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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Agricultural
and Biosystems Engineering
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telephone: (053) 525-0140 local 1015

ABEn 163 – Plant and Livestock Systems and Environmental Control Engineering
1st Semester, AY 20223– 2024

Group No.:7
Names: Balabis, Jary
Baguion, Roselyn
Carbonilla, Rosemarie

Effects of lighting in Plant Production


Every living organism needs energy to grow. Human beings take the energy from foods. Plants,
on the other hand, get energy from light in a process called photosynthesis. Light is an essential
factor in maintaining plants. The rate of growth and length of time a plant remains active is
dependent on the amount of light it receives (also considering the other essential variables like;
soil, water and carbon dioxide). Light energy is used in photosynthesis, the plant’s most basic
metabolic process. Plants require this energy to grow, bloom and produce seed. Without
adequate light, carbohydrates cannot be manufactured, the energy reserves are depleted, and
plants die.

A. Physiological responses of plant towards light

a) In Transpiration
Transpiration is the movement of water through a plant and
the evaporation from aerial parts such as from leaves, stems, and flowers. Plants
lose water mainly through the stomata of their leaves. This is called cuticular
transpiration. Stomata are like tiny gaps, only one opening will be called a
stoma. Most transpiration occurs when the stomata open. However, the stomata
open primarily to allow the plant to exchange gases for photosynthesis. Two
gases exchanged through a plant's stomata are oxygen (O2) and carbon
dioxide (CO2).
Higher light intensity levels will generally result in greater transpiration rates.
This is because plants open their stomata in response to light, allowing water
vapor to escape from the leaves.

b) In Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis, the process by which plants transform light energy
into chemical energy. During photosynthesis light energy is captured and used
to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich
organic compounds.
Light energy from the sun or other artificial light source is one of the agents that
drives the process of photosynthesis. The energy from light causes a chemical

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
reaction that breaks down the molecules of carbon dioxide and water and
reorganizes them to make the sugar (glucose) and oxygen. After the sugar is
produced, it is then broken down by the mitochondria into energy that can be
used for growth and repair. The oxygen that is produced is released from the
same tiny holes through which the carbon dioxide entered. Even the oxygen that
is released serves another purpose. Other organisms, such as animals, use
oxygen to aid in their survival.
Photosynthesis happens within the chloroplasts in a plant’s leaves. The pigment
called chlorophyll is central of this process. Chlorophyll molecules capture light
energy from the Sun. The chlorophyll mainly absorb energy in the blue and red
regions of the visible light spectrum.

Figure 1. Balanced Photosynthesis Reaction

B. Effects of Light in Plant Production

The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that

is visible to the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation in this range of wavelengths is
called visible light or simply light. Visible light is represented by the 7 different colors
the ROYGVIB, which can be seen in a rainbow formation. Visible light is an important
factor in plant growth and development.

The peak of photosynthetic efficiency (light absorption) falls in the red light and
blue light spectrums of the Photosynthetic Active Radiation range. Red radiation
(around 700nm) is considered most efficient at driving photosynthesis – especially in
the flowering stage for biomass growth (important to Cannabis growers). Blue light is
essential for both the vegetative and flowering stages of plant growth, but mainly for
establishing vegetative and structural growth.

Figure 2. Visible Light Spectrum

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
a.) Light Intensity and Duration in plant growth and development

Light intensity influences the manufacture of plant food, stem length, leaf color and
flowering. Generally speaking, plants grown in low light tend to be spindly with light
green leaves. A similar plant grown in very bright light tends to be shorter, better
branches, and have larger, dark green leaves. PAR intensity is an important factor that
determines the rate of photosynthesis. Too high or too low PAR intensities adversely
affect the photosynthetic machinery. At low light intensities above the light
compensation point (LCP), photosynthetic rate increases proportionally to the light
intensity and reaches a maximum point. (Wimalasekera, 2019). Increasing the time
(duration) plants are exposed to light can be used to compensate for low light intensity,
as long as the plant’s flowering cycle is not sensitive to day length. Increased light
duration allows the plant to make sufficient food to survive and grow. However, plants
require some period of darkness to properly develop and should be exposed to light for
no more than 16 hours per day.

b.) Effects of insufficient sunlight in plant

▪ When plants lack light, they don't produce chlorophyll (the green pigment in plants),
and plants can turn pale green to yellow to white.
▪ Plant stems become “leggy,” meaning stems become long and thin and appear to be
reaching toward the source of light.
▪ A lack of sufficient light causes the plant to grow long spaces on stems between the
leaf nodes (the point where a leaf grows out from the stem).
▪ Plants without sufficient light may also drop their leaves, especially older leaves.
You may find that a variegated plant (leaves that are white and green) may revert
to being solid green.
▪ Flowering plants may fail to produce flower buds.

c.) Effects of too much sunlight in plant

Excessive light is as harmful as insufficient. When a plant gets too much direct
light, the leaves become pale, sometimes burn, turn brown and die. Too much energy
from the sun destroys the ability of PSII (Photosystem II is a membrane protein
complex which functions to catalyze light-induced water oxidation in oxygenic
photosynthesis.) to function, and these damaged reaction centers must be repaired to
allow them to get back to the business of photosynthesis.

C. Mitigation Techniques

a.) For Insufficient Sunlight

▪ Use of Artificial Lighting - Artificial light will work like fluorescent, incandescent,
LED or high-intensity discharge lamps (like metal halide or high-pressure sodium).
High intensity discharge lamps offer the best indoor lighting option, allowing for a
controlled environment with faster production and quick growth from seed.
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Figure 3. Artificial Lighting of Indoor plant using
Fluorescent LAMP

b.) For too much sunlight

▪ Use of Shadding net - Shade Nets are lightweight knitted Polyethylene fabrics
which are brought in use to bring about the protection from Sun's heat and the
ultraviolet radiations which we or the plants might be exposed to unknowingly.

Figure 4. Used of Shed Nets in an Ornamental

Production Plant

D. Physiological and Physical Adaption of plants for insufficient and too much

a.) For Insufficient Sunlight

▪ Large and Wide Leaves - In wet conditions, many plants grow close together. When
plants are crowded, it can be hard for them to get enough sunlight! Large leaves have a
better chance of absorbing the available light. The plant needs that light to create food!
Large, wide leaves are an adaptation to help the plant make food while in a shady

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Figure 5. Footstool Palm Leaves having huge and
wide structure

▪ Horizontal leaves expose as much of the leaf surface as possible to the sun. This
adaptation helps plants capture any available sunlight. Horizontal leaves are an
adaptation to help the plant make food while in a shady environment.

b.) For too much Sunlight

▪ Vertical Leaves and Stems- Vertical leaves and branches are an adaptation to minimize
the parts of the plant facing the sun during the hottest part of the day. The shade
produced by the leaves and stems helps the plant keep its water longer. Vertical leaves
and stems are an adaptation to help the plant survive in hot and dry environments.

Figure 6. Vertical leaf Senecio having a vertical

leaves orientation

▪ Pale Leaves and Stems - Pale leaves reflect more sunlight than dark leaves. Pale leaves
absorb less heat than dark leaves. This prevents overheating! Overheating is dangerous
for people, and it is dangerous for plants too. Pale leaves are an adaptation to help the
plant survive in hot and dry environments.
▪ Hairs - Hairs can trap moisture and increase the humidity (amount of water) around the
surface of the leaf and stem. The surface of the leaf has stomas. Stomas release
water into the environment when they open. Plants open their stomas more in dry
environments and less in humid environments. By increasing the humidity around the
stomas, the hairs help the stomas open less often. This adaptation helps the plant
conserve water. White hairs also reflect the sunlight so the plant absorbs less heat. Hairs
are an adaptation to help the plant survive in hot and dry environments.
Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

Various aspects of plant growth and development are greatly impacted by lighting in
the creation of plants. Facilitating photosynthesis, the process by which plants transform light
energy into vital sugars that allow them to grow and thrive, is one of its key functions. Blue
light is essential for vegetative growth, especially in the beginning stages, whereas red light
encourages blooming and fruiting. The quality of light, determined by its spectrum, has distinct
impacts on plants. The amount of light is equally significant because it affects the rate of
photosynthesis and, consequently, the plant's overall growth.

It's essential to be aware of any difficulties that may arise with the lighting. In
greenhouse environments, excessive light, especially when combined with high temperatures,
can stress and harm plants, necessitating the use of shading and cooling measures. Lighting
is part of a complete strategy to generate the best growth circumstances for plants, enabling
effective and high-quality plant production.

The effects of lighting in plant production are complex and multifaceted. They
encompass not only growth and development but also quality, nutritional value, and flavor of
crops, as well as the potential for extending growing seasons, reducing environmental impact,
and advancing crop genetics. As technology and scientific understanding continue to advance,
the future of plant production holds promising opportunities for increased efficiency,
sustainability, and crop improvement.


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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Light Equipment Sales (2021, June). How Does the Light Affect Plant Growth. Retrieved:
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Biswal, A., Pattanayak, G., Pandey, S., et al. (2012, May). Light Intensity-Dependent
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Roeber, V., Bajaj, I., Rohde, M., et al. (2020, November). Light acts as a stressor and
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Wimalasekera, R. (2019, September). Wiley online Library: Effect of Light Intensity on
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The Huntington. Survival Through Adaptation: Getting Food. Food from Sunlight. Retrieved:
October 20, 2023, from:

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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