The Research Problem

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The Research Problem


Welding necessitates the development of abilities in students. Students

must learn how to use Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) equipment.

Before or at the start of the practice, one must be familiar with all of the

equipment and how to correctly and successfully operate the welding


The future requirement for trained welders, according to Zalkind (2007),

should inspire educational programs to provide sufficient training. Industrial

missions should be completed as soon as possible for varying levels of ability.

Meyers et al. (2012) discovered that agricultural expertise instructors

thought teacher education for future teachers should stress "managing the

laboratory setting, for effective student learning" to assist both new and

starting A four-welding course is effectively taught by teachers. Welding

requires students to enhance their skills. Students must learn how to use

shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) equipment. Before or at the start of the

practice, one must be familiar with all of the equipment as well as how to

properly and successfully operate the welding machine. This might be the

case. This is done by scheduling laboratory tasks in such a way that students

first experience GMAW welder. Before progressing to SMAW welding. This

could result in improved SMAW student performance.

Meyers et al. (2012) discovered that experienced agriculture instructors

thought pre-service teacher education should emphasize "managing the

laboratory setting for effective student learning" help new and novice teachers

in successfully instructing a welding course. According to anecdotal

information, SMAW is the most-hardest weld method for secondary students

to learn.

Typically, the resulting mechanical assembly is heavier than the

matching weld. Some disadvantages include the fact that most welding

processes are performed manually and are labor intensive; many welding

tasks are considered skilled trades, and labor to perform these operations may

be scarce. Most welding procedures that involve high energy are inherently

risky, and the welded joint may have specific quality faults that diminish the

joint's strength. Groover (2002).

Compared to SMAW, GMAW needs less operator-controlled factors

(Hoffman et al., 2012). Having fewer factors under the control of the operator

during welding rehearsals should increase Middle school pupils' ability to

satisfy ASW as a 1F (fillet tee weld in flat position) quality criteria. By

scheduling laboratory sessions in order for pupils experience GMAW is used

initially, followed by SMAW. That might lead to better SMAW performance

among pupils.

The goal on this study was to describe the welding skills of Grade 11

and 12 students in order to provide feedback on their current welding abilities.

This study also aims to provide adequate information on how effectively the

LNHS SMAW students had absorbed the necessary abilities in their field of

specialization in order to further enhance their skills and to assist the school

administration in making curricular actions on the course's delivery to the


Statement of Problem

The study was directed towards it make objective of making an

assessment regarding the level of welding skills.

Specifically, the researchers sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of age, gender, religion, and


2. How may the students be described along their ability to follow


3. What are the implications of the study to Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Scope of Delimitation

This study will focus on the level of welding skills in LNHS 5 position.

The primary subject of this research study will consist of the Grade 11-12

student enrolled in school year 2022-2023. The respondents will be limited to

six (6) Grade 11-12 Student who are in SMAW section of Libungan National

High School, Poblacion,Libungan,Cotabato.

Significant of the Study

This study will be highly beneficial to the following:

To the school Administrator. The study would be able to give inputs

as to how these learners are grasping the needed skills for them to be

competent in welding. Relevant empirical data would also provide a looking

grass on how well the course is being taught to the Senior School learners.

To the Teachers. The information that they would get from the study

would give them proper attention to their student about SMAW , so that

teacher could also help in increasing the academic performance of their

students not just by teaching them lessons on the subject they handle.

To the Students. A better understanding on possessing good welding

skills can make them to more cognizant about the level of welding skills and to
improve student’s ability to produce higher quality welds. They could wide the

results of the study to enrich their researches on welding.

To the Parents. The parents may give support and be aware of the

possible benefits and effect of being a welder student, parents might give their

child extra allowance for expenses.

To the future Researcher. this study may be use as reference on the

level of welding skills of students.

Definition of Terms

SMAW - Shielded metal arc welding is a welding process in which

coalescence metals is produced by heat from an electric arc maintained

between the tip of a consumable electrode and the surface of the base

material in the joint being welded.

Dexterity- is a skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands.

Skills-is the learned ability to act with determined result s with good execution

often within a given amount of time, energy, or both. Skills can often be

divided into domain-specific skills.

Welding- involves bonding the same type of material (metal and metal, or

wood and wood) using heat welding, pressure welding , or both.

Tool Return- All other cutting tools that are not stored in the tool carts, i.e.,

drill bits counter bores and counter sinks must be wiped clean before

returning them into their storage bins.

Level of Assistance- Outline of levels of assistance clients may require

when performing physical tasks

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows the independent and dependent variables of the study.

Welding skills served as the independent variable and dependent variable was

the skills of SMAW students.

The relationship of the variables in this study is shown in the schematic

diagram as follows:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

The Level of Welding skills SMAW Students

Figure 1 Schematic Diagram showing the Conceptual Framework of the Study
Libungan National High School, Poblacion, Libungan, Cotabato.

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