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1.Which of the following is a correct definition of assigned independent variable?

A. A variable that changes as an effect of the changes of the other variable

B. A variable where the researcher can manipulate over how the variable appears for each subject
C. A variable where the researcher has no control over how the variable appears for each subject
D. A variable that is influenced by the independent variable

2. Temperature (99, 100, 101, 102, 103 Degrees Celsius) and Score in Practical Research 2 (83, 97, 87, 99,
84), Which statement accurately describes the data types of Temperature and score?
A. Temperature is interval and score is nominal
B. Temperature is nominal and Score is interval
C. Temperature is ratio and Score is ordinal
D. Temperature is interval and Score is ratio

3. Quiz Bee Winners (First, Second, Third) and Family Income (Low, Middle, High), Which statement
accurately describes the data types of Quiz Bee Winners and Family Income?
A Quiz Bee Winners and Family Income are both nominal variables
B. Quiz Bee Winners and Family Income are both ordinal variables
C. Quiz Bee Winners and Family Income are both interval variables
D. Quiz Bee Winners and Family Income are both ratio variables

4. Religion and Grade Level (7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12), Which statement accurately describes the data types of
Religion and Grade Level?
A. Religion is ordinal and Grade Level is nominal
B. Religion is nominal and Grade Level is ordinal
C. Religion is interval and Grade Level is nominal
D. Religion is interval and Grade Level is ratio

5. Arrange the details to create a research title based on the prescribed format: Method Independent
Variable Respondents Location
A. Comparing the Senior High School Students Microsoft Office Competence of Daniel R. Aguinaldo
National High School
B. Senior High School Students of Daniel R. Aguinaldo National School: Comparing their Microsoft Office
C. Comparative Study on the Microsoft Office Competence of the Senior High School Students of Daniel
R. Aguinaldo National High School
D. Microsoft Office Competence of Senior High School Students of Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High
School: Comparative Study

6. The following are the attributes in writing a good research title except:
A. Simple, direct, clear, brief and informative.
B. Informs the reader accurately about the contents of the paper.
C. Contains numerical values of the parameters
D. Avoids abbreviations or jargon

7. You have an interest in mind on testing if Covid-19 anxiety is related with physical activities. What
appropriate title can you create?
A. Comparing the Covid-19 Anxiety and Physical Activities of Adult Residents in Davao City
B. Determinants of Physical Activities of Adults Residents in Davao City with Covid-19 Anxiety
C. Covid-19 Anxiety is a Factor of Physical Activities of Adult Residents in Davao City
D. The Relationship of Covid-19 Anxiety and Physical Activities of Adult Residents in Davao City

8. A good presentation of the background of research includes:

A. Context, global, national or local settings, research gap, significance of the study Method
B. Context, global, national or local settings, research gap, significance of the study, method
C. Global, national or local settings, research gap, significance of the study
D. Context, Global, national or local settings, research gap, method

9. The need to hear the pulse of the students in their preferred mode of learning is essential for
successful learning. However, in the local setting, there is no current research published that determine
the preferred learning modality of the students. Hence, the researcher is prompted to look into the
students’ preference of learning in Mondano National High School.” What element of research
background is this?
A. Context B. Setting
C. Research gap D. Significance of the study
10. Determining the preferred modality of learning of the students in the midst of the COVID-19
pandemic will help the policy makers to formulate a responsive and sensitive intervention program.”
What element of research background is this?
A. Context B. Setting. C. Research gap D. Significance of the study

11. Quantitative research has numerical outcome when

A. The result represents the characteristics of the whole population.
B. The reason why the findings in quantitative research can generalize the whole population.
C. The researcher allows the respondents to just pick or select their answer from the Listed options.
D. The researcher is allowed to present the findings of the study through percentage,

12. Frequency distribution and range of numbers. The goals of quantitative research can be described as
A. Make prediction B. Test hypothesis
C. Explore experiences D. Generalize characteristic of a population

13. A quantitative study is generalizable when

A. The result represents the characteristics of the whole population.
B. The reason why the findings in quantitative research can generalize the whole Population.
C. The researcher allows the respondents to just pick or select their answer from the Listed options.
D. The researcher is allowed to present the findings of the study through percentage, frequency
distribution and range of numbers.

16. Strength of quantitative research is that it is generalizable. How can we say that research is
A. It can be compared with its related studies since it has a well-structured
B. It approximately represents a wider population because of its greater number of respondents.
C. It uses of statistical software can summarize information and can compare across. Categories and over
time in a short period of time.
D. It is capable of testing significant relationship, difference and effect.

17. Why is quantitative research costly?

A. It can consume money for expenses in searching studies related to your topic because you need
supporting evidence.
B. A researcher can spend so much as honorarium for validators of your research instrument since you
need to establish its validity.
C. It can multiply your expenses for the corrections of your research paper.
D. A researcher needs to reach out many people as respondents for answering the research instrument
due to needed large sample size.

18. Which of the following best describes descriptive research?

A. Explores the effectiveness of an intervention employing random selection.
B. It involves comparing and contrasting two or more groups of the study subjects based on a particular
dependent variable.
C. Describes and interprets the current status of individuals, settings or phenomenon.
D. Investigates the nature of relationships, or associations between and among variables without
necessarily investigating into casual reasons underlying them.

19. Quasi-experimental research is best described as

A. Explores the effectiveness of an intervention employing random selection.
B. It involves comparing and contrasting two or more groups of the study subjects based on a particular
dependent variable.
C. Describes and interprets the current status of individuals, settings or phenomenon.
D. Investigates the nature of relationships, or associations between and among variables without
necessarily investigating into casual reasons underlying them.

20. Correlational study aims to

A. Explores the effectiveness of an intervention employing random selection.
B. It involves comparing and contrasting two or more groups of the study subjects based on a particular
dependent variable.
C. Describes and interprets the current status of individuals, settings or phenomenon.
D. Investigates the nature of relationships, or associations between and among variables without
necessarily investigating into casual reasons underlying them.
For Items 41-50 Scenario: You are a curious grade 12 student who wanted to investigate is there is a
significant difference in the adjustment in the new normal

21. Learning among grades 7 to 10. What is the field of interest for this research study?
A. Social Inquiry B. Education C. Health D. Information Technology

22. Who should be the target respondents for this research study?
A. JHS B. SHS C. Grade 7 D. Grade 10

23. What direct contribution can be best drawn out from this research study?
A. Basis for teacher’s preparation of activities for learning delivery
B. Basis for school administrator’s program implementation
C. Basis for student’s response to the new normal learning
D. Basis for barangay support to the families

24. What is the measurement of the variable Grade Level (7-10) in this research study?
A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Scale D. Interval

25. What kind of variable is the adjustment in the new normal learning?
A. Active independent variable B. Assigned independent variable
C. Dependent variable D. Predictor variable

26. What can be the appropriate title for this research study?
A. The Adjustment in the New Normal Learning of the Grades 7 to 10 Students of Estores National High
B. Investigating the Factors of the Adjustment in the New Normal Learning of the Grades 7 to 10
Students of Mabuhay National High School
C. Demystifying the Relationship of Adjustment and New Normal Learning Among Grades 7 to 10
Students of Alfeche National High School
D. comparison of the Adjustment in the New Normal Learning Among Grades 7 to 10 Students of AMT
National High School

27. What can be the descriptive questions for this research study?
I.What is the frequency profile of the respondents?
II.What is the adjustment level in the new normal learning of the following grade Level?
III. Is there a significant difference in the adjustment in the new normal learning of the respondents
when grouped according to grade level?
A. I and II B. II and III C . I and III D. III only

28. What can be the inferential question for this research study?
I. What is the frequency profile of the respondents?
II. What is the adjustment level in the new normal learning of the following gradelevel?
III. Is there a significant difference in the adjustment in the new normal learning of the respondents
when grouped according to grade level?
A. I and II
B. I and II
C. II and I
D. III only

29. What is the null hypothesis of this research study?

A. There is a significant difference in the adjustment in the new normal learning of the respondents
when grouped according to grade level.
B. There is no significant difference in the adjustment in the new normal learning of the respondents
when grouped according to grade level.
C. The grades 7 to 10 have high adjustment in the new normal learning.
D. The grades 7 to 10 have low adjustment in the new normal learning

30. Which of the following is an important guideline for formulating research questions in
Quantitative research?
A. Start your research without a clear subject of interest
B. Create research questions that are not researchable.
C. Find out what has already been done in the chosen topic.
D. Avoid stating the variables in your research questions.
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. D
12. C
13. A
16. B
17. D
18. C
19. A
20. D
21. B
22. A
23. A
24. B
25. A
26. D
27. A
28. D
29. B
30. C

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