Story Telling

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Once upon a time there lived a king named Aji Saka. He has two loyal servants, they were Dora and

One day, thre of them went in a journey to the Java Island. It was a very long and retiring journey. So
they decided to stop by on an Island named “Majeti Island”. In order to rest and to regain energy
before continuing their journey.

“This delicious fish, fruit and all fresh drink are all for you your majesty”. Said Dora.

“Ha ha ha it’s fine, it’s fine we can enjoy them together.” Replied King Aji Saka.

“Yes your majesty”. Obyed Sembada.

Before leaving the island, and proceeding the journey, King Aji Saka left a message to Sembada.

“You just stay in this Island, Sembada”. Said the king.

“Yes your majesty but, pardon me may I know the reason?” Asked sembada politely.

“You will keep an airy room Of mine. It is very important for me. This keris is for you to guard

And so, Aji Saka handed the keris to his loyal servant. And as the loyal servant was holding the keris,
it shone so brightly. Dora and sembada were very amazed.

King Aji Saka then said his words “Do not let anyone, anyone, get a hand on my keris, unless it is me

Move by respect and admiration, Sembada obyed.

“Yes your majesty, I will protect the keris my all very life”.

And so, King Aji Saka and Dora continued their journey to the Java Island.

Meanwhile, Sembada was left by himself on the Majeti Island “I will protect the keris with my all
very life your majesty. May the god be with you, have a safe journey”.

And so after a few days being in the ocean King Aji Saka and his servant arrived has finally arrived in
“MEDANG KAMULAN”, an area in Java Island King Aji Saka was very welcomed by the local due to
his friendly attitude and his habit of helping one another. King Aji Saka stayed in a house owned by
Nyai Londo Sengkaren which he considered as his own mother.

“Thank you my son, you ve helped me in everything I needed”. Said her.

One day, King Aji Saka asked her mother, “why do you look so gloomy, lady mother?”

“Owh” nothing my son, i ve just been thinking of the evilnesss of Prabu Dewata Cengkar. His act of
evilness has scared many people. Many lives has fallen because of him”

“Do not worry mother, tomorrow I will teach him some lesson”.
“But my son...”

“Belive me mother, I am strong and powerfull enough to defeat him.”

And so in the next day King Aji Saka has arrived in the palace of Prabu Dewata Cengkar.

“Who are you, and why are you here?” asked the wichked king.

“I’m Aji Saka and I demand you to stop distrubing the people life anymore. In exchange, I will
surrender myself to you”.

“ Ha ha ha, this is the first time of me seeing someone who is willing to surrender himself to me ha
ha ha.”

“Don’t be too excited I have one condition. Give me three land as far as the fabric I brought”.

“just that? Challenge accepted”.

“Prabu Dewata Cengkar started to measure the fabric. “Oh ths fabric is very long, seem like it has no
end” comlined the wiched king.

Prabu Dewata Cengkar keep on measuring, measuring and measuring without realizing that he
almost reach the edge of the cliff. As he reached the edge of the cliff, king Aji Saka stomped the
fabric very hard, till it pushed the king backward to the ocean.

The people were made very happy, everybody agreed to make Aji Saka their new king, King of

One day Aji Saka remembered his loyal servant, Sembada.

“Dora go pick up Sembada and my keris, bring them both to me”.

“well, understood your majesty, I am leaving for your order”.

And so, Dora sailed the Majeti Island.

As Dora and Sembada meet, Sembada refused to go because he remembered his promised that he
already made with the king. Meanwhile Sembada insisted, and they finally fought, sadly the both
died. Meanwhile back in the kingdom King Aji Saka was very worried, “why are they so long and
seems like I don’t know what is the reason for the delay. I’m so worried”. And so King Aji Saka
decided to sail to the Majeti Island in order to check his loyal servants, as he arrived he was very very
shocked seeing his loyal servants found dead on the ground.

In honour of his loyal servants death he mad a poem. “HONO COROKO”, measn there were two
messengers. “DOTO SOWOLO”, measn their were fightings. “PODO JOYONYO”, measn they are
equally strong. “MONGO BOTONGO”, measn finally died together.

The moral story is: “A king must always remember his words and promises or else his people will

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