as smuggled migrants; take hold.
- as well as those whose status or means of movement are not
specifically defined under international law, such as Key Takeaways
international students. - Technology allows for quick communication, transparent, and
Migrant Vs. Refugee mass marketing, greatly contributing to a globalized marketplace
 Migrant- Describes any person who freely moves, usually - Media economics of sale achieve much larger profit by using
across an international border digital technology to sell information instantly over a global
- Free market
 Refugee- Refugees are forced to flee to save their lives or - Foreign markets offer profit potential as they contribute to media
preserve their freedom companies’ economies of scale. The addition of new audiences
- Forced and consumer markets may help a company build a global
 The International Organization for Migration is a United following in the long run.
Nations agency that provides services and advice concerning

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