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Name Mark John Mariano Siquian Date

Study Guide for the Movie The Core

Directions: Answer the questions as you watch the movie. You will be able to use what you write on this
sheet when you take a quiz on The Core next week.

1. At what time did the man’s watch stop?


2. What also happened right around that time? List at least 2 things.

a.people pass out and died at the same time

b. Car crashed

3. Where does the professor, Dr. Joshua Keys work?

Ans:university of Chicago

4. When Dr. Keys got to Washington D.C., he met up with Serge. What were they shown there?

Ans: he shown Dead bodies

5. What did every person who died at 10:30 am have in common?

Ans :the commonality among people who died at 10:30 am was related to the Earth’s electromagnetic
field becoming unstable due to the core stopping its rotation.

6. What do Serge and Dr. Keys think caused all the deaths?

Ans: electric stimulation’s

7. What happened in Trafalgar Square, London?

Ans: Trafalgar Square in London is depicted as a location where pigeons start behaving erratically and
crashing into window And the people are rioting Because of the birds dying in the air

8. How do birds navigate over long distances?

Ans: magnetic field

9. What happened in mission control just before the Space Shuttle Endeavor was supposed to land?

Ans: they were out of position

10.When the shuttle reappeared on Radar, what was the problem?

Ans:the problem was that the crew had lost communication with the surface. The shuttle had been
traveling through the Earth’s mantle, and during this journey, they lost contact with mission control and
the surface due to the extreme conditions they were facing

11.Why does the shuttle look like it is burning up as it moves through the atmosphere?

Ans: there is no magnetic field

12.What was Rebecca worried about while she was waiting to be called in to her meeting? Why?

Ans: She’s worried because she’s going to get fired from NASA Because she crashed the air ship

13.What does the man Rebecca is talking to think is going to happen to her career with the Air Force?

Ans: my career is now over because I broke the spaceship

14.The Aurora Borealis is caused by high altitude static discharge, (from charged particles given off by the
sun), what color are the Aurora Borealis lights in the sky?

Ans:green and yellow

15.What is the bad news that Dr. Keys and Dr. Zimsky have to give the government officials?

Ans:the bad news that Dr. Keys and Dr. Zimsky have to deliver to government officials is that the Earth’s
core has stopped rotating

16.What does the Earth’s magnetic field protect us from?

Ans: cosmic radiation and the hest coming from the sun

17.The Earth’s rotating core and magnetic field gives us our _________________ north and south poles.

Ans:give us our magnetic north and south poles

18.What fruit does Dr. Keys use to illustrate the Earth’s layers?

Ans: a peach

19.Describe the two parts of the Earth’s core.

The core is the centre of the earth and is made up of two parts: the liquid outer core and solid inner

The outer core is made of nickel, iron and molten rock. Temperatures here can reach up to 50,000 C.

. The inner core is a hot, dense ball of (mostly) iron.

20.Why is the Earth’s magnetic field collapsing?

Ans:Because the core has stop moving

21.According to Dr. Keys, what are some of the consequences of the magnetic field collapsing?
a. Birds will start falling from the sky.

b. Hundreds of lightning stireds will be released by super magnetic storms.

c. All electronics will be fried

d. Microwave radiation will come in and ‘cook’ our planet.

22.How could the magnetic field be repaired?

Ans:Jump from the start

23.Why does Dr. Keys think that doing this repair is impossible?

Ans: because the mantle is thick

24.About what planet is the same size as our planet’s core?

Ans: the mars

25.In the Salt Flats of Utah, Dr. Braselton has been working on a “legendary ship” that uses ultra sonic
wave waves to bore a smooth hole through solid rock.

26.The matrix Dr. Braselton used to make his ship out of was made from the elements tungsten and
titanium. What name did he give this alloy he created?


27.The material the ship is made of can take heat and pressure and convert it into energy to regenerate
the shielding material.

Ans: regenerate

28.What job is assigned to Theodore Brad Finch, “Mr. Rat”?

Ans: information control

29.Instead of astronauts, what will the crew of this ship be called? Why is this an appropriate name?

Ans: teranots and because they have brain power

30.Why do YOU think the crew keeps failing on the simulator?

Ans: because they all want to be a leader

31.Dr. Zimsky calculated that an explosive charge of 1000 megatons is exactly the amount needed to
restart the core. If the charge is too great the core would be destabilized. What could cause Zimsky’s
estimate of the amount of power needed to restart the core to be completelywrong?

32.What do YOU think this quote means: “Being a leader is not about ability, it’s about responsibility….
You’re not really a leader until you’ve lost.”
Ans:suggests that true leadership is not solely defined by one’s skills or capabilities, but by the
willingness to take on responsibility and make difficult decisions, especially in challenging or adverse

33.What happened in Rome as a result of the failing electromagnetic field?

Ans:Lightning strikes were struck and storm were there

34.The scientists decided to launch their ship into the Marianas Trench.

a. What is the advantage of launching there?

Ans:the crust is thinner

b. What is the risk of launching there?

Ans: there is a lot of earthquakes happening in the Marianas trench

35.What sort of animal was swimming around the ship? Why?

Ans: the dolphins

36.What unexpected event threatened to stop the mission before the ship even

Entered the earth?

Ans: An earthquake

37.What does the ship use to break through the crust?

Ans: the laser

38.Anything the ship cannot pass through is shown as solid rocks on the navigation screen. What does
static on the navigation screen mean? The ship is encountering solid rock or a dense obstruction that it
cannot navigate through safely, indicating a significant obstacle or barrier in their path.

39.What does the ship get stuck on?

Ans: the ship stuck in the crystal’s

40.Why are the crystals in the lower mantle so huge?

Ans:The crystals in the lower mantle of the Earth are believed to be large due to the high pressure and
temperature conditions at those depths.

41.What are the crew’s suits designed to protect them from?

Ans: protect them from the pressure and heat

42.Does this seem realistic based on the construction of the suits?

Ans:Not really realistic

43.Why are Josh’s vitals dropping?

Ans: because of what is happening in the scene

44.How ddroppingoes Bob Iverson die?

Ans: he sacrifices himself to save the mission

45.How does Serge die?

Ans: Serge dies while trying to repair the ship’s hull as they journey towards the Earth’s core

46.What observation led the crew to realize the outer core was much less dense than expected?

Ans:the crew realizes that the outer core is much less dense than expected when they discover geodes
filled with precious gems and Crystal

47.What major problem does this lower density pose for the mission?

Ans:” the major problem caused by lower density is that the Earth’s core stops spinning, leading to
various catastrophic events like electromagnetic storms and the weakening of the planet’s magnetic
field, which could ultimately lead to the end of life as we know it

48.What is Project Destiny?

Ans:Project DESTINI (Deep Earth Seismic Trigger Initiative) was an attempt to propagate earthquakes
through the Earth’s core as a weapon

49.When the microwaves got through the atmosphere over San Francisco, what damage did they cause?
List at least 3 consequences.

A.human harm

c.electronics and communication disruption

50. How does the crew decide it can compensate for the lower density of the outer core so they can still
restart the spinning with the bombs they have? Be specific.

Ans:the crew decides to restart the Earth’s core spinning by using nuclear bombs. The challenge they
face is that the outer core is less dense than originally believed. To compensate for this, they come up
with a plan to use the bombs in a series of controlled explosions at key points around the Earth to
generate enough heat and pressure to restart the core’s rotation.

51.Why does someone need to go into the 9000 degree crawl space? What will happen to them there?

Ans:someone needs to go into the 9,000-degree Fahrenheit crawl space to manually restart the Earth’s
core.They will likely suffer extreme heat-related injuries or even death if they stay too long in the 9,000-
degree environment.

52.How does Dr. Braselton die?

Ans: dies when the ship is trying to escape a high-pressure, high-temperature environment deep within
the Earth’s core

53.Dr. Zimsky messed up his calculation AGAIN, how can they correct for this with only one bomb left?

Ans: To correct for this, they come up with a risky plan. They decide to use the remaining bomb to create
a series of explosions by sending it into a large geode filled with unstable, explosive crystals. These
explosions will generate the necessary shockwaves to restart the Earth’s core.

54.How does Dr. Zimsky die?

Ans:Dr. Zimsky dies when he sacrifices himself to save the rest of the crew.

55.What crisis is the ship facing now that the core has been restarted?

Ans: . The core’s successful restart has caused a series of unintended consequences, including
disruptions in the Earth’s electromagnetic field. This, in turn, leads to disastrous consequences on the
Earth’s surface, such as severe electromagnetic storms and microwave disruptions.

56.What is scientifically incorrect about this statement: “They found a space between tectonic plates
near Hawaii”?

Ans:The statement “They found a space between tectonic plates near Hawaii” is scientifically incorrect
because it oversimplifies the complex geological processes that occur at plate boundaries. The Earth’s
tectonic plates are in constant motion, and they interact along plate boundaries through various
mechanisms like subduction, seafloor spreading, and transform faults.

57.How does the ship get back up to the ocean floor?

Ans: because of the nuclear bomb

58.Why does the ship stop moving as soon as it reaches the ocean floor?

Ans:the ship stops moving as soon as it reaches the ocean floor because of the pressure and the
59.How is the ship finally located?

Ans:the ship is finally located using a combination of seismic data and the Earth’s magnetic field.

60.Define “unsung heroes”.

Final Calculation: The crew expected to make it through the crust in 15 minutes,

Travel 24 hours through the mantle, and then 15 hours through the outer core until they reach the inner
core/outer core boundary. Based on these estimates, what is their expected average speed through each
layer? Use the formula speed = distance / time, and the hints below to answer… Show your work,
include units, and round you’re anyou’re answers to the nearest tenth.

A. According to the ESRT, how thick is the crust? 3-5 miles (8 kilometers) thick under the oceans(oceanic
crust) and about 25 miles (32 kilometers) thick under the continents (continental crust)

b. Calculate speed through the crust:

c. According to the ESRT, how thick is the mantle? _____________

d. Calculate speed through the mantle:

e. According to the ESRT, how think is the outer core? _______very hot layer_______

f. Calculate speed through the outer core:

Fact vs. Fiction

The Space Shuttle cannot maneuver that quickly. Also, no sonic boom would be

Heard while the shuttle is flying at a low altitude, because the atmosphere is too thick at low altitudes
for the shuttle to move faster than sound. An object must be moving faster than the speed of sound to
make a sonic boom (‘break the sound barrier’).

Cosmic waves are deflected by earth’s magnetic field, and can interfere with electronics and cause
auroras. Microwaves are NOT actually deflected by earth’s magnetic field because they are not charged

Microwaves could ‘cook’ the planet since they do heat things up like metal and foods; however very few
microwaves reach the Earth since the Sun only emits a small amount of microwave radiation.

To stop Earth’s magnetic field, the core does not need to completely stop

Spinning, and it is highly unlikely that anything could cause the core to stop spinning.

However, if the spin became chaotic, the magnetic field could be disrupted. In fact, Earth’s magnetic field
changes its direction every 700,00 years or so.
The human body is less dense than water, and water is less dense than magma,

So when someone dies and falls into lava they will NOT sink. A human body will

Float on magma until it melts or burns up.

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