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Narrator (nabila): There lived a widow named Mande Rubayah who lived with her son, Malin

Kundang. There lived a widow named Mande Rubayah who lived with her son, Maling Kundang.
Once upon a time there was a story in the fishing village of Air Manis Beach in Padang, West
Sumatra. There was a widow named Mande Rubayah who lived with her son named Malin Kundang.
Mande Rubayah really loved and pampered Malin Kundang. Malin then grew into a diligent and
obedient child. When Mande Rubayah was old, he was only able to work as a cake seller to support
himself and his only child. One day, Malin fell so sick that he almost died, but in the end he was saved
thanks to his mother’s hard work.

After recovering from his illness he was loved even more. They are mother and daughter who love
each oth narrator (nabila): Mande Rubayah allowed Malin to go abroad, he also provided Malin with
rice Mande Rubayah allowed Malin to go abroad, he also provided Malin with rice

Nuri: “Okay mother, allow it. Come back quickly, mother will always be waiting for you, son,” said his
mother while crying.

Although with a heavy heart, Mande Rubayah finally allowed Malin to leave. Then Malin was
provided with seven packs of rice wrapped in banana leaves,

Nuri: “For your provisions for the journey,” he said, handing it to Malin. After that, Malin Kundang
left for overseas countries leaving his mother alone

Narrator (Nabila): Mande Rubayah who always prays for Malin to be safe and come home quickly.
Mande Rubayah who always prays for Malin to be safe and come home quickly. Day after day goes
by, the days feel slow for Mande Rubayah. Every morning and evening Mande Rubayah faces the sea.

Parrot: “How far have you sailed, son?” he asked himself as he continued to look at the sea.

Narrator (Nabila): She always prays that her child will be safe and return quickly. Some time later,
when a ship was about to dock, he always asked about his son.

Nuri: “Have you seen my son, Malin? Is he okay? When is he coming home?” he asked.

Narrator (nabila ): However, every time he asked the crew or captain he never got an answer. Malin
never left any items or messages with his mother

When he was an adult, Malin begged to go abroad so he could change the fate of himself and his
mother. When he was an adult, Malin begged to go abroad so he could change the fate of himself
and his mother Medinasari

When Malin was an adult, he asked his mother for permission to go abroad to the city, because at
that time there was a large ship docked at Air Manis Beach.
Nuri: “Don’t Malin, I’m afraid something will happen to you in a foreign country. “Stay here,
accompany mother,” said his sad mother after hearing Malin’s desire to go abroad.

Davi: “Mother, calm down, nothing will happen to me,” said Malin while holding his mother’s hand.

Davi: “This is an opportunity ma’am, because it’s not necessarily once a year that a large ship docks
at this beach. “I want to change our fate, ma’am, please give me permission,” asked Malin

: narrator (nabila): After years of no news, Mande Rubayah received news that Malin had married
the daughter of a nobleman. After years of no news, Mande Rubayah received news that Malin had
married the daughter of a nobleman. For years Mande Rubayah continued asked but never got an
answer until his body was getting older, and now his path was starting to curve. One day Mande
Rubayah received news from the captain who had previously brought Malin, the captain gave Mande
Rubayah good news.

Fahri: “Mande, did you know that your son has now married a beautiful girl, the daughter of a very
rich nobleman,” he said at that time.

Nuri: “Malin, come home quickly son, mother is old, Malin, when will you come home...” he groaned
in sadness every night.

Narrator (nabila): He was sure his son would come. Sure enough, not long afterward, one sunny day,
from a distance you could see a majestic and beautiful ship sailing towards the coast

Narrator (Nabila): Mande Rubayah approached and hugged Malin because she was afraid of losing
her child again

Mande Rubayah approached and hugged Malin because she was afraid of losing her child again Medinasari

Mande Rubayah also crowded closer to the ship. His heart pounded when he saw the young man on
the boat. He was very sure that the young man was his son, Malin Kundang.

Narrator (Nabila): Before the village elders could greet them, Malin’s mother approached Malin first.
He immediately hugged Malin tightly because he was afraid of losing his child again.

Nuri: “Malin, my son. You really are my son, right?” he said, holding back sobs of joy, “Why didn’t you
tell me for so long?”
narrator (nabila): The villagers welcomed the arrival of the ship, a young couple was seen standing
on the bridge. The villagers welcomed the arrival of the ship. A young husband and wife were seen
standing on the bridge. Villagers began to gather, they thought the ship belonged to the sultan or
prince. They welcomed him happily. Mande Rubayah was very happy to hear that, she always prayed
that her child would be safe and would come back to visit him soon, the light of joy began to come to
her again.

Narrator (Nabila): However, months after he received news from Malin from the captain, Malin never
came back to see him.

Narrator (Nabila): When the ship started to dock, a pair of young men were seen standing on the
bridge. Their clothes glistened in the sunlight. Their faces were beaming with smiles because they
were happy to be greeted with great fanfare.

narrator (nabila): Malin was shocked because he was hugged by his mother and his wife also looked
down on Mande Rubayah. Malin was shocked because he was hugged by his mother and his wife
also looked down on Mande Rubayah. Malin was shocked because he was hugged by the old woman
who was dressed in rags. He couldn’t believe that the woman was his mother. Before he could think
to speak, his beautiful wife spat and said,

Savira: “Is this ugly woman your mother? Why did you lie to me before! Didn’t you say that your
mother was a noble on the same level as me?!” he said sarcastically

Narrator (Nabila): Hearing his wife’s harsh words, Malin Kundang immediately pushed his mother
until she rolled onto the sand, “Crazy woman! I’m not your child!” he said harshly

narrator (nabila): Malin disowned her mother and kicked Mande Rubayah until she was lying on the
sand crying. Malin disowned her mother and kicked Mande Rubayah until she was lying on the sand

Mande Rubayah couldn’t believe his son’s behavior, he sat down and said,

Nuri: “Malin, Malin, my son. I’m your mother, son! Why are you like this, kid?!”

Narrator (Nabila): Malin Kundang didn’t pay attention to what his mother said. He won’t
acknowledge his mother. He was ashamed of his wife. Seeing the woman kneeling hugging her legs,
Malin kicked her while saying,

Davi : “Hey, crazy girl! My mother is not like you! Wretched and dirty!”
Narrator (nabila): The old woman lay on the sand, crying and hurt. The people who saw it were
stunned and went home. Mande Rubayah fainted and lay alone. When I realized, Air Manis Beach
was deserted. Narrator (Nabila): Ande Rubayah prayed with a sad heart then the sky became dark

Mande Rubayah prayed with a sad heart then the sky became dark. He saw Malin’s ship getting
further away. He didn’t think that Malin, who he used to love, would have the heart to do that. His
heart ached and ached, then his hands rose to the sky. He then prayed with a sad heart,

Nuri: “Oh my God, if he wasn’t my son, I would forgive what he did earlier. But if he is really my son
Malin Kundang, I ask for your justice, O God!” he said sadly while crying.

Narrator (Nabila): Not long afterward, the weather in the middle of the sea which had been sunny
suddenly turned dark. The rain suddenly fell very heavily.

Narrator (Nabila): A big storm came and hit Malin Kundang’s ship and a rock appeared that
resembled his body

A big storm came and hit Malin Kundang’s ship and chunks of rock appeared that resembled his body Medinasari

Suddenly a big storm came and hit Malin Kundang’s ship. Malin was very scared. He didn’t know
what to do.

Narrator (Nabila): Then a thunderous lightning strike. At that moment the ship broke into pieces.
Then the waves carried him to the shore.

Narrator (Nabila): On the beach, a stone was found that resembled a human body

. On the beach, a stone was found that resembled a human body Medinasari

The next day, when the morning sun appeared on the eastern horizon, the storm had subsided. On
the beach you can see fragments of ships that have turned into stone. That’s Malin Kundang’s ship! A
stone appeared that resembled a human body.

Narrator (Nabila): That is the body of Malin Kundang, a disobedient child whose mother cursed him
to turn into stone because of his disobedience. Between the rocks there are anchovies, mullet fish
and mackerel swimming. It is said that the fish came from the body of his wife who kept looking for
Malin Kundang.

Narrator (Nabila): The story of the Legend of Malin Kundang has a message that your little ones can
take away, namely, love your parents in good times and bad, and don’t forget the services of your
parents who have loved and educated you since childhood.
Narrator (Nabila): That’s the fairy tale of Malin Kundang from West Sumatra, a child who was
disobedient to his mother. Hopefully it can be a lesson to tell children.

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