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Honors We the People

Evaluating Government Actions

Your Name Kiirtan Altuve

1. Choose one event from the list in the lesson.

Your Event Kenya swears in new president

2. Find at least three article-length international news stories or web pages on your chosen
event. Be sure to save each article and its source.

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

Title William Ruto Kenya Election William Ruto

sworn in as 2022: William sworn in as
Kenyan Ruto sworn in as Kenya’s
President president president after
close vote

Auth Cara Anna Cecilia Associated

or Macaulay Press

Date Sep 13 2022 Sep 13 2022 Sep 13 2022

Publi PBS BBC NBC News


URL https://www.pb om/news/world- https://www.nbc
r/world/william- africa-62886989
ruto-sworn-in- s/world/kenya-

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as-kenyan- william-ruto-
president sworn-in-

3. Analyze the information in the articles and identify at least one founding principle that is
represented in your chosen event. (A list of U.S. founding principles is in the lesson for review.)

Founding Principle Democracy

4. Compose your own well-written essay, including an introduction and a conclusion. In the
body of the essay, answer the following questions in complete paragraphs:

○ What was the event and how has it affected the country? Provide at least two
pieces of evidence from your sources to support your analysis.

The swearing of Kenya’s new president had a significant impact on the country,
influencing various aspects of society and governance. The fostering of unity and
harmony among political enemies was one of the ceremony's direct impacts.
Kenya's 2022 presidential election was fiercely contested and divisive. The newly
elected president and opposition leaders, however, stood together at the
swearing-in ceremony, indicating a readiness to put aside political differences
and strive towards national unity. This deed had a significant impact on the
nation, encouraging inclusivity and setting the path for a more conciliatory
political climate. It was a big step in the direction of uniting Kenya and mending
differences.The upcoming president utilized the swearing-in event as a stage to
discuss his or her policy priorities and style of leadership. The president outlined
their vision for the country in their inaugural address, emphasizing important
areas of focus like economic growth, social welfare, and fighting corruption. The
government's aim was laid out clearly in this speech, setting expectations among
citizens. The president's public policy statements and dedication to good
governance laid the groundwork for later actions and initiatives, guiding the
nation's trajectory and influencing public opinion on important issues.

○ Which founding principle is represented in your chosen event? Provide at least

two pieces of evidence from your sources to support your claim.

Democracy is represented in my chosen event because the country of Kenya has

had the most stable democracy in the part of East Africa, it also demonstrates
democracy by showing a peaceful transition of power and protection of
constitutional rights and processes, the swearing-in ceremony in Kenya reflects
the peaceful transfer of power, which is a key component of a democratic

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system. The nation has a history of holding elections and switching presidents in
accordance with the constitution. The inauguration ceremony acts as a formal
declaration of the legitimacy of the elected leader and the will of the people.
Kenya's dedication to democratic values, where the will of the people is honored
and leadership is passed through legitimate political processes rather than
through force or coercion, is demonstrated by its commitment to a peaceful
transfer of power. Additionally, it highlights how important constitutional rights and
procedures are. The occasion highlights how crucial it is to protect and follow the
constitutional framework that regulates national governance. It represents the
president's dedication to upholding the constitution, which includes preserving
personal freedoms, protecting the separation of powers, and fostering the rule of
law. By conducting the ceremony in conformity with constitutional guidelines,
Kenya's government further strengthens its commitment to democracy.

○ Does the event and its impact conflict with or support the founding principle?
Include at least two reasons why the event either conflicts with or supports the

The inauguration of the new president of Kenya and its implications conform to
and support the basic principles of democracy. Democracy is based on the idea
of popular sovereignty, where power is in the hands of the people and their will is
expressed through free and fair elections. The inauguration ceremony is a
symbolic moment that marks the acceptance of the people's election and the
peaceful transfer of power, an essential part of democratic governance.

In addition, democracy emphasizes the protection of individual rights, the rule of

law, and adherence to constitutional processes. Kenya's inauguration ceremony
reinforces these principles by underscoring the president's commitment to
upholding the constitution, protecting citizens' rights and promoting the rule of
law. This is a public affirmation of the president's duty to govern according to
democratic values and serve the interests of the people.

In addition, the inauguration ceremony promotes unity, inclusiveness and

recognition of different political opinions in a democratic society. It unites political
rivals and encourages reconciliation, promoting national unity and cooperation. It
demonstrates the democratic principle of respecting and considering different
points of view, which enables peaceful coexistence and joint striving for common

In short, the inauguration of the new president of Kenya and its consequences
are in line with the basic principles of democracy. It supports the peaceful
transfer of power, protects constitutional rights, promotes the rule of law and
encourages unity and inclusion. These elements are important pillars of
democratic governance and the oath of office is an important expression and
reinforcement of these principles.

5. Check your essay for clarity, spelling, and grammar. Be sure your citations are included
before submitting for grading.

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