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Ireggular verbs (9 Year) 20:00

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Ireggular verbs (9 Year)

1 1 з 10

keep - - kept
- led - led
leave - left -
mean - - meant
- brought - brought
lose - - lost
begin - began -
throw - - thrown
fly - flew -
take - took -

2 2 з 10

I _____ a new song on the radio.

 hear

 heard

 haerd

 heared

3 3 з 10

They ___ a French phrase to the waitress.

 say

 sayd

 said

 sayed

4 4 з 10

He ___ during the class, but now he doesn't understand.

 understood

 understaned

 understend

 understand
5 5 з 10

I ______ to buy some milk.

 forgot

 forgotten

 forget

 forgeted

6 6 з 10

He had ___ before he was allowed to sit.

 stand

 standed

 stood

 stooded

7 7 з 10

He had ___ a lot of competitions before becoming a serious sports person.

 win

 won

 winned

 wan

8 8 з 10

I ____ my favourite T-shirt yeasterday.

 wear

 worn

 wore

 wored

9 9 з 10

It was chilly so I got ___ before I wore a warm sweater.

 froze

 freeze

 frozen

 frezed
10 10 з 10

1. My husband had me IPhone and I him a nice watch for his bday.
2. My father learned to when he was 10, and I to drive when I
14. I ____ yesterday and I loved it.
3. We some woods and a fire to get warm.
4. I a promise to my mom and for her vocation.
5. He him to say that I him. I bad about it, but we
discussed everything and an end to all arguments.

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